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Author Topic: Cum guilt  (Read 4332 times)

Offline BrumTallGuy

To be honest i think this thread could now be split into cum guilt and cash guilt.
When people earn shitloads and talk of thousands a month/year its into the who gives a fuck territory.
I never regret cumming... just the cash. And that's rarely. :crazy:

Offline BrumTallGuy

Split the thread. Into cash guilt or cum guilt.
Sounds like its getting into blaggart territory now on how much spent.  :rolleyes:

Offline kingfap1

I haven't bothered for a while now and cant see that changing anytime soon. its not so much cum guilt ( im single) but that was a total waste of money guilt. so many wg are charging £60 plus for minimal services or for poor 15 mins. I'm just at the point id rather save my cash. I don't have a large punting budget so if im gonna spend £80 it has to be with someone I want to punt with and get a proper service with. Some prices for some girls are just stupid and i'm sure people will keep paying them but I wont anymore. My days of £80 quid for 15 minutes with fat Sharon just because I need a release are done  :drinks:

Offline Schwing

I wouldn’t say I get guilt.....when I have a shit punt I regret? like I’m not a bargain hunter yet I don’t really believe paying over the odds y’know.

My last punt I felt was alright for how much time and the fact she came here etc. Just depends I guess.

I prefer visiting The Fantasy Den in Walsall when I can get down there because it’s 2 1/2 hours for £40
(if you’re a member)
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Offline MN1972

Feeling it now actually

I've had 4 massages in 3 weeks... 320 quid

I have a decent job

But it's not an amazing job, and Its a fair bit extra for the month

Offline dog999

I never saw the point of the fleshlight. Isn’t a handful of Vaseline just as good?

The humiliating evidence of a flesh light if it was ever inappropriately found is too off putting.
With balls that big, I think you should be using a little more Vaseline!. :D :D

Offline dog999

No I don't feel guilty. Been doing this a long time. When you find a good all rounder you just wish you could bring the other half along, to show her how it's done!. :hi:

Offline Rook69

After my last massage visit, I came back with a bottle of water that the lady gave me. I never got around to drinking it and put it in the fridge... Imagine my surprise to go to bed the other night to see the missus had it on her bedside table as she was a little thirsty.... Cum guilt or carry on comedy. I couldn't help a smile thinking "If only you knew where that has come from"... Lol.

Offline winkywanky

No I don't feel guilty. Been doing this a long time. When you find a good all rounder you just wish you could bring the other half along, to show her how it's done!. :hi:


Offline PepeMAGA

Is this cum guilt West Midlands specific?

Offline shroplad

I think that because there is no emotional attachment between the 2 of you, after the deed is done it leaves a kind of empty feeling (no pun intended) which transpires to guilt which is why I tend to see the same girl every time as you do build a sort of relationship, you always know what your getting for your cash plus invariably it gets better each time(as in more intimate) as the girl begins to have trust in you

Offline fisherofsouls

I find that 80% of my pleasure these days is seeing and feeling a naked woman that I really fancy.

The final release is just the gravy...

Punting in Mexico, Indonesia etc. also helps a lot as you're only paying £50 rather than £150...

Offline markeewould

well put

Also only punt when you really NEED & not just because you are feeling horny; some punts are really meant to be wanks hence the cum guilt... it's about figuring out your individual threshold of when you really NEED a woman's body and when you just need your hand and some nasty it's all about self discovery and self knowledge

Offline RogerBoner

well put
Why only punt when you NEED to? I reached a landmark Birthday so decided to punt or have sex with a civvie and NEVER wank again. I treat it as a luxury, not even a "guilty secret".

On the other hand I would feel guilt, deep shame and remorse, but only if I got found out by my wife and kids.

Offline peter purves

Is this cum guilt West Midlands specific?

It's beginning to look this way  :rolleyes: :P
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Offline EddieThead669

Yes, I seem to get this cum guilt thing when I have been with a WG, but there was a stage when I was using cabergoline (just to see what it does as someone recommended it) and I didn't have any negative after cumming. In fact, I was ready to go again and again.
It was great stuff and seemed to give a slightly thicker cock too.
Can't get hold of the bloody stuff now though.