Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Paying For It by Chester Brown  (Read 1410 times)


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Just wondered if anyone had read this book?  It's a graphic novel by a Canadian comic book artist, about how he decided to start seeing escorts.  I heard about it just as I was toying with the idea of punting; seems it was rather serendipitous that I came across it as it both cemented by decision to go for it, and contained some useful info about the experience.  I don't entirely agree with the socio-political arguments he makes in parts of the book, but I thought it was really interesting to see a more realistic book on prostitution and one that was from a different perspective.

Rochdull lad

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Is there a link to this, domino?  Preferably one that lets us see some of the pages, maybe?


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Here's a review of it that shows some of the panels:

External Link/Members Only

There's a two part interview with him about the book here:

Part 1: External Link/Members Only
part 2: External Link/Members Only

There's also a video of him doing a reading from the book, which I haven't watched because I find the idea of someone doing a reading of a comic book just weird.

Rochdull lad

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Chester Brown's still going?


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Uh, yeh, well he's not that old.


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Was racking my brains for his most famous strip - Yummy Fur.  I'll look out for this new one of his on Amazon then. Thanks for the post. Despite my avatar, I also enjoy a lot of non-superhero stuff.

Sinner by Munoz & Sampayo or Billy Budd KGB by Charyn & Boueqot (sic) are brilliant graphic novels.


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Comics-wise, I used to read a lot of manga, but I'm only just starting to get into the whole American autobiographical genre.  I came across Spent by Joe Matt a while ago which looks interesting, and American Splendour is one of my favourite movies despite the fact that I haven't read the comics.


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I'm not too familiar with Indie stuff at the moment. I was in the 1980s when comics were huge after the likes of Maus, The Dark Knight Returns and Watchmen came out.

At the moment I'm devouring tonnes of Silver Age DC & Marvel reprints. The stuff that came out of America at the height of the Cold War was terrific.