Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Adultwork - avoiding the multiple accounts flag?  (Read 1613 times)

Offline jok32

Hi chaps,

There used to be a topic where this was discussed both here and on UKE, but I wanted to check what the requirements are for AW not to flag your main acc with other side accs by linking them.

Was it based on IP, cookies, browser or MAC or a combination?


Offline southcoastpunter

I can't remember either, but why do you want more than one AW account and hide that fact from ladies?

It has to look suspicious even if you have a sound reason for it!

Offline jok32

Sometimes you get off on the wrong foot in the first message with all those arcane rules the girls put on their profiles (sometimes after you messaged them) and then are blocked from messaging them again (as seen by message deleted by recipient immediately after being sent).
I could probably just ignore them and move on, but there are a few ladies that I do hope to book and give a second try, this time adhering closer to their message rules

Online scutty brown

I've seen it stated on other forums more related to hacking that AW use a browser fingerprinting technique as well as IP address tracking.

You would need to use multiple browsers, possibly multiple computers if you really wanted to fake AW feedback on a significant scale and also find a way of changing IP addresses frequently

Offline winkywanky

Or the difference between browsing on either your smartphone or your computer would suffice?

Offline jok32

I have logged onto my AW acc both on my pc and smartphone unfortunately hence the query

However, if I get a different IP address on my phone (easily done via turning flight mode on and off) and use a different browser (chrome vs samsung browser) would that suffice?

Online scutty brown

I have logged onto my AW acc both on my pc and smartphone unfortunately hence the query

However, if I get a different IP address on my phone (easily done via turning flight mode on and off) and use a different browser (chrome vs samsung browser) would that suffice?

IF what I read is correct, then yes

Offline jok32

Cheers I'll give it a try anyway and see what happens. For science  :D

Offline mradventures

for something else i do, a smartphone with location services off, using data connection gives you a unique fingerprint, and a location in london or something that cant be traced super easily i think.

i think some people used a 2nd aw account as a tester? ie u ask "how much extra for bb :crazy:" if positive response to that, u dont see that girl.

Offline Lewis

Shame that AW aren't so vigilant in letting girls have multiple accounts, or keep creating new fake accounts using the same photos over and over again.

But then AW wouldn't make any money from the fake private galleries, would they? I'm still convinced AW create a lot of the fake accounts for their own benefit.

Offline Buttons

Just use different browsers for each account and don’t get them mixed up. AW don’t track IP address exclusively. On most (all?) domestic broadband accounts, there’s only one world facing IP address and all devices on your internet network get a different private address which NATs to the real world address. To the Internet, all your devices appear on a single IP address.

A few years ago an SP told me the way girls get more than one account without the multiple account flags is to make the request to AW. They review the request, and possibly supporting evidence, and say yes or no. SP in question had 2 public ally unlinked accounts because she had some stalker ex client causing some hassles. AW reviewed the messages he’d sent her and granted the unlinking.

Of course, it might have been a load of old bollox she was telling me. Only reason I found out both profiles were the same girl was when I booked the second profile after seeing the first profile a couple of times. The SP told me when I put the booking request into the second profile.

Offline Cellular40

Sometimes you get off on the wrong foot in the first message with all those arcane rules the girls put on their profiles (sometimes after you messaged them) and then are blocked from messaging them again (as seen by message deleted by recipient immediately after being sent).
I could probably just ignore them and move on, but there are a few ladies that I do hope to book and give a second try, this time adhering closer to their message rules

I can’t understand why they’d block you for not adhering to rules they posted after you had emailed.

Are you sure you aren’t doing something far worse than that?

I have emailed escorts who have changed things on their profile after I have emailed them such as services, price, rules or FAQ. I’ve usually clarified after if those rules apply etc & that’s been that.

I don’t ever recall being blocked for something like that.

Using multiple accounts just seems suspicious IMO escort or punter.
Banned reason: Shit stirring troll.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Gordon Bennett

My recollection is despite several previous threads and dozens of posts, there has never been a definitive answer that unequivocally states what circumstances lead to you getting an alias flag on AW.
Ultimately, for the protection of minors and the safety of escorts it's right that AW deploys measures to thwart creeps, weirdos and the dodgy - we can't expect them to publicize what those safety measures are either.