Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: What’s more important....  (Read 1145 times)


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As a punter what is more important to you...

A SP that’s enthusiastic an makes you feel a million dollars. Or

A SP that’s fit as fuck with the perfect figure, but is blatantly not interested.

I have a better time with a good service an out of shape older SP than I have with a good young body but average service.

Actually this question may well be null and void, because sometimes you just want to fuck a young hotfitty . Who cares about anything else.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2019, 02:13:57 pm by Mgtow »


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Both. Depends on my mood.

I've been with all sorts of WGs, mostly abroad, and although a really enthusiastic girl can be great, it can also be a bit tiresome on occasion. It completely depends how I'm feeling.

Today, if I was to see a girl right now I'd go for a young hotty and just bend her over. She doesn't need to be enthusiastic and tbh I wouldn't really care.

But later on once I've had a few beers I might change to wanting a slutty milf who wants to stick her finger up my arse.

This is why monogamy isn't a choice for most men. Our tastes change on an almost hourly basis...
« Last Edit: June 22, 2019, 02:19:17 pm by Adam1990 »

Offline Avg_Joe

the obvious answer is attitude and providing the services advertised, with enthusiasm as a bonus.

That said, as you pointed out, sometimes you just want the visual memories of a fit as fuck hottie riding you senseless :p  also, we all select SP's based on our personal tastes and the images available, and thus, in theory, you shouldn't find yourself in a punt with someone that is not your type, service level is what this site can help you tie together with your selections.

« Last Edit: June 22, 2019, 02:21:53 pm by Avg_Joe »
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Offline bearcat69

Yeah, like you kind of already said in the OP, it depends what kind of punt I'm in the mood for.

Attitude is all important for a good punt, but it doesn't really matter if she has the best attitude in the world if she looks like Ann Widdecombe. But conversely if she looks like Emily Ratajkowski but it's like fucking a lifeless blow up doll who obviously is disgusted by you then that's not exactly ideal either. Obviously common sense should prevail here, you want something inbetween those two extremes.

Offline tesla

attitude and enthusiasm will trump anything else

Offline Sibiu

attitude and enthusiasm will trump anything else

Totally agree. Some of my most disappointing punts have been with real stunners.

Offline SO595

attitude and enthusiasm will trump anything else

Definitely this.  Sadly the Venn diagram on this has a fairly small intersection :(

Some of the absolute stunners seem to think that they don't need to do much more than turn up.  They also tend to be younger and in my experience a cracking punt with an SP under 25 is a rare thing.
Banned reason: Idiot who won't take advice.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline earlgreyman

As a punter what is more important to you...

A SP that’s enthusiastic an makes you feel a million dollars. Or

A SP that’s fit as fuck with the perfect figure, but is blatantly not interested.

I have a better time with a good service an out of shape older SP than I have with a good young body but average service.

Actually this question may well be null and void, because sometimes you just want to fuck a young hotfitty . Who cares about anything else.

I agree. Totally depends on my mood.

I have a penchant for 20 something hotties. Some get a bit stoosh, so treat them more like a P&D.

Offline dboy74

I don't care how fit she might be if she is lying there like a lifeless lump then she is no use to me. I can stay home and get that for free  :D

Online lewisjones23

I’d rather they were fit and a bit lifeless than a right dog but a real go’er

Offline cueball

I want em to look average or better but enthusiasm brings me back for a second helping

Offline Avg_Joe

at this point, would it be wrong to ask....... "can i have both please?"

Banned reason: White knight.
Banned by: daviemac


  • Guest
at this point, would it be wrong to ask....... "can i have both please?"


Bingo :)

Offline Trenlover

Ive fucked a fair few minger type escorts who gave a very good service but wasn't all the motivated to go back for seconds.

Meanwhile few weeks I fucked a totally 10/10 stunner with a banging body but yes it was an awful service as she spent most of the time on her phone even while i was fucking her.

Initially when I left,  I swore id never go back but after 1-2 weeks involuntarily started fantasizing about her smoking hot figure and found myself wanting to have her again. Despite her bad service I think I would probably go back but the long travel distance puts me off.

The point being when a girl is VERY fit I think we are willing to lower the standard of service we are prepared to accept.

A punt is infinitely more enjoyable when you are highly sexually aroused and to get there she MUST be fit.

Thinking back over my punting career I cant ever remember doing 2nd's with SP who I found unattractive but with a good service.


  • Guest
I don't care how fit she might be if she is lying there like a lifeless lump then she is no use to me. I can stay home and get that for free  :D

Humping pillows does not count lol.

Rarely go twice for any reason but when i have it was because i found the wg attractive and had an enthusiastic service. That is not to say they were stunners or model like, i like curvy natural brunettes sometimes and have a thing for very small breasted skinnier types at others, but they are bloody hard to find, most got silicone tits lol.

Offline timsussex

as noted above a bit of both but if pushed to choose then 80% of the time service is trumps but sometimes a really fit young thing who is plainly only after my cash really hits the mark

Offline hungrypunt

Offline Thepacifist

It doesn’t matter how good their attitude is, if I don’t fancy them then I’d be disappointed anyway. I want both. An attractive girl with a good attitude. When I find one I tend to stick.

Offline poundstock

Great attitude with cleanliness and I’m a happy punter.

Offline JimmySW

Attitude is essential but I look for the fittest girl with the best attitude and services wherever possible.

Offline Hobbit

It's virtually impossible to find an extremely enthusiastic girl that's an absolute stunner. I've been seeking that unicorn for years now and have learned that it doesn't really exist. The most enthusiastic girls I have been with haven't been the most attractive. In fact, some of the best experiences I've had have been with older or average looking women.

Offline robsmith149

Young and fit every time, no interest in anyone old or fat, most i see are 20 years younger than me.

Offline signy

Good attitude and enthusiasm every time. I want a good time, not to fuck an inert lump however beautiful.

Offline Steely Dan

I reject the question.  Like a kids game question.  Q. Would you rather have no hands or no legs?  A. I want hands and legs.

I admit that while punting at random, it is hard. But in my experience, actually, if one uses UKP properly, we *can* have it all!  Most of the so called board darlings have that status for a reason: they are fit and a good fuck.  Now both are a bit subjective - so my unicorn might be your 'meh'.  But if you read the content of the review, and know what you like, you can have it all. 

Offline j1990

I can ignore a few extra pounds or a wobbly belly, a girl doesn't have to have the perfect body. But their has to be some physical attraction to the girl be it whether it be face,boobs or otherwise you just going to end up not wanting to be there and uninterested.

Offline mrfishyfoo

Attitude and enthusiasm over looks everyday of the week.

It's virtually impossible to find an extremely enthusiastic girl that's an absolute stunner. I've been seeking that unicorn for years now and have learned that it doesn't really exist. The most enthusiastic girls I have been with haven't been the most attractive. In fact, some of the best experiences I've had have been with older or average looking women.

You need to come to Yorkshire.  :hi: :hi:

Offline poundstock

If one uses UKP properly, we *can* have it all!  Most of the so called board darlings have that status for a reason: they are fit and a good fuck.  Now both are a bit subjective - so my unicorn might be your 'meh'.  But if you read the content of the review, and know what you like, you can have it all.
I agree. Simply by carefully doing my research and taking notice of UKP reviews I “have it all”. I don’t expect everyone to agree with my choices but I find my choices never disappoint and are “stunning” enough to meet my requirements.