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Author Topic: Older guys in here whats your take on relationships in this modern age?  (Read 2964 times)


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So i am 26 and find that i really cant be bothered with relationships. Is it too early for me to fully give up on relationships?

I have been in 4 relationships but i find the FWB / Escort every now and again the preferable option over relationships. To avoid the needless emotional investment which will inevitably go up in flames.

In this day and age everyone has someone else on the go, you are only one argument away from your girlfriend or boyfriend re-downloading Tinder and POF or simply reconnecting via social media with one of the numerous guys from her past who will feed her some BS and she will be over there in no time lapping it up.

Forget about finding a girl mid 20's who hasn't been with multiple partners. Also be assured she is still connected to a large percentage of these guys in some way via social media/whatsapp etc. So just know when her "Feelings" inevitably change you know where you will find her.

Everyone thinks they are settling and the man of their dreams is a swipe away which obviously isint the case and its like an endless wheel. You will be compared to her friends partners in every way, girls are glued to their phones 24/7 and constantly have to be chatting to people, they rarely have any hobbies. This constant need of attention is something no one boyfriend can fulfil, Its an endless need for constant attention and validation.

Also add in the fact everyones lifes plays out in real time online and everyone is jealous of what they think the others have in their relationships and life etc.

At least back in the day you only had your immediate social circle, town or village to pick from or compare yourself with. Now you know what your long lost friend living in New York is up to, and even on some platforms now people can even broadcast what they are doing LIVE in real time like its the 6pm news FFS.

I dont know, to me the monumental effort seems pointless for very little reward, also from what i gather when i'm in my 30's its most likely to be worst. Jaded old birds who never got the guy they really want then eventually settling for the "Stable" boring guy just to foot the bills and and attend mundane family get togethers just so they can say they are in a relationship. Basically does everyone just settle eventually? Hence the high divorce rates etc?

Just looking for thoughts from some older guys?  :unknown:
« Last Edit: June 08, 2019, 05:45:39 am by cumreal »

Offline tesla

You have been on here since 2013 and not one single review and you are asking questions like this, think again


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You have been on here since 2013 and not one single review and you are asking questions like this, think again

Is leaving reviews on this forum necessary to participate? What if i am simply not interested in reviewing my punts? Such an absurd reply.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2019, 06:18:48 am by cumreal »

Offline Titti Tatti

Is leaving reviews on this forum necessary to participate? What if i am simply not interested in reviewing my punts? Such an absurd reply.

This reply tells us all we need to know about your ability to get on with others.

Enjoy your single life.


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This reply tells us all we need to know about your ability to get on with others.

Enjoy your single life.

Not complaining  :) Was just curious, and thought to open up a discussion, wasn't aware reviewing meets were mandatory to do this. :D

Offline tesla

Is leaving reviews on this forum necessary to participate? What if i am simply not interested in reviewing my punts? Such an absurd reply.

thank you for your insight, I was trying to get you to realise that without some contribution to the site you cannot expect any answers to questions you pose, you have been a member since 2013 with less than 20 posts (at time of writing) so your contribution is minimal at best


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thank you for your insight, I was trying to get you to realise that without some contribution to the site you cannot expect any answers to questions you pose, you have been a member since 2013 with less than 20 posts (at time of writing) so your contribution is minimal at best

Fair, that makes a lot of sense, i didnt think about it in that way. I do tend to just lurk on several forums i am a part of, as i generally just like to read peoples opinions on various topics and general forum discussions. But i understand your point.  :thumbsup:
« Last Edit: June 08, 2019, 06:42:57 am by cumreal »

Offline distancetravel20

I don’t really recognise that every other woman has someone on the go and hops back on tinder after an argument.  Maybe if they are completely immature, a slapper or a head case.  A fair few of these are found on dating apps I hear, but most women are more balanced and don’t fit the picture you paint here.

There are a lot of good women out there.  The biggest or fatal flaw a lot of us will agree on however is a lack of performance in the bedroom.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2019, 08:27:12 am by distancetravel20 »
Banned reason: Refusing to accept the STI rules.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline freeze44

This reply tells us all we need to know about your ability to get on with others.

Enjoy your single life.

 :lol: Well put!!

Offline Jock D

I do tend to just lurk on several forums i am a part of, as i generally just like to read peoples opinions on various topics and general forum discussions. But i understand your point.  :thumbsup:

I bet you do :rolleyes:...a lot of low life scummy 'journalist's' like to do that as well. :timeout:

Offline wristjob

Is leaving reviews on this forum necessary to participate? What if i am simply not interested in reviewing my punts? Such an absurd reply.

It's a massive part of participating. Unless your 3 posts a year were stunning insights then it's hard to imagine your contribution has been huge. Like anything else some people here are likely to contribute more to help those who have helped them in return.

Offline hawkzville

So i am 26 and find that i really cant be bothered with relationships. Is it too early for me to fully give up on relationships?

I have been in 4 relationships but i find the FWB / Escort every now and again the preferable option over relationships. To avoid the needless emotional investment which will inevitably go up in flames.

In this day and age everyone has someone else on the go, you are only one argument away from your girlfriend or boyfriend re-downloading Tinder and POF or simply reconnecting via social media with one of the numerous guys from her past who will feed her some BS and she will be over there in no time lapping it up.

Forget about finding a girl mid 20's who hasn't been with multiple partners. Also be assured she is still connected to a large percentage of these guys in some way via social media/whatsapp etc. So just know when her "Feelings" inevitably change you know where you will find her.

Everyone thinks they are settling and the man of their dreams is a swipe away which obviously isint the case and its like an endless wheel. You will be compared to her friends partners in every way, girls are glued to their phones 24/7 and constantly have to be chatting to people, they rarely have any hobbies. This constant need of attention is something no one boyfriend can fulfil, Its an endless need for constant attention and validation.

Also add in the fact everyones lifes plays out in real time online and everyone is jealous of what they think the others have in their relationships and life etc.

At least back in the day you only had your immediate social circle, town or village to pick from or compare yourself with. Now you know what your long lost friend living in New York is up to, and even on some platforms now people can even broadcast what they are doing LIVE in real time like its the 6pm news FFS.

I dont know, to me the monumental effort seems pointless for very little reward, also from what i gather when i'm in my 30's its most likely to be worst. Jaded old birds who never got the guy they really want then eventually settling for the "Stable" boring guy just to foot the bills and and attend mundane family get togethers just so they can say they are in a relationship. Basically does everyone just settle eventually? Hence the high divorce rates etc?

Just looking for thoughts from some older guys?  :unknown:

I think that you are way overthinking this; if you have an attitude where you expect failure, then expect failure to be the outcome to materialise.

You are bleating that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence for woman; that they have it easier, well wake up and smell the coffee fella because that argument has been around since the dawn of time, nothing to do with modern life/technology....  it's just biology..... the female of the species (in fact any species) is programmed to reproduce (ie survival of the species), so will hold out for/search for the "best mate" (define best however you see fit), whereas the male is capable (though many don't) of spreading his seed far and some species it's pot luck, in other species some of the males never get a female - this I feel will always be the case for a proportion of humanity - in others they pair up for life.

If you want a relationship you just have to make sure that you are desirable to the maximum number of woman, that way the rules of probability will start to work for you; on the other hand, walk around with a negative defeatist attitude shrugging your shoulders and you may as well wear a t-shirt saying "loser alert, women keep away".

Offline jesse4585

So i am 26 and find that i really cant be bothered with relationships. Is it too early for me to fully give up on relationships?
Maybe not, some blokes seem to happier with short term things.
I think society is generally changing in the direction you indicate.  There's been research sparking talk of a global "sex recession", and speculation that people are getting in a sense less connected, due to the rise of the internet.

With that said, there still seems to quite a few nice young women out there who don't like spending too much time on the internet, and who would prefer a long term relationship.  It might not be the same for you, but the years when I was in a LTR were the happiest in my life.  Not looking for another one, but would be if I was around your age.  Maybe you just haven't met anyone you've really clicked with yet.  Keep an open mind would be my advise.


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So i am 26 and find that i really cant be bothered with relationships. Is it too early for me to fully give up on relationships?

I have been in 4 relationships but i find the FWB / Escort every now and again the preferable option over relationships. To avoid the needless emotional investment which will inevitably go up in flames.

In this day and age everyone has someone else on the go, you are only one argument away from your girlfriend or boyfriend re-downloading Tinder and POF or simply reconnecting via social media with one of the numerous guys from her past who will feed her some BS and she will be over there in no time lapping it up.

Forget about finding a girl mid 20's who hasn't been with multiple partners. Also be assured she is still connected to a large percentage of these guys in some way via social media/whatsapp etc. So just know when her "Feelings" inevitably change you know where you will find her.

Everyone thinks they are settling and the man of their dreams is a swipe away which obviously isint the case and its like an endless wheel. You will be compared to her friends partners in every way, girls are glued to their phones 24/7 and constantly have to be chatting to people, they rarely have any hobbies. This constant need of attention is something no one boyfriend can fulfil, Its an endless need for constant attention and validation.

Also add in the fact everyones lifes plays out in real time online and everyone is jealous of what they think the others have in their relationships and life etc.

At least back in the day you only had your immediate social circle, town or village to pick from or compare yourself with. Now you know what your long lost friend living in New York is up to, and even on some platforms now people can even broadcast what they are doing LIVE in real time like its the 6pm news FFS.

I dont know, to me the monumental effort seems pointless for very little reward, also from what i gather when i'm in my 30's its most likely to be worst. Jaded old birds who never got the guy they really want then eventually settling for the "Stable" boring guy just to foot the bills and and attend mundane family get togethers just so they can say they are in a relationship. Basically does everyone just settle eventually? Hence the high divorce rates etc?

Just looking for thoughts from some older guys?  :unknown:

Do what you did, get what you got .
How many of the women youv'e got with are from a similar social circle?
If they are from a place were being glued to your phone is normal , then they will be glued to their phone, same for tinder etc.
If you meet someone on tinder, its a good bet they will use it again.

SO what are you going to do ? You complain that they dont have any hobbies , so you didnt meet them through your hobbies then ? What are your hobbies ? Please dont say Cinema (<- which is like saying 'breathing' ) or watching football (<- 99% male, love the odds)

Someone said a rounded person should have 9 passions. What are your 9 passions ? I'd explore the things you want to do and meet people from differing social circles that way.

Do what you did, get what you got

Offline tynetunnel

Okay i have been a lurker on here for a while, and i have decided to set up an account and join.  :D

Okay i have been seeing this regular for over 4 months now nearly every week/ two weeks and then all of a sudden last week i started messaging her regarding when she would be free, and she has been replying saying. "i am busy babe but i would let you know when i am free"
so i waited for like 4 days and she never let me know when she is free and i got no response, then i messaged again saying when are you free and then i got no reply. Bare in mind all this while she has been accepting bookings from other guys on AW while ignoring my texts. I know this  because my friend made a booking with her from his account. Anyway,  i message her again yesterday asking is she free or not, because i feel like i am bothering her. Then she replies saying, sorry she isint doing this anymore because she is in a relationship. I know she is lying because she is still on AW seeing guys. I guess we cant believe anything WG's say.  :wacko:

So can anybody understand why she wouldnt want to see me.?

She is 22, i keep myself clean and i am fit with a slim build also i am in the same age range as her and not too old or too young. So what is the problem?

You never reviewed her, or anyone else! In six years of membership! That was and still is the problem!  :hi:

Offline Corus Boy


I understand little about this modern world!  :drinks:

Offline scutty brown

So i am 26 and find that i really cant be bothered with relationships. Is it too early for me to fully give up on relationships?

I have been in 4 relationships but i find the FWB / Escort every now and again the preferable option over relationships. To avoid the needless emotional investment which will inevitably go up in flames.

In this day and age everyone has someone else on the go, you are only one argument away from your girlfriend or boyfriend re-downloading Tinder and POF or simply reconnecting via social media with one of the numerous guys from her past who will feed her some BS and she will be over there in no time lapping it up.

Forget about finding a girl mid 20's who hasn't been with multiple partners. Also be assured she is still connected to a large percentage of these guys in some way via social media/whatsapp etc. So just know when her "Feelings" inevitably change you know where you will find her.

Everyone thinks they are settling and the man of their dreams is a swipe away which obviously isint the case and its like an endless wheel. You will be compared to her friends partners in every way, girls are glued to their phones 24/7 and constantly have to be chatting to people, they rarely have any hobbies. This constant need of attention is something no one boyfriend can fulfil, Its an endless need for constant attention and validation.

Also add in the fact everyones lifes plays out in real time online and everyone is jealous of what they think the others have in their relationships and life etc.

At least back in the day you only had your immediate social circle, town or village to pick from or compare yourself with. Now you know what your long lost friend living in New York is up to, and even on some platforms now people can even broadcast what they are doing LIVE in real time like its the 6pm news FFS.

I dont know, to me the monumental effort seems pointless for very little reward, also from what i gather when i'm in my 30's its most likely to be worst. Jaded old birds who never got the guy they really want then eventually settling for the "Stable" boring guy just to foot the bills and and attend mundane family get togethers just so they can say they are in a relationship. Basically does everyone just settle eventually? Hence the high divorce rates etc?

Just looking for thoughts from some older guys?  :unknown:

You should ask this question somewhere where there are other guys in the same situation, like a trainspotters or busspotters forum


Don't the tabloids have agony aunt columns anymore?

Offline Corus Boy

Don't the tabloids have agony aunt columns anymore?

Well we have, Ask Uncle Sergei.  ;)
« Last Edit: June 08, 2019, 11:15:10 am by Corus Boy »

Offline LoneWolf2020

Probably best off sticking with the escort scene.

Most married guys pay half of what they own, the car, house and dog for sex 3 times per decade.

...i pay around 150 per hour every few weeks for an hour of guaranteed sex and i dont have to hear her nagging how she needs a new ironing board in the meantime...

Winning!  :yahoo:

Offline Doc Holliday

 and i dont have to hear her nagging how she needs a new ironing board in the meantime...

She does the ironing? She's a keeper then  :D

Offline Heellover86

I'm in my late 30's and only punt now as I lost my wife to cancer.

I had a brilliant relationship, we were with each other from our early 20's, had a great sexlife, great home life and if she was still here I wouldn't ever have began punting.  A real relationship is nothing like your jaded view and with that attitude I would say your never likely to have one.

Relationships aren't perfect all the time, a real one means it doesn't have to be and you get through it together.  But you get out what you put in, lose the effort to show your love and affection, appreciation etc then that's what you will get in return.  FA to do with social media.

Punting suits my needs now as they are purely physical and I have no interest in another relationship (did try, wasn't for me) as I had found my "one" and I never want or need to replace her and I've learned to enjoy it as a guilt free pleasure.

I see alot of grumbling from men on here about their wives and their shit relationships, I would suggest taking a look at your side of the relationship also, compliancy is a two way street.

Offline formulajuan1

So i am 26 and find that i really cant be bothered with relationships. Is it too early for me to fully give up on relationships?
Just looking for thoughts from some older guys?  :unknown:

You have already received much good advice in this thread. For what my 6d is worth, I believe that we receive OUT of life according to the effort we put INTO it. If you are inclined to be only reactive and sit waiting for something to happen, it probably won't.
The future doesn't usually give you anything easily, its a challenge with highs and lows, you will make mistakes like we all did, possibly have regrets, but learn from them, and always look forwards not backwards. It's called Life, just live it, play an active part and see where it takes you. It do have some sympathy as, if my daughter is typical, modern women do seem to have lost the plot somewhat, is their presence on Social Media really that important?
When Neices get married I always tell then the same thing, "Men are very simple creatures, keep him fed, make an effort to look good for him, and keep his balls empty, somehow, and you will have a good relationship, everything else is pretty insignificant." You have reminded me that many years ago, at a similar age to you,  I was a  member of a traditional Marriage Bureau for a while. That was how I ended up on a blind date with the largest woman I have ever been out with, think The Hindenburg but wearing a dress, ah, Happy Days!
Banned reason: Blatant tout.
Banned by: daviemac


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OP seems to miss the good old days , "back in the day "  etc like he is nearer 46 than 26.

You have been on here since 2013 and not one single review and you are asking questions like this, think again

Good to see in the intervening 6 years of joining he only aged 4.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2019, 03:33:50 pm by Ipman1973 »


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Need info for your school project?...ask your Dad!

Offline Ali Katt

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OP seems to miss the good old days , "back in the day "  etc like he is nearer 46 than 26.

Good to see in the intervening 6 years of joining he only aged 4.
People in glasshouses eh Ipman? I noticed you've also contributed the square route of fuck all.

Offline fisherofsouls

 I believe that we receive OUT of life according to the effort we put INTO it.

Sadly, as I approach 60 my experience  is that you rarely get out the equivalent of what you put in,  and never more than... 😐


  • Guest
People in glasshouses eh Ipman? I noticed you've also contributed the square route of fuck all.

That makes zero sense, square route regardless.

My observation was that  OP is unlikely to be in the situation he claims.  I noted his 6 years ( I joined JAN 2019 ) of little contribution and I threw no stones or remarks towards that fact.
 But at least you've directed the spotlight away from the indescrepancies of his post.  :hi:
« Last Edit: June 08, 2019, 05:00:13 pm by Ipman1973 »

Offline yandex

Seriously, what is all this relationship agony aunt bollocks - first Flaccidgimp, now this. I was tempted into giving my twopenneth worth previously but its as boring as now

Time to bin it as off topic

Offline Ali Katt

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Seriously, what is all this relationship agony aunt bollocks - first Flaccidgimp, now this. I was tempted into giving my twopenneth worth previously but its as boring as now

Time to bin it as off topic
I think this is an interesting question. It's just been done to death. There does seem to be a lot of attention whores about and the questions would be better asked on Yahoo!

Offline formulajuan1

Sadly, as I approach 60 my experience  is that you rarely get out the equivalent of what you put in,  and never more than... 😐

I'm sorry that you feel cheated fisherofsouls, but nobody ever claimed that Life was Fair. Far from it, it's nothing but a Lottery with many random elements. But like any Lottery, you have to buy ticket to win it. As a northern colleague of mine used to say, "Life's Hard, Then You Die."
Banned reason: Blatant tout.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline da40

Some excellent comments on here.
My successful relationships both sexual and non sexual have all taken time to develop. In fact they are still evolving. Having grown up in the ‘Hollywood’ era of  90 minutes of angst and then they lived happily ever after has not been my experience! Relationships only develop if both parties put the effort in, and if one side doesn’t,t then it is time to move on.
All my relationships have started with a companionship, which has developed into something more meaningful. Some continue as friends. I have met these women mainly through work, where a mutual respect has been established, or leisure activities where we just get on.
Recently I had a potential relationship which stalled because she is always on social media. I have experienced being ghosted which is ghastly. So I have reluctantly blanked this person as I don’t deserve to be treated this way, to her shock. Shame as I like her a lot.

So, plough your own furrow smile, and make your corner a happy place. Keep the energy up and it will happen.

Ps don,t take shit and take your time. It worked for me. And when I was 26 like you I was at my wits end. Good Luck.

Offline Colston36

That makes zero sense, square route regardless.

My observation was that  OP is unlikely to be in the situation he claims.  I noted his 6 years ( I joined JAN 2019 ) of little contribution and I threw no stones or remarks towards that fact.
 But at least you've directed the spotlight away from the indescrepancies of his post.  :hi:

Wow! "indescrepancies " a wonderful new word; thanks!

His post was actually very consistent: one long moan. It is actually true that social media have increased the rate of suicide, women spend more time communicating than men - always have - and misery makes few friends.

Offline Payyourwaymate

OP, I am the same age as you. I think what you should do is delete your social media and focus on yourself. Your life will be more peaceful as your mind will be at ease.

Offline Prof O lactic

Paysyourway I dont think its possible to be accurate about the age of the op? :unknown:

In other news .....
I noticed you've also contributed the square route of fuck all.

The" square route" may be the shortcut characters take in East Enders to the pub ?   :drinks:

Offline earlgreyman

20's is for having fun. Seems the whole world is up for NSA relationships, even for older folks in their dirty 30s. Don't leave it too long if you want the family, kids, and if settling down is your thing.

For single older Gen-X guys in their late 30's-40s, like myself - the only realistic way of getting laid by a hot 20 something lady (which is my preference) is to punt - or be a sugar-daddy. I haven't tried the SD route, yet - but is probably not too dissimilar to punting but maybe more on the regular - and certainly not monogamous.


« Last Edit: June 09, 2019, 05:21:31 pm by earlgreyman »

Offline Ali Katt

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20's is for having fun. Seems the whole world is up for NSA relationships, even for older folks in their dirty 30s. Don't leave it too long if you want the family, kids, and if settling down is your thing.

For single older Gen-X guys in their late 30's-40s, like myself - the only realistic way of getting laid by a hot 20 something lady (which is my preference) is to punt - or be a sugar-daddy. I haven't tried the SD route, yet - but is probably not too dissimilar to punting but maybe more on the regular - and certainly not monogamous.
There's a few threads on sugar daddy relationships if you are interested. Personally there's girls I will see again, but I don't want a regular and don't print every week or even every month.

Offline earlgreyman

There's a few threads on sugar daddy relationships if you are interested. Personally there's girls I will see again, but I don't want a regular and don't print every week or even every month.

Yes, I've seen a couple of the threads, thanks. Interesting way to go, for sure. There's certainly a lot of young women out there who need assistance with their rent/lifestyle and willing to trade for it - and a lot of older guys who have some spare cash to dash for some...The other enticing option is the Asia route. I've read some nightmare stories though.

I guess, life is becoming more overtly transactional. Traditional weddings always were a transaction from family to family and building alliances and wealth. Hence why dowries were once used in our society.

« Last Edit: June 09, 2019, 05:34:28 pm by earlgreyman »

Offline Corky

I guess, life is becoming more overtly transactional. Traditional weddings always were a transaction from family to family and building alliances and wealth. Hence why dowries were once used in our society.

This fact is hidden by society, the OP has figured this out himself and makes some valid points.....

Offline Thepacifist

I’ve given up on relationships. I’ve been hurt before and won’t be hurt again. Every man in my family was divorced by the woman. I won’t be another one. I work hard for my money and refuse for half of it to be taken from me. I don’t want children and then they fuck off and I’m left paying the bill the rest of my life. Punting suits me  :hi:

Offline Corky

I’ve given up on relationships. I’ve been hurt before and won’t be hurt again. Every man in my family was divorced by the woman. I won’t be another one. I work hard for my money and refuse for half of it to be taken from me. I don’t want children and then they fuck off and I’m left paying the bill the rest of my life. Punting suits me  :hi:

Hmm, yet more evidence of the reality........

Offline Corky

I work hard for my money and refuse for half of it to be taken from me. I don’t want children and then they fuck off and I’m left paying the bill the rest of my life. Punting suits me  :hi:

There is no upside to marriage for a man. You are basically risking half of your wealth on finding a unicorn in a sea of sluts and conniving cunts.

As for children it's an unfortunate fact that they are used as leverage against the man in some kind of dispute.

Why the hell would a person use children as a weapon against their Father? But this is what many women do, and it is sick and selfish and does not have the child's interest prioritized.


  • Guest
I'm in my late 30's and only punt now as I lost my wife to cancer.

I had a brilliant relationship, we were with each other from our early 20's, had a great sexlife, great home life and if she was still here I wouldn't ever have began punting.  A real relationship is nothing like your jaded view and with that attitude I would say your never likely to have one.

Relationships aren't perfect all the time, a real one means it doesn't have to be and you get through it together.  But you get out what you put in, lose the effort to show your love and affection, appreciation etc then that's what you will get in return.  FA to do with social media.

Punting suits my needs now as they are purely physical and I have no interest in another relationship (did try, wasn't for me) as I had found my "one" and I never want or need to replace her and I've learned to enjoy it as a guilt free pleasure.

I see alot of grumbling from men on here about their wives and their shit relationships, I would suggest taking a look at your side of the relationship also, compliancy is a two way street.
Thank you for sharing this insight with us. It must have been terrible losing your wife, especially at such a young age.


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There is no upside to marriage for a man. You are basically risking half of your wealth on finding a unicorn in a sea of sluts and conniving cunts.

As for children it's an unfortunate fact that they are used as leverage against the man in some kind of dispute.

Why the hell would a person use children as a weapon against their Father? But this is what many women do, and it is sick and selfish and does not have the child's interest prioritized.
You may come to change your mind when you get older. It's not easy when you get to 60 & there's no one to share the burden when you fall ill, & you almost certainly will.

Offline Marvelous

There is no upside to marriage for a man. You are basically risking half of your wealth on finding a unicorn in a sea of sluts and conniving cunts.

As for children it's an unfortunate fact that they are used as leverage against the man in some kind of dispute.

Why the hell would a person use children as a weapon against their Father? But this is what many women do, and it is sick and selfish and does not have the child's interest prioritized.

Kids are the ONLY good thing about marriage.  You are right so many cunt women will use there kids as a weapon. You take them court for access... they pull out the domestic violence card... fast forward over a year and £10.000 in court fees you will get to see them supervised in a contact centre and hopefully they haven't been brainwashed against you!!!! So many fathers have had this done to them.

Say what you want about the muzzy countries but i doubt there many dads in them who haven't seen there kids for over a year beacause off this sort off crap. They would knock/ kick the door pick up there kids and drop them off afterwards, and repeat as required.

Sorry about the rant but for any young guys getting married in the west, be VERY careful learn from us old farts who have been srewed back financialy 20 years all for trying to make a stand and not living life being a puppet to some control lfreak who will use anything she has off yours ie kids, house, business against you.

Proceed with caution and never trust any women.  Divorce rates are nearly 50% playing Russian roulette is safer.

Apart from that just enjoy your life and wealth :dance:

Offline Marvelous

You may come to change your mind when you get older. It's not easy when you get to 60 & there's no one to share the burden when you fall ill, & you almost certainly will.

Easy with all the money you saved while you have been enjoying life single, retire to a third world country and take your pick off ladies that will look after you  :hi:

Offline Titti Tatti

There's a few threads on sugar daddy relationships if you are interested. Personally there's girls I will see again, but I don't want a regular and don't print every week or even every month.

With nearly 10 000 posts it's no wonder you've got no time and energy left for printing.😈

Offline hawkzville

There is no upside to marriage for a man. You are basically risking half of your wealth on finding a unicorn in a sea of sluts and conniving cunts.

As for children it's an unfortunate fact that they are used as leverage against the man in some kind of dispute.

Why the hell would a person use children as a weapon against their Father? But this is what many women do, and it is sick and selfish and does not have the child's interest prioritized.

My ex-wife pulled the "if you want to see the children, then pay up" stunt on me when we divorced; having been totally humiliated by my own stupidity at the end of my marriage (ie caught out punting as I have recently posted) I really had no option but to put up and shut up, so I took it all on the chin.

It's dawned on me over the years that during the 10 years I was with my ex if i am super generous then maybe we had sex 1,000 times (probably 90% of which was in the first 3-years); if I'd paid for 1,000 hours with even some of the top-priced WG's in London then it would still only equate to a drop in the ocean of the cost of the divorce........

But, the irony was that once my children became adults they moved in with me; for me then having them in my life was worht countless times more than "just money" to pay the ex off in the divorce.

Conclusion then; marriage can be hideously expensive IF it doesn't work, but for me it was worth it to have the children.

As I don't wish to have further children, then my desire for a further relationship is zero; does it bother me that one day I'll be incapable of punting, stuck on my own blad-de-blah? For a nano-second, yes, but then I'd rather be old and lonely than old and trapped with someone i don't want to be with......

Offline Ali Katt

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With nearly 10 000 posts it's no wonder you've got no time and energy left for printing.😈
I print using WiFi these days, saves time. 😏