Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Punting whilst in a long term relationship . . . .  (Read 6795 times)

Offline B4bcock

. . . . just a bit of precarious fun or does it help keep you together?

I started punting around 6 years ago when sex at home dwindled down to mish once every 4 to 6 weeks.   Apart from sex, we have a strong relationship and there are no other women I would rather be with long term.   I had a couple of chances to have an affair some years ago but avoided them as, to me, that is being unfaithful, whereas punting is purely a physical thing.   I have no doubt my bit of fun on the side has kept us together and me sane.

Offline RedKettle

. . . . just a bit of precarious fun or does it help keep you together?

I started punting around 6 years ago when sex at home dwindled down to mish once every 4 to 6 weeks.   Apart from sex, we have a strong relationship and there are no other women I would rather be with long term.   I had a couple of chances to have an affair some years ago but avoided them as, to me, that is being unfaithful, whereas punting is purely a physical thing.   I have no doubt my bit of fun on the side has kept us together and me sane.

Sex at home every 4 to 6 weeks! That is a happy, but distant, memory for me.

Offline Jonestown

I had a couple of chances to have an affair some years ago but avoided them as, to me, that is being unfaithful, whereas punting is purely a physical thing.

The thing is, should that fateful moment ever arrive, it wont be you who gets to decide what does and what doesn’t qualify as being unfaithful.

Offline B4bcock

The thing is, should that fateful moment ever arrive, it wont be you who gets to decide what does and what doesn’t qualify as being unfaithful.

My OH knows I get up to something (they really do have a sixth sense for this sort of thing) but, apart from occasional passing comments, she seems happy to let it roll on.   Probably sees it as saving her from a chore!   Of course, if she ever discovers the full extent, it could be a different story . . .


  • Guest
. . . . just a bit of precarious fun or does it help keep you together?

I started punting around 6 years ago when sex at home dwindled down to mish once every 4 to 6 weeks.   Apart from sex, we have a strong relationship and there are no other women I would rather be with long term.   I had a couple of chances to have an affair some years ago but avoided them as, to me, that is being unfaithful, whereas punting is purely a physical thing.   I have no doubt my bit of fun on the side has kept us together and me sane.

4-6 weeks...greedy git.......4-6mths  is par for the course after 40 yrs of marriage.

Offline hawkzville

. . . . just a bit of precarious fun or does it help keep you together?

I started punting around 6 years ago when sex at home dwindled down to mish once every 4 to 6 weeks.   Apart from sex, we have a strong relationship and there are no other women I would rather be with long term.   I had a couple of chances to have an affair some years ago but avoided them as, to me, that is being unfaithful, whereas punting is purely a physical thing.   I have no doubt my bit of fun on the side has kept us together and me sane.

One answer to your question is (perhaps) to imagine your OH reading your post out to you, but on the basis that she is talking about herself, so substitute the word "women" for "men". How does that make you feel? Does it feel to you that she is being unfaithful?

FYI I felt exactly the same way as you when I was married; but when my secret was "outed" in the most public way imaginable (ie to friends and family) I can assure you that not one person shared my viewpoint! That was quite a penny-drop moment for me, one which I sincerely hope nobody else suffers.

The only way you'll ever know for sure though whether your OH would see it as being unfaitful or not is of course to ask her.....

Offline freeze44

Most women are not going to be ok with it as society has trained us to think 1 on 1 long term is best for all.

Punting keeps me sane and able to function in a normal relationship and feel no guilt. Men want sex and if it's not there at home or whatever, then they going to look for it and going with wg's is the answer for me and removes the danger with affairs etc.

Suppose the other question is can 1 women keep you happy in all ways? Properly not as unlikely a man can keep a woman happy in all ways.

Online stampjones

I remember having a discussion with a long term gf and she said she could forgive an affair but not if I went with a prossie. I think your problem OP was you tried to apply logic to a woman’s thought processes!

Offline bluneo

You are getting sex at home, you just want more, which is fine.Don't try to justify it.

The fact that you asked this question suggests there are doubts in your mind.Deal with them first.

Whether it is cheating or not is for your partner to decide.

Offline king tarzan

A bit of hot spicy sexy variety does no harm!!
Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Punterenas

Been married 23 years, 20 of those pretty much sexless.
I gave her an ultimatum. It's you I want but if you arent interested then I'm going to pay for it. She didn't say anything and there has been no mention of it since. Maybe she thought it was an empty threat. I do try to be discreet but the clues are there if she looks (actually not that hard). But I am aware that this situation will only remain while it suits her and all memory of our "conversation" will be conveniently forgotten. Has punting saved our marriage? Dunno. It's probably saved me. There have been a couple of events over the last year or so in my life that have underlined to me that you get one go at this life and sacrificing your happiness to maintain the status quo in a ltr is a stupid thing to do. As it stands I get the sex / fun / intimacy I crave and the OH doesn't have to do something she clearly doesn't want to do.

Offline king tarzan

Been married 23 years, 20 of those pretty much sexless.
I gave her an ultimatum. It's you I want but if you arent interested then I'm going to pay for it. She didn't say anything and there has been no mention of it since. Maybe she thought it was an empty threat. I do try to be discreet but the clues are there if she looks (actually not that hard). But I am aware that this situation will only remain while it suits her and all memory of our "conversation" will be conveniently forgotten. Has punting saved our marriage? Dunno. It's probably saved me. There have been a couple of events over the last year or so in my life that have underlined to me that you get one go at this life and sacrificing your happiness to maintain the status quo in a ltr is a stupid thing to do. As it stands I get the sex / fun / intimacy I crave and the OH doesn't have to do something she clearly doesn't want to do.

When you sign up for relationship/marriage you have to expect these things and move forward..
It's a sad reality.. but it exists in abundance.

Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline B4bcock

Reading these posts has reminded me of an old saying;

Men marry women in the hope they won't change; women marry men in the hope they will change.

Unfortunately, in most cases, both parties are wrong.

Offline workinallweek

My OH knows I get up to something (they really do have a sixth sense for this sort of thing) but, apart from occasional passing comments, she seems happy to let it roll on.   Probably sees it as saving her from a chore!   Of course, if she ever discovers the full extent, it could be a different story . . .

until a friend or neighbour mentions it , thats when the trouble will start
Banned reason: Offering glowing positive reviews for free bookings.
Banned by: daviemac


  • Guest
Been married 23 years, 20 of those pretty much sexless.
I gave her an ultimatum. It's you I want but if you arent interested then I'm going to pay for it. She didn't say anything and there has been no mention of it since. Maybe she thought it was an empty threat. I do try to be discreet but the clues are there if she looks (actually not that hard). But I am aware that this situation will only remain while it suits her and all memory of our "conversation" will be conveniently forgotten. Has punting saved our marriage? Dunno. It's probably saved me. There have been a couple of events over the last year or so in my life that have underlined to me that you get one go at this life and sacrificing your happiness to maintain the status quo in a ltr is a stupid thing to do. As it stands I get the sex / fun / intimacy I crave and the OH doesn't have to do something she clearly doesn't want to do.

Been married twice for a total of 30 years, neither sexless, but punting did for them both, never saved anything once they catch you out. Mind you both gave me plenty of chances to stop but i still pushed them over the edge. Once your hooked you are hooked i suppose. When they want to catch you out they will. I was lucky neither made a big thing of it, or took me to the cleaners, you might not be so lucky.

Offline earlgreyman

Women are nosey, they will find out sooner or later...unless they're just accepting to remain in an economically stable position OR perhaps a bit dim.

I found being in long term relationships tough, I got bored. I like variety - not kinky stuff, just freedom and i do like the chase. For me, being single is the best and I can fuck whoever I want without the guilt trip and trying to hide. Single life is tougher economically and certainly more complicated if you have kids (another guilt trip!), but there are caveats to every life choice.


  • Guest
Women are nosey, they will find out sooner or later...unless they're just accepting to remain in an economically stable position OR perhaps a bit dim.

I found being in long term relationships tough, I got bored. I like variety - not kinky stuff, just freedom and i do like the chase. For me, being single is the best and I can fuck whoever I want without the guilt trip and trying to hide. Single life is tougher economically and certainly more complicated if you have kids (another guilt trip!), but there are caveats to every life choice.

Don,t feel guilty about the kids,as long as you stay in their life,see them often, make sure they have what they need and the other things that need to done they are better off than in a bad relationship.
Sooner or later you will jump in again, being single is great until you get bored with that too, been single four years now. Couple of relationships,one with a wg, but been seeing someone now and then, the phone chats and the meetings are getting longer and more often, she has started asking if i will get back with the wife who visits often. I am quite happy to just see where it goes. Would i jump in again, yes  probably. Not punting much these days and got a different outlook from the money grabbing working all the hours life i had before my breakdown. Quite flattered she is showing an interest.

Offline JamesKW

. . . . just a bit of precarious fun or does it help keep you together?

Depends when you start using WGs in a relationship,if it is within the first 5 years then maybe you shouldn't be in that relationship (personally I didn't start until after 20 years and sex had virtually dried up).The other disadvantage in my case is that when I get it from the O/H (extremely rare nowdays) it is always bare back.So it cannot be done on impulse as the last thing you want to give the O/H  is a STD,I need to go up to GUM and get a test done first.

Offline earlgreyman

Don,t feel guilty about the kids,as long as you stay in their life,see them often, make sure they have what they need and the other things that need to done they are better off than in a bad relationship.
Sooner or later you will jump in again, being single is great until you get bored with that too, been single four years now. Couple of relationships,one with a wg, but been seeing someone now and then, the phone chats and the meetings are getting longer and more often, she has started asking if i will get back with the wife who visits often. I am quite happy to just see where it goes. Would i jump in again, yes  probably. Not punting much these days and got a different outlook from the money grabbing working all the hours life i had before my breakdown. Quite flattered she is showing an interest.
Agreed re kids, but having them complicates things with the partner or ex, and money, etc. If you date or get into a relationship with WG's (which i have done in a past life), just be careful of that EAS. Easy to fall in, but in my case it turned into shit show. I should've added, i'm happy being single right now. The idea of finding the right gf, long term, still greatly appeals to me. Til then, it's fun exploring without the hassle.

Offline winkywanky

Reading these posts has reminded me of an old saying;

Men marry women in the hope they won't change; women marry men in the hope they will change.

Unfortunately, in most cases, both parties are wrong.

What a great (and very true) anecdote.

Offline GingerNuts

The other disadvantage in my case is that when I get it from the O/H (extremely rare nowdays) it is always bare back.So it cannot be done on impulse as the last thing you want to give the O/H  is a STD,I need to go up to GUM and get a test done first.

That's a long lead in time.


  • Guest
Agreed re kids, but having them complicates things with the partner or ex, and money, etc. If you date or get into a relationship with WG's (which i have done in a past life), just be careful of that EAS. Easy to fall in, but in my case it turned into shit show. I should've added, i'm happy being single right now. The idea of finding the right gf, long term, still greatly appeals to me. Til then, it's fun exploring without the hassle.

Lol done the wg thing a few times, always get out if it looks like shit is going to hit the fan, the trick is enjoy while it lasts get out when you think you need to.Never ask them to stop working, that just opens your wallet lol.
You have the right attitude, never rule out anything, look after the kids to your best ability and enjoy your life in between.

My 35 year old son was born when we were both still kids, about 2 when we split, and is now my best friend and we work together.He might be in for a shock though if things work out with the women, she is 5 years younger than him lol. I am still friends with both exes, they sometimes do my washing,cleaning and ironing, the second visits every week and helped me through the problems with the pimped girl,I think they both accept they could not tame me but both probably could now. Got a different outlook on life and slowed down a bit lol.


  • Guest
Depends when you start using WGs in a relationship,if it is within the first 5 years then maybe you shouldn't be in that relationship (personally I didn't start until after 20 years and sex had virtually dried up).The other disadvantage in my case is that when I get it from the O/H (extremely rare nowdays) it is always bare back.So it cannot be done on impulse as the last thing you want to give the O/H  is a STD,I need to go up to GUM and get a test done first.

Mate you just have to go with it, keep saying no and going clinic she is going to work it all out for herself, What do you say when she is in the mood?. Not now darling but i will in a few days? 

Offline Dickiejones

No matter what you say, how to fluff it up in your mind, unless you have already agreed to an open relationship........IT'S OVER and you are in damage limitation........doesn't matter whether it is recent or in the past, it's kryptonite to your relationship

Offline NoStringsFun

Interesting comments on this thread.

For me (like others I’m sure) punting is excitement as sex with my OH is largely mechanical and same old same old. I’m happy with my partner and she understands my need for space. Kids also reduce the frequency of any ‘fruityness’ as my partner isn’t willing when they are around. I’m fortunate that I have regular after work events to cover for my punting.

Online RadioKid

One answer to your question is (perhaps) to imagine your OH reading your post out to you, but on the basis that she is talking about herself, so substitute the word "women" for "men". How does that make you feel? Does it feel to you that she is being unfaithful?

FYI I felt exactly the same way as you when I was married; but when my secret was "outed" in the most public way imaginable (ie to friends and family) I can assure you that not one person shared my viewpoint! That was quite a penny-drop moment for me, one which I sincerely hope nobody else suffers.

The only way you'll ever know for sure though whether your OH would see it as being unfaitful or not is of course to ask her.....

Care to share how you were outed ?? How did you even recover, if it all you did?

That's obviously every punters worst nightmare, especially considering how many here are married and have children.

Offline Grumpy Pumpy

I've just seen this thread after commenting on the "what have you got from punting" thread.

I love my wife. And we still have regular sex. But I also love women. In a variety of shapes and sizes. So, heartless bastard as I am, I fuck escorts instead of having affairs.

Twisted and illogical I know. But I can live with that. Unless and until I get caught  :scare:

Offline lborocd1

When you have steak at home sometimes it’s nice to eat a dirty burger

In some cases the burger is 22 with a tight snatch and willing to let you do her doggy and squirt over her face

Offline B4bcock

When you have steak at home sometimes it’s nice to eat a dirty burger

In some cases the burger is 22 with a tight snatch and willing to let you do her doggy and squirt over her face

I love it when they gobble my quarter-pounder.      (No cheese, of course).

Offline hawkzville

Care to share how you were outed ?? How did you even recover, if it all you did?

That's obviously every punters worst nightmare, especially considering how many here are married and have children.

I hope this link works -

Did I recover/get over it; answer is probably not if I'm honest.

My ex-wife will still remind me about it from time to time by casually asking whether I'm seeing anyone; then of course say in all sincerity "I really do hope that you meet someone; but don't forget to forewarn them that you are a whore-fucker before you get too involved with them...."

The point then is it's all well and good to punt whilst in a relationship but don't ever get caught, because if you do you'll never shake the revelation off.

Offline hawkzville

I put this post up on the massage shop mini-review thread a few months back but aren't sufficiently "tech savvy" to know how to create a link (I did try as above and failed) so cut and paste below:-

.. basically my ex wife suspected I was up to something and had a friends husband follow me after work a couple of evenings; I'd become quite complacent by then and didn't for one moment think she had any clue - anyhow, he took pictures of me going in and out of a massage parlour - twice over the course of a week! My ex tied it up to sizeable cash withdrawals, then invited my parents over for dinner where she presented her "reveal".

It was the worst moment of my life - as mentioned, hideous divorce/fall out etc - I ended up pretty much penniless and very much alone in the world.

You would have thought it would have put me off punting; instead it just put me off relationships instead.

When I asked her "what made you suspicious?" She told me that sometimes I'd smell of perfume or oil or something similar - which is what prompted me to post this on here as the "smell of punting" was what did for me in the end.

The above is from a post I made at the end of Feb which I had hoped to create a link to in my above post!!


  • Guest

I hope this link works -

Did I recover/get over it; answer is probably not if I'm honest.

My ex-wife will still remind me about it from time to time by casually asking whether I'm seeing anyone; then of course say in all sincerity "I really do hope that you meet someone; but don't forget to forewarn them that you are a whore-fucker before you get too involved with them...."

The point then is it's all well and good to punt whilst in a relationship but don't ever get caught, because if you do you'll never shake the revelation off.

Sorry you have had such a bad time over getting caught, but it really does depend on the women and how spiteful she wants to be. I was caught out many times in my 26 years with Second wife and it was not the only factor in the ending.
I do get reminded now and then, she always laughs when i see someone new and asks if she is a prostitute, but never outed me to kids,family,friends or anyone else.We are still good friends and there has been thoughts on both sides of trying again, which is probably not a good idea or going to happen.


  • Guest
I put this post up on the massage shop mini-review thread a few months back but aren't sufficiently "tech savvy" to know how to create a link (I did try as above and failed) so cut and paste below:-

.. basically my ex wife suspected I was up to something and had a friends husband follow me after work a couple of evenings; I'd become quite complacent by then and didn't for one moment think she had any clue - anyhow, he took pictures of me going in and out of a massage parlour - twice over the course of a week! My ex tied it up to sizeable cash withdrawals, then invited my parents over for dinner where she presented her "reveal".

It was the worst moment of my life - as mentioned, hideous divorce/fall out etc - I ended up pretty much penniless and very much alone in the world.

You would have thought it would have put me off punting; instead it just put me off relationships instead.

When I asked her "what made you suspicious?" She told me that sometimes I'd smell of perfume or oil or something similar - which is what prompted me to post this on here as the "smell of punting" was what did for me in the end.

The above is from a post I made at the end of Feb which I had hoped to create a link to in my above post!!

That was a very spiteful way to go about things, I know and can understand the hurt a woman feels, but she was making sure there was no going back. She may well regret that now hence you still getting the spiteful comments. Like i said it does depend on the women, most know men are not perfect and accept they are not either.

Offline one eyed panda

One question for the OP. Has the paid sex now replaced what was in the relationship? If the partner isnt asking for sex even on the very limited basis then that is being complicit in the process because somewhere every woman has a friend that will tell them that if their partner isnt pestering them for sex they are getting it elsewhere. Its a truth that a lot of women dont want to face. Once they stop asking they are admitting their partner is getting it elsewhere.

Any woman that prefers that their partner has an affair rather than going the commercial route fails to realise that their partner is just fulfilling a need that they have that is not being met. An affair is oemthgn altogether different. I may have had hundred of punts since my wife started sex refusing but an affair never.
Banned reason: Posting his email address to bypass PM restrictions
Banned by: daviemac

Offline earlgreyman

I put this post up on the massage shop mini-review thread a few months back but aren't sufficiently "tech savvy" to know how to create a link (I did try as above and failed) so cut and paste below:-

.. basically my ex wife suspected I was up to something and had a friends husband follow me after work a couple of evenings; I'd become quite complacent by then and didn't for one moment think she had any clue - anyhow, he took pictures of me going in and out of a massage parlour - twice over the course of a week! My ex tied it up to sizeable cash withdrawals, then invited my parents over for dinner where she presented her "reveal".

This is why, no matter how much we love our SO's, we should never underestimate their level of mistrusting and inquisitive nature. Maybe a giant sweeping statement of women, but in my experience it rings true. I was never caught out, but saw the signs. I caught one gf going through storage boxes of my personal things one day. It's always the small things they notice that'll fuck you right up.

I feel bad for your situation man. Your wife was super spiteful to out you in the most demeaning and explosive way. Her reaction obviously mirrored how she felt, but she shouldn't have stooped to that level. Men are men - if we're not getting what we want at home, sooner or sooner we will seek gratification elsewhere. We're not built to be monogamous, at least imo.

For this reason alone is why i remain a free man. I'm just crude and base, but I do miss a loving relationship when things are clicking, but sexual needs eventually outweigh love.

Offline rosebristol60

its been 10 years since i last had sex with my woman, and theres no sign of it getting any better, but as people keep pointing out to me there is more to a relationship than just sex, my reply is i agree, but there has to be some sex, so anyway after 10 years of being faithful and watching an abnormal amount of porn i had my first punt just after christmas, incredibly i never felt guilty, but at least it got all that frustration out of my system
Banned reason: Posting racial topic despite instructions not to.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline christofferson

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned...OR finding out her husband has been shagging.
Square that level of hell if she finds out it was with a prossie.A sexless marriage is irrelevant !!
Sadly, once the kids come along...husband provides financially and they are in their own
little world of motherhood, sex evaporates.
Menopause kicks in and hey presto, another excuse, mission accomplished.

Offline freeze44

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned...OR finding out her husband has been shagging.
Square that level of hell if she finds out it was with a prossie.A sexless marriage is irrelevant !!
Sadly, once the kids come along...husband provides financially and they are in their own
little world of motherhood, sex evaporates.
Menopause kicks in and hey presto, another excuse, mission accomplished.

Got me nodding that! See any of the bbc stuff recently on the menopause...apart from the physical changes a lot of women described, a number said it was a relief not to be a baby breeding machine anymore!!  :dash:

Maybe it explains why prostitution the oldest game although hopefully society is moving on a bit and women are allowed to be sexual beings and not be ashamed about liking sex...mind you would still want the variety etc punting brings! Just the way it is suppose!!  :thumbsup:

Offline winkywanky

.. basically my ex wife suspected I was up to something and had a friends husband follow me after work a couple of evenings; I'd become quite complacent by then and didn't for one moment think she had any clue - anyhow, he took pictures of me going in and out of a massage parlour - twice over the course of a week! My ex tied it up to sizeable cash withdrawals, then invited my parents over for dinner where she presented her "reveal".

It was the worst moment of my life - as mentioned, hideous divorce/fall out etc - I ended up pretty much penniless and very much alone in the world.

You would have thought it would have put me off punting; instead it just put me off relationships instead.

Whaaaat?!! I can understand how she felt - and the old expression hell hath no fury like a woman scorned - but to expose you in front of your own parents is pretty fucking nasty to say the least. Outrageous.

Offline Dickiejones

So what's the definition of prostitution?......

You meet a.... girl, fall in love, get married and she stops working...the  sex life you had becomes non-existent

You provide the economical wealth to live the lifestyle.........nice home, car, clothes and social entertainment including holidays .........

Seems to be more expensive than an honest punt :scare:

Offline Hobbit

Some people sign up to a full term contract with no chance of upgrade or cancellation. Some people prefer pay-as-you-go (my preferred choice) as it gives more choice and flexibility.  :D


  • Guest

Whaaaat?!! I can understand how she felt - and the old expression hell hath no fury like a woman scorned - but to expose you in front of your own parents is pretty fucking nasty to say the least. Outrageous.
Does sound like an episode from corrie or eastenders ,but you gotta  admire the ladies balls  :sarcastic:

Offline B4bcock

One question for the OP. Has the paid sex now replaced what was in the relationship? If the partner isnt asking for sex even on the very limited basis then that is being complicit in the process because somewhere every woman has a friend that will tell them that if their partner isnt pestering them for sex they are getting it elsewhere. Its a truth that a lot of women dont want to face. Once they stop asking they are admitting their partner is getting it elsewhere.

Any woman that prefers that their partner has an affair rather than going the commercial route fails to realise that their partner is just fulfilling a need that they have that is not being met. An affair is oemthgn altogether different. I may have had hundred of punts since my wife started sex refusing but an affair never.

For me, paid sex has always been a poor second to intimate sex with someone I love.   I guess my story is familiar to many on this forum - relationship starts with unlimited, varied sex.  A couple of kids later and quantity and quality are gradually withdrawn, flimsy excuses being given - I was literally told BJ's were ceasing because OH's friend had stopped giving them to her husband.  :unknown:   Eventually, I had to make a decision - feel free to make your own judgements on my moral standards, but, to me, the path I have chosen has kept our marriage and family unit intact whilst giving me the physical release I need and, indeed, crave.

Your point about pestering the OH for sex opens up some interesting issues.   Women want to be desired but also want to be able to say "no" whenever it suits them.   Men, generally, would like sex on demand, so a delicate balance is usually established in a relationship which persists until one side decides to change the boundaries.   A woman whose husband strays will get plenty of initial sympathy from her girlfriends, but she will also fret about what is being said behind her back as the sisterhood discuss the reasons why her marriage has failed - is he a bastard, or is she being cold?

Offline bhudda

it's not just the sex that dries up as soon as you've signed the joint mortgage application. We used to go to pubs and curry houses regularly but she decided she doesn't like that anymore either  :scare: 

In a way that's worse cos prossies are easy to find but I'm buggered if I'm paying for someone to go to the pub with  :angry:
« Last Edit: June 03, 2019, 12:29:09 am by bhudda »

Offline Bonker

One difference I value (between punting and a relationship) is that if I choose to walk, one costs me nothing and the other half of everything I have.

Offline winkywanky

Does sound like an episode from corrie or eastenders ,but you gotta  admire the ladies balls  :sarcastic:

Probably EXACTLY where she got the idea from. Empowerment of women, etc...

Offline freeze44

Probably EXACTLY where she got the idea from. Empowerment of women, etc...

All for women being more open etc but that sounds like empowerment to be a right cunt!! What about looking at yourself love and how being a dull dried up sour faced bitch fucked things up?? Apart from that she sounds fine!  :lol:

Offline Bogof60

it's not just the sex that dries up as soon as you've signed the joint mortgage application. We used to go to pubs and curry houses regularly but she decided she doesn't like that anymore either  :scare: 

In a way that's worse cos prossies are easy to find but I'm buggered if I'm paying for someone to go to the pub with  :angry:

going to the pub I can do on my own.
The other.
I suppose I could but I choose not to. :sarcastic:
Banned reason: Abuse of a mod.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline LoneWolf2020

I put this post up on the massage shop mini-review thread a few months back but aren't sufficiently "tech savvy" to know how to create a link (I did try as above and failed) so cut and paste below:-

.. basically my ex wife suspected I was up to something and had a friends husband follow me after work a couple of evenings; I'd become quite complacent by then and didn't for one moment think she had any clue - anyhow, he took pictures of me going in and out of a massage parlour - twice over the course of a week! My ex tied it up to sizeable cash withdrawals, then invited my parents over for dinner where she presented her "reveal".

It was the worst moment of my life - as mentioned, hideous divorce/fall out etc - I ended up pretty much penniless and very much alone in the world.

You would have thought it would have put me off punting; instead it just put me off relationships instead.

When I asked her "what made you suspicious?" She told me that sometimes I'd smell of perfume or oil or something similar - which is what prompted me to post this on here as the "smell of punting" was what did for me in the end.

The above is from a post I made at the end of Feb which I had hoped to create a link to in my above post!!

Your wife's friends husband followed you after work then grassed you up? What a creep of a bloke, he needs a good hiding.

Offline Watts.E.Dunn

"Your wife's friends husband followed you after work then grassed you up? What a creep of a bloke, he needs a good hiding."
No thats not enough!, he needs to fall in the local canal with a load of stones in his pockets;)

Thats justice for the crime he did!