Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: How do I quit?  (Read 6083 times)

Offline FlaccidChimp

I've punted for over 2 years now. Ended up finding my most efficient methods. £60 punts and massage parlors. I've enjoyed myself and I guess I still do but the excitement is gone. I've done everything I wanted to do and now I think I just want a girlfriend. The problem is it's very difficult for me to get a girlfriend and it takes a lot of work. I can just go to these places where they know me and they treat me very well. They will feed me, carry my luggage, talk like friends, and have a hot girl waiting to fulfill my desires. It's so convenient and catering, and all within budget.

If a girl doesn't contact me back there is the attractive working girl that treats me like a king for an hour and at the very least doesn't mind it because I'm lining her pockets and not an eyesore. However, when I'm at home at night there's nobody there, nobody that really cares about me. I could be spending the money on other things.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2019, 12:01:25 am by FlaccidChimp »

Offline Moby Dick

Hey, cheer up

We all have different reasons to punt, and all get different “kicks” out of it
I’ve been punting for over 20years, and without doubt there are highs and lows. I just concentrate on the highs. The lows will have to wait until I can’t punt no more.
Have you really tried everything?
I certainly haven’t.

Your life your choice.
This ain’t a rehearsal
Do what you want to do.
Punting is not an alternative to relationship. For me it’s just fun.
Good luck

« Last Edit: May 22, 2019, 12:10:55 am by Moby Dick »

Offline Lalalaveets

The way to quit is to take the time to write down 2 very long lists. 1st carefully visualise what will happen if you punt for the rest of your life, the type of person you could be the friends you’ll have and the way women will see you etc etc (make it as long as possible). 2nd is to visualise what you can be if you really tried, if you had spent the punting cash on developing yourself or investing in your future, the girl you could have, and as much detail as possible (good and bad if any)
« Last Edit: May 22, 2019, 12:32:01 am by Lalalaveets »
Banned reason: OTT abuse to fellow punters.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Moby Dick

The way to quit is to take the time to write down 2 very long lists. 1st carefully visualise what will happen if you punt for the rest of your life, the type of person you could be the friends you’ll have and the way women will see you etc etc (make it as long as possible). 2nd is to visualise what you can be if you really tried, if you had spent the punting cash on developing yourself or investing in your future, the girl you could have, and as much detail as possible (good and bad if any)

Wish someone told me this 20years ago :dash:
Is it to late for me? :D

Offline scutty brown

Offline peter purves

The way to quit is to take the time to write down 2 very long lists. 1st carefully visualise what will happen if you punt for the rest of your life, the type of person you could be the friends you’ll have and the way women will see you etc etc (make it as long as possible). 2nd is to visualise what you can be if you really tried, if you had spent the punting cash on developing yourself or investing in your future, the girl you could have, and as much detail as possible (good and bad if any)

Sorry! I think this is too binary.

I am sure many of the punters here would probably disagree with it.

I think the first challenge is finding the magical  :angelgirl: and then take things from there. Since there is no guarantee he will stop once the honeymoon period is over with his new partner.

Any thought??
Banned reason: Can't / won't take advice.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline peter purves

want to quit?

buy a pair of these
External Link/Members Only

You suggesting a nice haircut might improve his chances?  ;)

Good thinking Scutty!!
Banned reason: Can't / won't take advice.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Marvelous

Sorry! I think this is too binary.

I am sure many of the punters here would probably disagree with it.

I think the first challenge is finding the magical  :angelgirl: and then take things from there. Since there is no guarantee he will stop once the honeymoon period is over with his new partner.

Any thought??

He is just romantacising about somethimg he hasn't got, once he gets a girlfriend/wife etc he will realise after the honeymoon period is done... oh wait what a great time i had was single, had loads off money, could go shag a different bird every week no questions asked.  As for the loneliness... once you come home to the same miserable moaning cunt everynight you will be missing that to.

Offline Plan R

As for the loneliness... once you come home to the same miserable moaning cunt everynight you will be missing that to.

 :lol: :lol: :lol:    Preach it brother !   

Offline Guesswork

I've punted for over 2 years now. Ended up finding my most efficient methods. £60 punts and massage parlors. I've enjoyed myself and I guess I still do but the excitement is gone. I've done everything I wanted to do and now I think I just want a girlfriend. The problem is it's very difficult for me to get a girlfriend and it takes a lot of work. I can just go to these places where they know me and they treat me very well. They will feed me, carry my luggage, talk like friends, and have a hot girl waiting to fulfill my desires. It's so convenient and catering, and all within budget.

If a girl doesn't contact me back there is the attractive working girl that treats me like a king for an hour and at the very least doesn't mind it because I'm lining her pockets and not an eyesore. However, when I'm at home at night there's nobody there, nobody that really cares about me. I could be spending the money on other things.

Then spend it on other things. Seriously. Get into something that takes up your spare cash.

Find a hobby that has social interaction and, said all the time, be'll find someone. There's someone out there for everyone.

Buy a pet to fill the void of an empty house, maybe rent a room out?

Trust me mate, punting does not make up for something missing from your life. Doing it for that reason just creates a vicious circle.

When the fun stops, stop.

Offline Home Alone

On the other hand, . . .

A couple of months or so ago, I posted that I was about to punt a porn star. And yes, I will [/i] get round to posting the Review - it's definitely in my 'To do' file!

But the point of that post - and this one - is that, among the thoughts crowding my brain while driving home from my first-ever punt nearly 15 years ago, it NEVER [/i] occurred to me that the day might dawn when I could shag a porn actress.

Basically what I'm trying to say, in my verbose way, to the OP is that, in a metaphor I've also used before, there are just so many stalls in the punting market that, if you find it difficult to get a girlfriend - I would have at the time of my first punt - then why not try to sample the goods on offer from the various stalls?

As punters have posted on other threads, punting can - not promising it will! - give you confidence with, and around, women. What I know is I've now got more women friends - not live-in girlfriends who, with one exception - a now-retired Regular - don't know I'm a punter, than I ever had before I started this pastime.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2019, 07:14:03 am by Home Alone »

Offline David1970

There is a thread titled Hooker Fuckers Anonymous on this site you might want to join it and talk through your problems.

There are also thread for those that cannot reach a room in a hotel, those that who can't get it up infront of good looking workings girl and also those who are besotted by working ladies. If you have any problems in those areas you could join theses
« Last Edit: May 22, 2019, 08:20:31 am by David1970 »

Offline bronson24

He is just romantacising about somethimg he hasn't got, once he gets a girlfriend/wife etc he will realise after the honeymoon period is done... oh wait what a great time i had was single, had loads off money, could go shag a different bird every week no questions asked.  As for the loneliness... once you come home to the same miserable moaning cunt everynight you will be missing that to.

A very excellent post marvelous

. Ive been single for over a year now and tbh i feel lonely at times too and wish i had a girlfriend again then my mate who is married and has kids tells me how good i have it being single and independent ,  i have no kids and own my own home.  and not have to listen to the same constant bullshit he has to puts up with everyday, and says  pretty much exactly the same thing you have just written here and it brings me back down to reality.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2019, 08:24:03 am by bronson24 »

Offline anyfucker

The way to quit is to take the time to write down 2 very long lists. 1st carefully visualise what will happen if you punt for the rest of your life, the type of person you could be the friends you’ll have and the way women will see you etc etc (make it as long as possible). 2nd is to visualise what you can be if you really tried, if you had spent the punting cash on developing yourself or investing in your future, the girl you could have, and as much detail as possible (good and bad if any)
Or write down a list of what you'd like to do then choose your top 3-5 and only focus on those things, don't waste your time with anything else.

Offline MME

.....  As for the loneliness... once you come home to the same miserable moaning cunt everynight you will be missing that to.
Nearly spat my coffee out at this one.!

I would have personally added: the same miserable moaning cunt playing Candy Crush....

Offline Payyourwaymate

I've done everything I wanted to do and now I think I just want a girlfriend. The problem is it's very difficult for me to get a girlfriend and it takes a lot of work.

If a girl doesn't contact me back there is the attractive working girl that treats me like a king for an hour and at the very least doesn't mind it because I'm lining her pockets and not an eyesore. However, when I'm at home at night there's nobody there, nobody that really cares about me. I could be spending the money on other things.

Change how you view yourself so that you don't need a woman to validate your existence. In terms of quitting punting, find another hobby that gives you as much engagement and pleasure as punting did when you first started.

Or you can still punt for the sexual release and buy a dog for the companionship you seem to crave.

Hope that helps.

Offline tynetunnel

On the other hand, . . .

A couple of months or so ago, I posted that I was about to punt a porn star. And yes, I will [/i] get round to posting the Review - it's definitely in my 'To do' file!

But the point of that post - and this one - is that, among the thoughts crowding my brain while driving home from my first-ever punt nearly 15 years ago, it NEVER [/i] occurred to me that the day might dawn when I could shag a porn actress.

Basically what I'm trying to say, in my verbose way, to the OP is that, in a metaphor I've also used before, there are just so many stalls in the punting market that, if you find it difficult to get a girlfriend - I would have at the time of my first punt - then why not try to sample the goods on offer from the various stalls?

As punters have posted on other threads, punting can - not promising it will! - give you confidence with, and around, women. What I know is I've now got more women friends - not live-in girlfriends who, with one exception - a now-retired Regular - don't know I'm a punter, than I ever had before I started this pastime.
Exactly this. Punting has given me confidence round women. Maybe even made me slightly arrogant. I’ll look at a fit 20 something girl and think “maybe i could have you” - cos I know I have had similar, even though I have paid for it. Punting and the cash I have can literally open doors to delights that I thought long gone, or even for me never existed!

I’ve had more fannies in the past year than in all the other 50+ put together! Mostly 30 years younger than me! I’m not suggesting I’m any kind of stud. Far from it. But it’s given me confidence. And if I wasn't married (and indeed, when I’m no longer married) I know I’d have bags more balls to just go for it

Offline Doc Holliday

Or you can still punt for the sexual release and buy a dog

I've paid for a few of those in the past  :D

Offline portaluser1991

I got lonely once and I said to my mate

"I always knew we would miss the big girls that used to openly give it to us back in the days."

He replied

"Not if you were married to one of them and they were controlling it."

« Last Edit: May 22, 2019, 07:08:09 pm by portaluser1991 »

Offline Hobbit

I've punted for over 2 years now. Ended up finding my most efficient methods. £60 punts and massage parlors. I've enjoyed myself and I guess I still do but the excitement is gone. I've done everything I wanted to do and now I think I just want a girlfriend. The problem is it's very difficult for me to get a girlfriend and it takes a lot of work. I can just go to these places where they know me and they treat me very well. They will feed me, carry my luggage, talk like friends, and have a hot girl waiting to fulfill my desires. It's so convenient and catering, and all within budget.

If a girl doesn't contact me back there is the attractive working girl that treats me like a king for an hour and at the very least doesn't mind it because I'm lining her pockets and not an eyesore. However, when I'm at home at night there's nobody there, nobody that really cares about me. I could be spending the money on other things.

 In this world, we are always alone – that will never change and you need to get used to that.
  Just be happy with yourself and enjoy life and the things you do. People will come and go.

Offline OakTree

There is an emptiness to punting and it certainly doesn't replace true companionship. That said, punting is for fucking and not companionship. Neither should be used to replace the other. Join a club or go on a dating site if companionship is what you want but that doesn't mean you have to give up punting. You may actually find that even with a partner punting is still a craving.

Offline David1970

I've punted for over 2 years now. Ended up finding my most efficient methods. £60 punts and massage parlors. I've enjoyed myself and I guess I still do but the excitement is gone. I've done everything I wanted to do and now I think I just want a girlfriend. The problem is it's very difficult for me to get a girlfriend and it takes a lot of work. I can just go to these places where they know me and they treat me very well. They will feed me, carry my luggage, talk like friends, and have a hot girl waiting to fulfill my desires. It's so convenient and catering, and all within budget.

If a girl doesn't contact me back there is the attractive working girl that treats me like a king for an hour and at the very least doesn't mind it because I'm lining her pockets and not an eyesore. However, when I'm at home at night there's nobody there, nobody that really cares about me. I could be spending the money on other things.

1 Give your self a shake and get a grip of your self, you are whining like a little girl.
2 Stop visiting SP
3 Take up a pastime that women your age are into, ballroom dancing, bowls etc.
4 Go on a web site like Plenty of Fish etc.

Offline Lalalaveets

1 Give your self a shake and get a grip of your self, you are whining like a little girl.
2 Stop visiting SP
3 Take up a pastime that women your age are into, ballroom dancing, bowls etc.
4 Go on a web site like Plenty of Fish etc.

Ballroom dancing?... bowls?..... he sounds in his mid 20s, I doubt he’s looking to fuck the cobwebs out of some old slag

Banned reason: OTT abuse to fellow punters.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Malvolio

If the OP really wants to quit he needs to stay away from this website.

Offline Bonker

Go through the worst escort challenge thread every day.

Offline BlueRock

OP needs to take up a hobby with plenty of women attending and get a job somewhere lots of people work.
Been in same boat and took that advice. Met a few ladies and am dating one. Cliche I know but a non Brit lady is a serious improvement. The only problem is with punting you're picking a woman purely off looks  who can be out your league and you get used to the lookers rather than meeting someone who grows on you over days/weeks.

Offline David1970

Ballroom dancing?... bowls?..... he sounds in his mid 20s, I doubt he’s looking to fuck the cobwebs out of some old slag

From his post I thought he was some  kind of coffin dodger with dementia.

If he is in his mid 20s what the fucks the wimps problem.


  • Guest
I've often thought about retiring from 'the quest' and I've had several spells of abstention over the years,but like heroin addicts...I'm still looking for that thrill,that excitement that I had on my first couple of punts....yes it used to be  about emptying my balls or whatever,but now that isn't so important,especially as Mr gristle doesn't perform as he did, for me it's the experience that I'm reluctant to give up.
If at your age you really want to give up,but don't have the mental strength...tick the likes BB box on the AW search..and go 'Russian Roulette'..if you catch a dose,then the ignominy of the cure will MAKE you pack up.

Offline Logamimo

In this world, we are always alone – that will never change and you need to get used to that.
  Just be happy with yourself and enjoy life and the things you do. People will come and go.

Wish I'd thought of that - spot on.  :thumbsup:

Offline Bonker

I'm an incurable optimist, always expecting that great punt, despite years of disappointment - as you will see from my reviews.

I can go for weeks without it but then the worm lifts up his head and makes me look at AW.

Offline dubs

I've punted for over 2 years now. Ended up finding my most efficient methods. £60 punts and massage parlors. I've enjoyed myself and I guess I still do but the excitement is gone. I've done everything I wanted to do and now I think I just want a girlfriend. The problem is it's very difficult for me to get a girlfriend and it takes a lot of work. I can just go to these places where they know me and they treat me very well. They will feed me, carry my luggage, talk like friends, and have a hot girl waiting to fulfill my desires. It's so convenient and catering, and all within budget.

If a girl doesn't contact me back there is the attractive working girl that treats me like a king for an hour and at the very least doesn't mind it because I'm lining her pockets and not an eyesore. However, when I'm at home at night there's nobody there, nobody that really cares about me. I could be spending the money on other things.

Nice avatar BTW,

Anyway, as they say in Hotel California, "You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave"


  • Guest
Just read this thread and i am falling about with laughter,  my shirt is wearing my G&T lol. Not the authors first post but the replies are fooking hilarious and the one about candy Crush nearly had me pissing myself.

Mate you will never give up, four engagements, 2 weddings that lasted 30 years between them, countless affairs and one night stands and i have never stopped. The urge will come whatever your situation, just learn how to hide things on phones and computers or you too will have 2 ex wives lol.

Offline christofferson

Marvelous is 100% spot on here.
Having married and divorced and suffered  the  kids, house, mortgage fallout ...I used POF
on and off for years with good results Now that site has gone real bad the last few years, hard to
even meet for a date nowadays.
Full of whales, leeches and specifically, women wanting an ATM.
Women on benefits with 20/30 year old siblings still at home.
One I met was still renting after taking retirement after 35 years as a teacher, ffs.
They are all on there, a carousel ready to put out for something.
Hence my shift towards UKP and AW.

I have had a few girlfriends in between.
The common thread with all of them was that long term commitment was wanted / required , a few openly talked about marriage.
After the mangle of divorce or just plain break ups involving property and possessions I take serious comfort
when I feel a bit low like FlacidChimp.
Comfort knowing that I won't have to put up with any more of that mind bending bollocks from them or anyone else.
The freedom that we all have is the price some of us pay for the loneliness.
The resulting price we pay for prossies.
But it is one worth paying.

Full on partners, marriage, live in it whatever you like but ultimately it will be the most expensive
shag you will ever have.
So when you feel down FChimp, think how seriously fucked up your life could be coming home to the same
female waste of space who promised so much at the beginning  but then started  to leech you to death with unrealistic expectation.
The demands, the wanting to know " where you are ", "what are you doing ", " why did you do that ".
The one who was fucking your brains out for six months, then went a bit weird and / or changed personna  from the person
you originally met.

Take all the comfort and solace in the world knowing that you do not have to be part of that mind fuck.


  • Guest

From his post I thought he was some  kind of coffin dodger with dementia.

If he is in his mid 20s what the fucks the wimps problem.

If me spelling is bad ,i cant see the keys through my tears of laughter, This poor chap needs to do it the Indian way. While visiting friends there, 3 brothers, one says he is going to get married.
I said i didn,t know he had a partner/girlfriend and he replied he hasn,t. He was holding interviews from replies to a newspaper ad.I actually was there for some of them and sure enough wedding arranged in weeks. Visited the following year and she is pregnant and he says Dave there is a problem.

Starts telling me she will have to go back, The new Suzuki Alto her parents promised had not arrived. I said have you spoken to her and the parents and he says no, i suggested he did and 3 days later he was taking me for a drive in the new car lol.

now that could be the answer to all your prayers lol


  • Guest
I got lonely once and I said to my mate

"I always knew we would miss the big girls that used to openly give it to us back in the days."

He replied

"Not if you were married to one of them and they were controlling it."

My mate married a big girl that we once gangbanged on the pubs pool table, 30 plus years later they are still together and happy as long as he keeps saying yes.Just goes to show there is someone for everyone.

Offline FlaccidChimp

I'm fairly good looking so I expected to be making girls cum during my twenties. However apart from my looks I'm undesirable. I rarely got action and when I did the woman just wanted temporary fun with me. A girl had ditched me for another guy and I was on porn when an escort ad popped up. I clicked it and have never escaped the culture fully. Seeing working girls never did good for my ego except when I believed they were enjoying it.

Now I know how good some are at faking it and they're just happy that I'm a steady stream of income. They do whatever so I'll return. The more I come back the more some are willing to do and the more they know how to please me. So it's almost inescapable. I guess I just want someone to talk to who I can be intimate with. Working girls are performers. Also, I can't afford to pay for overnights or dinner dates and would feel like a complete loser if I did.

Maybe I am romanticizing a relationship but i've never had a proper long term one. Maybe I'd rather be single but I don't know yet. I'm going to go splash some more money because the massuese put my penis in her mouth last time and I want to see what she does next.

Offline Kool Keef

It's part of the human condition I guess, rarely being fully satisfied & always feeling that the grass is greener.
Loneliness (occasional or not) is a byproduct of being single (for some anyway ) & a loss of freedom is a byproduct of being in a relationship.
Happiness isn't a destination, it comes in moments as the great Dennis Leary said (probably paraphrasing there )

Offline Steely Dan

Maybe I am romanticizing a relationship but i've never had a proper long term one.
Fly to the Philippines. Swipe right. Meet her.  Say 'yes'.

Congrats on your Filipeno wife.

Offline yandex

I'm fairly good looking so I expected to be making girls cum during my twenties. However apart from my looks I'm undesirable. I rarely got action and when I did the woman just wanted temporary fun with me. A girl had ditched me for another guy and I was on porn when an escort ad popped up. I clicked it and have never escaped the culture fully. Seeing working girls never did good for my ego except when I believed they were enjoying it.

Now I know how good some are at faking it and they're just happy that I'm a steady stream of income. They do whatever so I'll return. The more I come back the more some are willing to do and the more they know how to please me. So it's almost inescapable. I guess I just want someone to talk to who I can be intimate with. Working girls are performers. Also, I can't afford to pay for overnights or dinner dates and would feel like a complete loser if I did.

Maybe I am romanticizing a relationship but i've never had a proper long term one. Maybe I'd rather be single but I don't know yet. I'm going to go splash some more money because the massuese put my penis in her mouth last time and I want to see what she does next.

Mate, you sound like you've got some serious self esteem issues going on. Try this - External Link/Members Only

You're never going to substitute intimate relationships with punting - that's purely for sex, despite the (very rare) acting ability of some WGs. There's some good advice on here - take up a hobby which involves meeting other people and widen your circle of friends. Local colleges are a good source of adult classes like baking and knitting, and who wouldn't want to meet a knitter like her ?

It's the best way of actually connecting with a woman (assuming it's a woman you want a relationship with that is - not trying to insult). As Wreckless Eric says, there's someone for everyone, you just have to make the effort.

Good luck

Offline Ali Katt

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I'm fairly good looking so I expected to be making girls cum during my twenties. However apart from my looks I'm undesirable. I rarely got action and when I did the woman just wanted temporary fun with me. A girl had ditched me for another guy and I was on porn when an escort ad popped up. I clicked it and have never escaped the culture fully. Seeing working girls never did good for my ego except when I believed they were enjoying it.

Now I know how good some are at faking it and they're just happy that I'm a steady stream of income. They do whatever so I'll return. The more I come back the more some are willing to do and the more they know how to please me. So it's almost inescapable. I guess I just want someone to talk to who I can be intimate with. Working girls are performers. Also, I can't afford to pay for overnights or dinner dates and would feel like a complete loser if I did.

Maybe I am romanticizing a relationship but i've never had a proper long term one. Maybe I'd rather be single but I don't know yet. I'm going to go splash some more money because the massuese put my penis in her mouth last time and I want to see what she does next.
You don't sound so different to me. Albeit a relationship break-up pushed me into punting, I had enough of headwreckers.

You're not a Virgo are you? I'm not, but that sounds like a similar mentality to some Virgos I've met.

Personally speaking and I've discussed this before, but if someone had said to me when I was a relatively inexperienced 20-something you will have a woman squirt twice on your face, or you will have a woman get wet just by sucking your cock or you will give dirty talk and you won't feel the slightest bit embarrassed I should coco. The first escort I saw I was nervous to be naked in front of her. The point of this is don't compare yourself to other people, compare yourself to who you once were.

Offline scutty brown

If you really want to give up, give these chaps a ring, they're the experts

External Link/Members Only

this may give you some insight
External Link/Members Only

you can find sexual behaviour counsellors local to you here
External Link/Members Only

Offline Ali Katt

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If you really want to give up, give these chaps a ring, they're the experts

External Link/Members Only

this may give you some insight
External Link/Members Only

you can find sexual behaviour counsellors local to you here
External Link/Members Only
I don't think he has sex addiction, I think he has inferiority complex and status anxiety.

Offline scutty brown

I don't think he has sex addiction, I think he has inferiority complex and status anxiety.

But if they can cure him of any desire for sex, then his inferiority and status issues will go away

Offline Ali Katt

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But if they can cure him of any desire for sex, then his inferiority and status issues will go away
It don't work like that. It's like curing tuberculosis, but missing the cancer.

Offline LoneWolf2020

Research the true nature of women then get back to us.

Check out some of the married guys on here, sexually starved and nagged to death day in day out. Its a common occurrence. Resources secured via marriage/kids then the witholding of sex begins.

The reasons are because evolution has programmed them to behave that way since cavemen, part of the thrill for a woman to sleep with a man is the chance to secure his wealth, when its secured the fanny will dry up.

Nature never evolved men to be in relationships, we evolved to exchange our assets for regular sex with different women, not to exchange thousands of pounds for some fat beach whale who sits on her arse all day giving you orders and hasnt sucked your cock since 1975


  • Guest
Research the true nature of women then get back to us.

Check out some of the married guys on here, sexually starved and nagged to death day in day out. Its a common occurrence. Resources secured via marriage/kids then the witholding of sex begins.

The reasons are because evolution has programmed them to behave that way since cavemen, part of the thrill for a woman to sleep with a man is the chance to secure his wealth, when its secured the fanny will dry up.

Nature never evolved men to be in relationships, we evolved to exchange our assets for regular sex with different women, not to exchange thousands of pounds for some fat beach whale who sits on her arse all day giving you orders and hasnt sucked your cock since 1975

You forgot playing Candy Crush on her phone lol. Why do most of them do that.?

Offline tynetunnel

You forgot playing Candy Crush on her phone lol. Why do most of them do that.?
Oh. Your’s does that too? I thought it was just mine  :unknown:

Offline irishdick

Fucking brilliant thread, no offence meant to the OP who seems to have some real issues.
But the replies are priceless. As a guy who has been married a long time I heartily agree with a lot of the comments.  :hi:

Offline Ali Katt

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You forgot playing Candy Crush on her phone lol. Why do most of them do that.?
Because it's easy to play. It's a game for non gamers.


  • Guest
Oh. Your’s does that too? I thought it was just mine  :unknown:

someone mentioned it earlier and i could not stop laughing, not only mine though we are separated, but most of my mates wives too. what the fuck did they do before phones, oh yes i remember, fucking nag you to do this or that.

Which brings me back to the subject, every time i have had a relationship of sorts with a wg, they either want to go out come home and fuck, or relax in my home away from workplace which is usually their home, drink eat and fuck. I really can,t see a downside as long as you keep an eye on the wallet and can move on when it goes rat shit. No full on relationship, meet 1, 2 or 3 times a week, no nagging, no complaining no fucking text messages then calls when you don,t reply, no Candy crush, no calls when you home late and no, well not many, punting bills. no guilt for punting and cheating.
So would i do it again, already regretting ending the last one, i wonder if lol.