Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Why the need for punting phones?  (Read 5933 times)

Offline Silver Birch

I don't think anyone really knows the extent social media algorithms are linking our lives together behind the scenes. I've seen stalky punters on here mention they have tracked down a wg on Facebook and now know their real name, but they have also exposed themselves to the wg, unless they have been very careful.

Punting is a risky business whether you have anything to lose (at this moment in time) or not. If it ever becomes public knowledge that you visit prostitutes, most women (and quite a lot of men) will judge you badly, and the reputation will follow you for a long, long time. I have seen it with a couple of guys down the local, and if ever they bring a woman to the pub, everyone is speculating whether they are a prostitute or not.

My punting phone has never been connected to the Internet, my sim was bought in cash, same as my top ups. If you don't do everything possible to protect your identity, you only have yourself to blame when an angry wg who has just been outed herself, decides to out all her punters in revenge.

Offline Prof O lactic

Quote from: Gordon Bennett link=topic=24im sure640.msg2531633#msg2531633 date=1557337653
If you are an infrequent user of your mobile phone and don't use social media (ie you are a heterosexual man born before 1970) you probably can, with some basic care and common sense, cheerfully use your main phone for punting purposes. In all other circumstances it's probably best to use a separate punting phone.

You had me under surveillance ?

It all seems very cloak n dagger , but nothing illegal is taking place .
Personally ive never paid for sexual services when Married or "involved" as I wouldn't disrespect my significant other , so the issue doesnt in fact appear to be am issue for me .
Never owned a spare phone.

To paraphrase gandalf , One phone to ring them all . :sarcastic:


Offline BogBog1

Thats good info zakk, thanks. I wonder if you could just get a hushed number then always use that for whatsapp. Im pretty sure it doesnt actually use the phone number after you initially join up!

That's right: even after your Hushed number has expired, your Whatsapp account remains 100% active with that number. So from then on you just need to message people from Whatsapp. The only thing you can't do is message anyone who doesn't have Whatsapp - if they insist on using normal text only then you're stuffed. But most girls on SA will either be using Whatsapp already, or will be equally keen to keep things discreet, and so will be more than happy to download it. That's always been my experience anyway. I've never texted anyone from my normal phone number.

Offline Sexmadsteve1

I just switch the sim.

Nice and easy and keeps your u safe.

Offline shauno23

Given what I experienced yesterday and I'm not sure it's over yet, then a separate punting phone is absolutely VITAL.

Make sure it's a pay as you go with no trace to you. Either to a billing address or connected you your social media.

It really is worth it.

Offline mazda40

Did my first review this week, unfortunately for me, it was a neg.
 Glad that because I used a payg sim there can be no  come back from a disgruntled WG

Offline romano77

If you are an infrequent user of your mobile phone and don't use social media (ie you are a heterosexual man born before 1970) you probably can, with some basic care and common sense, cheerfully use your main phone for punting purposes. In all other circumstances it's probably best to use a separate punting phone.
+1...agree with above said comments... If you are reasonably off grid or rare punting chief sim/phone might be ok but if you punt regularly then punting sim/phone is necessity... and just a word of warning to original op... Don't be so complacent or lackadaisical... You actually appear to be quite naive...

Offline mradventures

anyone got a recommended sims or sim deals for the punting phone?

ill probably be using a old smartphone

Online MissWolf

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When I add a number to my phone book it links it to my Google account,  that's linked to my book of faces etc etc.....I have had many customers come up in my FB suggested friends list due to their numbers linking them, the opportunities for me to out them have been many.
It's not something I would ever do and I always hit the remove button, but not everyone is like that.

A punting phone I would say is a must.

Offline Watts.E.Dunn

Did my first review this week, unfortunately for me, it was a neg.
 Glad that because I used a payg sim there can be no  come back from a disgruntled WG

Well thats the idea of this site, not to tell them therer're so bloody wonderfull but constructive criticism in the hope they'll improve thier services!

Offline Fabaceous

I use my punting phone for WhatsApp and use the app on my laptop linked to that phone.
I left the phone in my office, still switched on and went home. I opened my laptop at home later in the evening and it was still connected to the WhatsApp account.
Useful in one way - could awkward in another:-)

Offline Happylad

The only mobile `phone I have is a 12 year old "Pay as you go" Nokia which cost me £20 and about £20 a year in top-up fees.  As far as my `phone is aware an `Android` is something out of Starwars, and it`s never heard of `Apps`.  Its location is untraceable except when I`m actually using it, and even then only to the service provider.  It sends and receives telephone calls and texts which are then deleted and stores only a few numbers which have merely an identifying initial which, if queried about , I can simply apply to practically anyone under the sun.

Why on earth anyone needs to arrange and record all their activities (nefarious or otherwise) as well as their financial and private affairs on a ridiculously expensive, complicated and unreliable gadget which is accessible to almost everyone under the sun who has a similar gadget, as well as all the world`s security services and most of the criminals as well, I simply cannot comprehend.

But then, I have the same attitude to Facebook and Twittering, so perhaps I`m just a bit behind the times.

Offline MrMatrix

The only mobile `phone I have is a 12 year old "Pay as you go" Nokia which cost me £20 and about £20 a year in top-up fees.

But then, I have the same attitude to Facebook and Twittering, so perhaps I`m just a bit behind the times.
Likewise a Nokia. All though these days it doesnt hold its charge as well as it use to. Also its not as easy to type on as the modern phones :hi:

Offline Indigo33

I use a Nokia 1. Was £30 off eBay. Full android phone. I keep it at work so it's not discovered. Cheap enough I wouldn't care if I lost it. It's handy having maps, whatsapp etc. I could use my main phone but paranoid about leaving some kind of trace of where I've been.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2019, 06:22:31 pm by Indigo33 »

Offline MrMatrix

I use a Nokia 1. Was £30 off eBay. Full android phone. I keep it at work so it's not discovered. Cheap enough I wouldn't care if I lost it. It's handy having maps, whatsapp etc. I could use my main phone but paranoid about leaving some kind of trace of where I've been.
So after 18 months a memeber here you confirm you do punt. Any chance of a review please :hi:

Offline Happylad

If you are an infrequent user of your mobile phone and don't use social media (ie you are a heterosexual man born before 1970) you probably can, with some basic care and common sense, cheerfully use your main phone for punting purposes. In all other circumstances it's probably best to use a separate punting phone.

Perhaps I should also have mentioned that I am indeed a heterosexual man born before 1970, but I use a PAYG Nokia that remembers nothing to avoid the risk of having my sex life disclosed to all and sundry in my family when my funeral is celebrated a little too well and inebriately from my well stocked cellar.

Offline Cellular40

I use a punting phone because discretion and anonymity is important to me.

In my greener days I used my personal mobile and started noticing escorts I had contacted and women from dating sites were coming up in my Facebook suggestions which was fucking scary.
Banned reason: Shit stirring troll.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline northface

I don't suppose I am the only one who uses their regular phone for punting despite the good advice not to on here
as I would not have a good excuse for two phones and as for swopping sims I would probably leave the wrong one in at some point.

So each to their own and this is what i do-

In amongst a load of apps I have like a notepad document where i record phone numbers and postcodes etc.
So after every call or text it is deleted immediately after recording any info I want in this document.
This has to be done manually so there are no links etc that can pop up at random.
It would be very hard to find without knowing where it is and works for me as my number is not linked to facebook etc etc.

Offline DouglasReynholm

A second phone is a bad idea - it's like having a pack of heroin you need to keep hiding and can never get seen with. If your OH sees you with a second phone you have never mentioned she will know you're cheating straight away.

A second SIM card is not. You should have a dual-sim phone. Then you can just slip the second SIM in when you need it and take it out when you don't. A SIM is so small it fits on your fingertip - much easier to hide.

I don't even have to hide from anyone, but I use one, my second SIM is always in my phone, but disabled until I need to phone anyone I can't trust.

And as we've said before, buy the pay as you go SIM for cash and buy all your top-up vouchers with cash too.

Social media?  :dash: Turn that shit off. In fact, close your accounts.  :thumbsup:

Offline tynetunnel

A second phone is a bad idea - it's like having a pack of heroin you need to keep hiding and can never get seen with. If your OH sees you with a second phone you have never mentioned she will know you're cheating straight away.

A second SIM card is not. You should have a dual-sim phone. Then you can just slip the second SIM in when you need it and take it out when you don't. A SIM is so small it fits on your fingertip - much easier to hide.

I don't even have to hide from anyone, but I use one, my second SIM is always in my phone, but disabled until I need to phone anyone I can't trust.

And as we've said before, buy the pay as you go SIM for cash and buy all your top-up vouchers with cash too.

Social media?  :dash: Turn that shit off. In fact, close your accounts.  :thumbsup:

I’ve an iPhone with a ‘virtual sim’ built in and have just shifted my main mobile account onto this virtual sim, freeing up the physical sim slot. This will now house a disposable payg sim for my nefarious punting business, without the suspicions of having two handsets  :hi:


  • Guest
A second SIM card is not. You should have a dual-sim phone. Then you can just slip the second SIM in when you need it and take it out when you don't. A SIM is so small it fits on your fingertip - much easier to hide.

I don't even have to hide from anyone, but I use one, my second SIM is always in my phone, but disabled until I need to phone anyone I can't trust.
Even with a second SIM on many phones things like contacts lists are shared, as is the call history so you need to be very careful about complacency. Whatsapp uses a common contacts list (& uploads it to their servers) so be particularly careful of that one. Even if you use something like Parallel Spaces to install a second copy of Whatsapp the contact list is common. I believe some of the Samsung phones do have true separation but I have no experience of them.

Offline Jonestown

If you suddenly turn up at home with a special purpose MI5 approved 007 phone after years of using a bog standard Apple/Samsung/Whatever thats going to raise a few eyebrows isnt it, certainly with the kids (who will be much more tech savvy) if not the wife.

Offline DouglasReynholm

If you suddenly turn up at home with a special purpose MI5 approved 007 phone after years of using a bog standard Apple/Samsung/Whatever thats going to raise a few eyebrows isnt it, certainly with the kids (who will be much more tech savvy) if not the wife.
You only need any Android phone with dual SIM. iPhones aren't worth the cash, you're paying for the logo: Steve Jobs was easily gay enough to be a fashion designer after all!  :sarcastic:

Tap and erase each phone call you make from contacts. & Balls to Whatsapp.  :angry:

Offline romano77

Even with a second SIM on many phones things like contacts lists are shared, as is the call history so you need to be very careful about complacency. Whatsapp uses a common contacts list (& uploads it to their servers) so be particularly careful of that one. Even if you use something like Parallel Spaces to install a second copy of Whatsapp the contact list is common. I believe some of the Samsung phones do have true separation but I have no experience of them.
+1...that's the disadvantage of having a dual sim...contacts/numbers can get replicated if you're not careful and let's face it we all overlook things... :unknown:....
Cheap second burner non smart phone seems like a better option...

Offline MrMatrix

If you suddenly turn up at home with a special purpose MI5 approved 007 phone after years of using a bog standard Apple/Samsung/Whatever thats going to raise a few eyebrows isnt it, certainly with the kids (who will be much more tech savvy) if not the wife.
Raised one of my kids eyebrows and some interrogation when she saw me with my steam driven Nokia phone. Luckily I'd mentioned I had a pen friend who I talk to regularly. They suggested that I was intouch with the pen friend which really threw me a rescue line and I dug myself out of what should have been a big hole.
Never trust the kids as they are more inquisitive than the OH's and more tech savvy. And probably more street wise :hi:

Offline AnthG

Whenever you go for a job. They always insist you send your CV electronically. Or fill out an electronic application form.

There is a piece of software companies use that extracts buzzword information from your about me, or personal statement and gives it a score over how much you potentially fit the person criteria.

That software that all companies use also searches the internet for any mentions of your; name, address and mobile telephone number that you put in there for any mentions of you on the internet.

Now keep that in mind if for example, you book a girl, it was terrible, so you leave her a negative review. She then goes up onto Saafe in revenge and claims you were abusive to her in revenge with your phone number up to 'warn' others.

Or you book a girl, something comes up so you cancel and she puts a timewaster warning up for you.

Those posts will be found and shown to your potential employer.

Second issue. You book a girl, its great. And then business is slow so 6pm on a random Sunday she phones/texts you asking if you want to book her.

Or given these girls all save your number on their phone as a contact and will not delete it for love nor money. You booked her under the name John, or Bill or Andy. And another John, Bill, Andy books her and she needs to phone them to cancel and she clicks your contact saved in her phone thinking you are him and thus you get a phone call from her at any time.

Or there have been many times posted on the forums when girls retire, and so literally sell their punting phones to brand new girls given its got a list of hundreds of contacts on there of punters with comments about them all saved (e.g blacklist, nice guy, regular) etc. And this new girl has zero discretion - as in even worse than the last girl who sold her phone full of contacts. And texts/phones you up to see if you'd want to book her.
Banned reason: To much drama, account closed
Banned by: Iloveoral

Online Doc Holliday

+1 to above.

Here is potentially yet another reason not to use your personal phone

Offline _Bender_

Nah .. no need for a punting and only if I was dead and my missus propped my eyes open with match sticks would she get into my phone and apps. She’ll have a field day!!  :D

Offline snaitram99

Raised one of my kids eyebrows and some interrogation when she saw me with my steam driven Nokia phone.

Useful emergency phone to keep in car?

Offline MrMatrix

Offline DouglasReynholm

You are not forced to share contacts or anything else between sims, it's all optional. Android 'understands' that you may want to keep things totally separate.

I do just that :hi:
What if you're seen on your emergency phone and there's no emergency.. ? Red-handed!  :(

Offline boffin

I use my mobile phone to book and arrange punts. If something is up I just block the contact. I have my messages notifications set on my phone not to display on the home screen. I make the habit of keeping my phone face down when at home. My phone is connected to my Samsung smart watch so I can cancel an incoming call while my phone is on charge. Also,  when I search AW on my phone is set the browser to incognito.

Surely if you have two phones the wife/girlfriend/boyfriend will challenge you?
:scare: :scare:
You are very brave. "Phone face down" in my house is a red rag to my wife !!. My punting phone either stays switched off in my drawer at work or sits in the boot of my car with the tools under the spare tyre cover.

Offline snaitram99

:scare: :scare:
You are very brave. "Phone face down" in my house is a red rag to my wife !!. My punting phone either stays switched off in my drawer at work or sits in the boot of my car with the tools under the spare tyre cover.

Isn't the spare tyre option the obvious place for a suspicious OH to look?

Offline snaitram99

You are not forced to share contacts or anything else between sims, it's all optional. Android 'understands' that you may want to keep things totally separate.
What if you're seen on your emergency phone and there's no emergency.. ? Red-handed!  :(

Seen by whom?

Offline boffin

Isn't the spare tyre option the obvious place for a suspicious OH to look?
My OH has never changed a tire so there is no risk, she simply calls me and asks me to call the AA (yes she doesn't even ring the AA either!), I guess the AA man would be surprised to find a phone next to the spare tyre (unless his punting phone was in the same place in his car ).
having said that I shall now become paranoid and start taping it to the under side of the car in a water proof bag.............. :sarcastic:
« Last Edit: July 15, 2019, 02:39:15 pm by boffin »

Offline CBPaul

I don't think anyone really knows the extent social media algorithms are linking our lives together behind the scenes. I've seen stalky punters on here mention they have tracked down a wg on Facebook and now know their real name, but they have also exposed themselves to the wg, unless they have been very careful.

Punting is a risky business whether you have anything to lose (at this moment in time) or not. If it ever becomes public knowledge that you visit prostitutes, most women (and quite a lot of men) will judge you badly, and the reputation will follow you for a long, long time. I have seen it with a couple of guys down the local, and if ever they bring a woman to the pub, everyone is speculating whether they are a prostitute or not.

My punting phone has never been connected to the Internet, my sim was bought in cash, same as my top ups. If you don't do everything possible to protect your identity, you only have yourself to blame when an angry wg who has just been outed herself, decides to out all her punters in revenge.

Totally agree.
I've taken a long break from punting but suddenly feel the urge again, the old Nokia has already been retrieved from the back of my desk drawer at work and charged up - just need a new SIM which I'll pay cash for. I'm no novice but I freely admit that I don't understand everything my main phone does, so I won't take any risks and use it for punting.
I seem to remember that punting phones have been discussed loads of times - depends on how much you have to lose IMO. It's easy to become complacent and think you're fireproof right up until a prossie sends a text at 1am because she's short of business / confirming a booking / apologising for going silent and crapping herself that a negative review is coming for the punt that didn't happen. Personally I can't risk that.   

Offline smiths

Totally agree.
I've taken a long break from punting but suddenly feel the urge again, the old Nokia has already been retrieved from the back of my desk drawer at work and charged up - just need a new SIM which I'll pay cash for. I'm no novice but I freely admit that I don't understand everything my main phone does, so I won't take any risks and use it for punting.
I seem to remember that punting phones have been discussed loads of times - depends on how much you have to lose IMO. It's easy to become complacent and think you're fireproof right up until a Sex Worker sends a text at 1am because she's short of business / confirming a booking / apologising for going silent and crapping herself that a negative review is coming for the punt that didn't happen. Personally I can't risk that.

Good to see you back. :thumbsup: Yes complacency can be fatal in punting.

Offline smiths

Where I keep my punting phone I am not stupid enough to post on here which could be being read by anyone.

IMO its not wise to give mumsnetters and others free information where punters hide their phones.

Offline CBPaul

Good to see you back. :thumbsup: Yes complacency can be fatal in punting.

Cheers, thanks Smiths. Glad to be back, a long punting break and raring to go.  :thumbsup:

Offline romano77

Totally agree.
I've taken a long break from punting but suddenly feel the urge again, the old Nokia has already been retrieved from the back of my desk drawer at work and charged up - just need a new SIM which I'll pay cash for. I'm no novice but I freely admit that I don't understand everything my main phone does, so I won't take any risks and use it for punting.
I seem to remember that punting phones have been discussed loads of times - depends on how much you have to lose IMO. It's easy to become complacent and think you're fireproof right up until a Sex Worker sends a text at 1am because she's short of business / confirming a booking / apologising for going silent and crapping herself that a negative review is coming for the punt that didn't happen. Personally I can't risk that.

+1...totally agree...the complacency on here from whom I assume are the younger punters
amazes me ...especially since they've grown up in the smart phone age and should be aware how easy it is to get hold of personal data, details etc and potentially cause a lot of harm ... :unknown: