Sugar Babies

Author Topic: How do those of us who have a Regular  (Read 12080 times)

Offline Home Alone

... decide that you'll see her again and again? Is it her looks; the service she provides and how she provides it; her personality; her attitude, or other factors - reasonable price for what she does, for example?

I ask because I recently saw a new-to-me girl and am fairly sure she'll become a Regular. At that first meeting, it just felt like we 'clicked'. NOT in any romantic sense - I've had E.A.S. and am never going back there :scare: , thank you very much! And I'm 72, so I'm not looking for a relationship.

No, it just felt like we 'clicked' as Escort and client, but as I made my way home, I couldn't put my finger - insert your own joke here - on why?

I should add that I also make a point of 'proper' punting - seeing a new girl most months. And that despite the title I've given this thread, I'd be interested in the views of those of you who would never think of having a Regular.

Offline tynetunnel

I had a regular - she was pretty, funny, sexy, and as fit as. If I could have taken her home, I would have. Just an amazing girl, when she walked in to my hotel room for the first time, my jaw hit the floor. I vowed she would become a regular. In total I think I saw her 5 times, and each time she seemed more relaxed and less interested.

Not a mistake I’ll make again

Offline bob the knob

for me,  i will return to my regulars if i feel they have and continue to put in the effort to understand what makes me tick in the bedroom, if they remember past punts and what made them good for me,  its a skill that sadly not many escorts have or try to develop.  if an escort makes me feel special when i know i am just another guy to them, i love to be flattered and complimented but it has to appear to be genuine even when it is not.

Offline peter purves

Coolidge Effect - usually cannot go more than 3 rounds, like a good amateur  :P ;).

If I can go beyond the magical 3 then there must be something exceptional about her ie looks, body, 'click'...SOMETHING  :hi: :P
Banned reason: Can't / won't take advice.
Banned by: daviemac


With regard to a regular I think it's all about how you click with her and being happy and satisfied with the service she provides. I think it's that that  makes me want to go back. Do like the excitement of visiting a new girl though so wouldn't make a regular entirely exclusive. It means you can then have your cake and eat it too then I suppose.     

Offline Jamboney

The only reg I had initially started off as a plan B. First punt with her was pretty good, and then a few weeks later after being let down by another girl I decoded to see her again and that time it was fantastic. I don't tend to do return visits but her attitude and quality of service combined with living in a punting desert meant I returned to her many times over the following 18 months or so.

Offline freeze44

For me I have a few that have seen a number of times as you know your going to get exactly what you want and they always deliver  :thumbsup:

Offline BernardBlack

For me it comes down to three things - attitude, service and compatability
attitude - does she make each meeting an enjoyable time, are comms easy, no dramatics, no games
service - do you get the same or better service each time, does she offer all (or nearly all ) of the services you want
compatability - do you get on with each other, find it easy to communicate what you would like, and does that make each meeting get one notch better, can you actually have a conversation with them

They are all somewhat interlinked, but its the way i tend to look it.  Sometimes easy to say someone was an ok one-off and not see them again but it usually takes at least 3 visits to make a rounded judgement decision on someone becoming a regular.

After that I tend to keep seeing them,not exclusively though, until one of those three factors drops down and then it's time to re-evaluate, making appropriate allowance for people having an occasional off-day.  I find that good regulars are hard to find - those that tick all the boxes - so won't stop seeing them after one “off” meet, but after a couple, probably time to move on.

Online Punterperson1971

For me it comes down to three things - attitude, service and compatability
attitude - does she make each meeting an enjoyable time, are comms easy, no dramatics, no games
service - do you get the same or better service each time, does she offer all (or nearly all ) of the services you want
compatability - do you get on with each other, find it easy to communicate what you would like, and does that make each meeting get one notch better, can you actually have a conversation with them

They are all somewhat interlinked, but its the way i tend to look it.  Sometimes easy to say someone was an ok one-off and not see them again but it usually takes at least 3 visits to make a rounded judgement decision on someone becoming a regular.

After that I tend to keep seeing them,not exclusively though, until one of those three factors drops down and then it's time to re-evaluate, making appropriate allowance for people having an occasional off-day.  I find that good regulars are hard to find - those that tick all the boxes - so won't stop seeing them after one “off” meet, but after a couple, probably time to move on.
I agree with all that you said,I click with her and never feel nervous it just flows and it’s always good sometimes better when she suggests something different or she makes first move,but every now and then I do get the urge to see a new one that takes my fancy it breaks it up a little and I look forward to seeing my regular again and by that I mean I think about what I’m going to do to her when we next meet up and also think what can she wear next or even let her choose what to wear.

Offline McSwell

For me it's a bit of laziness on my part.

I used to punt different girls every week at a local parlour.

After it closed   I found a girl I'd  seen at that parlour on Adultwork, she's a top girl with loads of good reviews  so obviously the service was good.
I got messed around with trying to book other girls on Adultwork and found it easier to stick with the one I know.

I'm not a regular like every week, it's as it suits my work. Some times I can be in her area twice in a week then next time ut can be two months.

It's just easy and less hassle
« Last Edit: March 24, 2019, 09:26:51 pm by McSwell »

Offline B4bcock

A couple of years ago a new girl turned up at a parlour I frequented.  She was a 19 year-old Romanian and fit as fuck, both in body and facially.   BUT,  her english was very limited and it was difficult to make anything other than basic communication.   I saw her 3 times in total and, although her service was keenly delivered with a happy disposition, I never felt relaxed with her and the sex always felt flat.   Converesely, many times I have seen women twice her age or more and, despite the crow's feet eyes and orange peel bums, had a great time, simply due to engaging in easy, relaxed conversation with them during the meeting.

I now have several regulars, ranging in age from early 20's to 50 plus and the common denominator is an easy-going nature with a good sense of humour.   After all, what we do is all about having fun.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2019, 10:13:34 pm by B4bcock »

Offline Davey Dykes

It's not something I normally do but have a current favourite / regular. See her most weeks and we get on well / excellent actress.

If it suggests anything beyond punter/ whore she'll be dropped faster than a Tramps pish stained knickers when offered a Tenner.

Offline holeymoley

For me I have a few that have seen a number of times as you know your going to get exactly what you want and they always deliver  :thumbsup:


Offline Bonker

I've had a few regulars. Each time there was the dynamic of meeting expectations but lack of excitement leading to boredom. Nowadays I only last 3 or 4 punts before moving on.

Offline jordan452

Service is the main factor they have to be consistent or aim to make each visit better.
Regulars are inevitable sometimes I get cancellations with new WGs, and they are the only ones available on a specific day which I took time out for.
I got several regulars some I see every other month some I see twice a year. When there is a big gap between visits the ‘Coolidge Effect’ is to some extent none existent.

Online GreyDave

 :hi: I sort of do this on and off ...daft answer really if they are what I fancy at time and give a good performance (cause that is all it is :( :( )
I will see them maybe 5 times before thinking whatch out for eas.
 I used to see a WG at Curves Unlimited who was to me almost perfect pretty , Massive but full firm Jugs and always a smile ect...
I saw her every week for 2 months  :dash: :dash:  then  one day she said "same time then next week Lv?"  and it hit me in the eyes she was just a Brass and I was just her Thursday evening Punter :(

I did worry more when younger but now I know its just a cash thingy and thats all they see in this potbellyed bald geezer now :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Offline RedKettle

It is not a complicated science - you fancy a punt and consider the girls in that area you have seen before, do you prefer any of them to the others on AW?

Sometimes you want the excitement of trying something new and sometimes you want the (hopefully) reassurance of reliable service - which is one factor that feeds into the decision in the same way as whether you fancy big or small boobs that day.

Offline hullad

I have been seeing a regular for around four years about once a month, I dont write reports on here about her, never have never will. A chance booking led me into seeing her regular as we just clicked on many levels, we know each other very well now names, families, non punting phone number the lot. She has never asked for anything cash wise and I get very good rates 50% discount and time is never observed. No danger of EAS as we are both not stupid and a 16 year age gap and we are still experimenting sexually as well which keeps it fresh.

Its a win win for both of us

Offline Home Alone

You lucky lad! Sounds an ideal arrangement to me.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2019, 10:12:46 am by Home Alone »

Offline cueball

Regs for me need a few boxes ticking....

Attitude.... Must be cheerful and make me feel welcome every time.

Service.... Must always remain as good as meet number one.

Pricing.... Be reasonably priced, two quid per minute is the sweet spot for me.

Reliability.... If she says we're on, then we're on!

Location.... Hotels and city centres invariably mean it's a once only visit from me. I return to decent venues with good, nearby parking.

Offline pythondan

Apart from the obvious looks the thing that tempts me to be a regular is if the girl seems to enjoy herself with me. Probably falling for good acting most of the time I know but it flatters my ego. Once a girl has become a regular the ability to make punts interesting through costumes, different positions or new services can keep me returning. Often I suggest these so the girl just needs to be receptive and enthusiastic.

I saw one girl on and off for nine years until she retired 28 months ago. She was pretty much my ideal in terms of looks and used to seem to really enjoy our meets. Still looking for a decent regular to replace her. Some touring girls have come close but want someone who is available to suit me rather than waiting months for them to return.

Online GreyDave

I have been seeing a regular for around four years about once a month, I dont write reports on here about her, never have never will. A chance booking led me into seeing her regular as we just clicked on many levels, we know each other very well now names, families, non punting phone number the lot. She has never asked for anything cash wise and I get very good rates 50% discount and time is never observed. No danger of EAS as we are both not stupid and a 16 year age gap and we are still experimenting sexually as well which keeps it fresh.

Its a win win for both of us

 :scare: :scare: :scare: That would scare the shite outta me and a load of others if you have no OH then not quite as risky but I once gave my work no foolishly to a WG who I was quasi EAS ed to she then was able to get home details ect and pestered me for next booking ....this was almost the ending of my realtionship with 1st wife (who went of with a BBC as most Fat Blondes do  :D :D) she luckly lost interest when found I was not a "Boss " in the firm (used to and still allowed to use his Jag  :) :) and an old Mercedes so that gave impression I was more that the pot bellyed little dick I really am  :unknown: :unknown:

Offline RedKettle

Regs for me need a few boxes ticking....

Attitude.... Must be cheerful and make me feel welcome every time.

Service.... Must always remain as good as meet number one.

Pricing.... Be reasonably priced, two quid per minute is the sweet spot for me.

Reliability.... If she says we're on, then we're on!

Location.... Hotels and city centres invariably mean it's a once only visit from me. I return to decent venues with good, nearby parking.

I expect the service to improve as she learns what you like and also as you become more valuable to her as a regular!  Often it goes the other way as they get complacent and then I move on, either for a while or permanently.

Online Punterperson1971

One regular I see suggests things like to tie her up or spank her and makes comments about how sexy it is to fuck,luck and suck in front of the mirror.

Offline penisilin

Saw a very pretty girl on a B&S and decided to make her a regular based on the service, her looks and proximity. But after 3 visits she became too comfortable or relaxed I'd say and the service depreciated. She would no longer allow me do RO, she'll be hooked on her phone more often etc. So I decided to stop seeing her and learnt a lesson - never let a WG feel too relaxed.

Offline penisilin

Caution to those looking to have regulars - Try to find out if they're going to be based in your catchment area for a long time or else what's the point when they move after a short while?

Offline Trotter671

For me I have a few that have seen a number of times as you know your going to get exactly what you want and they always deliver  :thumbsup:

This is the same for me - have done previously and a couple of girls now I have seen numerous times as they are seriously hot (IMO anyway) and a never rushed great service.

Offline S.X. MacHine

Yep. Regulars for me. Actually, I have three whom I see in rotation.
No 'first meet' nerves; great conversation as we know each other; totally reliable i.e. no cancellations or rushed service; no clock watching. And, great sex, mutually enjoyable and geared to my bdsm kinks.
What's not to like?

Offline Arbetare

First reg was the first SP I saw. I did a lot of research and it paid off as she was good with a nervous first-timer and after the first time, I knew she was "safe" to visit so I carried on seeing her and we ended up getting on really, really well. It was only when I got experience of other SP's that I realised how good she was. Bloody lovely woman and shame she retired.

My current reg was an off-the-cuff booking that saw me leaving afterwards wondering what the hell had just happened - fucking amazing booking! People talk about clicking with someone and I think that's what happened. Bookings are always fun, she goes out of her way to make me feel welcome and she's very, very good. Not a punt at all, always spot-on.

My other current reg has grown to be one over time. I first visited her because I was very attracted to her, via her media. She turned out to be as attractive as I thought she would be and very good. She also goes out of her way to make me feel welcome these days and it's good to catch-up. Just a shame she's a fair distance away.

Funnily enough, all three are (or were) very well reviewed here.

So all in - it's because they are sure fire good booking, and as much as I like seeing new SP's, it's good to know you can see someone who's definitely going to nail it.

Offline workinallweek

I had 2 regs last year one went strange in an almost possessive way after 4 meets one is still a reg ,well the only one I’m seeing at the moment , she makes me feel good I think there is a connection outside punting and I like her because she is fun . I suppose I’m lazy but regs reduce the risk of a wasted journey or indeed a not as expected punt.
Will it last? 
Probably not but I do think when it ends my retirement could be on the cards .
Banned reason: Offering glowing positive reviews for free bookings.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Greenanchor

For me (and I’ve had the same regular for about 6 months - must have seen her about 12 times) it’s convenience plus connection. Sex is as good as it was at the outset, plus she’s been able to introduce a  couple of her wg friends to have a 3 way with to help things along, when I’ve asked about that.
Horses for courses and all that.

Online Punterperson1971

Saw my regular last Friday and before we moved to anywhere to fuck and suck she was snogging me on the landing by the stairs for about a minute,never rushed and she comes up with suggestions like spanking her while she has a dildo up her and on all fours.
Always relaxed and goes with the flow,we click and its great no nerves makes me last longer makes me happy.

Offline kingfap1

I have never had a regular before as I always wanted to try something new. However a plan c a few months ago turned out to be fantastic and I have been nowhere else since. It was a real risk at first so only booked a short appointment as there was no face pic just an arse pic. She could have looked like anything. turned out to be stunning and excellent at her services.

Online Punterperson1971

I have never had a regular before as I always wanted to try something new. However a plan c a few months ago turned out to be fantastic and I have been nowhere else since. It was a real risk at first so only booked a short appointment as there was no face pic just an arse pic. She could have looked like anything. turned out to be stunning and excellent at her services.
I’ve always thought it helps if you are attracted to the girl.

Offline Dogbreath

I like variety, so tend not to see a girl more than once, but of the few I've seen several times, it's service & personality that drives me more than just looks.

Online Colston36

... decide that you'll see her again and again? Is it her looks; the service she provides and how she provides it; her personality; her attitude, or other factors - reasonable price for what she does, for example?

I ask because I recently saw a new-to-me girl and am fairly sure she'll become a Regular. At that first meeting, it just felt like we 'clicked'. NOT in any romantic sense - I've had E.A.S. and am never going back there :scare: , thank you very much! And I'm 72, so I'm not looking for a relationship.

No, it just felt like we 'clicked' as Escort and client, but as I made my way home, I couldn't put my finger - insert your own joke here - on why?

I should add that I also make a point of 'proper' punting - seeing a new girl most months. And that despite the title I've given this thread, I'd be interested in the views of those of you who would never think of having a Regular.

Online Colston36

I like to deal with people I know, in this as everything else. It has taken me four years to arrive at a handful who cater to my rather odd tastes, seem fun and don't cost the earth. One I have been seeing for three years now. Occasionally one I think is just right lets me down, so I am constantly looking for alternates. God, all that and paying for it too. But when I think what my last divorce cost me, I prefer things this way ...

Offline bobby1973

i have someone i see once a month or 2
been seeing her for over 5 years
she does everything i want
if she was 20 years older i may have tried to see if she wanted more
but as it is, it's 5 years of fun times  :thumbsup:

Offline Birdwatcher61

I had a regular for 18 months. Lovely girl, great sex, fun company, real names, helped each other in our business lives and meeting off the clock for meals. No EAS, just good fuckbuddies.

However over time she became complacent. Messed around with the timings, sex was good but not the same effort, she became too comfortable and did not provide and all round good service.

In the end her complacency became too much for what I was paying, I pointed it out and I got self serving excuses rather than an apology. Shame, she just fucked up.

Any lessons? Hell no, it was very good and I’d do it again.

Offline myothernameis

... decide that you'll see her again and again? Is it her looks; the service she provides and how she provides it; her personality; her attitude, or other factors - reasonable price for what she does, for example?

All of them, I would say, for instance in the mid 90's I would see this girl, time and time again, every week.  Like my self other punters would also see her regularly, and anyone on the Scottish board will have heard of Kelly from New Blysthwood Sauna, who is now retired

Other reasons I go back to see  the same escort, do they provide a certain service, like Juicy Little Minx, who could squirt

Also have seen Maria Massage Glasgow, all though she dosn't have the looks, she provides one of the best service that I can think of, unlike some other escorts: No fingering, no kissing, you can so that

Offline Happylad

My first Regular was, in fact, also my very first punt; she had a full-time day job and advertised home visits for non-sexual companionship at £50 an hour - she was actually simply trying to raise some cash to buy a small car.  We had a very convivial evening, I got a bit bold, she didn`t object very strongly and we finished up in bed. She was not particularly good looking, but I had been without sex for over a year, she had the tightest fanny I`d ever put my dick into, I soon found which buttons made her cum, and it was all very satisfactory.

She agreed to come again a few days later, it was just as good again and she stayed for 3 hours, and in the end she came to see me twice every week for 3 hours at a time (all still at £50 an hour) for the next 4 months. The sex was just so good that I could not imagine it being any better with anyone else. Then she told me she`d got enough for the car and a shiny new engagement ring from her fiance, and she hoped I`d find another nice girl.

The second regular I`d found on AW. She operated part-time, preferring outcalls, and was prepared to come to my house on a Sunday evening.  She, also, was not a ravishing beauty, but once she got going she was very, very hot stuff. I fucked her almost every Sunday evening for a couple of hours at a time for 10 months until her ex-husband turned up again and got her pregnant.

My last Regular I again found on AW over 9 years ago- working for a very dubious agency. I booked her for 2 hours outcall at my home, she was comparatively young at 24 (compared with my then 79) and her sexual experience was rather limited. I thoroughly enjoyed giving her the benefit of my own 60 odd years sexual education, we certainly clicked sexually and both thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.  She left the Agency, and set up on her own and became my Regular for over 6 years.  She was certainly the best fuck I have ever had, and I only had to simply think of her for a couple of minutes before my dick was standing firmly to attention.  Sadly she insisted that under no circumstances was I to review her here or she would never see me again.  She has, in any case, now retired.

Unfortunately I now find that, at 89, neither thinking of her, nor any other subterfuge, still has the same power, my musket will no longer `present arms` and I am only left with the memories.

Offline S.X. MacHine

My longest serving regular is 27 now; 20 when I first did her. Brilliant, intelligent lass. We get along famously.
The other two, I've been seeing for over 3 years. One's married to a laid back guy whom I've gotten to know. She's a milfy 37 now but hot as fuck and utterly filthy. The other is a very single 28 year old who adores a good hard spanking. Adorable girl.
The only problem is fitting them all into my punting schedule.

Offline Jiminy_Cricket07

Regulars for me are the girls who appear enthusatic and can hold a good conversation as it avoids the awkward post ejaculation silence whilst getting dressed.

I've only had about 2 or 3 regulars 10 years punting but sadly they have all retired so I'm now having to traverse the punting minefield for decent punts.

Offline Branny

Regulars for me are the girls who appear enthusatic and can hold a good conversation as it avoids the awkward post ejaculation silence whilst getting dressed.

I've only had about 2 or 3 regulars 10 years punting but sadly they have all retired so I'm now having to traverse the punting minefield for decent punts.


and struggling to find someone that replaces them, though occasionally see an old reg who has officially retired. Getting bored looking these days.

Online Colston36

My first Regular was, in fact, also my very first punt; she had a full-time day job and advertised home visits for non-sexual companionship at £50 an hour - she was actually simply trying to raise some cash to buy a small car.  We had a very convivial evening, I got a bit bold, she didn`t object very strongly and we finished up in bed. She was not particularly good looking, but I had been without sex for over a year, she had the tightest fanny I`d ever put my dick into, I soon found which buttons made her cum, and it was all very satisfactory.

She agreed to come again a few days later, it was just as good again and she stayed for 3 hours, and in the end she came to see me twice every week for 3 hours at a time (all still at £50 an hour) for the next 4 months. The sex was just so good that I could not imagine it being any better with anyone else. Then she told me she`d got enough for the car and a shiny new engagement ring from her fiance, and she hoped I`d find another nice girl.

The second regular I`d found on AW. She operated part-time, preferring outcalls, and was prepared to come to my house on a Sunday evening.  She, also, was not a ravishing beauty, but once she got going she was very, very hot stuff. I fucked her almost every Sunday evening for a couple of hours at a time for 10 months until her ex-husband turned up again and got her pregnant.

My last Regular I again found on AW over 9 years ago- working for a very dubious agency. I booked her for 2 hours outcall at my home, she was comparatively young at 24 (compared with my then 79) and her sexual experience was rather limited. I thoroughly enjoyed giving her the benefit of my own 60 odd years sexual education, we certainly clicked sexually and both thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.  She left the Agency, and set up on her own and became my Regular for over 6 years.  She was certainly the best fuck I have ever had, and I only had to simply think of her for a couple of minutes before my dick was standing firmly to attention.  Sadly she insisted that under no circumstances was I to review her here or she would never see me again.  She has, in any case, now retired.

Unfortunately I now find that, at 89, neither thinking of her, nor any other subterfuge, still has the same power, my musket will no longer `present arms` and I am only left with the memories.

Oh dear ... Looks like I've only got 7 years left before The Great Flop

Offline 0mard3000

I'd ideally like to have a few regulars but most of the times I've gotten past the 3/4 punt mark they start acting weird. They seem to climb up their own asses and forget the way out  :unknown:. Not all but most so far. Particularly the ones that tick all my boxes in terms of look, service, chemistry, location, schedule etc.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2019, 01:09:50 pm by Cali0mard »

Offline Happylad

Oh dear ... Looks like I've only got 7 years left before The Great Flop

Don`t give up yet.  My sad withdrawal from the fray is due more to the effects of lung and other cancer than age.  My Consultant, when I asked him about sex, replied that my lungs and heart coudn`t supply enough blood flow to inflate a finger stall, much less a reasonable sized penis.

Surprisingly, although I hadn`t been able to ejaculate since I had my prostate shelled 10 years ago, this now appears to have regenerated enough to produce quite a squirt, along with a mild orgasm, through a very droopy half-mast penis, so I still have some consolations.

Offline Home Alone

Don`t give up yet.  My sad withdrawal from the fray is due more to the effects of lung and other cancer than age.  My Consultant, when I asked him about sex, replied that my lungs and heart coudn`t supply enough blood flow to inflate a finger stall, much less a reasonable sized penis.

Surprisingly, although I hadn`t been able to ejaculate since I had my prostate shelled 10 years ago, this now appears to have regenerated enough to produce quite a squirt, along with a mild orgasm, through a very droopy half-mast penis, so I still have some consolations.

Hats off to you, Happylad. Talk about looking on the bright side of life; you're an example to us all.

I guess your Consultant was off the day they did 'Bedside manner' on the training course at Medical school!

Offline Happylad

Hats off to you, Happylad. Talk about looking on the bright side of life; you're an example to us all.

I guess your Consultant was off the day they did 'Bedside manner' on the training course at Medical school!

Actually, he was a really cheerful chappie.  When I asked him whether it was worth my while planting my potatoes this year he said "Of course it is - but just the earlies"

Offline Steely Dan

I never decide to have a regular.  I decide to go back a second time if she was the best choice (looks, service, location, I like 'chilling' with her).  If after the second time, I think she will be better than girl X, then I see her a third time.  And so on. I never think beyond the next punt. 

I do like having the text number of an escort or two that I can see on short notice with no TOFTT, or having to read all the UKP reviews (or use spider sense on AW feedback).  Less stress.