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Author Topic: What % of UK men punt and is the average age of punters 30 now?  (Read 3343 times)

Online wristjob

Yes and no. A lot of young people are having zero sex. I see it a bit like wealth distribution, a small percentage get the lion's share, roar.

Anyone see the Louis Theroux documentary about American college guys getting accused of "sexual misconduct" on Sunday? One guy was accused by a girl he thought was his friend 6 years after the alleged incident took place. I reckon the culture at universities over here isn't that different. Younger guys have probably worked out that its quicker, easier, less trouble (and probably cheaper in the long run) to go bang a WG rather than have to put up with all the crap British girls expect these days as well as run the risk of being accused of something several years later, just to shag a civvie. Punting is probably the most honest transaction that occurs between a man and a woman (which explains why feminists and Mumsnetters hate it so much).

That was my point in my original post. I guess sometime you have to take a chance on a relationship but if it's about a casual fling there's a lot of reassurance in paying your money and having 0 chance of spending 10 years in jail as a sex offender. Maybe the chances of that kind of thing happening are getting exaggerated but it would make me think if I was 23.

Offline Steely Dan

Some interesting figures and assumptions in Lister's post. 
Now the big estimate - how many punts do punters have each year?  I think this must be higher than Lister's estimate of 12, again due to the skew effect of some punters having 50+ punts a year (not outrageouly expensive if you go for pump and dumps), so I'll estimate 20 a year.

44,500,000 / 20 gives us 2,225,000 punters, which is 8.2%.   

Good thinking. Now we are 'polishing'.  I think Listers numbers quite good.  Yours are good too.  But my 'gut feel' is 20 punts per year as an average is too high.  I like punting but shit happens and some times for me it is once a month.  Sometimes less. And there must be lots of guys that are once or twice per year.  Very few are 52 times per year I think.  So I bet an average closer to 10 to 12 makes sense.

And how many guys EVER punt?  I bet 50% plus.  Why do I think that? In my personal experience 90% of guys will go along to a stripper club and have fun. Only 10% or so just wont.  If they can get away with it (e.g. in Bangkok or Amsterdam) then most of that 90% might do it. Then maybe once they paid for sex once, they later go into a UK brothel on a whim.  Then maybe look on AW.

(also - I understand median vs mean vs mode.  For a great many things these 3 are close.  Until we know otherwise, let's keep it simple and assume they are close so discuss just one 'average'.)

So my bet is 20% are current punters (at least one punt in last 24 months) and 50% are ever punters (paid for sex one or more times).

Offline webpunter

On average but not an average on here
Who on earth can last a month or slightly longer ?

So I bet an average closer to 10 to 12 makes sense.

Soon as the action dries up with the OH

And how many guys EVER punt?  I bet 50% plus.  Why do I think that? In my personal experience 90% of guys will go along to a stripper club and have fun. Only 10% or so just wont.  If they can get away with it (e.g. in Bangkok or Amsterdam) then most of that 90% might do it. Then maybe once they paid for sex once, they later go into a UK brothel on a whim.  Then maybe look on AW.

I reck bout right, certainly more than 10% the national average etc

So my bet is 20% are current punters (at least one punt in last 24 months) and 50% are ever punters (paid for sex one or more times).

Offline Lister

Yes there are so many variables it is impossible to reach an accurate or even nearly accurate figure. I don't think my figures are a million miles out. many girls are on contraceptive injections and do not have time out for periods and some actually charge for period play so I don't think this reduces their working days much. I am not sure I would rely on the Daily Mirror's figures too much either, but then there are no precise figures available.
All I can say is that the figure of 10% who have ever punted in their life is ridiculously low! I believe the number of active punters at any one time is way higher than that.

As for number of punts per year, When I started it was about every six months but at my peak it was over 40 times a year so I guess my estimates of what other punters do has also changed. some may punt just once in a lifetime and some very frequently but I would think those that punt regularly do so as often as their wallet and circumstances allow. once or twice a month seems a good average.

Online Doc Holliday

Many girls are on contraceptive injections and do not have time out for periods and some actually charge for period play so I don't think this reduces their working days much.

Not to mention sponge use.

Offline Ali Katt

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Not to mention sponge use.
No they are being resourceful. they take them out and have an art and crafts session with their kids after the punters have gone home. Yeah, I know I'm disgusting.

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Online Doc Holliday

No they are being resourceful. they take them out and have an art and crafts session with their kids after the punters have gone home. Yeah, I know I'm disgusting.

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 :D Love it.

Offline Home Alone

On AW quite a number of women say they won't see blokes of less than a certain age - often around 35.
I find that attractive on the basis that it seems to indicate a maturity on the woman's part so maybe I spot more of these women than others.
Restricting herself to older men is one way of discouraging young turks who have no idea how to behave. It also moderates demand of course - again indicating the woman concerned is likely not one who will see more than two or three clients a day. (Ticks Uncle's boxes.)

I recall being told by a MILF in the Y & H region whom I saw a couple of times about 3 years ago that she had a lower age limit  - 25, I think - which was there for two reasons: she found the attitude of many of the under-25s she'd seen "disrespectful" to a woman old enough to be their mother; and more pragmatically, she had daughters in their early 20s and didn't want lads whom they knew - and she might have seen socially - booking her under her working name, then finding out that they'd already met! :scare:

A small number of women quote an upper age limit, sometimes below Uncle's age. I've either talked them round or said nothing. In these cases I ask them (mid-thrust) how old they think I am. I'm usually very pleased at the response but I take care of myself.
None of the above yields an answer to the 2nd question above - merely some factors to be considered.
But then who really cares? What really matters is whether you can still find satisfactory women at a sensible price with whom to engage.
Have a nice weekend
Uncle Pokey

When it comes to upper age limits, Uncle, I'm afraid I don't have your 'cojones', as they say in Spain; I've always taken the view, 'her body, her rules'. Although I did once ask a fellow-punter I'd met socially if he'd ask someone he'd seen - and I'd have liked to - if her rule was inflexible. The word came back that it was.

I've only seen one woman who said, "No over-60s" and that was a few weeks before my 61st birthday! During the punt, she must have suspected I was above her age-limit and wasn't amused when I said I wasn't - a matter of weeks. The quality of Service - already not terribly high - deteriorated ever further from that point.

Offline HighlyMotivated

Two or three WGs I’ve had this convo with said around 40