Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Quitting this habit  (Read 4457 times)


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A lot of punters seem to say that/talk about the buzz when they first started but personally I never really experienced that  :unknown:

How do you deal with your sex drive and not being able to shag the variety/quantity of women that you want, particularly good looking young women?

For me, I might as well have much as I want as long as I don't spend too much time or money on it (i.e. have a healthy balance between punting, normal sex life and the rest of my life). If anything I probably just spend too much time on here (something you seem guilty of too given your 430+ posts in the space of only around 5 weeks). You say paying is the problem but the alternative is spending way more time trying to get (and subsequently with) multiple decent civvies (even though the sex is better etc). Realistically, you need to learn how deal with/manage your sex drive.

Nonetheless, if you feel addicted (which you definitely are/were, assuming you're not just talking bollocks which seems likely given your posts on here), cold turkey may well be the best and possibly only solution. If you do continue seeing escorts then it's important to avoid losing touch with reality (a danger you correctly point out) by making sure to get civvies too, you just don't need to spend so much time and effort on it because you get satisfaction from punting too.

As for "bragging rights" and talking about your "sexual conquests" with your mates (of course I'm just referring to civvies here), you really need to work on your self esteem if you feel the need to do that. I know almost everyone does it to some extent but it really is pointless (same with many kinds of bragging). Also, due to the unneccasary hassle it often brings (such as people gossiping and it getting to people you don't want it to etc) I'm surprised you haven't learned to keep your mouth shut by now (at least most of the time).

You also sound like you care too much what the escort thinks. I too like enthusiasm and warmth but just surface level is fine for me, especially given how little time we'll be spending together, relatively speaking (which itself is mostly a good thing).

Did you really get enthusaism, warmth and sensual kisses with anywhere near most of the street hookers you saw? Based on what others often say on here, I highly doubt it. Even the punters on here who chose indoor WGs (who advertised in various print forms, phone boxes etc) usually describe it as more and hit miss (obviously in no small part due to lack of relaible information sources like this site) and that less GFE was available than it is nowadays.
All fair points and I agree. Street hookers are invariably just a splash and dash. I would say the chase was 90% of the thrill, which since one could spend several hours cruising and sussing prey out, just for a swift 10 mins of usual very basic sex.. No kissing for sure..
I think addiction to anything will invariably be destructive. For some folk, its easier to completely quit than "cut down". One thing about myself when it comes to punting which i suppose is unusual, is that one punt will lead directly to another.. I would never be satisfied with one.. I would have to get at least one and more usually 2 more before I could even consider my nights work done.. I was in a parallel universe, an alternate reality, another world.. escapism.. I need to realise there are other escapes.. Even watching films all night can help me forget the shit of life I often can't deal with..

Offline Doc Holliday

I understand where you are coming and do agree with your points to a degree, but I do not completely agree with some of your statements.

For your first point, it has never been a level playing field regardless of if men have money or not, if every man had the same amount of money I can bet you my left lung the woman would find another method of distinction between who she wants to sleep with and not. Which you practically answered in your second point, in the first sentence.

As for your third point, many men don't wish to pay for sex because it is not socially accepted as you made reference to in one of your previous posts in this thread of feeling like a loser. In fact, before I started this path a couple years ago when I did not even know this site existed, I often thought I would be an absolute loser paying.

As soon as I stopped caring, I have had no emotional hang ups since, because I do it for myself, not to fill a void or some sort; just because I want to. I have not experienced these emotional drawbacks expressed in other posts; though I never want to get married anyway, but then again I have not being doing this for decades so who am I to talk really. I perhaps may fall to the same alienation as well.

"Incels" are complete different lot, have you gone on their forums? They have social difficulties in dealing with both men and women in terms of social communication and not just trying to sleep with women. The men you speak of largely unsatisfied with their lot are living in quiet desperation mate. I am in the age range of the demographic that you thought were on this site of 18-35, (I'm mid 20s) lots of guys my age do not have sex, at all. social media changed everything, that is another topic though.

Personally from some of the posts I have seen, it seems some are punting to fill a void which is clearly not going to lead to likely positive outcomes as many posters have already outlined in posts.

On to your last point that money cannot buy love. I feel that a lot of men make the mistake of thinking that women love unconditionally. The only case where that is even closest to being true is with their children; and even then there can be examples found of where women have abandoned their children. Women love men conditionally. Men need to get the idea out of their heads that women will love them like what they see in these nonsense movies, or what ever conjuration allowed such an idea to exist in their heads; that concept is a fallacy.

Why can't people accept that life is a beautiful tragedy, it rarely ends well.

Excellent read .. thank you.

Offline cueball

I have to admit, I misjudged the demographic here when I first started posting.

Hence my "humour" didn't impress you guys much.

You're not kidding  :sarcastic:

There's time to improve though  :D


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social media changed everything, that is another topic though.
Interesting. Much is said about social media. Not much good usually. How do you think it has changed peoples sex lives?

Offline Spiceoflife

This is like any other vice, whether drinking, smoking, food....
If I enjoy a couple of pints at the weekend, I can afford it and it doesn't adversely affect my life or work then I'm unlikely to listen to an alcoholic telling me I should never drink.


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This is like any other vice, whether drinking, smoking, food....
If I enjoy a couple of pints at the weekend, I can afford it and it doesn't adversely affect my life or work then I'm unlikely to listen to an alcoholic telling me I should never drink.
I'll drink to  that..  :drinks: I used to enjoy motorcycles. Eventually I had broken so many bones I had to find another "safer" hobby"..  :lol:
I'll probably get back into biking now I have "quit" punting.. ;)
« Last Edit: March 12, 2019, 12:33:10 pm by Wooderz »

Offline Ali Katt

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I'll drink to  that..  :drinks: I used to enjoy motorcycles. Eventually I had broken so many bones I had to find another "safer" hobby"..  :lol:
I'll probably get back into biking now I have "quit" punting.. ;)
The women you've seen are like BMX bikes: I wouldn't ride them if they came with pedals.

Offline Payyourwaymate

Interesting. Much is said about social media. Not much good usually. How do you think it has changed peoples sex lives?

In relation to women specifically and not the disintegration of social interpersonal relations in general that social media has caused, I will try to be brief.

In regards to gender relations, women crave some form of validation in one way or another. From men, their attention. In the past days of when social media was not about. A woman would only get validation from men in her vicinity, like school, work, local areas etc. On those grounds it was more likely that in receiving attention she would be flattered enough to "repay" the guy or fall his advances and actually like him which may lead onto intimacy.

Compared to now with the internet a woman can instantly get validation and a confidence boost just by looking at her phone, receiving adulation, attention and effectively body worship from men globally, without even having to do anything; just have an Instagram account and post half naked pictures.

This girl with say 1000s of followers of males showering her with attention and lust which she mistakes for adoration, off course its going to inflate her ego; like it would any human being male or female. Do you think a woman is even going to care about some local guy who she is not attracted to that much trying to have sex with her showing her attention when she has 100s or 1000s of "likes" giving her the validation of her beauty that she needs? In some cases men even send money to these women, for nothing at all.

The guys my age I don't know what is wrong with them, with some of them it's like a race to the bottom in who can grovel the most to get a girl, a girl who probably is not even that pretty in the first place. With over inflated egos and higher expectations normal guys cannot compete with the girl who has the potential reach of men globally if she is pretty enough and smart enough to leverage. That same said girl that without the internet would in a likely situation have a normal guy as a boyfriend.

There are guys that still get girls don't be mistaken, but the effort to reward ratio is just not worth it in my opinion. That same time can be better spent on other productive matters.

You have girls that are in my age range that have unrealistic expectations of guys should bring to the table and don't need to really put out sexually beforehand as long as they have validation coming in the form of guys trying to get at them via apps such as tinder, Instagram, Twitter etc. If you do manage to get that girl, you've spent time, money and emotion investment for a girl with the personality of a ton of bricks who is just pretty. Girls that have multiple options of what guys they can choose, it's all bullshit. I do not blame women, if I was a woman; I would do the same thing. You get to have your cake and eat it, well when you are the prime of your youth and are pretty that is.

There are nice girls out there, it's just that social media is turning everyone into narcissists it's not just women affected by this. 

I ll put up a link of a good video that describes the ill affects of social media if you or anyone is interested in watching. This is about social media in general not related to punting at all

External Link/Members Only

I hope this helps or is of any interest. I hope this was not too long.

Long story short to answer your question, It has reduced the quality of sex lives for men but has increased the quality of sex lives for women as they have access to the "top quality" men to have sex from and every other guy that "ain't got it" loses. A winner take all scenario  :lol:
« Last Edit: March 12, 2019, 01:18:31 pm by Payyourwaymate »


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The women you've seen are like BMX bikes: I wouldn't ride them if they came with pedals.
haha.. You struggle riding anything so no surprises there pal..  :drinks:


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In relation to women specifically and not the disintegration of social interpersonal relations in general that social media has caused, I will try to be brief.

In regards to gender relations, women crave some form of validation in one way or another. From men, their attention. In the past days of when social media was not about. A woman would only get validation from men in her vicinity, like school, work, local areas etc. On those grounds it was more likely that in receiving attention she would be flattered enough to "repay" the guy or fall his advances and actually like him which may lead onto intimacy.

Compared to now with the internet a woman can instantly get validation and a confidence boost just by looking at her phone, receiving adulation, attention and effectively body worship from men globally, without even having to do anything; just have an Instagram account and post half naked pictures.

This girl with say 1000s of followers of males showering her with attention and lust which she mistakes for adoration, off course its going to inflate her ego; like it would any human being male or female. Do you think a woman is even going to care about some local guy who she is not attracted to that much trying to have sex with her showing her attention when she has 100s or 1000s of "likes" giving her the validation of her beauty that she needs? In some cases men even send money to these women, for nothing at all.

The guys my age I don't know what is wrong with them, with some of them it's like a race to the bottom in who can grovel the most to get a girl, a girl who probably is not even that pretty in the first place. With over inflated egos and higher expectations normal guys cannot compete with the girl who has the potential reach of men globally if she is pretty enough and smart enough to leverage. That same said girl that without the internet would in a likely situation have a normal guy as a boyfriend.

There are guys that still get girls don't be mistaken, but the effort to reward ratio is just not worth it in my opinion. That same time can be better spent on other productive matters.

You have girls that are in my age range that have unrealistic expectations of guys should bring to the table and don't need to really put out sexually beforehand as long as they have validation coming in the form of guys trying to get at them via apps such as tinder, Instagram, Twitter etc. If you do manage to get that girl, you've spent time, money and emotion investment for a girl with the personality of a ton of bricks who is just pretty. Girls that have multiple options of what guys they can choose, it's all bullshit. I do not blame women, if I was a woman; I would do the same thing. You get to have your cake and eat it, well when you are the prime of your youth and are pretty that is.

There are nice girls out there, it's just that social media is turning everyone into narcissists it's not just women affected by this. 

I ll put up a link of a good video that describes the ill affects of social media if you or anyone is interested in watching. This is about social media in general not related to punting at all

External Link/Members Only

I hope this helps or is of any interest. I hope this was not too long.

Long story short to answer your question, It has reduced the quality of sex lives for men but has increased the quality of sex lives for women as they have access to the "top quality" men to have sex from and every other guy that "ain't got it" loses. A winner take all scenario  :lol:
People who wonder why I prefer socialising with men of my sons' generation.. Basically, they see it as it is.. Now.. Not as it was, or is in some dreamland.. Younger men have grown up living in this reality where online narcissism is endemic in women and I see exactly what you describe every day when I meet them..

I would say, young women certainly don't seem very fulfilled, ultimately and are addicted to this attention. Lose Lose..


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I only started punting about 16 months ago.  Many weeks 3 times a week lol over the last couple of months I am just doing one a week.  It's better this way .

Offline hawkzville

In relation to women specifically and not the disintegration of social interpersonal relations in general that social media has caused, I will try to be brief.

In regards to gender relations, women crave some form of validation in one way or another. From men, their attention. In the past days of when social media was not about. A woman would only get validation from men in her vicinity, like school, work, local areas etc. On those grounds it was more likely that in receiving attention she would be flattered enough to "repay" the guy or fall his advances and actually like him which may lead onto intimacy.

Compared to now with the internet a woman can instantly get validation and a confidence boost just by looking at her phone, receiving adulation, attention and effectively body worship from men globally, without even having to do anything; just have an Instagram account and post half naked pictures.

This girl with say 1000s of followers of males showering her with attention and lust which she mistakes for adoration, off course its going to inflate her ego; like it would any human being male or female. Do you think a woman is even going to care about some local guy who she is not attracted to that much trying to have sex with her showing her attention when she has 100s or 1000s of "likes" giving her the validation of her beauty that she needs? In some cases men even send money to these women, for nothing at all.

The guys my age I don't know what is wrong with them, with some of them it's like a race to the bottom in who can grovel the most to get a girl, a girl who probably is not even that pretty in the first place. With over inflated egos and higher expectations normal guys cannot compete with the girl who has the potential reach of men globally if she is pretty enough and smart enough to leverage. That same said girl that without the internet would in a likely situation have a normal guy as a boyfriend.

There are guys that still get girls don't be mistaken, but the effort to reward ratio is just not worth it in my opinion. That same time can be better spent on other productive matters.

You have girls that are in my age range that have unrealistic expectations of guys should bring to the table and don't need to really put out sexually beforehand as long as they have validation coming in the form of guys trying to get at them via apps such as tinder, Instagram, Twitter etc. If you do manage to get that girl, you've spent time, money and emotion investment for a girl with the personality of a ton of bricks who is just pretty. Girls that have multiple options of what guys they can choose, it's all bullshit. I do not blame women, if I was a woman; I would do the same thing. You get to have your cake and eat it, well when you are the prime of your youth and are pretty that is.

There are nice girls out there, it's just that social media is turning everyone into narcissists it's not just women affected by this. 

I ll put up a link of a good video that describes the ill affects of social media if you or anyone is interested in watching. This is about social media in general not related to punting at all

External Link/Members Only

I hope this helps or is of any interest. I hope this was not too long.

Long story short to answer your question, It has reduced the quality of sex lives for men but has increased the quality of sex lives for women as they have access to the "top quality" men to have sex from and every other guy that "ain't got it" loses. A winner take all scenario  :lol:

Fascinating stuff; though in my experience it isn't just limited to "pretty young things" there are plenty of old boilers who have seen at first hand the "fun" their daughters/nieces/workmates are having with Instagram and the rest and saying "I want some of that" - you want evidence, then just "try" pulling on a dating website these days, which in my view now only exist to flatter the ego of any female with a pulse who will be inundated with "normal" (but apparently inferior) men.....

Is it a woman's world now? Wasn't it ever the case.....

Offline nervous1

I think if you have drastically reduced your punts then you have found your sweet spot and don't really need to consider quitting.  Went through the same thing a couple of years back when I asked myself if I'm ever going to reach a point when I'm truly satisfied.  Honestly, I don't know, but burning through my disposable income and getting the same punt over and over again wasn't in any way satisfying.  For me it was a matter of frequency as there are few options for a guy like me, the idea of completely cutting it out is not really an option.  If you do think you have other options then go for it.  I've tried and had a pitiful success rate.


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Fascinating stuff; though in my experience it isn't just limited to "pretty young things" there are plenty of old boilers who have seen at first hand the "fun" their daughters/nieces/workmates are having with Instagram and the rest and saying "I want some of that" - you want evidence, then just "try" pulling on a dating website these days, which in my view now only exist to flatter the ego of any female with a pulse who will be inundated with "normal" (but apparently inferior) men.....

Is it a woman's world now? Wasn't it ever the case.....
Indeed. Having been on dating shites for nigh on 2 decades I note how most women have been ruined by it. En masse, they have adapted badly to it. Now any bloke is going to struggle getting a decent woman online.. they have "hardened up" and become frigid on the hole and seem happy to live online forever being sucked up to..


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In relation to women specifically and not the disintegration of social interpersonal relations in general that social media has caused, I will try to be brief.

In regards to gender relations, women crave some form of validation in one way or another. From men, their attention. In the past days of when social media was not about. A woman would only get validation from men in her vicinity, like school, work, local areas etc. On those grounds it was more likely that in receiving attention she would be flattered enough to "repay" the guy or fall his advances and actually like him which may lead onto intimacy.

Compared to now with the internet a woman can instantly get validation and a confidence boost just by looking at her phone, receiving adulation, attention and effectively body worship from men globally, without even having to do anything; just have an Instagram account and post half naked pictures.

This girl with say 1000s of followers of males showering her with attention and lust which she mistakes for adoration, off course its going to inflate her ego; like it would any human being male or female. Do you think a woman is even going to care about some local guy who she is not attracted to that much trying to have sex with her showing her attention when she has 100s or 1000s of "likes" giving her the validation of her beauty that she needs? In some cases men even send money to these women, for nothing at all.

The guys my age I don't know what is wrong with them, with some of them it's like a race to the bottom in who can grovel the most to get a girl, a girl who probably is not even that pretty in the first place. With over inflated egos and higher expectations normal guys cannot compete with the girl who has the potential reach of men globally if she is pretty enough and smart enough to leverage. That same said girl that without the internet would in a likely situation have a normal guy as a boyfriend.

There are guys that still get girls don't be mistaken, but the effort to reward ratio is just not worth it in my opinion. That same time can be better spent on other productive matters.

You have girls that are in my age range that have unrealistic expectations of guys should bring to the table and don't need to really put out sexually beforehand as long as they have validation coming in the form of guys trying to get at them via apps such as tinder, Instagram, Twitter etc. If you do manage to get that girl, you've spent time, money and emotion investment for a girl with the personality of a ton of bricks who is just pretty. Girls that have multiple options of what guys they can choose, it's all bullshit. I do not blame women, if I was a woman; I would do the same thing. You get to have your cake and eat it, well when you are the prime of your youth and are pretty that is.

There are nice girls out there, it's just that social media is turning everyone into narcissists it's not just women affected by this. 

I ll put up a link of a good video that describes the ill affects of social media if you or anyone is interested in watching. This is about social media in general not related to punting at all

External Link/Members Only

I hope this helps or is of any interest. I hope this was not too long.

Long story short to answer your question, It has reduced the quality of sex lives for men but has increased the quality of sex lives for women as they have access to the "top quality" men to have sex from and every other guy that "ain't got it" loses. A winner take all scenario  :lol:

good post  :thumbsup:

Offline BogBog1

I definitely punt less often than I used to. I used to punt maybe twice a week - that lasted for a few years. Then I discovered Seeking Arrangement and I stopped punting completely for 18 months - didn't even look at AW or UKP. SA just makes punting seem so artificial, compared to girls off SA who feel - if you pick wisely - completely natural. To date I've met 42 SA girls, all of them gems (apart from one). Most of them were one-offs, although I did have long-term 'arrangements' with two of them.

I decided to scale back on the SA meets purely for financial reasons - when I worked out how much I'd spent on those meets over the year (once you factor in travel, hotel bookings, dinner etc), I nearly had a heart attack.

So now, I strike a balance between punting and SA meets, though neither as frequently as I used to. I reckon I punt once a month on average, and SA meets about the same (although I was in New York recently and it was basically an SA shag-fest masquerading as a work trip).

What I'm saying, I think, is that I agree with one of the first replies to the OP - mixing it up works for me these days. I guess sometimes what I need is a straightforward, old-fashioned shag - turn up, make some small talk, get down to it, and leave - and that's when punting works for me at that time. But other times, when I have more time, I prefer to do a longer, more traditional 'date', with the build-up of anticipation over drinks - and then, SA is the way to go.

The bucket list point made by someone above is interesting. Because while you'd think all of those bucket list items would be achieved through punting rather than through more vanilla SA meets, in my experience that's not been the case - it's been split pretty equally. For example, during late 2017-2018 I had punts that ticked the (proper, full-on) squirting bucket list item, as well as the heavily pregnant punt. But it was with SA girls that I experienced two-way watersports (not just the lame 'you can pee on my leg' thing - I'm talking, in the mouth, swallowing, all over the face etc - note this was HER fetish first of all, which of course I went into wholeheartedly), as well as semi-public sex (OWO to completion in a cinema full of people).

So yeah. Right now I punt a lot less often than I did 5 years ago. But thanks to a combination of this site ( :thumbsup:), Seeking Arrangement, and being generally a lot more picky about who I see, I think the quality of every meet has increased considerably.


« Last Edit: March 12, 2019, 03:16:51 pm by zakkmorrison »


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I definitely punt less often than I used to. I used to punt maybe twice a week - that lasted for a few years. Then I discovered Seeking Arrangement and I stopped punting completely for 18 months - didn't even look at AW or UKP. SA just makes punting seem so artificial, compared to girls off SA who feel - if you pick wisely - completely natural. To date I've met 42 SA girls, all of them gems (apart from one). Most of them were one-offs, although I did have long-term 'arrangements' with two of them.

I decided to scale back on the SA meets purely for financial reasons - when I worked out how much I'd spent on those meets over the year (once you factor in travel, hotel bookings, dinner etc), I nearly had a heart attack.

So now, I strike a balance between punting and SA meets, though neither as frequently as I used to. I reckon I punt once a month on average, and SA meets about the same (although I was in New York recently and it was basically an SA shag-fest masquerading as a work trip).

What I'm saying, I think, is that I agree with one of the first replies to the OP - mixing it up works for me these days. I guess sometimes what I need is a straightforward, old-fashioned shag - turn up, make some small talk, get down to it, and leave - and that's when punting works for me at that time. But other times, when I have more time, I prefer to do a longer, more traditional 'date', with the build-up of anticipation over drinks - and then, SA is the way to go.

The bucket list point made by someone above is interesting. Because while you'd think all of those bucket list items would be achieved through punting rather than through more vanilla SA meets, in my experience that's not been the case - it's been split pretty equally. For example, during late 2017-2018 I had punts that ticked the (proper, full-on) squirting bucket list item, as well as the heavily pregnant punt. But it was with SA girls that I experienced two-way watersports (not just the lame 'you can pee on my leg' thing - I'm talking, in the mouth, swallowing, all over the face etc - note this was HER fetish first of all, which of course I went into wholeheartedly), as well as semi-public sex (OWO to completion in a cinema full of people).

So yeah. Right now I punt a lot less often than I did 5 years ago. But thanks to a combination of this site ( :thumbsup:), Seeking Arrangement, and being generally a lot more picky about who I see, I think the quality of every meet has increased considerably.

So, whats this SA thing? Is it some kinda dating shite where gold diggers go and pretend they are not really prostitutes to men who can't get willing women any other way other than paying for their company? :)


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So, whats this SA thing? Is it some kinda dating shite where gold diggers go and pretend they are not really prostitutes to men who can't get willing women any other way other than paying for their company? :)

sums it up nicely I'd say  :thumbsup:

bunch of user's & pro$$I£'s in denial

Offline NigelF

This is like any other vice, whether drinking, smoking, food....
If I enjoy a couple of pints at the weekend, I can afford it and it doesn't adversely affect my life or work then I'm unlikely to listen to an alcoholic telling me I should never drink.


So, whats this SA thing? Is it some kinda dating shite where gold diggers go and pretend they are not really prostitutes to men who can't get willing women any other way other than paying for their company? :)

External Link/Members Only

Previously called Seeking Arrangements (SA).

From what I've read of the experieces of others, the amount of time and effort you have to put in is shockingly and appallingly similar to traditional dating sites although of course it will be better and easier. Probably the main reason to use it is so you can shag better looking and younger women than you can usually get otherwise. It's obviously not just for men who can't get any.

It can also often work out better value than punting but only for longer meets (multiple hours or more). The sex is also usually better than punting.

It's basically between punting and a normal dating site (or rather a gold digging one like "Millionaire Match"). It's much closer to punting though and all the girls on there are prostitutes (just a little fussier), just like all the men are punters. Pretty much all the girls on there delude themselves of that fact and some of the punters do too.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2019, 04:04:08 pm by NigelF »

Offline houseboot

So, whats this SA thing? Is it some kinda dating shite where gold diggers go and pretend they are not really prostitutes to men who can't get willing women any other way other than paying for their company? :)



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Previously called Seeking Arrangements (SA).

From what I've read of the experieces of others, the amount of time and effort you have to put in is shockingly and appallingly similar to traditional dating sites although of course it will be better and easier. Probably the main reason to use it is so you can shag better looking and younger women than you can usually get otherwise. It's obviously not just for men who can't get any.

It can also often work out better value than punting but only for longer meets (multiple hours or more). The sex is also usually better than punting.

It's basically between punting and a normal dating site (or rather a gold digging one like "Millionaire Match"). It's much closer to punting though and all the girls on there are prostitutes (just a little fussier), just like all the men are punters. Pretty much all the girls on there delude themselves of that fact and some of the punters do too.
:lol: Sounds like a fluffies paradise.. Paying for a fake relationship with someone who wouldn't add you as a +1 at their sisters wedding but invites their "official" other half instead who is unaware his loved one is mugging him and at least one other guy..

« Last Edit: March 12, 2019, 04:13:02 pm by Wooderz »

Offline Laney08

Any way of meeting women (whether online, socially, at work, down the fucking pub) is going to involve varying degrees of time, energy, money expenditure along with the chance of hassle and drama. You're always going to take a knock in the pursuit of pussy. It's down to the bloke about how much of a hit to take vs how much value they place on pussy.

For me true hoes that you can come across on AW etc. provide the one of the few ways of securing a shag with fresh pussy on the day, and if all goes well, enjoying pure PSE filth. Obviously, there's the inevitable fuckup factor when shit goes wrong but the chance is there with any way of meeting women.

Offline Ali Katt

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For me true hoes that you can come across on AW etc. provide the one of the few ways of securing a shag with fresh pussy on the day, and if all goes well, enjoying pure PSE filth. Obviously, there's the inevitable fuckup factor when shit goes wrong but the chance is there with any way of meeting women.
True hoes? You want the gardener's world website.

Offline shagbambi

I definitely punt less often than I used to. I used to punt maybe twice a week - that lasted for a few years. Then I discovered Seeking Arrangement and I stopped punting completely for 18 months - didn't even look at AW or UKP. SA just makes punting seem so artificial, compared to girls off SA who feel - if you pick wisely - completely natural. To date I've met 42 SA girls, all of them gems (apart from one). Most of them were one-offs, although I did have long-term 'arrangements' with two of them.

I decided to scale back on the SA meets purely for financial reasons - when I worked out how much I'd spent on those meets over the year (once you factor in travel, hotel bookings, dinner etc), I nearly had a heart attack.

So now, I strike a balance between punting and SA meets, though neither as frequently as I used to. I reckon I punt once a month on average, and SA meets about the same (although I was in New York recently and it was basically an SA shag-fest masquerading as a work trip).

What I'm saying, I think, is that I agree with one of the first replies to the OP - mixing it up works for me these days. I guess sometimes what I need is a straightforward, old-fashioned shag - turn up, make some small talk, get down to it, and leave - and that's when punting works for me at that time. But other times, when I have more time, I prefer to do a longer, more traditional 'date', with the build-up of anticipation over drinks - and then, SA is the way to go.

The bucket list point made by someone above is interesting. Because while you'd think all of those bucket list items would be achieved through punting rather than through more vanilla SA meets, in my experience that's not been the case - it's been split pretty equally. For example, during late 2017-2018 I had punts that ticked the (proper, full-on) squirting bucket list item, as well as the heavily pregnant punt. But it was with SA girls that I experienced two-way watersports (not just the lame 'you can pee on my leg' thing - I'm talking, in the mouth, swallowing, all over the face etc - note this was HER fetish first of all, which of course I went into wholeheartedly), as well as semi-public sex (OWO to completion in a cinema full of people).

So yeah. Right now I punt a lot less often than I did 5 years ago. But thanks to a combination of this site ( :thumbsup:), Seeking Arrangement, and being generally a lot more picky about who I see, I think the quality of every meet has increased considerably.

Very well put.  I find myself in a similar place.  SA supplied me with some of the best punts and fittest girls over the past few years, but I am currently short of time and not able to get away from work as much as I did.  I also no longer travel.  I still have an SA regular for a monthly meet who is hugely cheaper and better than what AW can give me.  However I dip into AW when I have a free hour now and then.  Works well. 


  • Guest
Very well put.  I find myself in a similar place.  SA supplied me with some of the best punts and fittest girls over the past few years, but I am currently short of time and not able to get away from work as much as I did.  I also no longer travel.  I still have an SA regular for a monthly meet who is hugely cheaper and better than what AW can give me.  However I dip into AW when I have a free hour now and then.  Works well.
Interesting.. this SA regular, how much does she cost, what is the nature of the "arrangement" and how many other punters does she have on the go?

I remember a bloke I knew years ago.. He had a girlfriend who wanted to do a law degree. He supported and paid her through for years and as soon as she was qualified and earning, he was dumped..5

the key to a good attitude to whoring is, "know your hoe".. ;)

Offline hamchang

My problem with SA is that no matter how hot and sexually compatible a girl is, it is rare that I have any interest after 2 meetings. I always find a third to be when I am going through the motions and already decided that this is getting dull. Old pussy verses fresh pussy. I also have limited patience for messing around playing the SA game that I have to pretend I am Dyson and they pretend they are some sort of model when in reality I'm a horny bloke with some cash on the hip and they are skint willing to trade pussy so they can buy something they will chuck away a week later. When it works it's great, but it takes a ludicrous amount of time to get that result more often than not.

Offline BogBog1

I think there's some truth in that. Of the 40-odd girls I've met through SA, I've only met 4 of them more than once. Of those 4, two I saw twice and that boredom thing crept in. But the two others? Turned into long-term (6 months each) things. And the best part - both were completely money-free after the 4th meeting. One was looking for an older guy because guys her age (she was 31, so not SUPER young but still 15 years my junior) didn't interest her. The second one was the watersports obsessive and she couldn't find anyone who wanted to explore that aspect of our sex life as much or as often as she did.

My problem with SA is that no matter how hot and sexually compatible a girl is, it is rare that I have any interest after 2 meetings. I always find a third to be when I am going through the motions and already decided that this is getting dull. Old pussy verses fresh pussy. I also have limited patience for messing around playing the SA game that I have to pretend I am Dyson and they pretend they are some sort of model when in reality I'm a horny bloke with some cash on the hip and they are skint willing to trade pussy so they can buy something they will chuck away a week later. When it works it's great, but it takes a ludicrous amount of time to get that result more often than not.

Offline Laney08

My problem with SA is that no matter how hot and sexually compatible a girl is, it is rare that I have any interest after 2 meetings. I always find a third to be when I am going through the motions and already decided that this is getting dull. Old pussy verses fresh pussy. I also have limited patience for messing around playing the SA game that I have to pretend I am Dyson and they pretend they are some sort of model when in reality I'm a horny bloke with some cash on the hip and they are skint willing to trade pussy so they can buy something they will chuck away a week later. When it works it's great, but it takes a ludicrous amount of time to get that result more often than not.

:lol: agreed. Lot to be said for AW - true hoes know they're hoeing and have fun with it.

If there's chemistry with any girl, wherever they're from, I can go back for more. For AW those can windup as regulars. Again depends on what's wanted. With AW genuine, up for it girls, are rare. But when they do come up, with the appropriate level of filth, every meet can get up like a little sex project without a lot of the bullshit fiction you get at other times.

Offline Plan R

No wonder they have insane egos - average looking women receive constant validation on social media from 100 thirsty idiots every time they post anything..
A woman's smart phone is basically a box of cocks.

Offline Ali Katt

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No wonder they have insane egos - average looking women receive constant validation on social media from 100 thirsty idiots every time they post anything..
A woman's smart phone is basically a box of cocks.
How many believe it deep down? Very few I would imagine, most women don't have the ego you talk about, but some do.

Offline Plan R

Deep down insecurities or not... Social media addiction turns women into attention junkies (attention whores)
so used to the social media bukkake that they end up with inflated egos. Even if those egos are fragile..
You are then compelled (even when already in a relationship!) to compete with 100 other men to feed her ego.

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No thanks.

Offline Ali Katt

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Deep down insecurities or not... Social media addiction turns women into attention junkies (attention whores)
so used to the social media bukkake that they end up with inflated egos. Even if those egos are fragile..
You are then compelled (even when already in a relationship!) to compete with 100 other men to feed her ego.

No thanks.
I don't disagree with you. I know women that don't use social media and others who are attached to their phone like a Siamese twin. The same applies to men as well, competing against Chris Hemsworth in a pair of swimming trunks or whoever. It's not all bad though, the "unrealistic" body images can encourage self improvement.

I don't really see dating as competing against some avatar on instagram or some sycophantic 19-year-old from Azerbaijan whom she's never met. I maybe see some competition from ex-boyfriends as they will hold the keys to manipulate her feelings, but that's really about it. I'm my own person and don't do Facebook, instagram, linked in or whatsapp. Inflated ego or not, it's easy to tell who is fake, insecure or just plain boring without a psychology background, if you have spent any sort of time around women. It's easy to judge whose a nightmare and who isn't just by reading between the lines, of course people fall into the trap, me included just by the virtue of finding out what she looks likes with my cock blowing out her cheeks like Dizzy Gillespie.   
« Last Edit: March 19, 2019, 05:54:51 pm by Ali Katt »