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Author Topic: Romanian Women  (Read 932 times)

Offline Dawlishpunter

Had my first punt a few weeks ago and it was good. (Will do a review ASAP). But I can’t help but wonder what the Romanian women are like ? They are probably the best looking women in and around Exeter, but are they more hassle than they are worth ? Also wonder if they’re pimps are trouble ? Any help or advise would be greatly appreciated.

Offline anonymouse72

They are a bit Marmite. You can get a really good one or an absolute rip off merchant. Guys either love or hate them. I've experienced both the good and bad. Never had any pimp trouble though. Do your research and stick to positively reviews girls. Confirm services beforehand and be prepared to walk if it's not the girl in the pictures.

Offline Spiceoflife

I tend to exclude them from any AW searches. Have seen a couple of very good ones mind. As mentioned, check reviews on here. I will generally only consider one if she has been settled in the same area for some time. IMHO more likely to be independent and offer a decent service as some reliance on return business.

Offline Stiltskin

A lot of people on this forum exclude Romanians from their Adultwork searches and that includes me. Some of them may be gorgeous, but I find them unfriendly and their service is usually awful. I've only had one good one in 15 years!

Some blokes just don't mind fucking a gorgeous girl that acts like she despises you, hence the marmite reviews.

Offline ico23

As Stiltskin says.  I always avoid unless they have a number of good reviews and settled in an area. I also exclude from an AW search.

I suspect that all the 0 feedback pretty young things are at best, bait and switch, and at worst trafficked and run by Romanian gangs with all the horrible connotations that brings up.

If they were avoided en masse then they would simply go away but I don't see that happening anytime soon.

Quite frankly, I don't want to get involved with any of all that.


Offline Stiltskin

It's worth adding that all the bad Romanians I've seen were from a certain ethnic group. Some people think this group represents the entire population of Romania, fortunatley that isn't true.

Offline Danj89

A lot of people on this forum exclude Romanians from their Adultwork searches and that includes me. Some of them may be gorgeous, but I find them unfriendly and their service is usually awful. I've only had one good one in 15 years!

Some blokes just don't mind fucking a gorgeous girl that acts like she despises you, hence the marmite reviews.

+1 never had a good time with a Romanian and stopped seeing them a long time ago. I would only see one again if there were multiple good reviews on here.

Offline mike63

Very often in this area at least these girls have no AW feedback, at all, not that I'd pay it much attention anyway. But it suggests trafficking to me, which is something I want to avoid for all sorts of reasons.