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Author Topic: Prices!!!  (Read 3609 times)

Offline Mansell

Indeed. I look at traditional high street set ups and realise the town council has killed them by making car access difficult. One could survive off what the average big tesco store provides.. But without free parking, no one is playing ball are they?
Perfect timing for Newcastle & Gateshead council to announce inner city Emmisions charges, what a great idea  :dash: :dash:


  • Guest
Perfect timing for Newcastle & Gateshead council to announce inner city Emmisions charges, what a great idea  :dash: :dash:
Standard.. Greedy local councillors on the grab as ever for easy cash off drivers.. no foresight as to how it kills trade..

Offline Darlobloke

Standard.. Greedy local councillors on the grab as ever for easy cash off drivers.. no foresight as to how it kills trade..

Climate change the biggest threat to the planet though, cars and farting cows to blame. Cow tax?

Offline Tiger63

With that depressing scenario sounds like an escorting price cut is on the cards.....

Would make sense.
Ive already heard one other saying he goes for a massage at £50 an hour rather than a £70 for 30 mins booking.
Ive been doing the same for about a year and dont miss it, and in some ways the massage is better.

Money is very tight at the moment and Iam sure WGs will also be feeling the pinch.
It would be a great idea to hear that one of the top agencies have a price drop.

Offline waynekerr600

Would make sense.
Ive already heard one other saying he goes for a massage at £50 an hour rather than a £70 for 30 mins booking.
Ive been doing the same for about a year and dont miss it, and in some ways the massage is better.

Money is very tight at the moment and Iam sure WGs will also be feeling the pinch.
It would be a great idea to hear that one of the top agencies have a price drop.

I've started trying the odd massage too.

Punt at £70 or sheng @£35 is a no brainer.

I think £70/half is the tipping point for the NE.

Offline roboeggman

Would make sense.
Ive already heard one other saying he goes for a massage at £50 an hour rather than a £70 for 30 mins booking.
Ive been doing the same for about a year and dont miss it, and in some ways the massage is better.

Realistically if there were an escorting price drop what would it have to be to tempt you back into escorts more than massages?

I'm in the same boat where I mostly get massages, partially as I need mending all the time but often because of the value.

I've thought about it myself, as there are a lot of incredibly fit lasses about.

Offline Sar-Major

I've started trying the odd massage too.

Me too young WK................ It's called a "Wank".  :sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:

 :hi: :hi:
Banned reason: Fantasy reviews. Using UKP name to push boundaries and attempt bareback & stalker
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Offline Kev3773

Would make sense.
Ive already heard one other saying he goes for a massage at £50 an hour rather than a £70 for 30 mins booking.
Ive been doing the same for about a year and dont miss it, and in some ways the massage is better.

I'm about 50/50 with escorts and massages at the moment. A good masseur is better value @ the same price but double the time. It's unlikely  to stop me going for full service girls though as I still enjoy the intimacy they offer.  :hi:

Offline oldrockingchair

I prefer to organise bookings outside of Newcastle if possible not a lover of trying to find somewhere to park near the big river, plus I don't have a good indepth knowledge of Newcastle either, however there is a serious lack good escorts in the North West Durham area and Northumberland borders only 3 that I can think of worth visiting and no one of them isn't SM's favourite from Stanley !!

I am happy to pay £120 hr if the quality of service is guaranteed I would never spend this on an unknown venture so 60/110 suits me the majority of the time.

Offline The Outsider

External Link/Members Only


The mode for 30mins is currently £60 but it will only take a handful of newcomers / price rises to tip it to £70.

I will be doing this again in April so would be in a better position to comment on price fluctuations.


Interesting work Katie.  You're missing a key part of the data though, and that is how many bookings take place at each price point.  You only have advertised prices to go on and I'd suggest that the most actual transactions are going to be at the £60 mark, regardless of how many girls advertise a higher (or lower) rate. 

Offline Katie

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Interesting work Katie.  You're missing a key part of the data though, and that is how many bookings take place at each price point.  You only have advertised prices to go on and I'd suggest that the most actual transactions are going to be at the £60 mark, regardless of how many girls advertise a higher (or lower) rate.

Without asking each individual SP, it’s impossible to calculate. The whole purpose was to gather the information using publicly available data - if an SP charges less, surely it would make sense to advertise at a lower price?

SPs are notoriously guarded as to how much work they get, and how much they earn. Even to others they are close to in the industry, SPs are very coy about money.

The best indicator imho will be if there is any movement in price (median and mode) when I do this again in April  :hi:

Offline The Outsider

Without asking each individual SP, it’s impossible to calculate. The whole purpose was to gather the information using publicly available data - if an SP charges less, surely it would make sense to advertise at a lower price?

SPs are notoriously guarded as to how much work they get, and how much they earn. Even to others they are close to in the industry, SPs are very coy about money.

The best indicator imho will be if there is any movement in price (median and mode) when I do this again in April  :hi:

Agreed on the bold bit. 

What I mean is that if 10 service providers charge £60/30 and see 100 clients, and 10 other service providers charge £70/30 but only see 10 clients in the same notional time period, there are 10 times as many £60 transactions actually happening.   

I think the mode is the key metric.  It only takes a handful of outliers to screw with the mean and the median.  You get cam girls ticking the "escort" box to appear in searches but they price themselves at  hundreds of pounds to ward off actual booking enquiries.  I suspect that girls at £60 (especially including agencies) make up most of the bookings.   

Offline Katie

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Agreed on the bold bit. 

What I mean is that if 10 service providers charge £60/30 and see 100 clients, and 10 other service providers charge £70/30 but only see 10 clients in the same notional time period, there are 10 times as many £60 transactions actually happening.   

I think the mode is the key metric.  It only takes a handful of outliers to screw with the mean and the median.  You get cam girls ticking the "escort" box to appear in searches but they price themselves at  hundreds of pounds to ward off actual booking enquiries.  I suspect that girls at £60 (especially including agencies) make up most of the bookings.

I did my best to wheedle them out. There does tend to be two types of SP - ones that are aware of what the market can tolerate in terms of price and the ones that seem to pluck a random price out of thin air - e.g. no feedback, works Friday afternoons only and was in the region of £250 . Good luck with that, sweetheart...

In terms of mode and 30 mins, there are pockets where it is £70 whereas the regional mode is £60. The median is useful as it does help identify areas where it is cheaper - Blyth/Ashington and Sunderland and also areas that could potentially have a higher mode next time as the median is creeping close to £70 and the distribution profile is close between the two figures. 

It’s the first time I did it, and tbh I may next time do a set of regional figures with and without NE1 as possibly the tourer / Sergei bias may have skewed medians.

Offline Mansell

Agreed on the bold bit. 

What I mean is that if 10 service providers charge £60/30 and see 100 clients, and 10 other service providers charge £70/30 but only see 10 clients in the same notional time period, there are 10 times as many £60 transactions actually happening.   

I think the mode is the key metric.  It only takes a handful of outliers to screw with the mean and the median.  You get cam girls ticking the "escort" box to appear in searches but they price themselves at  hundreds of pounds to ward off actual booking enquiries.  I suspect that girls at £60 (especially including agencies) make up most of the bookings.

Totally agree, you can see loads of stuff advertised on eBay for mega money, but eBay has a useful feature which actually allows you to see what has sold and for what price. It makes for interesting reading and demonstates you are right, way more is sold at the lower price  ;) ;) ;)

Offline bushman

I would love to see the same quality of WG in Scotland for the same prices as in Newcastle. It is astonishing that the distance between Sunderland and Newcastle centre could almost justify a tenner increase in prices.
It is simply a case off supply and demand.
Aberdeen historically had girls charging silly money. Then the oil crash, less punters & less WG's. Did the returning WG reduce their rates. No because the supply demand ratio kept prices at 120-180 an hour. If I want to see decent girls for £120 it is almost 90% outwith Scotland.

Offline trainspotter

Just a snapshot - AW search this morning of 18 - 35 year olds, logged in within the last week offering incalls and disliking bareback or unprotected sex revealed the following for a 30 minute incall on page 1 of the search:
1   @  £50
20 @  £60
1   @  £65
16 @  £70
7   @  £80
1   @  £100
1   @  £160
2   did not give 30 minute price

The girl charging £50 is very highly regarded on here and one of the £80 brigade was my worst experience of 2018.

Offline Sar-Major

Just a snapshot - AW search this morning of 18 - 35 year olds, logged in within the last week offering incalls and disliking bareback or unprotected sex revealed the following for a 30 minute incall on page 1 of the search:
1   @  £50
20 @  £60
1   @  £65
16 @  £70
7   @  £80
1   @  £100
1   @  £160
2   did not give 30 minute price

The girl charging £50 is very highly regarded on here and one of the £80 brigade was my worst experience of 2018.

As has been said many times on here................... Paying "More" doesn't guarantee a better service.   :thumbsup:

 :hi: :hi:
Banned reason: Fantasy reviews. Using UKP name to push boundaries and attempt bareback & stalker
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Offline trainspotter

As has been said many times on here................... Paying "More" doesn't guarantee a better service.   :thumbsup:

 :hi: :hi:

She was £70 when I saw her and my only one over £60 in the whole year. She was a hastily arranged plan B who was available at the time when £60 girls were not. Also a lesson about plan Bs.
Coincidentially yesterday she had a £50 offer day.
 Dusty phone ?? I certainly hope so.

Offline Katie

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Just a snapshot - AW search this morning of 18 - 35 year olds, logged in within the last week offering incalls and disliking bareback or unprotected sex revealed the following for a 30 minute incall on page 1 of the search:
1   @  £50
20 @  £60
1   @  £65
16 @  £70
7   @  £80
1   @  £100
1   @  £160
2   did not give 30 minute price

The girl charging £50 is very highly regarded on here and one of the £80 brigade was my worst experience of 2018.

All it will take us a couple of the £80s to drop their price, a few new entrants and leavers in the market and the mode would be £70 rather than £60. Whether people like it or not ( and I’m just dealing with the data not opinion) pricing in the region is in flux.

April’s data trawl will make interesting reading.

Offline waynekerr600

All it will take us a couple of the £80s to drop their price, a few new entrants and leavers in the market and the mode would be £70 rather than £60. Whether people like it or not ( and I’m just dealing with the data not opinion) pricing in the region is in flux.

April’s data trawl will make interesting reading.

A man uses statistics as a drunk uses a lamppost- for support rather than illumination

Offline Katie

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A man uses statistics as a drunk uses a lamppost- for support rather than illumination

I’m not a man my dear.

I’m trained and certified in the dark arts of statistical analysis.

*returns to dark candlelit corner of womancave and coos gently to her precious spreadsheets....*

Online daviemac

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I’m not a man my dear.

I’m trained and certified in the dark arts of statistical analysis.

*returns to dark candlelit corner of womancave and coos gently to her precious spreadsheets....*

What species are you if not one of mankind?   :sarcastic:

To be honest stats like average area prices are only useful to service providers for them to set their rates.  As a service seeker I know there's 80+ on the books of the 3 agencies I would use plus in excess of 100 within my punting area on AW, all at £60/30. The average price in any given area is not relevant in my searches, I look for one's at the price I'm willing to pay and ignore the rest.


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I’m not a man my dear.

I’m trained and certified in the dark arts of statistical analysis.

*returns to dark candlelit corner of womancave and coos gently to her precious spreadsheets....*
GIGO..  :hi:.. the information gleaned from any analysis is highly dependent on the quality of data.. A search as above, of 18-35 year old SP's.. Or claiming 2 be.. :coolgirl:  Some of whom 90% of punters would have a bash if the price be right, some who wouldn't be done by 90% of punters even as a freebie on a "BOGOF" deal..
twatistics is a fascinating topic indeed..

I wonder what the standard deviation demanded by most punters might be?

Put that in ones pipe and Analise it..  :D

Offline Katie

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GIGO..  :hi:.. the information gleaned from any analysis is highly dependent on the quality of data.. A search as above, of 18-35 year old SP's.. Or claiming 2 be.. :coolgirl:  Some of whom 90% of punters would have a bash if the price be right, some who wouldn't be done by 90% of punters even as a freebie on a "BOGOF" deal..
twatistics is a fascinating topic indeed..

I wonder what the standard deviation demanded by most punters might be?

Put that in ones pipe and Analise it..  :D

Exactly. As demonstrated by the 2 age peaks of 28 and 42...

You are more likely to get a SP to tell you what she earns than how old she really is.

...any more talk about twatistics I’ll get my Spearman’s Rank out.

Addendum : I’m human. Not a man. So stick that in your rollies and stand outside for a bit...

Offline trainspotter

Sorry -  I just shared a random snapshot of prices being charged after I had done a quick count for my own interest. I had never imagined it being used as a basis for statistical analysis!!

Online daviemac

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Addendum : I’m human. Not a man. So stick that in your rollies and stand outside for a bit...

I said 'mankind' not man   :hi:

From the OED -
Definition of mankind in English:
mass noun
1Human beings considered collectively; the human race.

‘research for the benefit of all mankind’

I would hope your research is for the benefit of mankind.   :sarcastic: :sarcastic:


  • Guest
Exactly. As demonstrated by the 2 age peaks of 28 and 42...

You are more likely to get a SP to tell you what she earns than how old she really is.

...any more talk about twatistics I’ll get my Spearman’s Rank out.

Addendum : I’m human. Not a man. So stick that in your rollies and stand outside for a bit...
:lol:.. Memories of my Geography A levels.. I did Maths too but bizarrely no Spearmans Rank in the Maths A level.. Different data types, sampling methods introduce bias.. I always wondered how reliable any stats can be where people basically self-certify..

What puts me off Stats (which I also studied in many forms on my computing degree, mostly relating to economics and human factor based data), is how government abuses them..

 British prime minister Benjamin Disraeli: "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics."




  • Guest
Sorry -  I just shared a random snapshot of prices being charged after I had done a quick count for my own interest. I had never imagined it being used as a basis for statistical analysis!!
Good man. I for one found it useful.. I am never going to routinely pay silly money for a trip to the sperm toilet..

I mean, I once drove down an autobahn and was faced with a fee of half a euro to use the filling station bogs.. So I pissed french style side of road instead..

Good to see plenty of sub 80 half hours available..

Personally, I am more interested in the 15 min rates.. I prefer to rack a few up and flange hop.. as it were..

Offline Katie

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Good man. I for one found it useful.. I am never going to routinely pay silly money for a trip to the sperm toilet..

I mean, I once drove down an autobahn and was faced with a fee of half a euro to use the filling station bogs.. So I pissed french style side of road instead..

Good to see plenty of sub 80 half hours available..

Personally, I am more interested in the 15 min rates.. I prefer to rack a few up and flange hop.. as it were..

I can add that in next time if you like.... :hi:

Offline Katie

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I said 'mankind' not man   :hi:

From the OED -
I would hope your research is for the benefit of mankind.   :sarcastic: :sarcastic:

It was Mr Kerr that used the drunk man and lamppost analogy...I was merely pointing out chromosomal differences...  :hi: :hi


  • Guest
I can add that in next time if you like.... :hi:
Please.. :)

Not all do a 15 min rate sadly.. I don't visit whores for conversation or need half an hour to hoist and chuck me muck..

Why do most sp's prefer longer bookings? I know the obvious answer "money" but half of the time when I book 30 mins I am out in 15 anyway so seems a waste.. Why do 1 ho at 70 when I can do 2 at 40 each?

I don't mind a nice 60 half hour proper massage and shag from a lovely looking (usually asian) chick..

But such are rarities..

I have noticed local parlour to me does a 20 service (same as 30 mins) full shag and all for 35..

Parlour rates seem much more reasonable, but I don't like walking in.. AW isn't ideal and is very pricey.. A good concept but let down by high prices advertised and suspect sp's who are not always as advertised.. EG. pics 10 years old, etc..

Offline waynekerr600

It was Mr Kerr that used the drunk man and lamppost analogy...I was merely pointing out chromosomal differences...  :hi: :hi

It's a famous (Andrew Lang?) quote that I used.

In the interests of equality the female of the species can use statistics the way a gender indeterminate individual who has consumed excess alcohol uses a lamppost for support rather than illumination.

In fact the female of the species can probably do it better. :)


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My interest in value for money is directly related to a 20 punts weekly addicktion.. :)

If I was in for a fortnightly indulgence.. I might not mind paying a ton for an hour or 2 of sublime joy or whatever (kinda thing I prefer with a civvie anyway.. )..

But doing a minimum of 3 hoes every punting mission can be a dear do..

I am going to quit punting.. tomorrrow..  :D


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20 punts a week?  :wacko:
At my worst.. or best.. depending on one's level of manic psychosis..  :lol:

Usually around 15 or so..

I remember some time ago having sex 8 times, 14 times and 24 times on 3 concurrent days..

I "wasn't well".. Slightly a few screws missing upstairs during that phase of my life.. Or too many!

Being able to orgasm 6 times in 15 mins, or 8 times in a hour.. Is probably very freaky but definitely gets me as high as a kite.

Wanking over porn is all well and good and now and again a few civvies can serve well, but most object to my "hobby" of whoring.. As they do..  :(

Online daviemac

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It was Mr Kerr that used the drunk man and lamppost analogy...I was merely pointing out chromosomal differences...  :hi: :hi

I took it as man as in mankind, but no point arguing about it, my post were meant in a light-hearted / jovial way hence the  :sarcastic: emoji.

Offline NigelF

Why do most sp's prefer longer bookings? I know the obvious answer "money" but half of the time when I book 30 mins I am out in 15 anyway so seems a waste.. Why do 1 ho at 70 when I can do 2 at 40 each?

I think the key reason is all time and effort required preparing for each punter - longer bookings save significantly on that. Also, the average % time spent shagging/doing "hard work" is likely to be lower in the typical longer booking compared to shorter ones, therefore they're "easier". If a girl is well priced for longer bookings compared to shorter ones it also means regulars/returning clients are more likely to book longer, which means the punts are likely to be even "easier" or at least more relaxed.

Given that no shows and last minute cancellations are a big problem, having fewer but longer bookings possibly helps in the sense that if you do get stood up, you could possibly fit in a short notice 30 min booking to fill the space without it impacting on subsequent bookings (if any have be made), whereas if you had a 30 min booking not show up then, if your next booking is soon, there's not enough time to get another punter in. Nonetheless, I imagine that's a very minor and highly variable advantage.

Most punters who book 30 mins will book that amount of time because they need it, hence they won't often be out in 15 mins unless the WG was crap. Of course some punters may only need 15 but might well find that most WGs are too rushed or provide too much of a limited service in that time, hence they book 30 mins and try to drag it out. I imagine punters, on average, are more likely to leave early in an hour (or longer) booking than 30 mins or less or at the very least proportionally they leave at the "same time". Of course the main factor is the punter, not the length of time they booked.

Personally, I usually need the 30 mins so I apply your logic (why see 1 when you can see 2) to half hour bookings vs hour bookings, i.e. most of my punts are 30 mins. However, if I have 2 or more punts on the same day (especially if close together), I'll often go for an hour for the subsequent/last punt (because I'll need it) and that will almost always be with a girl who's well priced for an hour.

My interest in value for money is directly related to a 20 punts weekly addicktion.. :)

If I was in for a fortnightly indulgence.. I might not mind paying a ton for an hour or 2 of sublime joy or whatever (kinda thing I prefer with a civvie anyway.. )..

But doing a minimum of 3 hoes every punting mission can be a dear do..

I am going to quit punting.. tomorrrow..  :D
At my worst.. or best.. depending on one's level of manic psychosis..  :lol:

Usually around 15 or so..

I remember some time ago having sex 8 times, 14 times and 24 times on 3 concurrent days..

I "wasn't well".. Slightly a few screws missing upstairs during that phase of my life.. Or too many!

Being able to orgasm 6 times in 15 mins, or 8 times in a hour.. Is probably very freaky but definitely gets me as high as a kite.

Wanking over porn is all well and good and now and again a few civvies can serve well, but most object to my "hobby" of whoring.. As they do..  :(

You're taking the trolling way too far, it was barely funny the first time. At any rate, I'm sure you could stand to post something much more helpful (e.g. reviews) instead.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2019, 04:35:15 pm by NigelF »

Offline tynetunnel

At my worst.. or best.. depending on one's level of manic psychosis..  :lol:

Usually around 15 or so..

I remember some time ago having sex 8 times, 14 times and 24 times on 3 concurrent days..

I "wasn't well".. Slightly a few screws missing upstairs during that phase of my life.. Or too many!

Being able to orgasm 6 times in 15 mins, or 8 times in a hour.. Is probably very freaky but definitely gets me as high as a kite.

Wanking over porn is all well and good and now and again a few civvies can serve well, but most object to my "hobby" of whoring.. As they do..  :(
What is extraordinary is that with 15 punts a week, and membership of around 98 weeks, you’ve managed just 4 reviews  :unknown:


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I think the key reason is all time and effort required preparing for each punter - longer bookings save significantly on that. Also, the average % time spent shagging/doing "hard work" is likely to be lower in the typical longer booking compared to shorter ones, therefore they're "easier". If a girl is well priced for longer bookings compared to shorter ones it also means regulars/returning clients are more likely to book longer, which means the punts are likely to be even "easier" or at least more relaxed.

Given that no shows and last minute cancellations are a big problem, having fewer but longer bookings possibly helps in the sense that if you do get stood up, you could possibly fit in a short notice 30 min booking to fill the space without it impacting on subsequent bookings (if any have be made), whereas if you had a 30 min booking not show up then, if your next booking is soon, there's not enough time to get another punter in. Nonetheless, I imagine that's a very minor and highly variable advantage.

Most punters who book 30 mins will book that amount of time because they need it, hence they won't often be out in 15 mins unless the WG was crap. Of course some punters may only need 15 but might well find that most WGs are too rushed or provide too much of a limited service in that time, hence they book 30 mins and try to drag it out. I imagine punters, on average, are more likely to leave early in an hour (or longer) booking than 30 mins or less or at the very least proportionally they leave at the "same time". Of course the main factor is the punter, not the length of time they booked.

Personally, I usually need the 30 mins so I apply your logic (why see 1 when you can see 2) to half hour bookings vs hour bookings, i.e. most of my punts are 30 mins. However, if I have 2 or more punts on the same day (especially if close together), I'll often go for an hour for the subsequent/last punt (because I'll need it) and that will almost always be with a girl who's well priced for an hour.

You're taking the trolling way too far, it was barely funny the first time. At any rate, I'm sure you could stand to post something much more helpful (e.g. reviews) instead.
haha. Yes.. I am indulging a bit today I will agree.. My addiction has caused me all manner of social difficulties but I enjoy this forum and it is good to know other blokes also have a similar way of handling sex addiction.. Cuntstructively as one might say..

Gotta have a laugh though eh?

Ok, I will post a few more reviews up soon..

Interesting explanation of why so many SP's are not over keen on 15 min punts but apart from the fair points about time taken to prepare etc. I am of the mind that long bookings benefit sp's more than punters. When I started punting decades ago, the basic point was, from a punters perspective, unload muck as quickly as possible.. A chance to rod a hottie and cum in 5 mins, something a civvie would hate, but is good for a hooker because she has earned quickly.. On to next punter..

Now it seems many punters want GFE.. Which is all well and good but why not just shag the GF, or wife?

haha.. OK, I know of many good answers to that question? :)


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What is extraordinary is that with 15 punts a week, and membership of around 98 weeks, you’ve managed just 4 reviews  :unknown:
I'll put some more up.. Only problem is, so many are not on AW anymore and to be perfectly honest, most haven't been stellar experiences and I have enjoyed some women who really wouldn't impress a discerning gent, unless perhaps he fancies tooting on crack cocaine between pops..

Yes, I have known quite a few cokeheads who are SP's... No shit sherlock you might say.. But coking up during a "booking"?

Is that kosher or what?

I don't drugs, so it kinda puts me off.. Not in a judgemental way because its thier choice but in a "I'm not interested in waiting for you to smoke that shit" kinda way..

Offline waynekerr600

I took it as man as in mankind, but no point arguing about it, my post were meant in a light-hearted / jovial way hence the  :sarcastic: emoji.

Mine were totally serious  :D

No joking where lampposts are concerned  :)

Offline waynekerr600

no point arguing about it, my post were meant in a light-hearted / jovial way

You ever tried arguing with a woman?  :crazy:

P.S. watch those plurals though or the grammar police will be winging their way to bonds international HQ  :bomb:

Offline Sar-Major

At my worst.. or best.. depending on one's level of manic psychosis..  :lol:

Usually around 15 or so..

I remember some time ago having sex 8 times, 14 times and 24 times on 3 concurrent days..

I "wasn't well".. Slightly a few screws missing upstairs during that phase of my life.. Or too many!

Being able to orgasm 6 times in 15 mins, or 8 times in a hour.. Is probably very freaky but definitely gets me as high as a kite.

Wanking over porn is all well and good and now and again a few civvies can serve well, but most object to my "hobby" of whoring.. As they do..  :(

Well seeing 4 lass's over a 22hr period during a "Stopover" in the Toon has me "Fekin Paggered" by the time I go home :wacko: :wacko:   :lol: :lol: :lol:

As well as me "Fekin Wallet"........  :scare:   :D

 :hi: :hi:
Banned reason: Fantasy reviews. Using UKP name to push boundaries and attempt bareback & stalker
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Sar-Major

You ever tried arguing with a woman? :crazy:

P.S. watch those plurals though or the grammar police will be winging their way to bonds international HQ  :bomb:

Arguing with a woman is like reading a computer software license agreement.

In the end you just give up reading, ignore everything, and then click on “I Agree”.......................  :P     :sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:

 :hi: :hi:
Banned reason: Fantasy reviews. Using UKP name to push boundaries and attempt bareback & stalker
Banned by: daviemac

Online daviemac

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You ever tried arguing with a woman?  :crazy:

*P.S. watch those plurals though or the grammar police will be winging their way to bonds international HQ  :bomb:

Only once, after that I found I had more success with walls, bricks, heads and banging.    :sarcastic:

* That's another proof reader I'll have to sack.   :angry:


  • Guest
Well seeing 4 lass's over a 22hr period during a "Stopover" in the Toon has me "Fekin Paggered" by the time I go home :wacko: :wacko:   :lol: :lol: :lol:

As well as me "Fekin Wallet"........  :scare:   :D

 :hi: :hi:
Yip.  an aching dick and a sorry wallet.. Sometimes the dick ache is a cause of another problem.. "extended priapism".. a medical condition when ones wood won't subside easy.. scarey at times..

Offline Tiger63

Yip.  an aching dick and a sorry wallet.. Sometimes the dick ache is a cause of another problem.. "extended priapism".. a medical condition when ones wood won't subside easy.. scarey at times..

Have you heard of the medical term " fantasist"?


  • Guest
Have you heard of the medical term " fantasist"?
:drinks:... I have always found bragging about a good session at least as pleasurable as having it.. as any sex addict will tell ya.. often sex isn't something we really enjoy like others do.. It's more a "fix" we need like a drug addict.. A sore dick is nothing fantastic or rare I am sure..  :unknown:

Offline tynetunnel

Arguing with a woman is like reading a computer software license agreement.

In the end you just give up reading, ignore everything, and then click on “I Agree”.......................  :P     :sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:

 :hi: :hi:
I like that, I’m going to use that meself!  :lol:

Offline bushman

Being able to orgasm 6 times in 15 mins.. Is probably very freaky but definitely gets me as high as a kite.

Your PE is serious you need to go and see a doctor.