Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Harmless pastime or expensive obsession.  (Read 2704 times)

Offline Fishermansfriend

I'm a newby to this site and indeed to punting. My preference is for a relaxing massage (only tried Thai ladies thus far), followed by a HE. I have quickly realised that my new found  hobby has become almost all consuming and rather expensive. Am I abnormal in thinking this way or have you follow punters experienced the same.

Offline Home Alone

I'm a newby to this site and indeed to punting. My preference is for a relaxing massage (only tried Thai ladies thus far), followed by a HE. I have quickly realised that my new found  hobby has become almost all consuming and rather expensive. Am I abnormal in thinking this way or have you follow punters experienced the same.

No, sir; you're very sensible to see things in that light. It's quite easy to get into the 'kid in a sweetshop' mentality and spend money more quickly than you perhaps would with another hobby or pastime. While you're still a newbie, you'd do yourself a favour if you started setting yourself a 'punting budget' per month at an amount you can afford and stick within that limit.

Offline Grenadier36

No, sir; you're very sensible to see things in that light. It's quite easy to get into the 'kid in a sweetshop' mentality and spend money more quickly than you perhaps would with another hobby or pastime. While you're still a newbie, you'd do yourself a favour if you started setting yourself a 'punting budget' per month at an amount you can afford and stick within that limit.
Good post. OP it's a case of trying what you like, find WGs who offer services you're into, if you're not sure what you're into yet then have fun finding out. Don't spend money you can't afford and just enjoy yourself is my advice  :hi:

Offline Hobbit

I'm a newby to this site and indeed to punting. My preference is for a relaxing massage (only tried Thai ladies thus far), followed by a HE. I have quickly realised that my new found  hobby has become almost all consuming and rather expensive. Am I abnormal in thinking this way or have you follow punters experienced the same.

Welcome to the Jungle. You will be fighting addiction to this for many years to come if you're not careful. Many punters on here would deny that they are addicted but most of them would be lying. This is a very dangerous game financially and mentally. Think very hard what you want in life whether this is something you really want to get into.

My reason for doing this was due to circumstance many years ago and along the way I have had some amazing experiences and some not very good. The not very good outweigh the amazing.

My advice would be to build confidence in yourself to be able to speak to girls, feel good about yourself and meet people that way. If after that, you feel that you still want to do this then, welcome to the club. :hi:
« Last Edit: January 13, 2019, 01:21:06 pm by Hobbit »

Offline Moby Dick

Like most things, good in moderation if you have a balanced healthy work and home  lifestyle with good friends, and relationships
Don't put punting before anything else. This is a slippery slope and can ruin everything if you develop an obsession to punt.

Offline cobrared123

              If your not careful you could catch something !!   ...its called escortisis!!   And its very difficult to treat. I haven't as yet found a cure for it.
    Good luck tho.

Offline Grenadier36

              If your not careful you could catch something !!   ...its called escortisis!!   And its very difficult to treat. I haven't as yet found a cure for it.
    Good luck tho.
symptoms are an extremely diminished bank balance  :lol: :lol:

Offline S.X. MacHine

I'm a newby to this site and indeed to punting. My preference is for a relaxing massage (only tried Thai ladies thus far), followed by a HE. I have quickly realised that my new found  hobby has become almost all consuming and rather expensive. Am I abnormal in thinking this way or have you follow punters experienced the same.

Some folk can handle a couple of drinks; others become alcoholics. Some people have a flutter on the horses; others become problem gamblers.
I guess punting is the same. It certainly has the potential for addiction, so it will depend how you, as an individual, are able to cope with it.
I suggest that you should never spend more than you can afford. Neither should you punt so often as to become jaded by it.
Otherwise, just enjoy!

Offline Titti Tatti

Good comments above.  I'm always surprised there isn't more discussion about the fever you get when you first take this up.  I know I have it and it's just circumstances restricting my time that keeps it all in check.

Set a budget and make sure you spend it wisely by planning ahead.  I know a good experience keeps me happy for a week. A crap one and I'm back on the prowl next day. 

Offline BarryProudfoot

Good comments above.  I'm always surprised there isn't more discussion about the fever you get when you first take this up.  I know I have it and it's just circumstances restricting my time that keeps it all in check.

Set a budget and make sure you spend it wisely by planning ahead. 
I know a good experience keeps me happy for a week. A crap one and I'm back on the prowl next day.

You would assume it should be the other way around :D

Offline User176

You're right. Punting can be financially and mentally dangerous if one isn't careful.

I've tried promising myself, "I'm going to stay away from AW for 3 weeks" only to end up deep in another Polish WG after 12 days. Oh, well...that promise lasted longer than my new year's resolution.

I'm financially OK, but I've had to adjust my lifestyle a bit. Good thing is, I've quit gambling, have cut restaurant visits in favor of home cooking, and started walking more often in lieu of black cabs. I've spent all of the savings on punts, though...

Offline pythondan

I think that a big issue with punting is the time spent researching punts, reading AW etc.

I spend hours every week doing this and it really is not a great use of my time.

The secrecy can be wearing as well. Keeping secrets from your partner can be stressful and I am sure most punters have had close calls or had days at work worrying whether they have cleared browser histories etc.

I have had some great punts and some experiences that would have probably never happened in civvie life but sometimes wish that I had never started. Pandora's Box - if you have opened it you will probably always struggle knowing that fucking a hottie is a phone call away.

Offline king tarzan

WITHIN MODERATION  :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Titti Tatti

I think that a big issue with punting is the time spent researching punts, reading AW etc.

I spend hours every week doing this and it really is not a great use of my time.

The secrecy can be wearing as well. Keeping secrets from your partner can be stressful and I am sure most punters have had close calls or had days at work worrying whether they have cleared browser histories etc.

I have had some great punts and some experiences that would have probably never happened in civvie life but sometimes wish that I had never started. Pandora's Box - if you have opened it you will probably always struggle knowing that fucking a hottie is a phone call away.

Agreed, plus an hours punt is more like

20_30 minutes calling/texting around when you're trying to earn the dosh to pay for it, and anything up to an hours travel each way.

Offline dumbo25

Like most things, good in moderation if you have a balanced healthy work and home  lifestyle with good friends, and relationships
Don't put punting before anything else. This is a slippery slope and can ruin everything if you develop an obsession to punt.

Agreed  :thumbsup:

Offline Oh la la

I think that a big issue with punting is the time spent researching punts, reading AW etc.

I spend hours every week doing this and it really is not a great use of my time.

The secrecy can be wearing as well. Keeping secrets from your partner can be stressful and I am sure most punters have had close calls or had days at work worrying whether they have cleared browser histories etc.

I have had some great punts and some experiences that would have probably never happened in civvie life but sometimes wish that I had never started. Pandora's Box - if you have opened it you will probably always struggle knowing that fucking a hottie is a phone call away.

Good point. I only do massages but apart from the financial side, I’m afraid I spend way too much time researching and planning than would be sensible. That time could be better spent elsewhere.


  • Guest
deffo set your self a weekly or monthly budget that you can afford. or say to your self I'm only going to punt say on pay day that month as a treat that way you have something to look forward to.

I used to be in my younger years all in anything that was local to me, maybe a few times a week but I've learnt that half the time there not great punts, so to save the experience, excitement up and do it as your budget allows.

just because you can doesn't mean you always should punt :)

Offline Pondy

I can relate to this, I've been punting for 2 years now and it's taken over a big part of my life, I'm better now, but I still spend hours on aw seeing who's new, I work overtime just for the money to punt, however I believe that life is too short not to do what you enjoy in life

Offline Belgarion

I'm a newby to this site and indeed to punting. My preference is for a relaxing massage (only tried Thai ladies thus far), followed by a HE. I have quickly realised that my new found  hobby has become almost all consuming and rather expensive. Am I abnormal in thinking this way or have you follow punters experienced the same.

Harmless past time for those who have got a good head on their shoulders.

A dangerous hobby for everyone else

Offline Guesswork

When the fun stops, stop ;)

By that I mean when you lose the buzz of setting up and going to a punt, you've pretty much had all the excitement you're going to get.

As mentioned, punting is generally not for the faint hearted and you certainly need a level head or it can get expensive and damaging.

Enjoy it by all means, if you can afford the frequent punts then have fun while it lasts.

But if the buzz goes and you continue, or it begins to take over (lies, borrowing money to fund it etc) then you need a bloody good look in the mirror and figure out why you're continuing to plough on if you know you shouldn't.

And I suspect it will not be just for the sake of having your cock tugged for half an hour.

Don't mean to paint a bleak picture, because starting punting was fantastic fun for me, but then most addictions start off as fun before they take over.

Offline nbarnes

I'm too tight and have too many big plans for the future to get addicted.

For me - it's about bucket listing - threesomes, bondage, submissives, filming, dommes, porn stars, costumes and dungeon visits.
None of the above are *easy* in the context of a normal, loving relationship.
Generally the girls that will provide the above are unusual and thus rare in some way. (some may argue damaged as well)

If you are using punting for a GFE twice a week (IMO) you may have a problem.
As it says in the introduction to punting - it's no replacement for intimacy or a proper relationship.

I *do* need a shag every now and then, and this scratches the 7 week itch, but it's important to have a plan and stick to it.
That's how you prevent getting EAS or blowing all your money.

You can fuck as many as you want when you are rich!

Offline webpunter

Anyone thinking what i am ?

A plausible pretty well put together post
Encouraging debate

Hit the nail on the head
As the replies keep coming

I could be barking up the wrong tree
To prove otherwise waiting for OP to wazz up some catch reviews


  • Guest
is it a Harmless pastime or expensive obsession ?

well it's an expensive pastime----- that you can get obsessed with  ;)

so keep within your financial  budget DON'T over spend and remember it's an business transaction a service based business that's all--- 
they are offering a service of a sexual nature ----they are  NOT offering love or an meaningful relationship

just do your research follow the guide lines & advice contained within this forum
and hopefully you will find the service provider(s) that meets your needs and gives a reliable fulfilling experience


  • Guest
WITHIN MODERATION  :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


I belive in 'everything in moderation' - including 'moderation'.


  • Guest

. . . threesomes, bondage, submissives, filming, dommes, porn stars, costumes and dungeon visits.

. . . You can fuck as many as you want when you are rich!

Sounds like a wet Wednesday evening out with our old mate West8!

Offline Malvolio

I reckon it depends on your personality, and whether or not you have an addictive one.  Charlie Sheen springs to mind.

Offline Fishermansfriend

Thanks for your feedback guys.

Offline redtill

Just remember its a business transaction & try not to see the same SP & you'll be fine :rolleyes:
Can be difficult if the SP is fit as fuck & the sex is fucking brilliant :D

Offline Grenadier36

Just remember its a business transaction & try not to see the same SP & you'll be fine :rolleyes:
Can be difficult if the SP is fit as fuck & the sex is fucking brilliant :D
They all blur into one after a while though for me I find - variety is definitely what I go for, rare that I return for another go

Offline lostandfound

This kind of discussion reminds me of a Ted talk I listened to delivered by a female sexpert.

She said one of the questions she is often asked by women who enjoy masturbation is are they addicted to their vibrators?

Her reply was along the lines of no, you're not an addict, you just enjoy, a lot.

Offline Plan R

I keep the money side under control no problem most months.
But I agree with comments that researching AW can become a (compulsive) time-sink..

My insanely large and convoluted Hotlists are testament to the hours wasted browsing AW.
I find browsing AW for hot brasses relaxing and de-stressing (as in it helps me unwind)..

My theory is the AW browsing could be stoking the same 'intermittent reward' dopamine circuits that gambling does for gamblers
- not to mention the 'fucking hell - look at the tits on that!' circuits.

Offline funfungoodguy

Remember they are charging an awful lot for their time. sometimes what they do is certainly not what you're gonna get at home, so its a naughty treat and on that basis why not, but if it becomes a habit then you should take a step back, noting comments above about time spent reviewing AW, compiling H/L, cross referencing with here and so on. The busy ones (in some cases virtually back/ conveyor belt/ to back,  so they cannot possibly be addressing their oral hygiene and showering properly) are making serious dosh, tax free, and they can become dismissive, difficult, and sometimes deal with people in  a way that they wouldn't get away with in daily life with people they know. In that case walk, and find another girl to see. They can forget that earning that kind of money deserves treating clients right. Doing this is not cheap, one could do an awful lot of other things with the money, if you have plenty then fine, if not -  like most people, then take a reality check and ask yourself if you really do need to give that dough to a prostitute for a short and costly thrill. Like many people in sales they are (mostly) good at making you feel comfortable parting with your cash.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2019, 04:23:53 pm by funfungoodguy »


  • Guest
Remember they are charging an awful lot for their time. sometimes what they do is certainly not what you're gonna get at home, so its a naughty treat and on that basis why not, but if it becomes a habit then you should take a step back, noting comments above about time spent reviewing AW, compiling H/L, cross referencing with here and so on. The busy ones (in some cases virtually back/ conveyor belt/ to back,  so they cannot possibly be addressing their oral hygiene and showering properly) are making serious dosh, tax free, and they can become dismissive, difficult, and sometimes deal with people in  a way that they wouldn't get away with in daily life with people they know. In that case walk, and find another girl to see. They can forget that earning that kind of money deserves treating clients right. Doing this is not cheap, one could do an awful lot of other things with the money, if you have plenty then fine, if not -  like most people, then take a reality check and ask yourself if you really do need to give that dough to a prostitute for a short and costly thrill. Like many people in sales they are (mostly) good at making you feel comfortable parting with your cash.

good post

Offline jfogle

Ex punter here just browsing the discussions and as someone that hasn't seen a working girl for about two years now, I find it interesting. I think if it something you enjoy then crack on, the constant browsing on AW is draining as others mention. I never consciously stopped but I guess it was a case of getting it out of my system, and now enjoy dating normal women now.

I say if it is something you want to do and enjoy it, as long as its safe then its totally harmless. The feeling of walking out of a house or flat having been with a beautiful lady giving you an amazing experience is a great one. I found this feeling numbed the more I did it, when that time comes maybe it becomes a bit unhealthy.

Offline Grenadier36

Ex punter here just browsing the discussions and as someone that hasn't seen a working girl for about two years now, I find it interesting. I think if it something you enjoy then crack on, the constant browsing on AW is draining as others mention. I never consciously stopped but I guess it was a case of getting it out of my system, and now enjoy dating normal women now.

I say if it is something you want to do and enjoy it, as long as its safe then its totally harmless. The feeling of walking out of a house or flat having been with a beautiful lady giving you an amazing experience is a great one. I found this feeling numbed the more I did it, when that time comes maybe it becomes a bit unhealthy.
Yet you post here?
No such thing as an "ex punter" IMO  ;) The beauty of the sweetie shop is that it's always being restocked...


Like most things, good in moderation if you have a balanced healthy work and home  lifestyle with good friends, and relationships
Don't put punting before anything else. This is a slippery slope and can ruin everything if you develop an obsession to punt.

Imo that's really solid advice or it fits a bit how I feel with punting atm, ive not slipped as such but the message resonates......I may find myself reciting that to myself every now n then

Cheers MD

Offline Bobbyplastic

Get yourself a wife and a few children. Then you'll realise how cheap punting is compared to civy street, especially when wife looses interest after child no 2.

Online theejaculator

Yes it can definitely become all consuming if you're not careful. Researching AW and on UKP, sending emails, planning the punt .

I just know if I had a life changing amount of money I'd sell up move to Thailand and fuck all day every day .....

Offline purple_t

Even though I haven't punted in about 4-5 months I still think about it every day... so it's an obsession for me, just not an expensive one :D

Lack of free time and lack of quality girls around are the only things stopping me from doing it more regularly

Offline fallentrees1321

Its all down to you as a person . Just like with all vices in life (alcohol , gambling , drugs) everyone manages them differently .

Everyone punts for different reasons and from different situations . Personally I  work a job that has me away from home for long periods of time .

How you will manage it will depend on yourself . And the situation you are punting from .

I would suggest though after seeing a friend who outed himself to us that if you are using punting as a way of getting contact with women because you cannot form relationships with women in the way that you would like then I personally would address that sooner rather than later . My friend spent years being the hopeless single one , little did we know that he was punting probably 2 or 3 times a week until he outed himself to us in a mess because he felt like he had wasted years of his life and countless amounts of money on seeing hookers when he really all along wanted a partner .


  • Guest
If it is taking up all your time and money that you can't afford then stop.  If you are able to deal with it and are not spending more than you can afford......

Offline wristjob

One way or another most guys spend most of their cash on women. Punting tends to guarantee it's a sure thing, although not necessarily a good thing.

I've been through phases and different lengths and goals to suit the times. At one time I punted for sex, sometimes VFM was more important than what I was shagging. Other times it's about really hot girls, or exploring different services. What I am finding now is that I've got more picky (and UKP providing better SPs has fuelled that) so years ago I could have just found a girl easy and as often as not it was crap now I have more consistency but it can take a long time to find a suitable girl and for out calendars to line up. That is proving to be a limiting factor and if you read all the posts about things being crap now - I think it's mostly that people's expectations have gone up and it's not just me.

I think if you look at all the guys with 100+ reviews on here they all slow down eventually so I wouldn't worry too much.

Offline peter purves

I'm a newby to this site and indeed to punting. My preference is for a relaxing massage (only tried Thai ladies thus far), followed by a HE. I have quickly realised that my new found  hobby has become almost all consuming and rather expensive. Am I abnormal in thinking this way or have you follow punters experienced the same.

Leaving aside the punt per se

It can be all consuming like being on here :P

No seriously, the planning of the punts, travelling thousands of miles for a punt etc etc etc.

Then if you are in a relationship then there is the espionage that goes with it.  :cool:


Hidden Image/Members Only
« Last Edit: February 02, 2019, 09:54:26 pm by peter purves »
Banned reason: Can't / won't take advice.
Banned by: daviemac


  • Guest
I'm a newby to this site and indeed to punting. My preference is for a relaxing massage (only tried Thai ladies thus far), followed by a HE. I have quickly realised that my new found  hobby has become almost all consuming and rather expensive. Am I abnormal in thinking this way or have you follow punters experienced the same.

some guys on here have >100 post suggesting they are not only addicted to punting but also have not much else going on in their life. Posting reviews may be their way of filling a void, fueling self-importance or refelcting on their habit.

Offline mrfishyfoo

Yet you post here?
No such thing as an "ex punter" IMO  ;) The beauty of the sweetie shop is that it's always being restocked...

Then factor in the coolidge effect and any punter with the resources is gonna have a ball.  :cool: :cool:

It's when the money runs out that the problems start. :scare: :scare:

Offline mrfishyfoo

some guys on here have >100 post suggesting they are not only addicted to punting but also have not much else going on in their life. Posting reviews may be their way of filling a void, fueling self-importance or refelcting on their habit.

That's a fucking bold statement MrW.  :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I punt when I want because I can !!!

When I couldn't punt due to life circumstance I didn't !!!

Ultimately all us punters are is just anonymous pricks that venture into the black holes that others have been in before and that others will go in after.

Self importance has fuck all to do with it.  :hi: :hi:

« Last Edit: February 03, 2019, 10:59:06 am by mrfishyfoo »


  • Guest
Women generally.. :lol:

 Any man who regularly plonks double digit numbers of women weekly for prolonged periods is gonna have problems in those areas of his life which don't balance well against such excess..

One reality check for me when I was in that parallel universe PUA / punter zone was a regular beer with my more sensible mates at least once weekly who would not be so impressed with my tales of shame as the usual guys I hung around clubs and gym locker rooms with..

The danger these days is that dating sites dont work anymore for the average sex deprived guy so they are moving onto aw and parlour girls for their sex kicks. As more men move towards that way of thinking, prices rise. Standard economics. But not only that, attitudes change and no longer is there any shame in men admitting to what they do as a hobby. Once it becomes socially acceptable and everyone and his dog are doing it we can see the cash moving in one direction.. out of a mans pocket..

But not all women turn a blind eye to this hobby. Wives and girlfriends can easily use evidence of a gents time against him and that is gonna have serious impact on a mans persanal shituation..

Punt wisely. When in doubt.. Do Nowt..

Offline Hobbit

That's a fucking bold statement MrW.  :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I punt when I want because I can !!!

When I couldn't punt due to life circumstance I didn't !!!

Ultimately all us punters are is just anonymous pricks that venture into the black holes that others have been in before and that others will go in after.

Self importance has fuck all to do with it.  :hi: :hi:

I agree. Self-importance has nothing to do with it. There is an addiction factor which I agree to but that needs to be controlled and I would like to think that if I couldn't punt then I wouldn't. We all have voids, kind of like back holes we look into from time to time and sometimes a bit of excitement can help lift the mood and a good punt can be that excitement at times.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2019, 02:13:46 pm by Hobbit »

Offline Plan R

some guys on here have >100 post suggesting they are not only addicted to punting but also have not much else going on in their life. Posting reviews may be their way of filling a void, fueling self-importance or refelcting on their habit.

Or maybe, (and this is a bit radical), they enjoy tits and pussy ?
We save each other a lot of time and money by reviewing here - you should try it sometime  :hi:

Offline fallentrees1321

some guys on here have >100 post suggesting they are not only addicted to punting but also have not much else going on in their life. Posting reviews may be their way of filling a void, fueling self-importance or refelcting on their habit.

Surely if they wanted to be self important they would chose a hobby/pastime/job that they could shout from the rooftops and that they would get respect from other people in real life about .

I suspect most of the high posting members on here are shrewd enough to keep their punting discrete .

Besides those with countless reviews have been members years . Or have better financial means than some of us who can only afford to punt every so often perhaps ?