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Author Topic: More students are turning to sex work says The Independent  (Read 1888 times)

Gordon Bennet

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Two new articles on sex work turned up in today’s independent:

1. Students are turning to sex work for extra money but experts warn universities are ignoring the issue

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2. Student who did sugar baby work reveals dark side of university life: ‘He said you look ripe for breeding’

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I don’t get why it should make headlines just cos it’s the word “student” that gets a mention.

Plenty of girls turn to selling sex because they are skint. Why should students be any different.

Offline peter purves

I can't see universities as one of the bastion of society upholding or admitting to students turning to sex to pay fees

Although I can understand the ECP position - excuse the pun  :P - but I think the issue surely bespeaks to government policies etc  :unknown:
« Last Edit: December 27, 2018, 01:14:52 am by peter purves »
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Offline hornyguy19891

Firstly... Where?!

And secondly, not surprised. A combination of higher tuition fees, harder to get jobs, more and more people talking about sex, people engaging in sex at a younger age, access to websites like AW, access to better technology that allows better tracking of people I.e. Uber and a few other things I'm sure have led to increased student sex workers.

It's a shitty situation but, and its very hypocritical of me I know, I enjoy a younger student punt than an older one.


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I don’t get why it should make headlines just cos it’s the word “student” that gets a mention.

Plenty of girls turn to selling sex because they are skint. Why should students be any different.
Because it's political.
The hidden message is: 'tories high tuition fees turn students into prostitutes'.
I don't agree with this

Offline LLPunting

Here's a posit:  The Brexit vote was a conspiracy by students to force the forgiving of their loans as the country plunges into the doldrums and the Government try everything to prop up employment.

Students won't take "humble" jobs because they want to buy their fucking iphones on stupid contracts and pay for their IGable holidays and festivals.  Those turning to sex work are doing so for the lifestyle they can indulge not the desperate need for cash.

Offline willie loman

I don’t get why it should make headlines just cos it’s the word “student” that gets a mention.

Plenty of girls turn to selling sex because they are skint. Why should students be any different.

Students are like nurses, a subgroup that the british find sexy, that's why its in the news, its not political as such. Plus there is still the folk memory that students are 18 years old and middleclass, class envy always helps a story along.

Offline a_test_person

Firstly... Where?!

And secondly, not surprised. A combination of higher tuition fees, harder to get jobs, more and more people talking about sex, people engaging in sex at a younger age, access to websites like AW, access to better technology that allows better tracking of people I.e. Uber and a few other things I'm sure have led to increased student sex workers.

It's a shitty situation but, and its very hypocritical of me I know, I enjoy a younger student punt than an older one.

This isn't entirely true. First of all very few, if any,  British students will have to pay up front for anything related to their education.

When I was that age it was normal to live in near borderline poverty. People now want more luxury items, consumer and status anxiety perpetuated by social media give people an unhealthy view of what minimum living standard they should expect


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Standard misandry always prevalent in such news articles..  :(

Offline Alvin

When you look at the student accommodation that is being constructed nowadays, it's luxury accommodation, this is being demanded by the students - a couple of uni's I have dealt with have stated that they have had to upgrade as overwise the students either constantly complain (which affects their ratings) or just choose not to go to that uni..  When I went to uni I wanted bare bone basics to save cash, they don't seem to mind nowadays about spending their cash on unnecessary items.

Offline RMS0123

Completely anecdotal but most of those luxury rooms are taken up by foreign students,  most of whom are quite well off.

Offline snaitram99

Offline peter purves

When you look at the student accommodation that is being constructed nowadays, it's luxury accommodation, this is being demanded by the students - a couple of uni's I have dealt with have stated that they have had to upgrade as overwise the students either constantly complain (which affects their ratings) or just choose not to go to that uni..  When I went to uni I wanted bare bone basics to save cash, they don't seem to mind nowadays about spending their cash on unnecessary items.

Personally, I have always felt that this was the Unis way of making extra money out of students, rather than students demanded so the unis started to build 5 star accommodations en suite.

Were these overseas students complaining?
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Not sure there's that much truth in this story. Aren't most students living off mummy and daddy's credit card anymore then? Poor things!


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In most cases prostitution nowadays is a choice, it is not done for necessity.
Poor journalism based on past stereotypes  :thumbsdown:

Offline magnetico

Personally, I have always felt that this was the Unis way of making extra money out of students, rather than students demanded so the unis started to build 5 star accommodations en suite.

Were these overseas students complaining?

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These kind of luxury student accommodations in London are very very popular.

And yes students can also chose to pick any flatshare on Gumtree, but there's a lot of rich Chinese/Middle East students which would prefer a luxury "student" penthouse.

Offline datwabbit

This might all change though. If a govt devides to reduce student debt then it'll stop.

Though a headline of "austerity turns our young into hookers" is a good line since we've stopped bothering about those going to food banks.

Offline Badboyrich

And how are the male students coping, because there is only one gender able to sell themselves.

Online Squire Haggard

And how are the male students coping, because there is only one gender able to sell themselves.

Ignore the elephant in the room. Victims are always the downtrodden female, in 2018. :)

Offline Trenlover

And how are the male students coping, because there is only one gender able to sell themselves.

Indeed, there are no female students that *have* to sell themselves.   They are doing it because

1. they want extra money
2. age of internet and mobile phones has made sex work extremely accessible and discreet
3. sex work  is generally much easier than other forms of work.   ( fucking 2 guys for £200 per meet once a week is £1600 a month tax free )
« Last Edit: December 28, 2018, 02:22:28 pm by Trenlover »

Offline king tarzan

Don't give a shit..
Plenty of part time work available at clothing boutiques, restaurants etc..
Fuck there violin stories.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2018, 02:25:37 pm by king tarzan »
Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
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Offline portaluser1991

Don't give a shit..
Plenty of part time work available at clothing boutiques, restaurants etc..
Fuck there violin stories.

I best most girls on dating sites and/or in the clubs have sex with more than one man a month for free. 

So a couple of paid for ones a month is good going for them if they can get it. 

Offline wristjob

Good news, maybe they should ban student loans to girls?

It's not like students don't have a ton of sex as it is, the difference is do they have it with a young, good looking guy or an ugly old bastard and pocket 15x the min wage.

The reality of sex work is it's stigma more than any rational argument that is the issue.

Offline misterali

High rates of depression, suicide and mental health concerns in men. Less people having sex now than in previous times (unpaid at least!).

Sounds like we are living in fucked up times. Sex for fun is now swapped out for paid sex. Why fuck someone who won’t disappear in this new Information Age where nothing is a secret? Instead you can fuck a married man who will pay good money... oh and now you can show off on social media with all the money you made to people who don’t care!

The article is misleading. It’s definitely a choice and it should be a message about society today rather than this poor piece of journalism. Who am I kidding...regular standard of journalism.

Offline Formicahunt

Anyone who has been to university won't be surprised at this. When I was at university sex was constantly available and with a never ending range of girls so not too much of a jump to make it work for you.

Offline DragonAgeInquisition

Here's a posit:  The Brexit vote was a conspiracy by students to force the forgiving of their loans as the country plunges into the doldrums and the Government try everything to prop up employment.

Students won't take "humble" jobs because they want to buy their fucking iphones on stupid contracts and pay for their IGable holidays and festivals.  Those turning to sex work are doing so for the lifestyle they can indulge not the desperate need for cash.

I agree on the point about the students and their lifestyle, its a joke. a student doesn't need an iPhone when a smartphone with a £10-12 a month contract can do all of the same basic functions. A student doesn't need multiple holidays per year when they can't afford one. This certain way of life has also stretched past students and people just seem to live beyond their means nowadays. I guess escorting is a means of funding that.

With people living as they do, (i.e having to have the latest designer clothing, the newest cars on tick etc) i don't think forgiving of a student loan will do the trick. Albeit a debt by definition it acts as a mere tax taking say 80-120 off a student's payslip dependant on starting salary, with interest nothing is ever going to get paid off.

Offline king tarzan

I agree on the point about the students and their lifestyle, its a joke. a student doesn't need an iPhone when a smartphone with a £10-12 a month contract can do all of the same basic functions. A student doesn't need multiple holidays per year when they can't afford one. This certain way of life has also stretched past students and people just seem to live beyond their means nowadays. I guess escorting is a means of funding that.

With people living as they do, (i.e having to have the latest designer clothing, the newest cars on tick etc) i don't think forgiving of a student loan will do the trick. Albeit a debt by definition it acts as a mere tax taking say 80-120 off a student's payslip dependant on starting salary, with interest nothing is ever going to get paid off.

Live within your £ available means..
Fund yourself within reason.
Fund your immediate dependents within reason..
Keep it simpletto..
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Offline User176

As a uni student in London, I agree with most of what you guys are saying. People do like luxuries; students are no exception. I live in an "overpriced 5-star ensuite" and the pressure to live a certain lifestyle is there.

I know three who are already dipping into overdraft because they hang out with the Russian kids and the Chinese brats. They hang out at Harrods for lunch, drink £30 cocktails in Mayfair, and drop a few hundred quid for a club table and buy a bottle of Dom Perignon at 4x markup to "impress the ladies". Needless to say, even with a £600 per week allowance from mummy and daddy, one can go bankrupt very easily in central London.

It sounds outlandish but it's true for the most extreme of spenders I know at my uni, and the point remains: people (especially those who have just gained their independence) love spending.

Eventually one will look at their bank balance and realize that they can either 1) cut their expenses or 2) increase their revenue. And for some attractive female students, having 3 hours of sex for £500 is a better proposition than 20 hours at the Tesco checkout line for £200.

I think it's wonderful. The invisible hand at work. Being paid for it can't be any worse than giving it away for free every weekend.