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Author Topic: Marrakech - Morocco  (Read 501862 times)

Offline Blacksealz

Got a stag coming up and have been told the club scene are filled with prossies that are all too willing to come back for an overnighter..... also through a friend was told a story about how he tried to haggle the price down and this made her change her persona instantly and needed a villa guard (who knew exactly what was going on, a semi pimp have you) to get involved which led to her being slapped and thrown out. When he returned to the room, he found a razor blade on the floor which she had taken out for her protection, scary stuff. Also his friend had his toiletries and aftershave taken, probably not to uncommon from punting anywhere abroad.

I have also been told that you must pay for their solo taxi ride back to the Villa as it is a muslim country but I'm not sure to exact ramifications of  being caught with a prossie in street. Discretion is best advised home and abroad and I like to know what is the best and worst case scenario before venturing out.   

Offline Daffodil

It's an interesting thread and I'll keep an eye on what gets posted here. I have never been to Morocco, but notice the budget airlines have started flying there


  • Guest
Its a muslim country - serious consequences if you get raided or caught

Offline Daffodil

Its a muslim country - serious consequences if you get raided or caught

Possibly, but they are currently very orientated towards generating tourism. Stoning punters wouldn't encourage people to jump on the next Easyjet flight.

Offline webpunter

"Trailer in tow"
A new one on me
Had to think for a sec to figure it
I'm going to write it down
And use it in general convo when out with the lads as appropriate to describe previous events
Nothing to do with Marrakech - but just had to reply [on this - did the Brut aftershave / deodorant toiletries go missing or were these left behind as so awful ?]


  • Guest
Possibly, but they are currently very orientated towards generating tourism. Stoning punters wouldn't encourage people to jump on the next Easyjet flight.
Even Dubai who are encouraging tourism big time have arrested people for kissing in public.  You never know when a mullah manages to impose his views on the police and force them to act.

Offline Jerboa

ibet have you got all this info second or third hand? If you haven't already read up on Morocco on the ISG board.

Offline Mclovinsbrother

I've been to Marrakech and agadir. Agadir was full of working girls and mind blowing good looks. You go to any club and they will be all over you! They will constantly ask what hotel you're staying at as they know which ones will allow guests back in.

Offline malletsmallet

I was in Agadir about 3 years ago.
Too easy to pick up a working girl.
Just looked around for girls on their own or in pairs and made eye contact.

A couple of girls even came up to myself and my mate with no prompting from us.
Young, early 20s girls. Pretty enough and spoke good English.

Just asked them if they'd like to come back to our place for drinks and they knew the score.
But prices were discussed once they entered my apartment.
Can't remember prices but DO remember haggling and getting they down to half of their quoted price.
But make sure to discuss how long you expect them to stick around for their fee and how many times to fuck.
That was a mistake we made first time round and the girls left after just 1 time cum.

Couldn't take girls back my our pre-booked hotel, we discovered after arriving, so had to hire an apartment
from a guy at a beach front shop. Cheap enough so didn't mind to extra cost.

Each time the girls had to arrive separately from in a cab.
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Offline Blacksealz

ibet have you got all this info second or third hand? If you haven't already read up on Morocco on the ISG board.

Thanks for the info, will do

Offline Blacksealz

I was in Agadir about 3 years ago.
Too easy to pick up a working girl.
Just looked around for girls on their own or in pairs and made eye contact.

A couple of girls even came up to myself and my mate with no prompting from us.
Young, early 20s girls. Pretty enough and spoke good English.

Just asked them if they'd like to come back to our place for drinks and they knew the score.
But prices were discussed once they entered my apartment.
Can't remember prices but DO remember haggling and getting they down to half of their quoted price.
But make sure to discuss how long you expect them to stick around for their fee and how many times to fuck.
That was a mistake we made first time round and the girls left after just 1 time cum.

Couldn't take girls back my our pre-booked hotel, we discovered after arriving, so had to hire an apartment
from a guy at a beach front shop. Cheap enough so didn't mind to extra cost.

Each time the girls had to arrive separately from in a cab.

Sounds good, will maybe have to make a trip out to Agadir one of the nights... o.k just google maps the location, maybe not.

Offline MisterP

Sounds good
So if there's no Fat Willy's surfshack, you're not getting any  :unknown:
Going there this week but punting doesn't seem worth it.

ps - are the women there really risking a stoning??  And how are they dressed for enticing you?

Offline Marquis

I worked in Morocco a while back and met a few guys who indulged - but before you read on, bear in mind that this was several years ago and I never got to Marrakech.

There are no parlours in Morocco so far as I can tell (although there may be some that the locals would know about), and a quick check on A/W returns no results for escorts in Marrakech or indeed Morocco as a whole. But if you are in a bar or a disco late at night, you will find lots of very attractive girls who are willing to exchange sex for money. As another poster has said, girls on their own or in pairs are likely to be on the game.

The way people seemed to go about safe punting (in the legal sense rather than the health sense of the word) was to hire a room for the girl in the hotel they were staying in. There is some law or custom about not being able to book a hotel room in your home town, so strictly speaking a Casablanca girl couldn't book a room in Casablanca and so on, but this is easily fixed with a small bribe to the hotel front desk staff. Once the girl is in her room, you're OK. The same girl in your room is trouble though. I'm not sure how much of this is law and how much is accepted practice: I suspect it's a bit of a con to make sure that everybody gets a dollar out of the deal. You might be able to find a hotel that will hire rooms by the hour if you are on a tight budget.

Going back to the health issue: I was talking to a Swiss guy in a bar one night who claimed to have had several girls when he was in Morocco. Bareback seemed to be the norm with the girls. I have no idea if this is still the case. The Swiss guy thought he would be OK so long as he rubbered up. Others may take a different view.

In summary, punting in Morocco is very different to the UK.

Two other pieces of advice come to mind:
1) Punting in Morocco is easier if you rent an apartment. You may still have to bribe the security guard but it should be cheaper than stumping up for another room if you are in an hotel, and
2) Beware taxi drivers - if you pick up a girl the convention is for her to take a separate taxi a couple of minutes after yours. Remember: western guy + short skirted Moroccan girl in the same taxi = trouble if the police stop you. Obviously this means you don't hand over any cash upfront. Also don't ask a taxi driver if he can take you to a good time girl. There is a fair chance he will take you to a cop who will then extract a large bribe not to throw you in a cell for the night. The cop and the driver will then share the spoils between them.

Here is a link to the ISG, from where you will be able to find more information on Morocco:

External Link/Members Only

Offline wristjob

I have a little bit of experience from 15-20 years ago. Of all the places to punt it's about the worst choice.

You do get the single girls in bars & the like who possibly are - I never took the risk of asking one.

They have disco/bars called Cabarets. locals have to pay to go in but that was 50/50 for me being a foreigner. From what I can tell most of the girls there are - but you pretty much have to pay for them to leave early.  I did have fun one night spending a couple of hours snogging and groping this girl and and you have to do for that is buy the odd bottle of beer for her - bargain. Afterwards - pay for her to leave early. extra bonus for the taxi driver not to ask questions, she took me to a "hotel" (read shithole) that is ok with that kind of thing so pay through the nose for the room. The girl got most of what I had left. No clue what it all cost - too much no doubt.

Next night I managed to find a hotter girl, pay for her to leave with me but shithole hotel was closed or something so we went back to mine. Walked through the door, into the lift - no problem. I read somewhere you give the reception/doorman a tip for turning a blind eye, damn that advice. I offered him a tip and that was when he realised what was going down - basically no way to wangle it so evening over. If you want to do this you need an apartment and I imagine if you can sort that you will get the girls for pennies.

Another night - bah that got even more complicated but I'd rather not go into the details for discretion.

When I got back I read up on various aspects. If you walked down the road int he UK propositioning police women you are probably taking less of a risk. I think some builders over there got forced to marry the girls - I did get one ask to marry me 5 minutes after we met. You can likely get a long time in a nasty jail if anybody finds out. It's probably not that you are likely to be found out, just that any sentence is 10x what it would be in the US say.

Like I said very old info but I doubt it has changed much - no way can you do it out in the open.


  • Guest
I've been to Morocco several times, first time was in early 2006 when it was £1= 17MAD, since then pound has depreciated against the MAD, and also rich gulf Arabs are ruining by spending crap loads on girls etc.
Generally, very easy to actually find and pick up girls in Discos, especially on Fridays/Saturdays  things pick up around midnight. In Marrakech and, especially, Agadir you can find girls in other places like cafes etc but less guaranteed, but there are some dedicated places for day time pickups and in Agadir you can find interested girls anywhere but in the day time its about right place right time kinda thing.
Problem, most hotels are not girls friendly, some hotel might have a night time guy who for a small fee will let you bring a girl in at night but thats taking a big chance and I got lucky on my first time, best thing is to rent an apartment like I did on my 3rd visit and that will be unlimited fun! Taxis when you take a girl back from the night club will automatically charge you 100MAD, girls can be very GFE and good, but some are just professional and money focused take the cash bang and gone. Great punting place when I first went for quality, service and VFM , was a good place last time I went so hopefully it does not continue the downward trend.

Offline seeker

I went to Morocco last year ..
Saw a working girl getting pulled along the street by her hair by the night police and literary thrown into the back of the police van .
Asked the bouncer who told me the cops are like the mafia, they want a cut of the w.g earnings other wise it's all harassment and a cell for the night.
Also if a punter is caught it prison or a very heavy bribe.
NOT worth the hassle in my opinion. Better go to Thailand  :thumbsup:

Offline seeker

The bars and clubs are extortionate for drinks £8 for red bull or a whisky or similar
Also you have to bribe or pay
1.the bouncer to let the girl out the bar or club
2.the taxi drivers as you'll need two one for you one for her
3.the guard on the apartment you are paying a lot of money for
4.The girl her self
5.her taxi home.
By the end of all that it might be a totally crazy  shag as she can't speak English only Arabic, French or Spanish.
And if you hook up with a so called guide he'll be looking for a cut of you as well.
Fucking nightmare.

Offline Turtle1

Iv been To Morocco on 3 occasions. iv not punted much there for various reasons but my friends went crazy. ill post a long review when i get a chance. on one occasion i lived there for 5 months.

1. Ignore all this what country it is nonsense, im extremely well traveled across the world and i made a profile to share my knowledge with those that want to listen, you can get the same trouble in the UK if you get busted. Just don't be stupid in public and remember that certain hotels are family only...

2. Most hotels don't allow you to bring a girl back... ( morocco ) this is in place to stop prostitution. some you can bribe but others will call the cops.

3. nightclubs are the best place, or the bars in swanky hotels, igore the brothels as they tend to be shit and full of nasty skanks.

Offline Jerboa

I have considered a holiday in Morocco, Arab women can be very hot, just watch Sky News Arabia if you're unaware, I have heard stories of the hottest Moroccan girls being flown to Dubai by rich Gulf Arabs, hope the leave some back in Morocco.


  • Guest
I went to Marrkech in March for a 4 day break.

Stayed in a plush hotel which had a nightclub in the basement.

On first night there had a girl make blatant eye contact with me.  She was bloody gorgeous, definite model material.
Called her over and we had a drink and chat - one thing lead to another.
After my bribery (Security guy in club, security guy at hotel entrance) she came up to my room.
Had a great time with her, then the went home.
Can't remember the price for the girl, but it was cheap compared to English prices.
Saw the saw girl for the next 2 nights - probably should have had some variation - but she was too good to miss out on.

My advice, is be ready to tip/bribe people, keep your eyes and ears open as the police would take a very dim view if you got caught.

I would return again, without hesitation.

Offline Jerboa

Renting a apartment has to be a better option than a hotel.


  • Guest
Renting a apartment has to be a better option than a hotel.

Yes, if you can find a nice apartment.
But I think even they you will probably find security on reception.

Offline seeker

Every apartment  has a warden  sitting out side day and night ,it's a way to make employment.
Don't argue with the taxi driver when he asks  for 100 dirhams instead of 10 ...He may just tip off the police ...and you'll end up in a lot of shit.
I heard of one occasion when the warden of another block of apartments across the street   tipped the police off  as he hadent get a cut of anyone  for a few days .
It's like punting in the novel 1984 ....Every one is watching your very move ...

Offline Turtle1

NO!!!!! renting an apartment is not better off!!! do not ever think this. this is where people get into trouble. When booking the apartment there will be rules, most say family only. that means no bringing back ladies to your place.....

Also some don't say it but are family only. Some or most will have security on the complex, and that security guard will foil any plans to bring back a lady to your room.


  • Guest
Depends on the landlord, apartment type, and area. But apartment is the way to go. My apartment was booked on homelydays, I booked in Gulez area of Marrakech but not new build apartment because I didn't want to be paying security etc, the owner was a Moroccan lady. She picked me up with who, I at the time , thought, was her daughter, not great looking but ok n dressed in white jeans . Girl got out the car greeted me with an innocent kiss on cheeks, but remember its Morocco so did seem strange for civi in front of mum. Got into car drove to the apartment, the landlady showed me everything and girl just stood around, then the lady said in French " you know in Marrakech there are lots of prostitutes, some are thieves of opportunity, if you bring any back make sure your things are hidden or I can take anything important for you n give back before you leave " I was thinking thanks for the heads up, but words to the effect of "I didn't know this about Marrakech , and it's not my kinda thing". It was then that I figured that the girl with her was probably not her daughter! But I thought if I suddenly change tone I'll look silly n naive.

But yeah, its not 100%, some landlords might be against it n live right next door, just like if you have concierge some might say nothing and some will expect something others might call police cos they can afford it or against their sense of morality.


  • Guest
This was many years ago but a rep from my company got arrested at customs for taking a porno mag into the country. Massive embarrassment for him as everyone in the company got to hear the story.

Offline seeker

Friends of mine who don't know I punt came back last week .
They was arrested as the night police raided their apartment and found two girl with them .
Don't know what happened to the girls but they were warned and had to hand over £300 each to get their passports back . :scare:
They think it was the taxi driver as he was talking angry in Arabic but they don't know what he was saying

Offline Turtle1

Friends of mine who don't know I punt came back last week .
They was arrested as the night police raided their apartment and found two girl with them .
Don't know what happened to the girls but they were warned and had to hand over £300 each to get their passports back . :scare:
They think it was the taxi driver as he was talking angry in Arabic but they don't know what he was saying

This happens a lot. Dont know why people dont listen and think differently. Having lived and worked there for a few months this happens a lot. If your complex is family only.....Do not risk bringing back girls to your apartment. same for hotels and other lodging. It has nothing to do with vice, just money. The security will grass you up to police he knows and he gets a little cut.

Ask the landlord if its ok, ask the hotel if its ok. If you're too embarrassed to ask then you're too young to have sex. end of

Offline seeker

I think in some of the Muslim countries there is no bail if you get caught with a girl and she is not you wife .
You could be held in definitely  :scare: :scare: :scare:
Try explaining that to your other half  :bomb: :bomb: :bomb:

Offline Turtle1

I think in some of the Muslim countries there is no bail if you get caught with a girl and she is not you wife .
You could be held in definitely  :scare: :scare: :scare:
Try explaining that to your other half  :bomb: :bomb: :bomb:

Not the tourist countries, like Morocco, Tunisia, Lebanon, Egypt, turkey. they rely on our money to survive and must play a blind eye but dont think its plain sailing if you get nabbed by police. they will still make life very hard.

Offline cardiffsdream

back a few years ago I was staying in a hotel in Tunisia, and id booked a genuine massage the lady doing it was talking and I just said where do I find nice lady for drink, well got talking and got a HE and she charged me 20 diner great value for money


  • Guest
so to make it easy for people wanting to punt in morroco

what resort is the one to go for?
any good hotel you recommend in the hotel?
average cost of a punt?

how do you get the wg inside your hotel without getting found out?

Offline Marquis

so to make it easy for people wanting to punt in morroco

what resort is the one to go for?
any good hotel you recommend in the hotel?
average cost of a punt?

how do you get the wg inside your hotel without getting found out?

Here is an excerpt from a post I wrote a few weeks ago, which answers some of your questions:

The way people seemed to go about safe punting (in the legal sense rather than the health sense of the word) was to hire a room for the girl in the hotel they were staying in. There is some law or custom about not being able to book a hotel room in your home town, so strictly speaking a Casablanca girl couldn't book a room in Casablanca and so on, but this is easily fixed with a small bribe to the hotel front desk staff. Once the girl is in her room, you're OK. The same girl in your room is trouble though. I'm not sure how much of this is law and how much is accepted practice: I suspect it's a bit of a con to make sure that everybody gets a dollar out of the deal. You might be able to find a hotel that will hire rooms by the hour if you are on a tight budget.

Going back to the health issue: I was talking to a Swiss guy in a bar one night who claimed to have had several girls when he was in Morocco. Bareback seemed to be the norm with the girls. I have no idea if this is still the case. The Swiss guy thought he would be OK so long as he rubbered up. Others may take a different view.

In summary, punting in Morocco is very different to the UK.

Two other pieces of advice come to mind:
1) Punting in Morocco is easier if you rent an apartment. You may still have to bribe the security guard but it should be cheaper than stumping up for another room if you are in an hotel, and
2) Beware taxi drivers - if you pick up a girl the convention is for her to take a separate taxi a couple of minutes after yours. Remember: western guy + short skirted Moroccan girl in the same taxi = trouble if the police stop you. Obviously this means you don't hand over any cash upfront. Also don't ask a taxi driver if he can take you to a good time girl. There is a fair chance he will take you to a cop who will then extract a large bribe not to throw you in a cell for the night. The cop and the driver will then share the spoils between them.

As to your question about where s best to go, the most popular places are likely to be the tourist destinations, Agadir, Marrakech, Casablanca etc. I spent some time in Meknes and there were plenty of girls even there.

Here is a link to the ISG, from where you will be able to find more information on Morocco:

External Link/Members Only

Offline Jay123

Marrakech is amazing for punting apart from getting a hotel!

Had a few punts there when I went for a week, and the girls are hot! Best place to pick up are in the clubs. I found theatro to be the best for picking them up, although taxi drivers do charge a lot. Upto 250 dhirams! £20 and that's for each taxi.

Best bet is to find a girl who drives. There are so many in there that you can take your pick as not enough guys for them!

Drinks are expensive. £8 each minimum or a table with a standard bottle vodka theatro brand for about £140 with mixers includes entry for 3 people. Great club and some good looking girls in there.

Definitely a place for a stag as long as you overcome the hotel apartment issue.
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Offline seeker

That's the whole point if you can't overcome the accommodation  issue it will have been a waste of every thing .
There are easier and better places to punt. ...than Morocco.


  • Guest
the girls seem hot the problem is getting the accodomation which is a pain in the arse, imagine you have seen a wg at a club or bar, how do you get find a seperate hotel to book - not worth it, what if the wg just goes into your hotel and up the stairs to your room - the reception wont know any wiser

Marrakech is amazing for punting apart from getting a hotel!

Had a few punts there when I went for a week, and the girls are hot! Best place to pick up are in the clubs. I found theatro to be the best for picking them up, although taxi drivers do charge a lot. Upto 250 dhirams! £20 and that's for each taxi.

Best bet is to find a girl who drives. There are so many in there that you can take your pick as not enough guys for them!

Drinks are expensive. £8 each minimum or a table with a standard bottle vodka theatro brand for about £140 with mixers includes entry for 3 people. Great club and some good looking girls in there.

Definitely a place for a stag as long as you overcome the hotel apartment issue.

Offline Marquis

the girls seem hot the problem is getting the accodomation which is a pain in the arse, imagine you have seen a wg at a club or bar, how do you get find a seperate hotel to book - not worth it, what if the wg just goes into your hotel and up the stairs to your room - the reception wont know any wiser

That's very risky. Morocco is a Muslim, Arab country. Things work very differently to the way they do in the UK. Upholding morals - or, usually, giving that impression- has a high priority. Wages are low, and bribery and corruption are commonplace.

Let's set the scene. It's late at night, and the guy on reception will be looking for a way to boost his very low income, so he will be keen to spot anything that looks like punter/WG action. If a girl wearing a short skirt and low cut top walks in to reception on her own 2 minutes after a European guy - assuming you could get her to go through with it - she would almost certainly be arrested (in this situation she could count herself lucky if she was just thrown out of the place). If the night guy can get the police to turn up and implicate the punter in the situation, then the policeman will be looking for a large sum of money - say about the cost of a hotel room for the night - to turn a blind eye. He will split the proceeds with the reception guy. No good offering a bribe direct to reception because it is literally more than his job's worth to let you get away with it.

The girl will be sent packing - probably after having had to give the policeman and reception guy a blow job free of charge in a storeroom in the hotel - and you will be alone, having paid for an extra room and got no action.

When I worked in Morocco I was responsible for quality in a factory in Rabat, and stayed in a hotel there many times. I got the squits one night and was sick as a dog. Because I had some urgent work to do I asked my Moroccan girl colleague to come over to the hotel so I could brief her on what to do in my absence. Despite the fact that we had a mutual respect for each other and that sex was the very last thing on my mind - being near to a toilet was the most important thing that day - she wouldn't come into my room. In my weakened state of health I naturally thought we would have our meeting in my room. No chance, she was quite upset at the mere suggestion. I had to meet her in the coffee lounge.

Offline seeker

The girl will be very reluctant to go to the hotel without a room being pre booked even then the reseption will want to see her I. D...its not Britain.
It's you that will end up being fucked and not by the girl
1 paying the doorman at the club to get her out
2 the taxi drivers   yes 2 of them
3.door man at apartment or reception at hotel
4 the  room at hotel will be at top rate.
5..If all goes well the girl will want her fee and
6 if your unlucky the big ugly night police will rape your bank balance for all they can
It's like a bad video game ,avoiding the obstacles to get the girl back to your room .

Offline seeker

I've tried it twice. ..One trip   hotel
One trip apartment. ...
No easy way around ,every one is watching everyone else ,looking for a tourist to skin .
Best go to Thailand. ..There the system is punter ....very friendly  :thumbsup:
And loads of beautiful young hunnies just gagging to get fucked

Offline nike

been to Morocco at least 8 times and been in Marrakesh every time but usually go to at least two cities. The best places are Marrakesh. Tangier and Agadir. All great for punting. all slightly different. All have the bars and nightclubs. If you choose a hotel with a bar or nightclub,thats you sorted. no taxis, just pay the guy at the haave to book another room for girl but usually it's not same price as regular room , u geta discount.
 However in Marrakesh an apartment is the best option. I have the number and email of a guy who is a letting agent and if you tell him that its only guys who are travelling, ie not family, he will get u an appropriate apartment where u will not get any hassle. just give 100 dirham, £8, to the security guy on arrival. and he will be ur best buddy. Obviously u have to be sensible, no kissing or fondling in public. However in Marrakesh their is an alternative to the nightclubs.The area around Marrakesh Plazza, huge shopping area, from around 4 to 9 pm is full of young women. Just say hello and smile, if u get a reply ask them if they would like to have a coffee. Their are numerous cafes. Once seated and sipping coffee u can pop the question and if they are sitting with u 99% of them will come back to ur apartment.
 The cost is about 1000 to 1500 dirhams for all night and 600 to 800 dirhams for a couple of hours. Be sure to clarify the charge and time w ith the girl before you go back to the apartment. If anyone is interested in getting the rental agents contact details let me know. 
« Last Edit: November 17, 2014, 01:37:26 am by nike »


  • Guest
I will be going next month but need to find a decent apartment any recommendations guys?
Wouldn't mind contact details Nike for your guy in Morocco

Offline nike

Hi guys. I've given the details of my contact in Marrakesh to everyone who has sent me a PM ,if anyone else wants it ,message me.  It would be good to get an update from the guys.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2014, 01:42:50 am by nike »

Offline CoolTiger

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Strange coincidence....... Nike..... Just Do it.... in the same thread!!!  :lol:

Offline nike

Strange coincidence....... Nike..... Just Do it.... in the same thread!!!  :lol:

yes. He sent me a PM and I gave him the details. The emphasis being the personal message.  :yahoo:
« Last Edit: December 30, 2014, 10:42:02 pm by nike »

Offline Marmalade

The area around Marrakesh Plazza, huge shopping area, from around 4 to 9 pm is full of young women. Just say hello and smile, if u get a reply ask them if they would like to have a coffee. Their are numerous cafes. Once seated and sipping coffee u can pop the question and if they are sitting with u 99% of them will come back to ur apartment.
 The cost is about 1000 to 1500 dirhams for all night and 600 to 800 dirhams for a couple of hours. Be sure to clarify the charge and time w ith the girl before you go back to the apartment.

That's interesting about the market. Have you punted many that way? Lively place. Do you speak much Arabic? I'm just wondering how the conversation goes, especially as offending the women there could get hassle from men in the market (who don't need much excuse some of them). It doesn't exactly sound like bargain basement for a 3rd world country and most of the women are not exactly gorgeous from the little experience of I have of the place. Good intel though.

Offline seeker

The street girls can be tempted by 25 to 50
Club girls can be 60 upwards 
They will say 80 and the new you have to nicely
Barging with them
I have found that if they like you its cheap as chips
After the first time .

Offline Marmalade

With the political situation, Morocco seems to be maybe the only Mediterranean-African country left where there's a decent chance of a shag. It still has a fairly unique atmosphere, especially Marrakesh, if not as intense as some countries. I've never rented an apartment there but it sounds a good idea if reasonably straightforward -- though some of the more traditional-style upmarket places are absolutely stunning, atmospheric and yet affordable. It's reasonably safe, and has a lovely exotic feel even if they do milk it for touristy types. The market indeed has a pleasantly mental atmosphere at night. The African Med is in no way similar to Thailand: but a very interesting place to visit.

Offline nike

That's interesting about the market. Have you punted many that way? Lively place. Do you speak much Arabic? I'm just wondering how the conversation goes, especially as offending the women there could get hassle from men in the market (who don't need much excuse some of them). It doesn't exactly sound like bargain basement for a 3rd world country and most of the women are not exactly gorgeous from the little experience of I have of the place. Good intel though.
I don't speak Arabic, although I've learned quite a few phrases. The best way to go is just speak English, that way there can be no misunderstandings. I've punted at least 20 or more times from there and they have all been stunning in the looks department and most will be enthusiastic, as long as you don't try to screw them down too much. I only target the ones I consider  to be attractive, of course there are a lot of "mingers" out there, same as everywhere. I just don't pick up bar girls now. Firstly the bar scene or nightclubs don't get going until around 1 am and the prices for entry and the drink prices make the punt very expensive for me. You can pick up girls from the shopping complex during the day also. Marrakesk also has quite a few salon/ hammam where you can get a massage and usually for a negotiated price the girl will put out. Only broach the subject with the girl once in the privacy of the massage room. A hammam and massage is even better. The girl will soap you up and bathe you before giving you a happy ending.   
« Last Edit: December 31, 2014, 11:49:22 pm by nike »

Offline nike

The street girls can be tempted by 25 to 50
Club girls can be 60 upwards 
They will say 80 and the new you have to nicely
Barging with them
I have found that if they like you its cheap as chips
After the first time .

Although you can haggle them down to these kind of prices, it is counter productive IMO. If the lady is a stunner, she is less likely to agree to bargain basement prices. When the WG is getting paid a decent price and she thinks that she is going to get repeat business, you will get a really good GFE. Most will do Owo but not CIM and Anal sex is quite acceptable. I've had 2 WGs who claimed they were virgins and were willing to do OWO and anal but no sex.  IMO minimum for short term is about 500 dirham, about £35 and all night is 1000 dirhams, about £70 for an attractive and enthusiastic WG. 
« Last Edit: January 01, 2015, 12:04:07 am by nike »

Offline nike

« Last Edit: January 01, 2015, 12:03:37 am by nike »