Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Murdered by punter  (Read 6672 times)

Offline winkywanky

Sweet Jesus  :(

He told officers: 'Something must have happened. There was me and there was her and then there wasn't her. Did I hit her? I don't remember hitting her, no.

'Did we fight, no we didn't fight. I'm not some hyper high-functioning psychopath creating a story for you a-la Silence of the Lambs. I'm just telling you what happened or what didn't happen. I can't tell you more than that.'

Well make your fucking mind up, you say you can't remember what happened and then you say you definitely didn't fight  :rolleyes:

The flat was locked from the inside, with just him and the poor girl.

What a lying, pathetic cunt.


  • Guest
Damn this is grim as fuck.

He sounds racked with guilt and denial.
Trying to get off on manslaughter by the sounds of it. Claiming he “blacked out” from all the cocaine and booze.
Yeah right...
Is very intriguing to know why he did it though.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2018, 07:03:38 pm by satyromaniac »

Offline winkywanky

Perhaps something along the lines of: I earn £250K a year and I frequently buy sex off you and shower you with expensive gifts. Why won't you be my girlfriend? Aren't I good enough?

Argument ensues where she tells him to grow up (they'd taken drugs but not had sex) and he batters her to death out of frustration. M'Lud.

Offline cueball

Fuckin hell, that makes grim reading...poor lass.

Fwiw, I don't believe for one minute his cock and bull story

Online Squire Haggard

Is it OK to discuss an ongoing trial on here? The DM and other sites dont allow comments below ongoing or pending trial articles. I dont want Admin and the board to get involved in a contempt of court charge.

Offline winkywanky

It's OK, they always ask new jurors if they frequent the boards of UKP. Quite a good way to get out of Jury Service actually.


Offline Fifa86

Online Fuzzyduck

What a lying, pathetic cunt.

Not man enough to acknowledge what he's done and take his punishment. Scum.

Offline lewisjones23

Is it OK to discuss an ongoing trial on here? The DM and other sites dont allow comments below ongoing or pending trial articles. I dont want Admin and the board to get involved in a contempt of court charge.

Good luck to whatever UK court that trys

Offline NigelF

Very sad. Clearly he's a total cunt. It's not surprising to see that he's also a deluded and obsessive fluffy. From the article:

[The court heard Miss Abbotts was 'privately-educated' and 'posh' and paid rent to the owner of the flat with her sex work.

In a series of police interviews Naseem, who typically earned up to £250,000 a year, told officers he had been attracted to Miss Abbotts because she was privately-educated and was a City girl and seemed 'more like a socialite than a sex worker'.

He sent a former colleague Miss Abbotts' Facebook profile who responded saying: 'Another hooker?'

To which Naseem allegedly replied: 'How dare you. She's incredibly posh.'


In one message to a colleague he wrote of Miss Abbotts: 'Luckily I appear to protect her from harm and the sick perverts out there and don't want to break her.']

Many fluffies seem to think like that and I wouldn't be surprised if quite a few of them are only ever a few drinks and an argument away from acting like this shitbag.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2018, 09:13:59 pm by NigelF »

Offline tynetunnel

Offline HoneyNutCheerios

Delusional waste of flesh and bone, yo. Paying due respect to the poor girl who got her life cut short by trash. I doubt it will be very likely, but I wonder how much this will fuck over Asian punters.

Online Trotter671


A tragedy for her and her family

+2 - that was grim reading. What a complete twat he is, her family must be in bits.

Offline NigelF

I doubt it will be very likely, but I wonder how much this will fuck over Asian punters.

I doubt it will have much effect, mainly because most WGs will have seen numerous Asian punters and if they're going to judge a whole race, they'll probably just do it based on their own experiences. However, Asian punters already make up a significantly higher % of the warnings on SAAFE and NUM than the % of the population they make up.

Offline Belgarion

So sad. Tragic.

Poor lass and her family

Offline winkywanky

I doubt it will have much effect, mainly because most WGs will have seen numerous Asian punters and if they're going to judge a whole race, they'll probably just do it based on their own experiences. However, Asian punters already make up a significantly higher % of the warnings on SAAFE and NUM than the % of the population they make up.

True, although he does go against the grain somewhat, according to WGs Asian punters frequently have a rep of trying to get a discount and of treating the WG like a chattel, whereas this guy put her on a pedestal and lavished gifts on her.

Offline Bogof60

Banned reason: Abuse of a mod.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline MrMatrix

Offline puntlover1

Delusional waste of flesh and bone, yo. Paying due respect to the poor girl who got her life cut short by trash. I doubt it will be very likely, but I wonder how much this will fuck over Asian punters.

Why on earth should it fuck over Asian punters? Steve Wright didn't exactly make things harder for white punters, did he? Neither did Peter Morgan and the dozens of other white killers. I think Asian guys are avoided by some girls because of their haggling, not because they are seen to be violent.

This guy sounds like an entitled, deluded, drug addled wanker who lost this mind during a bender and ended up battering the poor girl to death.

Online webpunter


It's OK, they always ask new jurors if they frequent the boards of UKP. Quite a good way to get out of Jury Service actually.



  • Guest
Why on earth should it fuck over Asian punters? Steve Wright didn't exactly make things harder for white punters, did he? Neither did Peter Morgan and the dozens of other white killers. I think Asian guys are avoided by some girls because of their haggling, not because they are seen to be violent.

This guy sounds like an entitled, deluded, drug addled wanker who lost this mind during a bender and ended up battering the poor girl to death.

Avoided because of haggling and getting refused, then becoming violent.
Let’s not pretend that there is not a certain ideology within the “Asian” community that belittles women and treats them as second class citizens.

Offline claretandblue

what a cunt,says he used sex workers for a decade,wonder if he ever posted on here!

Offline MilleMiglia

Going back to the Spring of 2016, the now defunct Golden Bunnies posted that they were having trouble with an Asian from the UK, to the extent that they began to take booking from previous clients only, as they were receiving fake bookings as part of that person's harassment and intimidation campaign. Never did hear an outcome.

Offline anotherwoody69

what a cunt,says he used sex workers for a decade,wonder if he ever posted on here!

One of her reviews here was by Sandwoodbay, banned by Admin as "undesirable".......... perhaps Admin was on to something  :unknown: ??

Offline peter purves

City banker texted partner 'life isn't going to work for me' after bludgeoning high-class escort to death, court hears

External Link/Members Only
Banned reason: Can't / won't take advice.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline getsbettereverytime

One of her reviews here was by Sandwoodbay, banned by Admin as "undesirable".......... perhaps Admin was on to something  :unknown: ??

could well be, horrible to read that review and wonder if that was him.

Offline JonasG

Offline winkywanky

City banker texted partner 'life isn't going to work for me' after bludgeoning high-class escort to death, court hears

External Link/Members Only

Oh, I think a Life sentence would work just about right for you chum  :rolleyes:

Offline MrMatrix

Oh, I think a Life sentence would work just about right for you chum  :rolleyes:
Indeed and he can have regular sex with his new friends he's about to aquire  :dance: :dance: :D

Offline GorillaWarfare

Sad to read. As others have pointed out, a fluffy got in a drunken/drugged stupor because the WG he had a crush on didn't want to date him. His excuses are obviously bullshit and sounds like a man desperate to (literally) get away with murder.

Punting isn't for the easily smitten. There's some attractive girls in the game who are good at pretending they're into you for more than the money - but fluffiness will always lead to bad things, although not often as bad as this.

Online Hurley

How do you know it's her? I'm just curious
Because her work name was quoted in the press reports

Offline paper7

Grim reading. Her poor family must be going through hell.

Offline tazz

What a shocker I exchanged messages with her but decided to leave it, thought she'd quit sa as she was hardly on it.

Offline NigelF

One of her reviews here was by Sandwoodbay, banned by Admin as "undesirable".......... perhaps Admin was on to something  :unknown: ??
could well be, horrible to read that review and wonder if that was him.

As JonasG has suggested, I think it's unlikely. The article seems to suggest the accused only started seeing her recently or at least usually went for much longer bookings ("Naseem told police the pair had met on six occasions and he would pay her around £2k each time, £3.5k for the previous two"). He also seemed to be in a sort of denial about her being a "hooker" - which is very unlikely (although not impossible) for a reviewer on UKP/someone familiar with her "working history".

Anyway, his "defence" keeps getting dumber: External Link/Members Only

I'm deeply offended by this cunt wasting my tax money dragging out this trial.

Offline andymars19

The linked article just makes it worse:

External Link/Members Only

Faked unconsciousness when the ambulance team arrived...

And who the fuck takes a pestle into a bedroom and has it lying on a bedside table?  I'm sure in his defence it'll be there to be used as a sex toy or some other horse shit...

Offline getsbettereverytime

As JonasG has suggested, I think it's unlikely. The article seems to suggest the accused only started seeing her recently or at least usually went for

I hope thats true but if you read his reviews he sounds like an over confident city boy wanker (I know a fair few).

Offline tazz

Sadly cocaine can cause crazy and violent behaviour, seems odd that after 10 years of punting he'd do this. Wounder why he didn't get a sugar babby instead who would have been a lot cheaper.

Online magnetico

Faked unconsciousness when the ambulance team arrived...
One of the policeman in video says straight away "no..his eyes are flickering"  busted!

Offline JayGatsby

Guilty as charged

I hope he rots away in there

Offline berksboy

I would hang the cunt , more then happy to do it for free.

Offline JonasG

Can't believe he was so open to people at work about punting.

Offline JayEZ2K

One of her reviews here was by Sandwoodbay, banned by Admin as "undesirable".......... perhaps Admin was on to something  :unknown: ??
Not likely given these differences:

"Naseem told police the pair had met on six occasions and he would pay her around £2,000 each time and he had paid her £3,500 for the previous two hook-ups." That's:
1 £2,000
2 £2,000
3 £2,000
4 £2,000
5 £3,500
6 £3,500

Unless he's lying about that too. That's £15,000 which even at £250,000 income is a lot of money. I wouldn't even call him a "punter", because it sounds like he wasn't trying to punt, but was trying to woo her. Which failed, ending in rejection, and then violence. Also makes me think that someone willing to pay 10x the price has a screw loose, and is potentially dangerous.

Wooing here: External Link/Members Only
Bust-in here: External Link/Members Only
Interview here: External Link/Members Only

Also illustrates why women should legally be allowed to escort in pairs, two per flat, for their own safety.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2018, 05:18:46 am by JayEZ2K »

Offline S.X. MacHine

So Zahid Naseem got life with a minimum of 19 years. He'll be 66 when he is released, the evil degenerate bastard.
I hope his 'Likes' include Anal (Receiving) as is about to expand his circle in prison. I mean his circle of friends, of course...

Offline Itsnotshy

Also illustrates why women should legally be allowed to escort in pairs, two per flat, for their own safety.
Excellent point, what sex workers have been saying for years. Also if she'd been working from a brothel she'd most likely still be alive, she obeyed the law and is now dead.

Offline RogerBoner

And who the fuck takes a pestle into a bedroom and has it lying on a bedside table?  I'm sure in his defence it'll be there to be used as a sex toy or some other horse shit...

It's for grinding up rocks/lumps of cocaine prior snorting or whatever.

Offline paper7

Excellent point, what sex workers have been saying for years. Also if she'd been working from a brothel she'd most likely still be alive, she obeyed the law and is now dead.
Fully agree, about time they made it fully 'legal' for everyone's safety.