Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Time is up for the Chelsea Ten Floors of Whores?  (Read 6253 times)

Offline Jay72

Sunday Times running a lead article on it...hard to see it surviving now

Offline KentAde

Sunday Times running a lead article on it...hard to see it surviving now

Unless you subscribe, seems you can only read a little online, but appears to be a daming sorry, and yes, one that looks like the end of the 'CC' apartments....

Offline Excalibur

It’s quite a big expose running to about six pages - on iPad.  UKP gets a mention highlighting 40 reviews at CC over the years.  The main thrust of the report, so to speak, is about a Tory party donor who owns the freehold of the block along with a number of leaseholds as well.  The inference is that authorities knew what was going on but nothing was done about it.

The report also highlights that the police are investigating.

Ron da Cuba

  • Guest
The Press and TV companies used to imply that all prossies were drug addled street walkers. They have moved on to suggest that a large number are trafficked. While some of course are, I for one would not knowingly go with a trafficked girl. What they don't seem to get is that most Indies are exactly that. Independent. They sell their bodies and punters pay good money for it as has happened for 1000s of years. No point saying it should be stopped! Its a business transaction just like getting a hair cut or going to the Dentist and it's no-one's effing business.

Offline The Film Director

The report also highlights that the police are investigating.

I'm sure they'll be using all their spare resources to do a thorough job. :lol:

Offline Cumberland

This will not end well for punters or providers. I now expect as a minimum greater lobby scrutiny and probably key card for lift or entry to stairs to be installed.
Wonder where the SPs will move it certainly won’t stop the supply/demand for long.

Offline Stephan200210

I have not read the Sunday Times article (except the small the bit I could read online). But surely a girl working alone is NOT illegal. And I do not think there are any "brothels" there. Maybe there is something illegal about receiving rent from working girls (living off immoral earnings) but I doubt that would stand up. I agree probably a "reaction" with key cards and/or greater lobby scruinty - but if 100 or so girls leave then surely a big loss in revenue - as I would imagine CC not oversubscribed at the best of times. Typical "shock/horror" type story - to tittilate bored readers on a grey Sunday morning.

Offline The Film Director

I have not read the Sunday Times article (except the small the bit I could read online). But surely a girl working alone is NOT illegal. And I do not think there are any "brothels" there. Maybe there is something illegal about receiving rent from working girls (living off immoral earnings) but I doubt that would stand up. I agree probably a "reaction" with key cards and/or greater lobby scruinty - but if 100 or so girls leave then surely a big loss in revenue - as I would imagine CC not oversubscribed at the best of times. Typical "shock/horror" type story - to tittilate bored readers on a grey Sunday morning.

There are certainly 'shared rooms' there.

Offline tazz

I wounder if business there starts to crash, also flats in vincent square are often used by escorts. Also in the independenet External Link/Members Only

Offline DeanoDeano

Theresa May has accepted large donations from a property tycoon who is profiting from an apartment block rife with prostitution in one of the wealthiest areas of London.

An investigation by The Sunday Times has established that more than 100 prostitutes are listed on websites as available for business in the building in the heart of Chelsea owned by the multimillionaire Christopher Moran.

The block, Chelsea Cloisters, has so many prostitutes using it as a base for paid sex that the men who frequent its corridors have referred to it as “Sodom and Gomorrah” and the “infamous 10 floors of whores”.

Its 670 apartments generate millions of pounds in rent or service charges for Moran’s company every year. Moran, 70, who has described himself as “astronomically wealthy”, has donated more than £290,000 to the Conservative Party both personally and through his companies.

In recent weeks, reporters from The Sunday Times were able to make 40 bookings with prostitutes using 23 apartments in the building — 15 of them in flats rented from Moran’s company.

This appeared to be just a small sample of the prostitutes advertised on websites as being based in Chelsea Cloisters. One of the escort agencies boasted that it had 100 women available at the premises on a single night — and another website advertised more than 100 prostitutes as being based there.

There is no suggestion that Moran has any involvement with the prostitution. In a statement through his lawyers, Moran made clear that his management took a “zero-tolerance” approach to prostitution in the building.

Our inquiries found that a number of the women using the apartments for selling sex had come to London from Romania. Last summer, a parliamentary report on the sex trade identified Romania as the biggest problem country for victims of sexual exploitation coming to the UK.

Last night the Metropolitan police was considering an investigation after this newspaper presented its evidence to the head of its human trafficking unit at New Scotland Yard. Kevin Hyland, the former UK anti-slavery commissioner, said there had been “previous cases of [suspected] trafficking linked to Chelsea Cloisters”.

This weekend there were calls for Theresa May to hand Moran’s donations to trafficking charities. The prime minister has promised to eradicate human trafficking in the UK by 2030.

The Labour MP Gavin Shuker, who chaired the all-party parliamentary group which wrote a report on the sex trade this summer, said the findings of our investigation suggested that Chelsea Cloisters could be the “biggest brothel” in Britain. “Theresa May must now give that money to charities that assist victims of human trafficking, and use her powers to change the law to tackle demand,” he said.

Moran has a personal fortune of £404m, according to The Sunday Times Rich List, and mixes with royalty including the Queen and Prince Harry. He owns the freehold to all the apartments in Chelsea Cloisters as well as the leasehold to more than 200 of them.

His company levies a service charge on all the properties in the building, which can be up to £6,000 a year, and has an office on the ground floor which rents out up to 250 apartments on short-term lets. His Rolls-Royce can often be seen outside the building while he works inside.

The prostitutes work among the many tourists and permanent residents who also stay in Chelsea Cloisters. Their availability is blatantly advertised on websites by agencies who fix up meetings between the women and their clients. Two of the escort agencies claim to be based in the building.

There are also dozens of online reviews by men who have paid for sex with women in Chelsea Cloisters over many years. One man describes how he pinned a woman to the wall by her throat during one paid-for session and carried out a violent sex act on her. Others remark they are never challenged when they enter the building.

While contacting the agencies our reporter received an anonymous call from a man who said he knew the reporter’s home address and that he should stop what he was doing. “It’s a dangerous line of work,” he threatened.

More than half the women we booked were using rooms owned and rented out by Moran’s company Realreed. He used the company to make just over £140,000 of his donations to the Conservatives.

The Conservative MP Greg Hands says a resident complained to him that the building’s management had been alerted to the prostitute issue, but “were not appearing to do anything about it”. Hands reported this complaint to the police.

Yesterday Moran’s lawyers categorically denied he had acquiesced with or tolerated any prostitution in the building and said he had not profited from its proceeds. The lawyer said Moran had little or no involvement in the day-to-day running of the building. The lawyer said Chelsea Cloisters was one of the most successful and prestigious serviced apartment complexes in London and had well over 1,000 guests at any time.

He said that on the small number of occasions that there had been reports an escort was working in the building, the management had acted swiftly and decisively, including by starting eviction proceedings. He said the building’s management had co-operated fully with the single recent police investigation relating to a privately owned apartment of which it was aware.

Offline magnetico

I wounder if business there starts to crash, also flats in vincent square are often used by escorts. Also in the independenet External Link/Members Only

I can't identify what is the crime that Scotland Yard is meant to investigate?

Offline Heph

I can't identify what is the crime that Scotland Yard is meant to investigate?

It's not a crime per sé, but a suspicion of the reasonable possibility that human-trafficking is occurring on site; and, I'd guess, a living off immoral earnings charge, would presumably warrant a closer look - as is suggested. In the latter case, it will be plausibly argued that it's unlikely-to-inconceivable that the management company would not be aware of the nature of the business involving 40 girls x a decade or more's duration.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2018, 03:28:31 pm by Heph »

Offline Stanford97

We should write to the management and tell him who all the skanks are. Once they’ve been evicted there’s no problem.

That carefree remark might be quoted in tomorrow’s edition. If there’s some sanctimonious reporter reading this I’d like to tell them I’ve been punting for 17 years and have always asked the SP if they are OK at least once and have never had a single word said about trafficking or pimping.

Is this a UKP review: “One man said on a prostitute review website that he pushed a woman by the throat against a wall in a property before performing a sex act on her that left her 'gagging'.”?

Offline webpunter

"Chelsea Cloisters features regularly on UK Punting, an online forum for men who use prostitutes
They repeatedly refer to the extensive availability of women in the building"

Never  :lol:

Edit: they didn't make comment that its like a rabbit warren.  Shame the burds don't sit outside the doors or with the doors open like in Germany  :dash:
« Last Edit: November 25, 2018, 05:28:21 pm by webpunter »

Offline Stanford97

“And angry residents agree that you can't miss it. One said she was embarrassed to call it her home while an elderly female resident who has lived in the building for ten years said 'someone used to come and collect money once a week' and that one woman banged on her door desperately seeking help because she was being threatened and another was being bullied by two men who she assumed were traffickers.”

Move out of the shit hole then. For ten years of living there, it hardly seems to be the Wild West. Most hotels have deranged drunks or buzzing monkeys haunting the corridors at some point.

Offline tazz

So the prossies and 2 agencies are now gonna get evicted, they'll just go and find another block of flats, hardly a shortage with endless private flats being built.

Offline Stanford97

“boasting on prostitution forums about the lewd acts they took part in whilst inside the cloisters.”
Most of just report rather than boast. Maybe only the reputable Daily Mail are allowed to report on things.

“on UK Punting, an online forum for men who use prostitutes. They repeatedly refer to the extensive availability of women in the building. It has also been described as 'hookers heaven”
Heaven? Have they seen all the negative reviews.

“ 'probably has the highest population density of hookers per square mile in London'.”
Half the wives of Kensington are just courtesans. Aren’t the middle class allowed to have some fun too?

“it's akin to a battery farm,'”
Except the SPs leave richer than all their classmates and the battery animals that all the Daily Mail readers tuck into each mealtime leave having been hung, drawn and quartered.

“Another resident said it was 'obvious' what was going on and had been warned about it by his landlord when he moved in.”
Only gays and James999 could survive this place.


  • Guest
None of the posters have pointed to the hypocrisy of Moran, getting rich from running the uks biggest brothel while contributing to a political party that at every step possible has sought to rescrict the possibility of sex work being decriminalised.

If Moran used the profits from CC  to promote the sex industry or the rights of sex workers then I wouldn't have a problem with him. But to use his money to make the lives of sex workers and punters more difficult and dangerous is rank hypocrisy of the worst kind.

But of course these unscrupulous landlords of London actually benefit from the illegality of prostitution. The difficulty girls have in proving their income and employment status and rental restrictions around running a business from a residential rental mean that many working girls have a very restricted choice when looking for rental properties in London.  These particular landlords who are happy to rent to sex workers know this and use it to charge way above market rents and to randomly up rents to silly prices. It is these ladlords like Moran who are the real profitiers from sex work and the people who determine the high price we pay as punters

Offline bbwandy72

None of the posters have pointed to the hypocrisy of Moran, getting rich from running the uks biggest brothel
You might be able to find a legal loophole that would class it as that, but it's hard to claim with a straight face that he's been running a brothel.

Offline Stanford97

None of the posters have pointed to the hypocrisy of Moran, getting rich from running the uks biggest brothel while contributing to a political party that at every step possible has sought to rescrict the possibility of sex work being decriminalised.

If Moran used the profits from CC  to promote the sex industry or the rights of sex workers then I wouldn't have a problem with him. But to use his money to make the lives of sex workers and punters more difficult and dangerous is rank hypocrisy of the worst kind.

But of course these unscrupulous landlords of London actually benefit from the illegality of prostitution. The difficulty girls have in proving their income and employment status and rental restrictions around running a business from a residential rental mean that many working girls have a very restricted choice when looking for rental properties in London.  These particular landlords who are happy to rent to sex workers know this and use it to charge way above market rents and to randomly up rents to silly prices. It is these ladlords like Moran who are the real profitiers from sex work and the people who determine the high price we pay as punters
This seems utter shit. Do you know this place? It’s just some aparthotel that a fair number of prostitutes use. Why the hell should the management or staff police their clientele? The corridors are always empty and silent and you virtually never know what’s going on behind closed doors.

Offline Dicky

The reporters made 40 bookings! Looks like the hacks have been hsving some fun on company expenses! How many of you work for the Times. Spill the beans!

Offline Stanford97

The reporters made 40 bookings! Looks like the hacks have been hsving some fun on company expenses!
Let’s hope they add 40 reviews

Offline the-newb

“ 'probably has the highest population density of hookers per square mile in London'.”
I'm sure there's a worse house, somewhere between Big Ben and Westminster Abbey.

In recent weeks, reporters from The Sunday Times were able to make 40 bookings with prostitutes using 23 apartments in the building — 15 of them in flats rented from Moran’s company.
I wonder if their wives were ok with that kind of investigation. I mean, if there were that many dudes who made bookings in the last month yet barely touched the girls, odds are that agencies would've smelled a rat. I hope Times readers are happy to know their hard-earned money actually paid for journos having fun with hookers.

Though the worst part is probably Moran having an office there and visiting regularly. There's no way he wasn't directly aware of what is going on; heck, odds are that he had some "fun time".

Offline jok32

This seems utter shit. Do you know this place? It’s just some aparthotel that a fair number of prostitutes use. Why the hell should the management or staff police their clientele? The corridors are always empty and silent and you virtually never know what’s going on behind closed doors.

Police may not care, but management certainly should, because just about every rental contract explicitly mentions no immoral activity permitted including prostitution.

Offline Steely Dan

The reporters made 40 bookings! Looks like the hacks have been hsving some fun on company expenses! How many of you work for the Times. Spill the beans!
-they paid them for no sex = idiots
-they booked them, but then turned out to be time wasters = cunts
-they went and fucked them = punters
-Lying pigs = most likely

Offline JayEZ2K

[Prostitutes] sell their bodies and punters pay good money...
They don't sell their bodies any more than a masseuse sells his/her body. Sex workers provide a service for a defined about of time, with strict, agreed upon boundaries. It's very important to be accurate, especially in the arena of politics.

As for the article...

MICHAEL POWELL, HARRY COLE, and the Daily Mail are a BUNCH OF CUNTS!! They just fucking outed SPs in a major news article. As far as I know, that's probably one of the safest types of places for an SP to work, independently, pimp-free. Exactly the type of sex work that should not be a problem. And all this just to attack some politician who owns the land with no evidence of direct involvement.

Harry Cole is a CUNT
Hidden Image/Members Only

Michael Powell is a CUNT
Hidden Image/Members Only
« Last Edit: November 25, 2018, 10:41:51 pm by JayEZ2K »

Offline JayEZ2K

To show my solidarity with the WGs, I've found my next challenge. I will fuck my way from the bottom floor to the top, just like in Bruce Lee ascending the Boss's Pagoda in Game of Death.

Offline Siliconfan

It would be something if we had a Hong Kong style building in London. Having '10 floors of whores' is not really all that great if you have to book just one in advance. I've never had time to try this in Hong Kong (Fuji Building is the most famous) but the very idea of knocking on a series of doors, taking a look at the girl on offer and choosing from an array of cuties is just so exciting. I have done the Amsterdam Red Light area once and that was enjoyable.

Offline Heph

None of the posters have pointed to the hypocrisy of Moran, getting rich from running the uks biggest brothel while contributing to a political party that at every step possible has sought to rescrict the possibility of sex work being decriminalised.

You seem to be going after the wrong party, assuming you were reasonably happy with the former status quo of turning a blind eye. The main driving forces behind attempts to pursue and evn toughen-up policy tend to be channelled through the purview of Harriet Harperson, who is famously a member of 'the other team'.

« Last Edit: November 26, 2018, 04:58:11 pm by Heph »

Offline Stanford97

To show my solidarity with the WGs, I've found my next challenge. I will fuck my way from the bottom floor to the top, just like in Bruce Lee ascending the Boss's Pagoda in Game of Death.
I’m itching to visit, it’ll be like riding a roller coaster the week after someone’s had their legs chopped off on it.

I read through well over a hundred tourist reviews of the cloisters. Not a single mention of prostitution. Only one mentioned noise in the corridor, one mentioned stains on the bedding and one suspiciously described the place as having lots of character. Lots of complaints about how run down the rooms can be due to the cheapskate management.

The Sun article had some interesting info.

Offline Heph

I’m itching to visit...
Lots of complaints about how run down the rooms can be due to the cheapskate management.

It's a rather worn, badly dated and tired-looking place, with not a great deal to commend it, apart from an anonymousness you can blend in to, and the skyline views from some of the higher floors can be nice enough.

The foyer is all old marble and chock full middle-aged, Middle Eastern tourists heaving around their oversized luggage trolleys and arguing with the recoption desks about the weakness of the wifi and the potency of the final bill. Sometimes they bring their teenage brats with then and they'll be busy on their phones, or taking snaps with you in the background that will be difficult to explain to your grandchildren. You'll get in one of the lifts and emerge into the type of corridor common in many British pre-war purpose-built office blocks.

As it's your first visit, you may find there's a bit of disorientation as it may take a few moments to establish which way around the ring you should head to get to your apartment. This, and the absence of a travel bag, is what will tell the cleaning ladies that you'll see, that you are a disrepuatble whoring swine.

« Last Edit: November 26, 2018, 05:31:07 pm by Heph »

Offline Stanford97

There’s some useful tips in this thread for anyone wanting to gain a stealthy entrance into the building

Offline tazz

Couple now gone on trial for running a brothel there

External Link/Members Only

Offline webpunter

Its like a rabbit warren
I wouldn't like to be in there if the place caught fire  :scare:

As it's your first visit, you may find there's a bit of disorientation as it may take a few moments to establish which way around the ring you should head to get to your apartment


This, and the absence of a travel bag, is what will tell the cleaning ladies that you'll see, that you are a disrepuatble whoring swine.

Offline webpunter

Offline Stanford97

I wish I’d seen this article first, much less of a joke. I hope all the details of the trial will be published.

Offline magnetico

Couple now gone on trial for running a brothel there

External Link/Members Only

Karl, policeman during 2003-2013, running HOD, all good and even goes on BBC talking about his agency.

Karl, policeman during 2011-2013, running Kensington Angels, going to jail


Offline webpunter

He'll get a nice welcome behind bars  :scare:

Karl, policeman during 2003-2013, running HOD, all good and even goes on BBC talking about his agency.

Karl, policeman during 2011-2013, running Kensington Angels, going to jail



  • Guest
i had no idea this was a place like that. i thought it was just a hotel/ appartment building. guess you need local knowledge.  seen a girl in there a few times,

wont be seeing anyone there till this dies down

Offline bonapati

“You see lots of Eastern European girls walking around in dressing gowns and then loads of sleazy businessmen leaving their rooms at weird times of the day looking embarrassed. When you're in the lift with them you can see them putting their wedding rings back on.' ”

The main girl in the article is quite popular with another agency - and seems she have always worked her for many years. Shame her business will see a fall. I always stayed clear of this place as one sticks out like a sore thumb. An easy target/story for th express. Not really and exposé I’d say. Will the hotel chains be next? Who is the victim here the WGs or the landlord?

Offline webpunter

I have no idea why they do this

Do you think the WG is gonna give a monkey's arse ?

The reverse IMO - married punters generally safer punters [from the burds perspective] as they want no grief

Plus there is always the possibility of losing the ring, which would take some explaining  :scare:  :lol:

When you're in the lift with them you can see them putting their wedding rings back on.' ”

Offline zinger

Sorry guys... a useless comment but can't help myself.

I bet all the guys reading this on the Standard on the tube.. racing home to get onto UKP to see the lads think. That's what I was thinking anyway.

I bet the girls in there at the moment will have dusty phones for a while.

Offline magnetico

I bet all the guys reading this on the Standard on the tube.. racing home to get onto UKP to see the lads think. That's what I was thinking anyway.
I've only seen Metro and Daily Mail quoting UKP, did you see that in the Evening Standard as well?

Offline Avg_Joe

couple of the comments on that DM report made me chuckle....

Sussex Gardens, off the Edgware Road London was one of the biggest knocking shops in London. Guess who owned that in the 1980s The Church of England.

and this one has got to be my favorite.....
Wonder how many of the 40 appointments were cancelled by the reporters at The Sunday Times?
:blush:  :lol:
Banned reason: White knight.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline llanero

Try to imagine if something of this scale was going on in Rio de Janeiro or Punta Cana.
Yet the stereotype will point to the UK as a respectable place full of respectable people.
Try to think if something like this happened on Bolsonaro's back.
A good housekeeping is well overdue in the UK

Offline nigel4498

Ah, Sussex Gardens. A haunt of mine in the early 70's.
I picked them up by the Monkey Puzzle and took them to my pad in Gloucester Square.
Memories  ;)
« Last Edit: November 26, 2018, 11:20:37 pm by nigel4498 »

Offline Jeffe

Has anyone been round there since this story broke? Wondering if it will actually change anything as I knew about it’s reputation before I even joined in here

Offline Agent W

No report about sex work would be complete without a comment from Julie Bindel quoting entirely speculative statistics about the majority of the women being trafficked, which itself has become a weasel word used to mean any form of coercion of non-native workers but slyly suggesting immigration and sexual impropriety (cue Daily Mail outrage).

Interesting that they can't openly say paying for sexual services is immoral, what with the sexual revolution making it largely OK for consenting adults to get it on with each other in private, plus the fact that it's not illegal. Instead they have to imply that it's wrong because of all the trafficking, however that's defined, since obviously no woman in her right mind would voluntarily have sex with a man outside the mandatory romantic fantasy of Western courtship. Seems to me Julie Bindel and Barbara Cartland have more in common than either would admit. (Barbara Cartland posthumously of course).
« Last Edit: November 27, 2018, 12:11:53 am by Agent W »

Offline LLPunting

Things to hope for after this passes:

Money proven to be profits from CC and any other properties (GL with that) and donated to the Tories (and any other parties/charities) passed on to anti-trafficking/sex workers charities.

Any persons running more than one girl in a given apartment (concurrently or on different days) prosecuted for running a brothel if the girls aren't coerced.  Kunt Karl from HoD prosecuted as a matter of principle otherwise no prosecutions.

Any persons running coerced women will be prosecuted for trafficking/slavery.  So hoping that the Chinese B&S crews will be wiped out one way or another.

Other than that all the free-willed indie girls will find cool new digs around town or across the way in the blocks just down the road, the rest of London needs to enjoy their lovin.