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Author Topic: What's your PDC? (Punting Day Carry)  (Read 4447 times)

Offline JayEZ2K

Me - cash, usual wallet (have to remember sometimes which cash is punting cash, and which cash isn't). Keep mints in my car as well as condoms. That's  it. Punting card is in the usual wallet. Don't have a punting phone, just clear my phone history afterwards and ensure all social media privacy settings are tight enough that people can't find me on Facebook / Twitter by my number. So really, in addition to the usual 4 things I carry everywhere (phone, wallet, keys, car keys) it's just 2 condoms (not in the packet) and some mints / gum. My phone serves as a navigation if I need it
Perhaps a couple of condoms as well.
Very organised OP. I' don't quite take everything you've mentioned but things I would add.

- Condoms: I bring my own fitted condoms. They're more comfortable if the WG will let me use them (sometimes they don't trust brought in condoms, even in a fresh packet). Also, in case they run out, it's rare but it happens.

- Travel Size Hair Gel: After a an energetic 2 hour punt I'm very sweaty, including my hair. So usually freshen up in the shower and use hair gel to neaten up my appearance so I don't feel like everyone can see I've just had a great fuck session. Actually, I'm always forgetting to bring this, but it's an essential especially for a daytime punt with meetings to attend later.

- Video Cameras: A small POV camera and sometimes a small/light handheld. Plus, charging cables and a small power pack (the POV has a shit battery life, need to upgrade it). Even if the WG has not included filming in pre agree'd services sometimes they can be charmed into it  ;)

- Face Masks: I've had WG's say "I forgot to say I only allow filming with a mask, but I can't find mine. I'm so sorry." If I'm carry these the punt isn't ruined, "No problem. Use one of mine. :cool:".

- A Bag: It's not actually a huge amount to carry about, but a bag does make it easier especially if I travel by TFL. Usually a satchel or laptop bag (without the laptop) or a small back pack. Also, if I want a drink on the punt it feels less conspicuous than a plastic carrier bag which is clearly only holding 1 bottle of wine. Especially walking through a hotel lobby or into a block of flats (where the neighbours are probably aware of the WG).

Might seem like over kill, but if I'm spending atleast £200 I prefer to be prepared. Must admit, I'd be very red faced if for some reason I was pulled up on a stop and search.
Interesting that condoms were brought up a few times, so I'll toss in a condom or two. Although I imagine it's rare, a WG recently asked me if I brought condoms, but since I didn't she used her last one with me. The guy who came after me might have been out of luck.

I've brought the small camera and even the mask, but only if I know there's a good chance of filming. If I get more experience filming, maybe I'll carry it more on a whim.

Get a smaller powerbank with less charge capacity as they are much lighter  :hi:
I use an Anker brand. I also have a teeny weeny portable modem so I can get internet anywhere for my MacBook Air, (no tablet). I take an odourless aluminium-free Bionsen roll-on deodorant, but it lives in the car anyway whether punting or not.
Thanks Monstar and HP!  I had no idea they made power banks External Link/Members Only. I never even use the power bank I have because it's too big and heavy (three times bigger and heavier than an iPhone).

This is like a military operation!!! I make sure I take off my watch and chain, only carry the exact money (no wallet), my punting phone and my car key. Travel light with no incriminating ID in case she’s nosey, nothing valuable in case she’s a thief.
The no wallet is interesting, and something I've been experimenting with. Just the prepaid card and cash. Going without the wallet is even lighter, and avoids having IDs and personal info.

You forgot mouthwash... Where do you brush your teeth and floss after you see a Soho prostitute?
Mouthwash was recommended here at least a couple times, but even a travel size might be too heavy to carry. Do you mean for disinfecting if you kiss or perform RO? I can try the bactericidal mouth strips or maybe a small spray to start with. As for brushing, I don't kiss is Soho, so no need to brush post-punt. But if I eat a meal I'll brush in the restaurant's restroom to ensure that my mouth is clean and not smelling like food if I punt again after eating.

exact money in one pocket an a few tenners down a sock for any little extra.
Whey do you keep the extra cash in the sock, rather than all together?

... Shower is crack, dick and bollocks only.
Same here. But do you use the WG's towels? They are always questionable, IMO, so I've considered carrying a very small hand/travel towel for drying off.

Not sure about carrying a "murse".... you may get attacked in a hate crime incident? Try one of those beige or stone coloured sleeveless jackets with loads of pockets: stylish AND functional AND comfy!
I think you're right about the "External Link/Members Only", lol. I was looking at specialized travel vests. Expensive, but it makes more sense just to use pockets rather than to carry another thing, which itself weighs more. And I do like the External Link/Members Only.

That seems a lot. I bet you're a nightmare packing for a holiday :D
The nice thing is that this is almost exactly the same as my holiday packing. I pack very lightly and just bring a couple other items when traveling (and punting) abroad.

You forgot your ballistic plate, field dressings, primary sidearm (.45 HK) + 4 mags, backup (9mm Glock compact) + 2 mags, k-bar, belt-clip stabbing blades and a compass.
I think that's the External Link/Members Only, or perhaps if you're punting on a council estate  :lol:

Bud , you have made this an artform.

And  :hi: to your century

As a car user, park a street away, take exact cash, phone and car keys. That is all.
Cheers and thank you  :hi:

In my normal manbag, I have a punting pocket.  It has various stuff such as condoms, cash and a ... nail clipper.  I like a finger in a pussy, and having neatly trimmed nails seems to help.

Anyway, I have no criticism with OP's list. If not punting from car, it is a struggle.  Everything needs to be in the flat with you. Taking too much can be a worry.  But I am way less organised - I end up with too much at times.  My real wallet is in my bag for example.  Might go wrong someday, but so far so good.  Not a risk free hobby.

Thanks all for the comments, and I've updated my shopping list based on your suggestions.

And just to clarify, when I punt along my normal commute route there's less pressure, so I just bring cash, phone, and profile notes. If I know the place, phone and cash alone is enough.

In contrast, this PDC is specific to my punting day trips, which are on foot and public transport, and about 100 km from home. Because I'm investing about 3 hours round-trip travel time, about £20 travel cost (must have spent about £750 on punting travel alone this past year), and because I can usually only enjoy this once a week, I have to get everything right. If I forget my phone, I can only visit walkups. Forget Viagra and I end up a half hour behind schedule. Forget my headphones and I'm bored as shite on the journey. On the other hand, if I carry too much then my feet and back start hurting bad towards the end of the day. So I've tried to become more systematic to ensure that I travel light with everything I need, and nothing else. So this is my current carry for day trips after a year of trial and error, which I am still trying to perfect. I hope this helps someone else, although it seems that most others punt short distances and/or from their cars. Punting has been my #1 hobby and obsession so these punting trips are by far the highlight of my week.

Offline Waterhouse

Offline Waterhouse

Offline JonasG

Lol this seems excessive.

All I need is my car, the cash and my punting phone.

Offline JonasG

Wow, some people take this waaaaaaay too seriously  :lol:

I take the right money, punting phone and some chewing gum. I think that's about it  :unknown:


Gotta say the opening post cracked me up.

Sounds like one of Mr.Bean's adventures.

Offline threechilliman


Gotta say the opening post cracked me up.

Sounds like one of Mr.Bean's adventures.

Spot on with the Mr Nean analogy.

Offline nigel4498

My wits, always have them with me.

Offline freeze44

Impressive list! Few more that might help!

Personal mini mirror= final check before you knock

Sewing kit/clothing care kit, stain remover- too eager to get your kit of or bodily fluids flying around

First aid kit- Sex strains or spanking marks

Diarrhea/laxative medicines...all been there!

note pad...for review notes

Offline Josler

Generally travel by car, but only take cash and phone into the booking, never any ID

Offline dobob

Your post reminded me of the "House of the Rising Sun" External Link/Members Only. It includes the line:

    "The only things a gambler needs is a suitcase and a trunk."

but sometimes this is sung as:

    "The only things a gambler needs is a suitcase and a gun."

It seems to me you are the first kind of gambler. I'm sure the trunk to
hold your meds and other needments is better for us all than a gun.

« Last Edit: November 12, 2018, 11:38:27 pm by dobob »

Offline robsmith149

Cash and car keys that's it, dunno whether to laugh or cry at some of the stuff people carry.

Offline JayEZ2K

Lol this seems excessive.

All I need is my car, the cash and my punting phone.
As mentioned, this is for car-less, punting day trips far from home and entailing 3+ hours travel time. Because of the time and financial investment, and the fact that this is the only day I can really enjoy each week, I need to get everything right. Nearly every item in the list gets used in the course of a day.

Unfortunately I can't go simpler, for example, a normal phone is too small for me to read well, so I'm already having to bring a mini-tablet or reading glasses. Then there's the performance enhancers, essential for me at my age. I always use the breath mints, and at this time of year I don't want to show up with dry, cracked lips, for example.

At this point it's not difficult as I keep nearly everything in a small, pre-packed punting bag that I can grab and go with. I might switch to a pre-packed punting jacket: External Link/Members Only

Impressive list! Few more that might help!

Personal mini mirror= final check before you knock... note pad...for review notes
Good suggestions. If you're carrying those items separately, you could save a lot of carry space/weight by using a smart phone: selfie mode as a mirror and its notepad app for notes.

Offline Waterhouse

Good suggestions. If you're carrying those items separately, you could save a lot of carry space/weight by using a smart phone: selfie mode as a mirror and its notepad app for notes.
You can use your tablet for this, or if it's a smarty. There'll be an app tha will allow the front camera to act like a mirror and abuilt in Note facility. 

Offline king tarzan

Oyster/cheap watch/money for escort/extras money for escort just incase £40 ( hardly used) curry money/lubricant/condoms.      ( just incase they don't have lube or they try to use thick Johnnie's)
And mobile phone.. mints/chewing gum
Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Waterhouse

Oyster/cheap watch/money for escort/extras money for escort just incase £40 ( hardly used) curry money/lubricant/condoms.      ( just incase they don't have lube or they try to use thick Johnnie's)
And mobile phone.. mints/chewing gum
... and two bottles of Kouros because the hunnies love it.   :lol:

Offline JayEZ2K

Oyster/cheap watch/money for escort/extras money for escort just incase £40 ( hardly used) curry money/lubricant/condoms.      ( just incase they don't have lube or they try to use thick Johnnie's)
And mobile phone.. mints/chewing gum
Cheers for the lubricant suggestion. Although it's only happened once, I had one completely failed punt because she was dry as a bone and had no lube. Easy enough to throw in a single use lube packet.

Offline JonasG

As mentioned, this is for car-less, punting day trips far from home and entailing 3+ hours travel time. Because of the time and financial investment, and the fact that this is the only day I can really enjoy each week, I need to get everything right. Nearly every item in the list gets used in the course of a day.

Unfortunately I can't go simpler, for example, a normal phone is too small for me to read well, so I'm already having to bring a mini-tablet or reading glasses. Then there's the performance enhancers, essential for me at my age. I always use the breath mints, and at this time of year I don't want to show up with dry, cracked lips, for example.

At this point it's not difficult as I keep nearly everything in a small, pre-packed punting bag that I can grab and go with. I might switch to a pre-packed punting jacket: External Link/Members Only

Even without a car, you can definitely cut back on some stuff. Like the Hygiene kit and pill box.

Is the toothbrush, toothpaste and floss really necessary? You aren't gone that long, chewing gum is enough here.

And the re: the pill box, vitamins post punt seem unnecessary, just take 1 viagra pill and put it in one of your pouches in your wallet.

Offline Redbull4

I just go in my normal get up, as if I was just going for a pint or shopping in town.
Aren’t people making this too complex?
Wallet, phone, house keys, car keys if I drove, not much else to it.

Online Skeleton

Pack of chewing gum and cash, that's about it.

Offline Waterhouse

Even without a car, you can definitely cut back on some stuff. Like the Hygiene kit and pill box.

Is the toothbrush, toothpaste and floss really necessary? You aren't gone that long, chewing gum is enough here.

And the re: the pill box, vitamins post punt seem unnecessary, just take 1 viagra pill and put it in one of your pouches in your wallet.
I usually arrange my meets after work so always have my work rucksack with me. I always carry a toothbrush and sample size toothpaste in it and brush before leaving the office. Don't need a 'hygiene' kit as I always have a good shower when I get to the venue.

Offline OakTree

I usually arrange my meets after work so always have my work rucksack with me. I always carry a toothbrush and sample size toothpaste in it and brush before leaving the office. Don't need a 'hygiene' kit as I always have a good shower when I get to the venue.

I always thought it wasn’t a good idea to clean your teeth just before a meet due to micro abrasions to gums from brushing. There’s an increased risk of picking something up if you’re licking her out.

Offline Waterhouse

I always thought it wasn’t a good idea to clean your teeth just before a meet due to micro abrasions to gums from brushing. There’s an increased risk of picking something up if you’re licking her out.
I heard this too. I use a Curaprox supersoft brush which is not at all abrasive. It is made using soft filaments as opposed to stiff or harsh bristles. I also have no reservations whatsoever regarding the hygiene and cleanliness of the lady I meet with on a regular basis.   :hi:

Offline JonasG

I usually arrange my meets after work so always have my work rucksack with me. I always carry a toothbrush and sample size toothpaste in it and brush before leaving the office. Don't need a 'hygiene' kit as I always have a good shower when I get to the venue.

Tbh I do punts after work, and if you've brushed your teeth in the morning and used mouthwash then there's no need to brush again at 5:30pm or whatever.

Just chewing gum before the punt should be fine and I've always got DFK.

Offline JayEZ2K

I always thought it wasn’t a good idea to clean your teeth just before a meet due to micro abrasions to gums from brushing. There’s an increased risk of picking something up if you’re licking her out.
You bring up a really good point that warrants serious consideration. I've heard that detectable levels of bacteria can be found in the blood after brushing, so it makes complete sense that micro-abrasions can occur. This seems to be reduced with soft bristles and gentle brushing, but I'll just go with JonasG's approach; brush in the morning, and then rinse and use gum. (It would also make sense if RO/kissing to rinse first after the punt to remove/kill anything, and not brush until later, before sleep. Or to brush carefully, with soft bristles.)

Offline JayEZ2K

Even without a car, you can definitely cut back on some stuff. Like the Hygiene kit and pill box.

Is the toothbrush, toothpaste and floss really necessary? You aren't gone that long, chewing gum is enough here.

And the re: the pill box, vitamins post punt seem unnecessary, just take 1 viagra pill and put it in one of your pouches in your wallet.
That's very useful, thank you. I do get self conscious if I eat, but I'll try a External Link/Members Only, or just rinse and chewing gum and see if it's enough. Good idea about using the wallet for pills, didn't think of that for some reason.

Offline Bangers and Gash

That's very useful, thank you. I do get self conscious if I eat, but I'll try a disposable teeth cleaner, or just rinse and chewing gum and see if it's enough. 

Can't you just rinse them under a tap and pop them back in?  :D

Offline Waterhouse

Can't you just rinse them under a tap and pop them back in?  :D
Actual LOL
 :lol: :lol: :lol:

Offline P Exeter

This thread is gold guys - had the best laugh in ages at these responses.

No disrespect to the OP though - I agree that when you are outlying a substantial amount of cash for something it's best to be prepared.

Only things I find essential is a bottle of water and chewing gum. Nothing worse than getting thirsty on the tube then wg doesn't offer you any water and by end of punt you're totally parched! Punting biscuits side effects also better with some water to drink. Downside is chugging too much water on the tube then arriving at the wgs busting for a whizz  :rolleyes:

Offline paulub45

Downside is chugging too much water on the tube then arriving at the wgs busting for a whizz.

Been in that position before. :scare:

Offline king tarzan

Downside is chugging too much water on the tube then arriving at the wgs busting for a whizz.

Been in that position before. :scare:

Just pop in quickly to MacDonalds or a coffee shop
Always works for me
Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline threechilliman

Just pop in quickly to MacDonalds or a coffee shop
Always works for me

Unless you've agreed with your chosen victim to open the batting with WS's of course.

Offline P Exeter

Unless you've agreed with your chosen victim to open the batting with WS's of course.

Haha that one made me..

*puts on sunglasses*

 crease up...  :cool:

Offline JayEZ2K

Can't you just rinse them under a tap and pop them back in?  :D
Literally LOL. Not yet, but in a few years... maybe!

This thread is gold guys - had the best laugh in ages at these responses.

No disrespect to the OP though - I agree that when you are outlying a substantial amount of cash for something it's best to be prepared.

Only things I find essential is a bottle of water and chewing gum. Nothing worse than getting thirsty on the tube then wg doesn't offer you any water and by end of punt you're totally parched! Punting biscuits side effects also better with some water to drink. Downside is chugging too much water on the tube then arriving at the wgs busting for a whizz  :rolleyes:
Exactly my thoughts on the water. Plus, I need it for the enhancers.

Good tip from King Tarzan, but then you won't have it on the tube, and you'll probably still need to carry it into the punt in case you get thirsty. Often times I'll take a sip right before the action starts so my mouth isn't dry. So I end up carrying it most the day anyways. I don't need loads of water though, so maybe I'll just use a hip flask.

Offline Troydor69

The one item that I think is essential is a jacket/hoody/whatever with pockets that zip closed. Watch, wallet, keys, etc all then get zipped in so no chance of leaving the flat to discover something fell from a pocket in a dingy bedroom.

Offline dizietsmae

I always drive to punts and verify flat/room number before I get out of the car, so I only take cash and a car key into my punt, and my cock obviously  :drinks:

Offline JonasG

I always drive to punts and verify flat/room number before I get out of the car, so I only take cash and a car key into my punt, and my cock obviously  :drinks:

Yeah same.

Always leave my phone and wallet in the car.

Offline getsbettereverytime

I always drive to punts and verify flat/room number before I get out of the car, so I only take cash and a car key into my punt, and my cock obviously  :drinks:

Just to be safe I prefer to steal a car on the way to a meeting, they will never find me that way hahaha (really?)

The OP sounds like a complete LOON. Probably puts his camo panties on in front of his mums bedroom mirror before he gets in his top secret (Uber) mono-rail transport system to meet his new 'girl friend'.

Offline Bangers and Gash

The OP sounds like a complete LOON. Probably puts his camo panties on in front of his mums bedroom mirror before he gets in his top secret (Uber) mono-rail transport system to meet his new 'girl friend'.

Funny as this topic is, I think we need to be fair to the OP. He's talking about the kit bag he takes punting when he's making a day of it. I've done the same myself, or similar, whilst on rare mini punting tours in Londistan. No one wants to turn up for a punt with bits of chocolate fudge cake stuck to their teeth  :D

Offline king tarzan

Funny as this topic is, I think we need to be fair to the OP. He's talking about the kit bag he takes punting when he's making a day of it. I've done the same myself, or similar, whilst on rare mini punting tours in Londistan. No one wants to turn up for a punt with bits of chocolate fudge cake stuck to their teeth  :D

It's LONDON the greatest city on earth.

Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline shagmore

Drive to punts, if its someone I have seen before will park on drive or closer, but if its new the, scout the place out first, and park a few streets away (after looking on google maps to find parking locations)
Just take my phone and my wallet, will take about £20 more cash than the punt price
Thats it

Offline JayEZ2K

Just to be safe I prefer to steal a car on the way to a meeting, they will never find me that way hahaha (really?)

The OP sounds like a complete LOON.
That's because I AM A LOON. Hitting 100+ punts within 1 year requires exactly that.

Reality is, being prepared is the least of it. The biggest insanity would be all the time and money invested.

Funny as this topic is, I think we need to be fair to the OP. He's talking about the kit bag he takes punting when he's making a day of it. I've done the same myself, or similar, whilst on rare mini punting tours in Londistan. No one wants to turn up for a punt with bits of chocolate fudge cake stuck to their teeth  :D
Cheers, Bangers.

Exactly that. When I punt along my commute route I don't make a fuss. I just bring whatever I have.

When I'm spending my day off, 3+ hours travel time with a couple of punts lined up, I want everything to go smoothly.

Offline DastardlyDick

OK, I can see the necessity of a punting phone, but a punting watch??
The only things I take to a punt are money, keys and a semi!
« Last Edit: November 21, 2018, 08:17:48 am by DastardlyDick »

Offline threechilliman

A box of assorted condiments for dealing with the inevitable 'Wow you're gorgeous' line.....

Offline JayEZ2K

OK, I can see the necessity of a punting phone, but a punting watch??
The only things I take to a punt are money, keys and a semi!
A "punting watch" was recommended to me when I first started out, and had problems either with pacing myself, or getting rushed or short-timed by the WG. For me this is essential and helps me relax and pace myself, but I know others feel the exact opposite and hate to know the time. As for the watch itself, a "punting watch" is just a cheap watch that you wouldn't mind losing or getting stolen. (I don't want to wear a nice/expensive watch when I go punting.) Here's a few posts regarding its purpose:

"I had only left my reasonably expensive watch in the shower,to compound things it was a gift from the wife  :scare:"

Negating being robbed: "4. don't wear any expensive jewellery or watches a good punting watch is a cheap casio"

General use:

A box of assorted condiments for dealing with the inevitable 'Wow you're gorgeous' line.....
Well, that's one thing I won't be needing  :lol:

Although I don't see how she could resist a box of assorted External Link/Members Only.

Offline Marmalade

In reply mostly to the original OP post, also to the objections and a couple of questions that popped up that I think I can maybe answer.

One person asked if the OP’s l-arginine and l-citrulline was a daily regime or just before punts. Although some of the evidence is contradictory, there’s two important points. The first is that both these substances have a very short half-life of around 80 minutes, so whether there is a long term advantage or not they’ll be out of your system in a couple of hours so, if you take them, taking them on the way to the punt makes sense. Secondly, although the arginine dose of around 5 or 6 gms has been found effective in one or more studies (that’s 5,000 to 6,000mgs), a lower dose of 1.5g (1500mg) has been found not effective. Large dose or don’t bother. (Other studies say it takes a few weeks but the appropriate controls were lacking now I think about it.) So either you’re dissolving the powdered form in water or something similar, in which case it’s a fairly small and very easily manageable amount, or you’re taking a very large handful of pills/capsules (which also might not be absorbed so well.

If you’re mixing them with water you’ll want some flavoured water or something to disguise the taste.

The OP asked about ways to carry them. If your punt is nearby, no problem. Otherwise you need a way of carrying the stuff. Pills are easy to carry, powders less so (and if you buy a bottle of water from a store you might struggle to get the powdered amino-acids in the narrow top). Two solutions come to mind. One is to have a couple of wide neck medicine bottles. The best are ‘pop-top’ ones which you can buy online. You could put the flavoured water in one and the powders in the other. Although it’s a small amount of water, the substances are highly soluble so it should be enough. The other, for sport-minded punters, is the sort of minimal backpack that has a pull-out drinking tube.

Of course you could pre-mix them but I don’t know without researching it whether they ‘go off’ at all if kept dissolved.

The conversation does remind me of the thread where I mentioned transdermal arginine cream (which was laughed off the thread, or ye unbelievers haha) But at least taking the stuff orally shouldn’t leave your OWO tackle tasting weird!

Finally, was the ‘punting kit’ OTT? My own thoughts from punting in many places abroad is have a high-security routine until you know the lay of the land. Once you’re comfy, sure relax it a bit. But it also gives you answers on how to cope in unexpected circumstances. More than once I’ve counselled guys abroad who were in a panic over being unprepared or had been rolled. No, I don’t brush immediately before a session. It’s safer to brush well a few hours before and then have something to freshen up on the way.

Long post, I know, but it was a serious topic deserving a serious answer IMO.


Offline mradventures

actually decent tips

i think keeping some extra cash seporate or even maybe being short on your punting wallet if u think the sp might be aweful/greedy etc, "oh whoops only got 80 and not 100, sorry ill go bye bye now"

a cheap watch is also ment to be good for traveling too

Offline jeanphillipe

I always drive to punts and verify flat/room number before I get out of the car, so I only take cash and a car key into my punt, and my cock obviously  :drinks:

dont you just hate it when you get to your punt and you've left it at home  :cool:

Offline JayEZ2K

In reply mostly to the original OP post, also to the objections and a couple of questions that popped up that I think I can maybe answer... 

Finally, was the ‘punting kit’ OTT? My own thoughts from punting in many places abroad is have a high-security routine until you know the lay of the land. Once you’re comfy, sure relax it a bit. But it also gives you answers on how to cope in unexpected circumstances. More than once I’ve counselled guys abroad who were in a panic over being unprepared or had been rolled. No, I don’t brush immediately before a session. It’s safer to brush well a few hours before and then have something to freshen up on the way.

Long post, I know, but it was a serious topic deserving a serious answer IMO.

Cheers  :drinks:

This is still my setup, which has served me well. The main modification was ditching the bulky tablet and using an iPhone instead. Everything fits nicely into my jacket during winter, or into a small bag during summer, so I'm always ready to punt locally or as a day trip to London, with just a moment's notice.

And the jacket has a hidden pocket that I use to stash extra cash and ID, to avoid offending the girl by bringing my jacket into the shower with me.