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Author Topic: I'm done with punting, I've lost my enthusiasm after my last few  (Read 3353 times)


  • Guest
I'm done. I'm deleting my AW account and I may just delete this account after. My last few punts have been a waste of money, the ladies are not truthful with their photos and I just feel tired of all of this.  Where do I begin.

ttps:// or External Link/Members Only

I saw Shy Tiff, well attempted to a number of weeks ago, and it was a bait and switch. Not a similar comparison, but a totally different lady. The lady said Tiff had finished a number of hours ago, hmmm, I was pissed, so I just left. I stopped punting for a while, but wanted to persevere.

External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only

I went to see Mila, texted her an hour before to confirm the appointment. Mila provided the address, I go out of my way to travel there, I arrive at the street, the apartment even, call her, no answer, text her, no reply, okay, I can wait 5 mins I think, hmm, turns into 10, then 15. How pathetic am I? (rhetorical question). I wait a whole 30 mins, calling and texting, no response. I give up and go home. The next day I call her to ask her what happened, "sorry babe, I had to check out last minute". I dunno, it sounds valid, but I just feel aggrieved and vow not to see her again, I just can't get over the going 40 mins out of my way, then waiting another 30 mins. 

External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only

I arrange to see Miss Adrianna, I think she has another profile, Vicky something and works with a lady called Sensual Kylie. External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only.

Anyway, so I go to see her, yeah Vicky, I saw her and Kylie on separate occasions a number of years back and enjoyed our times together, I thought this would be equally as good, naaa, they were both in the room and Adrianna was forcing a threesome on me, I agreed to only see her, but she insisted that she would only do a threesome and saying it was better for me, and that the price change was not that much greater.  It just wasn't for me at that moment, plus I didn't like the lure tactic, get me in the door, then change the offering. The hotel room was a sty, they were planning o going on holiday, food everywhere and the room had that left over food smell. When I made it clear I didn't want a threesome, she was like, whatever, not looking at me, and made me feel uncomfortable, Kylie was just on her phone. They said hold on, we have friends in the hotel, at this point I was like whatever, they called their friends but they were busy. If Adrianna said lets do 1 on 1, I would have still left because of the poor attitude.

I'm sure a few readers will have dropped out by now, I don't blame you, all of this shit was hard for me and why I started to give up on punting, don't you hate how the pics on the private galleries in AW are so shit, like a pic of a foot, and you think, was it really worth 1.20?

Anyway, my last punt before I give / gave up and deleted my AW profile, delete saved numbers and whatever else.  I agree to see, kamila in Palmers Green.  External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only . I was sold on the lovely rack, anyway, I get in and it is Eliza, External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only. I'm kinda horny so role with it and spend the hour @ £100. geez, it was just awful, I felt like I was on some sort of factory assembly line, her English was passable, the massage was just way too much oil, and the sex was more bland than vanilla, some oral, then she sat on top, then me, then more oral to finish. I laid there thinking of other women, her breath smelt of cigarettes, the whole place did, and to top it off, there were other women in the place making a racket, one was in the kitchen cooking, and asking Eliza questions, singing to music, putting the washing machine on, phones pinging, switching the music, then I heard other people come into the house which put me on edge. What else, there isn't a door, it's just a curtain, the floors creak. The sex was just like teenage shit, no energy, I regretted it so soon after and decided I need to quit this shit, it aint bringing me any kind of pleasure anymore but regret. People, avoid this chick and her associates, it's just an awful experience.

I'm done, I'm tired of women that have long arse profiles that read like a short novel, poor grammar, yes, yes, my punctuation could do with tightening up, fake and misleading photos, inconsistencies in pricing, bait and switch tactics, visiting hotels and hanging outside houses and apartments waiting for a door number.  Most importantly, I have a dis-taste when ladies state who they will and won't see. Fair enough, it is their right to choose, their bodies and if they don't feel comfortable entertaining certain people that's totally fine, but I just find it off putting, I know unconscious prejudices for this are founded on their past experiences with certain gents and this is another cause, but still, I dunno, I just don't..... 

Thanks to those for sticking in and getting to the end of my rant. If you enjoy punting then please keep on, but for me, I dunno, it's time to call it quits as i just don't enjoy the whole experience anymore, I could have a great punt next, but even if i did I'd still question was it worth the overall effort to get my pipe sucked.

10 review(s) found for Shy Tiff linked to in above post (7 positive, 0 neutral, 3 negative)

Offline king tarzan

Stop being a sissy and MAN UP!!
Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Punter669

A footballer needs confidence.. Stick him in a game where he's guaranteed to score. Against Arsenal or some shit.

A punter needs hope.. Go see a sure thing. Someone highly rated.

And also, MAN UP!

Offline naz

Tend  to agree with the OP, service levels are getting  worse. Hit and miss. Better to see more established and reviewed WG.

Offline Mrmeanour

A footballer needs confidence.. Stick him in a game where he's guaranteed to score. Against Arsenal or some shit.

A punter needs hope.. Go see a sure thing. Someone highly rated.

And also, MAN UP!

Maybe. But they also know when it's time to 'ang up their boots! Thing is, as we all know, you get what you pay for, mostly. I'm mostly a bottom feeder, your £50-60 hh wg's and it often often is disappointing or I just end up walking. Is the proliferation of dodgy Roms/Ee's dragging the quality down?

Offline shalombaghia20

Save your money and take a trip abroad (outside Europe).

In some places, customers really are the king.

Offline Mrmeanour

Save your money and take a trip abroad (outside Europe).

In some places, customers really are the king.

Yes, worth consideration. Thailand?

Offline Happyjose

Good riddance

You’ve done nothing but moan since you joined (literally every post) and seem to have learned nothing while here

And read the rules re account deletion - fucking drama queen

Offline shalombaghia20

Yes, worth consideration. Thailand?

Literally any country with an open red light industry.

Bar AMS because the girls are too entitled there.

PM me if you want to discuss more. I know a bit about which countries are fun, but do not want to discuss my global movements on an open forum!
« Last Edit: September 26, 2018, 09:18:21 pm by shalombaghia20 »

Online Fuzzyduck

OP FFS, give yourself a slap round the head.

If I'm being an arsehole (comes very naturally) I'd point out that all 4 of the girls you intended to see were poor choices. I don't know how you select your punts but a trawl of UKP would show you that all of these had some amber or red flag against them for one reason or another. Also, being left hanging is a shite experience but don't be a fucking victim. If you're not getting a response, just walk. My cue is generally when they say "only 5 more minutes babee" after already being delayed. Occasionally there are genuine reasons for being shunted by a SP, but it's generally because they are fucking someone else.

So if I'm trying to be (more) helpful:
- Slap yourself around the head again
- Take a break from punting, and do something else that makes you happy
- Do your research in future and minimise the risk by only going for highly rated, reliable girls
- If there are delays, set yourself a fixed time limit after which you walk. Take ownership of the situation
- If you've requested particular services, verify they are available when you're there. If not, walk
- If you're being offered someone else, I've found it's best to walk if you don't know anything about the alternative, even if they look hot.

If you're genuinely set on leaving then all the best. But you should delete your UKP profile. If you don't and keep looking back here, even with the "intention" of not punting again, then slap yourself around the head again.

Best of luck.

ps: you should've written all these experiences up as separate reviews first and then had a whinge.


  • Guest
We’ve all been there, done that and been pissed off sometimes. It’s the name of the game unfortunately and best treated as a game to start off with.

I’m a feckin Newcastle United supporter for Christ’s sake. Been so since birth so if I can stick with it ......... you get my point.

Over time you should be developing a sixth sense of what’s good n bad. You also develop relationships with girls or parlours or wherever you’ve been before.
Probably a lot of the times blokes moan is after they’ve spent the cash. If you don’t feel good about something then walk, don’t hand over the dosh. Fair enough wasted journey and time but st least you’ve still got the money to look elsewhere.

And yes...... go abroad. Save your money and holiday somewhere where the punter is treated with respect.
Ahhhhhhh Singapore. I remember it well  :thumbsup:


  • Guest
There's almost a societal problem with reality versus expectations. If you go to the shop then you'll see on almost every food packaging the image isn't what you get. Even in normal day to day business, the girl you date or pick up will look very different without make up, padded bra, etc.

Punting can have a lot of extreme cases of false advertising. I live with it.

Some strategies help.

1. I temper my expectations.
2. I never do a long booking first if you couldn't well establish what you'll get. First visit is toe in water.
3. I watch out for a lot of things. Always do a little investigation with what I've got.
4. It's no longer a thing sadly. Escorts used to cam much more, you could check out the goods before.
5. It's always a bit of a gamble. I often prepare myself for a few visits. Best out of three.
6. For each visit there will be a different level of being certain about what I'm getting. I'll usually know the odds of disappointment.

The more visits you do the more you'll learn. Unfortunately, disappointment is part of that package.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2018, 05:04:23 pm by testuser »

Offline winkywanky

OP. It's as simple as choosing girls who are well reviewed, both in terms of quantity and in quality. In that regard, the best one you chose had 5 positives and 2 negatives. You were asking for problems!

Offline sparkus

OP, I feel it myself, the last few for me have been terrible (or I've just not felt it) and I've had grief from SPs who I've entered into, ahem, dalliances with.  But... I've been here before and it has got better when I've put it behind me and persisted.

You just need to take some time out and then make a HL based on solid reviews of reliable WGs.

Offline hornypnter

I agree the service currently out there is absolutely shit and then there is the scam/tricks the WGs get up to.
Unfortunately I have been having bad run (as seen from my reviews).

When I submit a negative review after reflection I am sharing my experience but also to act as a warning to other fellow punters not get ripped off like I did.

After each negative experience which I used as learning and advise from this website I tried different approaches and tactics and even tried "local" British girl (my last review - - AVOID this one at all cost) ended up having a bad experience.

I am currently taking a break from punting (also need to sort some personal issues) and will be back with vigour and enthusiasm. I am not going to let bad experiences and shit WGs stop enjoying my favourite hobby - punting  :D

Don't let few negative experiences stop you doing what you like.

Offline hawkzville

I think that this is both an interesting and a relevant topic; whilst I do not necessarily agree with the sentiment I can understand the reasons for the decision reached by the author at the same time as agreeing with others that perhaps it's a hasty decision and a review of how you go about pursing this hobby may be a better solution.

In my opinion its incorrect to just limit this interpretation of behaviour to "the sex trade" as in reality scams/con-artists/cheats - whatever you want to call them - are everywhere and in every aspect of our life never has the adage of "buyer beware" been more pertinent than now.

My punting goes back about 30-years now; pre-internet, to personal columns in local papers, ambiguous coded "for sale" notices in post office windows and of course - street walkers.

Back then there were the pimps who would lean on you, ambush you, the providers who said one thing on the phone but were a 10+ years older model when you turned up.

What the internet has done - as with so many things - is open up goods and services to the many for a minimal outlay - we all I'm sure - I know I do - trawl websites comparing women in terms of looks, services and costs...…. where you have a constant stream then of horny blokes you'll get a correspondingly long line of people who'll take advantage.

So what if she lies about how she looks, or that the advertised person isn't the person you see, or that they do or don't do what they advertise? Like a rogue builder sometimes they get away with it, sometimes they don't and the punter walks.... but there is always another one, so hey why not?

Back in the good old days (even though they weren't that good), I'd often see the same girl 20 or 30 times over 18 months or so; now of course with so much choice the temptation is to always look for new - more notches on the bedpost perhaps.

Are we are our own worst enemy then? Perhaps.

My conclusion then is that skulduggery and trickery is as old as the hills and will always happen; as others have already said; do your research and don't be afraid to walk away if it doesn't feel/look/sound right when you arrive..... oh and don't forget to share your intel; lets make the good ones popular and the bad ones unpopular.

Offline grandaddybadman

Why you guys telling him to "man up" can't you see he is seeing through the matrix.
Banned reason: Troll, "inshallah" WTF.
Banned by: daviemac


  • Guest
Agree with hawkzville and I suspect a lot of us more mature puners follow suit.
Lots of fish on the sea and I’m a keen fisherperson (correct use of the term, don’t want to go around upsetting anyone do I)
I enjoy searching and getting a new experience. Sometimes works out, sometimes not. It’s the chance we take.
But I still return safely to the shore and to the girls I’ve seen before. Simply because I know what it’s going to be like.
Won’t stop me casting my net elsewhere again though.

Frankly I’m amazed the OP sounds so adamant about quitting punting.
He must have a hell of a lot more self control than me.  :yahoo:

Hot Babe

  • Guest
This it happens when on the website are “Reviewed “ only some of the girls
There are soo many others highly rated and on here are mention just few
I don’t want to give any examples just trying to let you all know that “Wide open your eyes” there are thousands other girls which are “on the shadow rather then flash”

On here everyone is trying to find out things pictures etc... and verification pictures or worstly keep reporting profiles and after that of course they show up on different profiles like bait an switch...
Why don’t you go and see them in person and then if not happy leave
Everyone is looking for cheap and good but will never find that in any Romanians or Hungarians and few more others ...very rarely

P.S I am a working girl but I won’t give out my name to don’t let space for interpretation
Cheer  :hi:

Is it just how things are viewed from the other side ...
from a girl (me) point of view and so many others who knows about this website and are scared to be published and offended on here
That’s why so many girls are avoiding  punters because there is no DISCRETION anymore !

It is frustrating because let’s say I am British right
So Alot of British girls and few different nationalities has higher rates but for other polish girls for example it is really frustrating to compete with “Shits” and all the fakeries are going on when they know but obviously can’t do anything

I think some people have to see from where the problem is starting and there to fix it because as long it’s more “fight” as long are brought “new weapons”
« Last Edit: September 29, 2018, 04:29:17 pm by Hot Babe »


  • Guest
A lot of what your saying has been lost in translation babes  :D

Hot Babe

  • Guest
A lot of what your saying has been lost in translation babes  :D

My bad sorry  :hi:
I know my English is not perfect but I think you get my point  ;)

P.S sorry I’m not British   :) (above was just an example)
« Last Edit: September 29, 2018, 05:12:43 pm by Hot Babe »

Offline SamLP

Eight posts since January including this rant. You will be missed OP.

The situation in London isn't great, but with research you can find good punts.
For those who mess you about, write a negative.
Anyway, you've quit now.. until you get the case of blue balls.

Offline Nevillec

I fly around the world all the time. Admittedly, right now punting is underwhelming and that is why most of the community keeps going to sexyanda.having said that compared to most global locales, the U.K. Punting scene is still the safest, relatively less expensive, and most transparent because of the platforms we use. Having lived in Canada which once had some great punting scenes (now outlawed)...I still think we are one of the best punting venues in the world.

Offline llanero

Maybe a passing observation but all the ladies mentioned in the original post are Polish, aren’t they? Just if... you broad up your horizons...


  • Guest
My bad sorry  :hi:
I know my English is not perfect but I think you get my point  ;)

P.S sorry I’m not British   :) (above was just an example)

Your English is fine sweetheart. I’m a Geordie, so English is my second language too  :D

Offline Bondmaniac

This it happens when on the website are “Reviewed “ only some of the girls
There are soo many others highly rated and on here are mention just few
I don’t want to give any examples just trying to let you all know that “Wide open your eyes” there are thousands other girls which are “on the shadow rather then flash”

On here everyone is trying to find out things pictures etc... and verification pictures or worstly keep reporting profiles and after that of course they show up on different profiles like bait an switch...
Why don’t you go and see them in person and then if not happy leave
Everyone is looking for cheap and good but will never find that in any Romanians or Hungarians and few more others ...very rarely

P.S I am a working girl but I won’t give out my name to don’t let space for interpretation
Cheer  :hi:

Is it just how things are viewed from the other side ...
from a girl (me) point of view and so many others who knows about this website and are scared to be published and offended on here
That’s why so many girls are avoiding  punters because there is no DISCRETION anymore !

It is frustrating because let’s say I am British right
So Alot of British girls and few different nationalities has higher rates but for other polish girls for example it is really frustrating to compete with “Shits” and all the fakeries are going on when they know but obviously can’t do anything

I think some people have to see from where the problem is starting and there to fix it because as long it’s more “fight” as long are brought “new weapons”

This is a very valid point, the thing is you sometimes find a gem within these, however most are not.  It Is even more painful when you go for a high end and leave disappointed.  I remember back in the day when you would go on the basis of what you hear on the phone and wait to see if you have struck gold or copper when you end up at the destination.  But these days you've got more of an idea but service is still a gamble.

The  whole thing is still a gamble and to be honest it is for that reason i have very few ventures at the moment.  But i am sure that will change over the winter.

Offline sparkus

Regardless of OP being down in the dumps, I am finding the market a bit samey ie TCMs, Roms and Latinas. It's not just that but also numbers, for instance I occasionally travel up north for work and one smallish town had about three pages of active WGs on AW. Now it's just defunct profiles. So it's not just punters who give up but WGs too, though I think without this site I'd be a lot more jaded than I already am.

Offline MajorPayne

I've only been punting a short time (12/2014) but with the exception of first few punts before finding the various punting forums I've been satisfied with the majority of my FS visits.  Researching before hand does make a difference.

Offline earlgreyman

I feel for the OP, but I doubt he'd quit for good. It's been a while since I last punted (and posted) properly, save a couple of massages HEs. It's probably 2 years-ish. A change in life circumstances I had to stop. I was getting pickier about who I see after a spate of bad punts on the 'cheap n cheerful' variety of AWorkers, that left a lot to be desired. It helped me quit full stop.

How have I managed in 2 years? Porn obviously helped certainly, but I want to get on the scene again (blue balls heh-heh), hence why I'm now starting to look through UKP & AW regularly, trying to find girls to add to my HL.

I gotta say, not much decent choice at the lower £ end unless you research and cross reference properly. Even then, chances are YMMV. As others have suggested to the OP, Thailand or even Philippines would be a good option if Asian chicks are his thing, but in all honesty there may be just as many bad punts as good ones, only much cheaper than London. Worth a gamble. I've been planning to go for a while, perhaps even this month while it's pre-high season.


Offline Thepacifist

A footballer needs confidence.. Stick him in a game where he's guaranteed to score. Against Arsenal or some shit.

You're probably a United fan who lives in London :rolleyes:

Sorry to hear you're having a rough time atm OP. Keep at it, when you have a good one it will restore your faith in the land of punt.

Offline bungry

i have been through this in the past also - just got bored of working girls who provided FS.  What I found helped was to just go for massages instead with HJ at the end.  B2B also.  I have only just got back into seeing FS girls again....but I think I am gonna go back to B2B massages again.

Offline Rav7

Can be a phase , sometimes just unlucky , but am sure ukp will unearth a few goddesses for the op.
Lady Luck be with you


  • Guest
After reading many posts I am not surprised some of you show up to find girls not up to scratch and are disappointed. If you don't do your research you will get burnt! On AW it is easy to find decent girls after a bit of researching but you have to look at all the feedback and then click on the punter's feedback too. It is not difficult to find the professional ones, they seem to flock to the same punters, or the decent punters flock to the decent WGs I should say! I can now even tell when a profile has been written by the girl or someone else, most of the time. I know some punters don't have the time to do research but picking a WG just cause of her photos and a few sentences is bound to end up in disappointment. It is a saturated industry with a lot of time wasting and unprofessional girls about, that is for sure, but the profiles that are written well and which show a lot of personality are your best bets!