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Author Topic: What are the Classic WG time wasting and event spoiling technics  (Read 3911 times)

Offline Honestsaintpaul

Now there are a lots of genuinely enthusiastic WG at a wide range of prices who are clear , fun , relaxed and sexually fulfilling but I like to think that an hour is 60 minutes long and our time together generally begins within the bedroom with both parties present .

Yet I find that the more disingenuous clock-watching woman would start your time before you've even entered the building by using the call you make to find the door number as a reference .  :dash:

Then once inside and cash exchanged they leave the room for you to undress .
( This is when I think the clock should at least start ticking)

Sometimes she returns fully dressed (not smoking or eating) and usually filled with "friendly "chat on your fitness and her likes ,do's and don'ts as she undresses .

Then finally getting down to pleasure which ideally is when the booking should start .

By this time almost 10 -15 minutes could of been lost .

With the general chit-chat filling the gaps, time can really fly .

Are there any other time wasting and event spoiling technics such as requesting a quick showers or the old married super classic of starting an argument out there .



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Loads. Being overly hygienic. Washing hands, wet wiping, changing the condom. Having to get lube from other room. Refilling you half empty glass. Having to pass a message to the girl in other room.  Deciding to change outfit without a request. Most of which involves the other room. Some girls will do anything to disrupt a punt.

Offline punk

keep on chatting when its well past round 2 or 3, taking time coming back,getting you a 3rd drink when you did not ask for another, realising they have no condoms and disappearing to find some.


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I don't know if this counts as time wasting more time stealing but a long time ago I entered the bedroom and saw the large wall clock was nearly ten minutes fast.  I pointed this out to the prossie and she mumbled some crap about batteries. I moved the hands to the correct time as said shall we begin from now. It turned out to be a good punt but her clock stunt meant I never returned. If that happened again today it would be an automatic negative review from me. I also always check the time and make sure any clocks in the room are correct if they are not I again will point that out at the beginning.  Another reason why my pet hate is the timed music tracks some prossie use.

Offline Honestsaintpaul

Ahhhh Mate ......don't get me started on Music  :scare:

Offline Jack_soa

I have to request that they turn the radio off most times, I cant stand crappy pop music at the best of times, its the last thing I need to hear whilst trying to enjoy myself. Never even thought about the timing before, thanks for the tip.  :)


  • Guest
I have to request that they turn the radio off most times, I cant stand crappy pop music at the best of times, its the last thing I need to hear whilst trying to enjoy myself. Never even thought about the timing before, thanks for the tip.  :)

No problem,  I picked that up from lurking on SAAFE full of crap and run by some right nasty prossies but I am a great believer in "Knowing Your Enemies". So I will pick up useful information on their techniques on how to fuck punters over. They have playlists set up on their ipods different ones depending on the length of the booking. When they hear a certain song come on they know it's "Would you like a shower" time. If when you enter the workplace and hear music playing already I promise you the clock is already ticking.

I have walked in the past if the WG will not turn off the radio before I had over the money. I don't give a fuck if the neighbours might hear that's your problem not mine.  I often think the radio switched on can be an indication that a boyfriend/pimp is within hearing distances and they are trying to mask the sound of the punt.


  • Guest
Ahhhh Mate ......don't get me started on Music  :scare:

Shagging a wg in the ass when ant n dec lets get ready to rumble came on. That was the end of that one. I was buckled up laughing for a good few minutes..... Hang on.... Maybe it was planned. That bitch knew that would happen!!!! Time waster :lol:

Offline Jack_soa

Just read your post on SAAFE topic, You are indeed a fountain of knowledge  :D. Yeah I see it now, but most of the time I wear a watch so I mention if they try to cut my time. I dont mind like 5 mins before, thats understandable with finishing up, peeing and leaving but one tried to cut me 20 mins! Not good, ended up with a sigh, bad attitude and me VERY pissed off.


  • Guest
Just read your post on SAAFE topic, You are indeed a fountain of knowledge  :D. Yeah I see it now, but most of the time I wear a watch so I mention if they try to cut my time. I dont mind like 5 mins before, thats understandable with finishing up, peeing and leaving but one tried to cut me 20 mins! Not good, ended up with a sigh, bad attitude and me VERY pissed off.

A short review is always appreciated it might stop the next punter having the same experience and you never know when you may be that next punter.


  • Guest
I can't really blame them for playing music, eg the last WG I saw was in a residential terraced house in an Asian area, imagine no music and "They're at it again" ten times a day, or ears glued to the wall listening to anything personal you're saying - so an 'occupational hazard' on our part we just have to put up with.

I always wonder whether the prolonged, protracted wet-wiping of your dick is so they can check for gonorrhoea, 'cos they like the look of it, or just to waste time ...  :D
« Last Edit: January 06, 2014, 06:12:44 am by dilettante »

Offline King Nuts

Reading all these comments, I'm reminded why I favour outcalls these days. Once the girl shows up, that's it. Clock starts. And it's in her interests to show up promptly, and ready. She can have a couple of minutes in the bathroom to get changed, powder her nose, or whatever the fuck they do in there, but that's it. And when the time's up, they can leave.

I hate all this time-wasting malarky as much as anyone, especially the constant leaving the room for stuff. How long can it possibly take to stash the cash in a jar in the kitchen? Or pee? Or put some stockings on? Outcalls obviate all that.

And with a bit of forward planning (sometimes none at all) you can get a decent room even in central-ish areas of London for under 50 quid. OK, so it whacks the overall price up a bit, but factor it all in, and for me anyway, it comes out worthwhile.

Offline KentAde

Reading all these comments, I'm reminded why I favour outcalls these days. Once the girl shows up, that's it. Clock starts. And it's in her interests to show up promptly, and ready. She can have a couple of minutes in the bathroom to get changed, powder her nose, or whatever the fuck they do in there, but that's it. And when the time's up, they can leave.

I hate all this time-wasting malarky as much as anyone, especially the constant leaving the room for stuff. How long can it possibly take to stash the cash in a jar in the kitchen? Or pee? Or put some stockings on? Outcalls obviate all that.

And with a bit of forward planning (sometimes none at all) you can get a decent room even in central-ish areas of London for under 50 quid. OK, so it whacks the overall price up a bit, but factor it all in, and for me anyway, it comes out worthwhile.

100% agree and I do more outcall bookings than incalls for the above reasons....

Offline CBPaul

Leaving the room, changing music are all common tactics but massage is the biggest time wasting ploy I've come across.

I hate it when I get the necessities out of the way, strip off and hop on the bed only to be asked 'would you like a massage' - in other words 'can I spend 15 minutes randomly rubbing baby oil into your back so I can avoid your cock'.

Gets a 'no thanks' from me every time - in other words 'only if it involves my cock and your tongue'.



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At the end of the day the wg is trying to make as much cash as she can, If she can get an extra booking from a punter who has texted her  whilst i am getting undressed and she is pouring a drink for me in the kitchen, go for it. As long as she doesn't come back into the room texting, What annoys me most is some don't turn the phone off, it is so frustrating even when you are in another room and all you can hear is beep beep, and even if the phone is on vibrate you can still hear the phone buzz when it goes off.
But there are some who will let you go so far over time you feel as though you are cheating them. There was an  wg i had booked for a Saturday afternoon and got to her road, called her up and she says 'sorry i have double booked can we make it another day' felt pissed off but gave her a second chance a couple of days later. got into the flat and she let me stay well over an hour for £40.00, she said she had felt bad about the previous time, so there are some out there who don't try and fleece you. Just got to find them.


  • Guest
there are some out there who don't try and fleece you. Just got to find them.

then provide links so others can find them as well?


  • Guest
then provide links so others can find them as well?
Sorry, how do i put a link on here from aw?


  • Guest
I can't believe what I'm reading here about time wasting  :unknown:

We're always being told by prostitutes how much they love their job.

Something's not adding up  :sarcastic:


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Sorry, how do i put a link on here from aw?

There should be a link on the provider's page. Or you can copy and paste from the browser directly onto your post. Just add the profile number to External Link/Members Only no



  • Guest
I can't believe what I'm reading here about time wasting  :unknown:

We're always being told by prostitutes how much they love their job.

Something's not adding up  :sarcastic:

To be fair time wasting is just one of the indicators that help identify a bad prossie a good one would not employ the tactics already mentioned as to them it would be providing poor customer service. The particularly annoying thing about time wasting is that it is based on deliberate deception in my mind as bad as bait and switch or pictures that do not reflect what you are paying for.

I do think sometimes the bad prossies have to put so much effort into tricks like these they might just as well put the focus and energy into giving a good service. Saying that they have probably taken advice from SAAFE. Good prossies would never time waste or clock watch but then they don't have to because a good one also won't book back to back.  I offered extra money once to a good WG to extend the booking and she refused as it would leave less than an hour before the next punter which was one of her golden rules. For a prossie to turn down money so she could maintain good levels of customer service is rare but by no means unique in my experience.

I don't expect a prossie to enjoy her job only few of us can honestly say we enjoy our job but I do expect her to treat her work professionally and strive to give the best customer service she can.

Offline punk

Guys some girls love listening to music while there working,depends on the ethics of wg.regarding  turning clock forward on walls keep your watch on.



  • Guest
Guys some girls love listening to music while there working,depends on the ethics of wg.regarding  turning clock forward on walls keep your watch on.


Your right I just think the WG should be 110% focused on the punter at all times or least be professional and give that impression.  If you had a meeting with the bank manager or whilst being served in Tesco's the person was listening to music. I would think that was poor customer service. What the WG likes to do is not what she is being paid for,  so if the punter does not want music on then as the paying customer they have the right to request it be turned off.  No argument.

Offline punk

Your right I just think the WG should be 110% focused on the punter at all times or least be professional and give that impression.  If you had a meeting with the bank manager or whilst being served in Tesco's the person was listening to music. I would think that was poor customer service. What the WG likes to do is not what she is being paid for,  so if the punter does not want music on then as the paying customer they have the right to request it be turned off.  No argument.

Don't get me wrong  your the customer,so you have the right to say no music,let's be fair some wg customer service is low on their list.


  • Guest
Don't get me wrong  your the customer,so you have the right to say no music,let's be fair some wg customer service is low on their list.

Your right, some prossies would never think about customer service in a million year.  Those are the ones who should be challenged.  Equally I have come across some who are intelligent enough to have professional business ethics and provide excellent customer service at all times. Those ones should be supported and congratulated through good reviews.

Online wristjob

I had 1 punt last year with this girl External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only (under a previous profile) where she won gold medal for timewasting.

I went in, paid her, she pissed off for a bit. She let me do some pics, bit of a massage, no BJ (she had a coldsore) on with condom about 6 strokes and she pulls it off - do I want to finish on her tits. Nope, new condom, 6 more strokes and off with it again - time is up and she has another client coming. WTF?????

In 30 mins she'd spent at least 5 out of the room and been pretty good pissing the rest away. Nowadays I just don't bother with a massage, or have one between sessions in an hour booking.

Offline rockharders

Worst time wasting is after I pop, she gets off, dresses up and asks me to leave before the booked time is over.

Offline punk

I had 1 punt last year with this girl External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only (under a previous profile) where she won gold medal for timewasting.

I went in, paid her, she pissed off for a bit. She let me do some pics, bit of a massage, no BJ (she had a coldsore) on with condom about 6 strokes and she pulls it off - do I want to finish on her tits. Nope, new condom, 6 more strokes and off with it again - time is up and she has another client coming. WTF?????

In 30 mins she'd spent at least 5 out of the room and been pretty good pissing the rest away. Nowadays I just don't bother with a massage, or have one between sessions in an hour booking.

just go to show her price does not mean she is any good.

Offline Silver Birch

I have been lucky and not had too many problems but one must have spent 5 minutes spreading towels on the bed. She was £80 for the hour but on an average punt (£120/hr) that would have cost me £10 to stand there like a goon beside the bed, bollock naked, watching her arrange 4 towels in perfect symmetry! Never again  :dash:

Knowing every minute wasted costs me £2 (on 'my' average punt), it focuses the mind and is a great incentive to keep thing moving :)

I have no problem with timed playlists or clocks in the room, as long as things move along at the pace I want.

Offline drwho

Worst "event spoiling" action for me is when the girl puts her hand in front of her pussy to stop full penetration. Similarly grasping your shaft with their hand as it goes in.

Also don't enjoy when they try to wank you hard (and dry) early on in the meeting.


  • Guest
Not sure if it's 'classic' as such, but one girl at a parlour waited until I was naked before announcing "I've just got my period, so I can't do sex". Mind you, I did get an above average OWO perhaps as a result.  :unknown:

Offline Ali Katt

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Guys some girls love listening to music while there working,depends on the ethics of wg.regarding  turning clock forward on walls keep your watch on.
I'm a bit more cynical I also think it is to block out the fuck sounds. Unfortunately, most women have crap taste in music, Last time I had a punt it was commercial radio Jesse J and other bilge, it was embarrassing and the radio commentator telling crap jokes, plus it was too fucking loud.
Here's a thread on music:

And another really funny thread on excuses:

I think there is a difference between time wasting and simply being a crap excuse. Although the two go together. Talking time away, usually utter drivel before sex, but after money changes hands is a classic, the massage thing as well, unless you like massage from my experience most can't do it well, look out for escorts that offer a massage after you have cum once to waste your time so you can't go again as time runs out. Pissing off for 10 minutes to stash the cash, I know this needs to be done, but it should only take 2 minutes tops. Spending ages to get undressed is another. I suppose you could class fag breaks and answering the phone as time wasting. Leaving the room to get lube etc is another - they should be kept in the room.