Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: First timer in Vale of Glamorgan! No teeth - will the girl be turned off?  (Read 1638 times)


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:hi: Hi, this is my first post. I am new to the punting scene and I'm from the Penarth area.

Maybe it's a silly question, but this March I had to have all of my teeth removed  :( and as a result i'm still proper self-consious about the fact the fakies slip and fall out during eating, kissing my wife etc. She doesn't seem to mind but would a wg be very turned off by it or would they act professional? Do you think I should keep my teeth in while doing everything, or just not put them in at all? Again forgive me if this sounds ignorant and bizarre but I am very new to this!!  :wacko:

Also if anyone can give me some tips on if there's anywhere to go in Penarth or Barry for girls that would be a great help already read the recommendations on here for cardiff which was great cheers   :dance: :lol:
« Last Edit: December 29, 2013, 09:46:50 pm by cardiffguy1960 »


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 :( anyone got anything more helpful please?


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Would a wg be very turned off by it or would they act professional? Do you think I should keep my teeth in while doing everything, or just not put them in at all?

Welcome :)

WG's SHOULD remain professional yes. In reality that may not be the case. I have a few clients with VERY minimal 'issues' (Psoriasis, Skin tags, Skin discoloration and pigmentation, implantable hearing aids etc) who have been refused service/further service by other ladies before. I would say that the ladies that are going to be in that group are minimal.

Personally I would mention it to the WG on initial contact, sometimes it is nice to be forewarned about any issues someone may have, rather than have a potential awkward moment of surprise, even if we are not phased by much. I would also presume from your point of view that it would enable you to feel more relaxed before the booking and during.

Others may disagree but that would be my experience of similar.


Offline Corus Boy

Sorry for this but;

You better check whether she swallows or spits!

Just in case.


Online JT100

Tried using  fixodent, or similar to keep them in place?
Other than that I have seen a few w/g's on A/W from the Barry area, I'm in mid Wales and sometimes travel down to Swansea, nothing around here at all.


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Hi mate welcome to the forum, hope you find it useful. As per Holly's post I would discuss with any potential girls beforehand. Just because you are naturally aware of your lack of teeth doesn't mean others will necessarily be equally aware. That said I'd be open honest and upfront from the off. If she finds it a problem at least you won't waste your time.

On another note though, your mouth will eventually settle and if your false teeth keep falling out then go back to your dentist for a readjustment. Hope all goes well. Good luck

Offline ampersand

Don't eat when you are there and don't kiss her ..............


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I have a similar problem - no teeth.  Although in my case the problem is not that false teeth keep falling out, but that I find false teeth too painful to wear.

If I'm trying to book someone for the first time, I always do it by email and I always say that I've got no teeth and I will quite understand if she prefers not to see me.  Doing it by email gives the woman time to think about it and spares her the possible embarrassment of having to tell me on the phone that she doesn't want to see me.  Telling her in advance means that my toothlessness does not come as a shock or surprise to her when I finally show up on the doorstep.  And I can relax and not have to worry about how she will react because I've already told her.

In the five years or so since I became toothless, I've only had two women email me back to say that they couldn't cope with toothlessness and they'd rather not see me.  Frankly, I'm surprised it's only been two.  And I wasn't in the least offended.  If they aren't going to be able to cope, much better to find out beforehand.  And if you're going to be offended if someone says "no", what's the point of asking them if they're going to be happy about it in the first place?

Apart from those two, everyone else has replied saying they couldn't care less about it, get your arse and your wallet over here quick smart, etc etc..  For which I'm truly grateful to them all.