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Author Topic: Petition to get %%% Shut Down  (Read 1053 times)

Offline munterhunter

Browsing today and I found links to a petition on a website for External Link/Members Only seeking the shut down of %%%
so far they have 648 signatures with 99,352 required for the matter to be discussed in parliament.

They also have a facebook page on the same subject.

I'm no fan of %%% but if you read some of the conclusions reached from PN reviews by the posters you'd think that %%% was responsible for:

Objectifying Women
Encouraging Rape & Violence
Promoting the traffic of women for prostitution

and I'm sure if you look hard enough.....

corrupting the morals of middle england
disbanding the W.I.
banning strawberries & cream at Wimbledon

I apologise for being unable to post the relevant links (I'm not sure why) but if you google "petition to shut down %%%" you'll
find what I've been looking at.

If they started a petition to shut down %%% "because it's crap" then I'd sign :D

Offline NIK

Browsing today and I found links to a petition on a website for External Link/Members Only seeking the shut down of %%%
so far they have 648 signatures with 99,352 required for the matter to be discussed in parliament.They also have a facebook page on the same subject.

I'm no fan of %%% but if you read some of the conclusions reached from PN reviews by the posters you'd think that %%% was responsible for:

Objectifying Women
Encouraging Rape & Violence
Promoting the traffic of women for prostitution

and I'm sure if you look hard enough.....

corrupting the morals of middle england
disbanding the W.I.
banning strawberries & cream at Wimbledon

I apologise for being unable to post the relevant links (I'm not sure why) but if you google "petition to shut down %%%" you'll
find what I've been looking at.

If they started a petition to shut down %%% "because it's crap" then I'd sign :D

Won't happen in the next half dozen parliaments then.  :rolleyes:

 And even if it does it's only a fucking discussion!

The really annoying thing is that it shows Prossynet is still more famous than UKP!  :mad:

Offline NIK

Dare I sign it as  NIK UKPUNTING!  :lol: :lol: :lol:

Actually some cunt probably will!  :scare:

Offline smiths

Browsing today and I found links to a petition on a website for External Link/Members Only seeking the shut down of %%%
so far they have 648 signatures with 99,352 required for the matter to be discussed in parliament.

They also have a facebook page on the same subject.

I'm no fan of %%% but if you read some of the conclusions reached from PN reviews by the posters you'd think that %%% was responsible for:

Objectifying Women
Encouraging Rape & Violence
Promoting the traffic of women for prostitution

and I'm sure if you look hard enough.....

corrupting the morals of middle england
disbanding the W.I.
banning strawberries & cream at Wimbledon

I apologise for being unable to post the relevant links (I'm not sure why) but if you google "petition to shut down %%%" you'll
find what I've been looking at.

If they started a petition to shut down %%% "because it's crap" then I'd sign :D

Harridan while actually in power and implacably opposed to punting already tried this and failed. In fact the sum total of her publicly stating Pnet should be closed down was to inform people who werent aware of its existence until then and many more people joined afterwards.

No UK punting site/forum i know of encourages rape and/or violence against women or promotes trafficking of women for prostitution. They mostly actively discourage rape and violence which is not consentual and abhor trafficking.

Offline rpg

Won't happen in the next half dozen parliaments then.  :rolleyes:

 And even if it does it's only a fucking discussion!

The really annoying thing is that it shows Prossynet is still more famous than UKP! :mad:

In this instance that's maybe a good thing! Under the radar and all that.


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Offline NIK

Harridan while actually in power and implacably opposed to punting already tried this and failed. In fact the sum total of her publicly stating Pnet should be closed down was to inform people who werent aware of its existence until then and many more people joined afterwards.

No UK punting site/forum i know of encourages rape and/or violence against women or promotes trafficking of women for prostitution. They mostly actively discourage rape and violence which is not consentual and abhor trafficking.

Of course they don't it's just puritanical bollocks from people who don't know what they're talking about.
Ironically %%% is now actually really a women's site.

Offline smiths

In this instance that's maybe a good thing! Under the radar and all that.

Spot on although whether this site is under the radar as far as these pricks are concerned or not i have no idea.

What i do strongly suspect is IF they succeeded in somehow getting Pnet shut down for the reasons they use they wouldnt just stop at that, it would no doubt in my mind be other punting sites next. I am 99% sure they have no chance even if they got 100,000 people to sign the petition though. ;)

Offline munterhunter

Encourages rape? How.

Well here's an example off their Facebook page regarding "Rape" of a WG

"Evidence of paid rape:

Punter: "if your a bit more forceful and take control she's better but I cant recommend her" "

I haven't read too many of the posts but as far as I can tell the argument regarding PAID Rape goes something like this...

There are Punters who think that because they are paying they can do what they like to the WG.
If during the punt you do something she doesn't like or want you to do....that's rape!!

 :manhater:      :D

Offline smiths

Of course they don't it's just puritanical bollocks from people who don't know what they're talking about.
Ironically %%% is now actually really a women's site.

Indeed it is, but sadly such crap sets the scene for people like Harridan who can really cause problems for punting. She is fully aware of the reality of punting, that many WGs arent being forced or been trafficked but as that doesnt suit her crusade she ignores it, and even worse as she proved in 2009 is fully prepared to use guesses and non proven hearsay as facts to further her cause.

However, as you long ago posted on Pnet about her coercion law it wouldnt stop punting, criminalising punters wouldnt either, it would though drive it further underground than it is now making it potentially more dangerous for us all. :)

Offline NIK

Indeed it is, but sadly such crap sets the scene for people like Harridan who can really cause problems for punting. She is fully aware of the reality of punting, that many WGs arent being forced or been trafficked but as that doesnt suit her crusade she ignores it, and even worse as she proved in 2009 is fully prepared to use guesses and non proven hearsay as facts to further her cause.

However, as you long ago posted on Pnet about her coercion law it wouldnt stop punting, criminalising punters wouldnt either, it would though drive it further underground than it is now making it potentially more dangerous for us all. :)

Yes as I have repeatedly said this woman is attempting to do what no one has done in the history of civilisation. Prostitution has been around since the dawn of mankind and will still be around long after Harman and the rest of us aren't burn, buried and forgotten.

Offline munterhunter

Yes as I have repeatedly said this woman is attempting to do what no one has done in the history of civilisation. Prostitution has been around since the dawn of mankind and will still be around long after Harman and the rest of us aren't burn, buried and forgotten.

Quite right!

If Harman and her Harpies really wanted to help WGs rather than attract media attention to themselves or score political points they'd take note of the fact that Prostitutes will always ply their trade and punters will pay them!

If they can't face the prospect of legalising prostitution then follow the example of other countries who operate a policy of tolerance and set up safe area for prostitutes to operate. That benefits everyone!

The WGs can access health care and STD screening, free condoms, advice and support with addiction and any other issues. Rather than criminalising and ostracising the women or the punters use some common sense. It's not Rocket Science is it?

That's not the way Government works in the UK though is it? Look at their record


Some years ago they appointed Keith Halliwell (ex West Yorks Chief Constable) as Drugs Advisor to the Blair Government.
After a couple of years in post he advised "We need to change policy because the get tough approach at street level isn't working"
He found himself out of a job soon after!


They set up the Serious Fraud Office to target and convict major fraudsters....they haven't been a roaring success a number of high profile trials collapsed and cost a fortune.

They set up SOCA to target major drug dealers and criminals...they've managed to convict some mid-league villains but the real big players haven't been touched. The authorities know who they are but can't get any evidence against them.


They say they're going to get tough on Tax evaders yet HMRC are shit scared of the big companies who threaten to quit the UK if they have to pay more than 3 or 4% tax. As for the major league tax dodgers they haven't recovered a penny. In 2010 the sum outstanding in Tax was £42 billion  in 2012 HMRC wrote off £5 billion.

Instead they get tough on small businesses who are soft targets so it looks like they're achieving something in their "get tough" campaign!

Our Politicians are good at thumping the table and saying "We'll get tough on this" but piss poor at delivering the goods, on this basis I think %%% is relatively safe!!

Offline Jimmyredcab

Harriet Harman tried to get it closed down years ago and failed, she even contacted Arnold Schwarzenegger who was the Governor of California at the time, I doubt he even knew who she was.
All the stupid bitch managed to do was to send their traffic through the roof, that sort of publicity would cost thousands.
I would hate to see %%% closed down, it keeps the pro$$ies and fluffies away from here ---------- well mostly anyway.   :hi:

Offline Jimmyredcab


Some years ago they appointed Keith Halliwell (ex West Yorks Chief Constable) as Drugs Advisor to the Blair Government.
After a couple of years in post he advised "We need to change policy because the get tough approach at street level isn't working"
He found himself out of a job soon after!

As did Professor David Nutt, sacked in 2009 for not telling the Government what they wanted to hear.   :dash: :dash:


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I see that MEP Mary Honeyball (with a name as pure and sweet as that she just had to be anti didn't she..) has commented on the petition. She's another one like Harridan that refuse to believe that there are girls who WANT to be escorts and enjoy it.

It's a Denial of Consent. I think that would make a good strap line for our side of the argument.

Offline smiths

Found one about UKPunting!
External Link/Members Only

Well spotted, the reasoning given by this woman and so far sole signatory is of course complete crap.

Offline NIK


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Offline Jimmyredcab

So other words they've told her to fuck off!  :lol:

One of our hundreds of enemies, the petition has been rejected anyway.     :hi:

Offline adindas

I was the fan of PN because It used to be a very good source with their filed report.
But nowadays not anymore because of their censorship of negative reports to prossie, providing the link to AW and their preferential treatment to prossie.

This petition is to close but if they are successful, it is just a matter of time before other sites with similar kind  will also get banned.

Offline Jimmyredcab

I was the fan of PN because It used to be a very good source with their filed report.
But nowadays not anymore because of their censorship of negative reports to prossie, providing the link to AW and their preferential treatment to prossie.

This petition is to close but if they are successful, it is just a matter of time before other sites with similar kind  will also get banned.

They won't be successful, they won't even get near to enough signatures.    :hi: :hi:

Offline NIK

They won't be successful, they won't even get near to enough signatures.    :hi: :hi:

Even if they do the government haven't promised to actually DO anything, just to debate the issue. So even after all that legislation was introduced it would still be another 2/3 years after that before anything was done.

Just like banning paid sex itself I don't think we have anything to be concerned about in our lifetimes.  :thumbsup:

Offline Jimmyredcab

Just like banning paid sex itself I don't think we have anything to be concerned about in our lifetimes.  :thumbsup:

I am sure you are right but it would not affect me anyway, I would simply carry on as normal.    :hi: