Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Saunas, How They Work?  (Read 1450 times)


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Okay, so I know I've asked something in this vein before, and soppyget did provide me with some useful info on bits I was unclear about, but there are still a few elements I'm unsure of, and I'd rather ask here and try get the info that go in blind an embarrass myself through nerves, so here goes.  Oh, and just for the record, this relates to the saunas in Edinburgh, NTS, LSS & BSS.

I get that you pay a fee on the door, based on the time you wish to spend, but when does that time start? From the moment you'd paid the door fee, the moment you've picked out a girl or the moment you've paid that girl?

From what I've read, I understand that you grab a shower before going into the a lounge area, do you go in just in a tower or do you stick some clothes back on or what? Do you put your stuff someplace or carry it in with you? In relation to question one, is this time counted towards your overall time?

In regards to the rooms, are the sheets changed after every client or what? This one's always bugged me after some of the stuff I've read.

Is there an option to extend your time with your chosen girl or even pick another girl, pay her and pay the door the for the extra time when your leaving or what?

Any and all information in this area would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

Offline Formicahunt

If you're worried about a mucky sheet this really isn't the world for you.


  • Guest
Not everyone is wired the same way mentally you understand, some of us aren't typical, every day guys. I won't go into detail, just know I have sensory issues with things okay.

Thanks for your response but I'd appreciate people would contribute something useful, thanks.

Offline mr.bluesky

You go in and pay the man or woman at the reception desk for whatever time you want. You will be shown which girls are available . You choose one
You are shown to the locker / shower area where you get undressed. Put your clothes in a locker and put your valuables in the bag attached to the locker key (ie your cash) Put on a dressing gown and walk back into the reception area. You may be offered a drink or you may want to go to the room straight away. Follow the lady you chose. In the room. When inside the room she will probably ask you what you want as regards the service and tell you the cost. Some may want paying up front others will require payment after tbe deed is done. The rest is down to you.  By the time you come out you will have grown some balls. If not then you have to ask yourself this. Is punting for me ? or should I take up another hobby like train spotting. I hope that has been some help to you. Jeez :dash:
 I"m sure there' s a forum out there for people who are not wired correctly .  I forgot to mention the dressing gown may have been worn by someone else before hand so might meet with your very high hygiene  standards :scare:
« Last Edit: July 01, 2018, 04:06:08 pm by mr.bluesky »

Offline Marmalade

You could just scan some back issues for that newspaper article you’re writing. That’s what most reporters do.

Offline Marmalade

Not everyone is wired the same way mentally you understand, some of us aren't typical, every day guys. I won't go into detail, just know I have sensory issues with things okay.

Thanks for your response but I'd appreciate people would contribute something useful, thanks.

You’ve asked the same fucking question THREE TIMES and that’s your total ‘contribution’.

WE would be happier if you contributed something useful, you overgrown fucking boy scout. They’d probably throw you out as soon as stuck your gormless gob in the door anyway, so why don’t you fuck off and do your ‘research’ somewhere else (since real life is not for you).

No offence. You trollfuck.  :hi:


  • Guest
Marmalade, you sound like you have some more anger management issues than I do and I've got some serious issues. I don't know who or what you think I am, but those issues are yours and in your mind alone.

Thanks mr.bluesky, minus the bits where you were somewhat disparaging that was actually informative and answered a lot of what I needed to know. Oh and yes, is the place where those like myself typically congregate, however they weren't much help in this field.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2018, 04:09:47 pm by ShadyLad »

Offline mr.bluesky

Marmalade, you sound like you have some more anger management issues than I do and I've got some serious issues. I don't know who or what you think I am, but those issues are yours and in your mind alone.

Thanks mr.bluesky, minus the bits where you were somewhat disparaging that was actually informative and answered a lot of what I needed to know. Oh and yes, is the place where those like myself typically congregate, however they weren't much help in this field.

Glad to be of service  :hi:  If you have serious issues then punting  and this web site is not for you.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2018, 04:15:13 pm by mr.bluesky »

Offline Johnbre

There was a time when pretty much every parlour was a sauna. It was a way of making them 'legit'. Anyone remember Norwegian Wood in Hoylake?

Offline Marmalade

Marmalade, you sound like you have some more anger management issues than I do and I've got some serious issues. I don't know who or what you think I am, but those issues are yours and in your mind alone.

Thanks mr.bluesky, minus the bits where you were somewhat disparaging that was actually informative and answered a lot of what I needed to know. Oh and yes, is the place where those like myself typically congregate, however they weren't much help in this field.

 :cool: what like a cat gets angry when mice crawl in?  :D. I don’t think so. You’re just part of the daily troll enquirers.
Bookies taking odds that you don’t visit a sauna. So prove us wrong!


  • Guest

Big Thanks, this answered everything else that needed to be answered so appreciate it. Didn't find this when I used the search functions.

:cool: what like a cat gets angry when mice crawl in?  :D. I don’t think so. You’re just part of the daily troll enquirers.
Bookies taking odds that you don’t visit a sauna. So prove us wrong!

You're welcome to your beliefs and opinions, however I would point out that a troll is typically considered as a person who posts deliberately provocative message to a forum or board with the intention of causing disruption and argument. In this case, you would be considered the troll as both your initial replies to my post seem to be made purely with the intent of causing conflict and argument. I posted asking for information and clarification on things I was, at such a time, unaware of. Additionally, I don't have anything to prove to anyone but myself; my own standards are all that matter to me, and while you may feel the need for external validation for your actions, I don't.

Offline Marmalade

I would point out that a troll is ...  myself; my own standards are all that matter to me

On here, it’s UKP standards that count. So stop wittering, go to a sauna and post a review
 (and try not to get banned meantime  :cool: ).  :hi:
« Last Edit: July 01, 2018, 06:21:08 pm by Marmalade »

Online scutty brown

how about

Offline LLPunting

Big Thanks, this answered everything else that needed to be answered so appreciate it. Didn't find this when I used the search functions.

You're welcome to your beliefs and opinions, however I would point out that a troll is typically considered as a person who posts deliberately provocative message to a forum or board with the intention of causing disruption and argument. In this case, you would be considered the troll as both your initial replies to my post seem to be made purely with the intent of causing conflict and argument. I posted asking for information and clarification on things I was, at such a time, unaware of. Additionally, I don't have anything to prove to anyone but myself; my own standards are all that matter to me, and while you may feel the need for external validation for your actions, I don't.

"Shadylad" your name itself is provocative unless you're a habitual parasol carrier?

You have singularly failed to do the proper research because pretty much everything you "can't find" is on this site either by inference a minor could manage (called reading comprehension) or actually in the detail given.  Thus YOU are the troll for asking something that didn't need to be asked by someone with no credibility.

Also, being aware of the unforgiving attitude here you could've formed a less provocative question using the information you had been able to find.  Clearly thoughtlessness is your forte and perhaps one of your issues.

Another Troll characteristic is that of virtual bravado, you are all spit and vinegar and aggressive indignation in the anonymous virtuality of an online forum, but you are unable to deal with the physical confrontation of walking into an establishment and asking them these questions directly.  Furthermore you appear unwilling to challenge any practices they might dictate which you don't agree with and at the same time unwilling to accept that you may have to choose to walk away.

Suggest you save your punting money and put into better therapists who will support you through emboldening exercises and real world challenges until you become a functioning member of society.


  • Guest
"Shadylad" your name itself is provocative unless you're a habitual parasol carrier?

You have singularly failed to do the proper research because pretty much everything you "can't find" is on this site either by inference a minor could manage (called reading comprehension) or actually in the detail given.  Thus YOU are the troll for asking something that didn't need to be asked by someone with no credibility.

Also, being aware of the unforgiving attitude here you could've formed a less provocative question using the information you had been able to find.  Clearly thoughtlessness is your forte and perhaps one of your issues.

Another Troll characteristic is that of virtual bravado, you are all spit and vinegar and aggressive indignation in the anonymous virtuality of an online forum, but you are unable to deal with the physical confrontation of walking into an establishment and asking them these questions directly.  Furthermore you appear unwilling to challenge any practices they might dictate which you don't agree with and at the same time unwilling to accept that you may have to choose to walk away.

Suggest you save your punting money and put into better therapists who will support you through emboldening exercises and real world challenges until you become a functioning member of society.

I'll respond to this one, and not the other two since I've gone through a few posts and have since discovered that how Marmalade comes across is how he treats everyone pretty much, and he wasn’t being hostile and vexatious to me for the sake of it being me as that's just how he is so I shouldn't read into anything into it and ignore it on principle.

The name, ShadyLad was picked when I developed an interest in the field of sex for money, and it isn't in relation to my carrying a parasol (Though I do always carry an umbrella, it's Scotland, it makes sense) and not fully as you might think, originate with illicit or amoral dealings, but was actually picked in this instance because I like the dark or the shade because I'm light-sensitive and the word-play that you hinted at fitted in nicely. In short, it amused me.

I did attempt to do proper research as it so happens, but searching 'saunas' on here in actual fact didn't provide me any valid information, as I in fact previously mentioned (Perhaps your own reading comprehension is faulty too?) and Google and a few other sites likewise proved to be less than helpful in providing me with adequate information.

Credibility or not, I asked it because I required the knowledge, you can perceive that in any manner you choose to. To paraphrase a wise man, it's better to ask a question and be thought a fool for a minute, than keep your mouth shut and remain a fool forever.

You say being aware of the unforgiving attitude, I should have formed a less provocative question, so allow me to ask, how is asking for clarification on things I'm unaware of, and been unable to procure answers for, for myself, considered to be provocative exactly? Surely trying to educate oneself about that which they are interested in, yet unaware of, cannot be considered a bad thing.

And yes, thoughtlessness could be considered one of my issues, but the same could be said for countless neurotypical people so I fail to see any real correlation in this instance.

I won't argue with you over the virtual bravado thing, you're unlikely to believe me anyway. What I will say is I am pretty much the same way on here as I am in real life. When I'm going to any place new, or engaging in any new event or activity, I quiz people about what they know, what to expect, what not to do etc, and yes, if they act like yourself, Marmalade or indeed anyone else who might react negatively, I'd respond with the same way, by trying to remain polite and calm, explain my position, try to deescalate the situation yet not back off or give up my ground.

As for walking into these establishments, like I mentioned above, I try to research every new place or event I know I go into. Doing so helps me control my anxiety, which when stressed or pushed results in outbursts of aggression and the flight or fight response kicking in. I don't need more on my record because I choose to knowingly go blind into a situation I might react badly to. That's a fool's mistake, and while I might not be street-smart, I'm no fool.

I can't form a reply to this "Furthermore you appear unwilling to challenge any practices they might dictate which you don't agree with and at the same time unwilling to accept that you may have to choose to walk away." As I can't actually understand what you're meaning, inferring or referring to here. If you'd care to elaborate, please feel free to do so via a private message.

I don't need to save up any additional money, my finances are secure enough to handle all my interests, though in relation to your mention of therapists, I would refer you again to my actions in the original post, of wanting to gather information, it's something a psychiatrist did actually suggest doing to help with my anxiety, so you're effectively getting on at me for doing one of the things I was told to do to help me become a 'functioning member of society.'

But anyway, I'm done with this thread as DaVINCI was more than kind enough to link me to TKovac's thread, which was all that was needed. It's a shame helpful and informative posts can't be stickied as it could have prevented a lot of this engagement in the first place.

My thanks to those who tried being helpful, it was appreciated.

Online scutty brown

I think what got you off to a bad start was when you completely ignored the response to your previous question in
You were given an answer there, totally ignored it, then asked the same question in this thread.
People are generally helpful around here, but when someone totally ignores advice like that then we tend to get a bit pissed off. Usually with reason as we tend to find people like you who ask without listening tend to either be arrogant twats or self centred fools who are actually looking for attention, not advice. They get treated as such.
We don't care whether you are autistic, disabled or whatever. That makes no difference to us, we don't differentiate. We have no way of differentiating. Posters here are treated on their merits - and you, based on your failure to respond to your own original question was treated as you deserve.
In your last post you talk some crap about deescalating the situation. You don't need to pursue that kind of psychobabble. You just need to act like a normal human. Claiming special needs to allow you to act outside the bounds of common civility is just an excuse. An invalid excuse.
Quite simple really: either fit in with the site ethos. Or fuck off.

Just a piece of advice based on personal experience.
You seem concerned with over-researching and over-preparing every aspect of your life. That's probably fucking your head up: the research and preparation becomes the end, not the means, and removes the enjoyment of the activity. Most enjoyment in life comes from spontaneity - and you're destroying any spontaneity in your life. The autism becomes self reinforcing. Break the circle and just go out and enjoy yourself. And if you're worried about outbursts of aggression, we all have those. However the rest of us learnt very early on that displaying them isn't acceptable. Time for you to learn the same
« Last Edit: July 01, 2018, 10:42:09 pm by scutty brown »

Offline Marmalade

Can't fucking shut up, can he?  :rolleyes:


  • Guest
A few too many insolent individuals on here as these responses show. It's obvious to me that the initial poster shows slight signs of Aspergers. For those without any regard or respect to this condition it does lead to lengthy reasoning for ones actions. The forum is hopefully here to help. If this was a physically disabled war veteran with PTSD would you be so disrespectful? 

My advice to the poster, proceed with caution. If your psychiatrist is involved discuss your actions with him. If he feels you're mentally capable of dealing with this then fine. You may want to look at Adultwork for a specialist escort. And a truly comprehensive guide is here, External Link/Members Only, specifically for mental and physical disability.

One last piece of advice. Sauna, or escort, it's just the money they're into. Never confuse sex with love. The wrong girl will intentionally manipulate you into believing you're special to turn you into a regular. If you're lucky you might find a kind hearted parlour girl who understands your issues. Good luck.

On being banned...  Maybe you're on the wrong forum. Many just want to brag like school kids in the playground. And you're the immature one?

Offline Marmalade

Ahhh how sweet. A few warnings from a non-punter. How lucky our forum is to have his words of wishdom.  :angelgirl:

(P.s. if you fancy a chuckle have a look at his other four posts over the 2½ years he’s been here.)

Offline tesla

In regards to the rooms, are the sheets changed after every client or what? This one's always bugged me after some of the stuff I've read.

You will be lucky if the sheet gets changed weekly, however they usually put a towel on the bed which may or may not get changed for every client

Offline LLPunting

Good of you to reply.
With all that ability and yet you're unable to deal with the slight uncertainty of going into a place, be it a sauna or a strip joint, you should definitely spend less time and money in this hobby and try social situations on


  • Guest
Non punter?  How can I inform a guy of what a working sauna parlour girl told me on her last day?  Was as confused as the initial poster over relationships in these situations.

Many punts over the last twenty plus years. Shared one once online and felt cheap. Loved Cleopatras in Leicester. Classy joint. Also Executive Suite. And DollyBirds, opposite train station, if memory serves me well. Bubbles quite a jolly jaunt, opposite Derby train station. Walk ups in Soho used to be great, too. Leeds was a punting heaven with red light zone on lower Briggate, now a night club area. Above Hotel Chocolat was a tidy wee joint, Ladybirds, with A-board. Nothing hidden. How refreshing. Also Dallas above what's now Fibre. And the classic Mayfair on York Place. Kittens in Sheffield is great too for a cheap half hour with Roms. Also a tasty ebony London girl. Lots of rub and tug too, Leeds, Sheffield, Doncaster, and Leicester.

One thing to know, Marmalade. Some of us left the playground. Not all of us want to boast about our pursuits. Let's face it, posters are frequently the same, just like any other forum. The core contributors. The rest "lurk" in your terms. But hey, the forum is there to be informative, not judgemental. In the real world the minority make the most noise. That's emulated here. And boy do they like to brag about their sexual prowess. Let's be brutal here. The girls are in it for cash. Fall for their ego boosting stuff and you're hooked.

Your wives and girlfriends may not be interested in sex anymore because you're crap. They're tired of playing the sexually fulfilled submissive maiden crap. If you can't make it work at home you're delusional about it in this scene. I'm single. Like the first poster here. If I was in a relationship I'd be open about issues rather than fulfilling "needs" artificially. But, another piece of brutal honesty, males marry to boost their careers. Settled male with kids equals committed employee. That also ties in with the prolific punting some contributors display. It ain't cheap, is it?  Most prolific punters have very well paid jobs, good lifestyles, great homes, and the trappings, but have found the wife or partner just doesn't do it anymore. Solution?  Punting. Why?  Divorce=Poverty. Others with cash to burn lust after the chase. Reliving their glory days. The Stallion Complex.

So, Marmalade, over 4,000 posts and 44 reviews. That's 1% actual punting. Hardly a record, is it?

Offline Marmalade

There’s no complexes here mate. You’ve contributed precisely zero since you joined in 2015 in spite of claiming to punt a lot. We don’t care how many posts you make or even count the reviews, but expect you to contribute sonething. the word for people like you is a leech. Trolls come out on a troll thread to support trolls.