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Author Topic: Punting budget optimisation  (Read 4295 times)

Offline Helloyou75001


How do you optimise your punting Budget? As I m single, I decided to cut on accommodation cost and live in a shares flat instead of being on my own.

So instead of spending £1k+ in rent I only spend  £500.

That gives me a punting budget of £500/month!!  :drinks:

No regret, I'm quite glad to be honest to have this additional pot of ££ by removing some comfort... as it adds pleasure!

It's crazy how much more we can save by cutting accommodation cost!

What about you guys?

Offline Redbull4

I think you've lost it mate. As amazing as punting is, which it is. I think you need to prioritise your spending. Maybe save the £500 a month towards a deposit on a flat or house for yourself? Maybe you already do and have your finances sorted out.

I just read it in the way that you have looked for cheaper accommodation just to spend more on punting. Which is quite frankly dangerous, are you addicted to it?

I'm single as well and I want to see Escorts pretty much every day so I know how you feel. But I don't because it would not do me any good in the long run. I prioritise my bills etc way before my personal budget allowance.


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How do you optimise your punting Budget? As I m single, I decided to cut on accommodation cost and live in a shares flat instead of being on my own.

So instead of spending £1k+ in rent I only spend  £500.

That gives me a punting budget of £500/month!!  :drinks:

No regret, I'm quite glad to be honest to have this additional pot of ££ by removing some comfort... as it adds pleasure!

It's crazy how much more we can save by cutting accommodation cost!

What about you guys?

Become an assassin, it pays well and in cash.    :lol: :lol: :lol:

Offline Helloyou75001

I think you've lost it mate. As amazing as punting is, which it is. I think you need to prioritise your spending. Maybe save the £500 a month towards a deposit on a flat or house for yourself? Maybe you already do and have your finances sorted out.

I just read it in the way that you have looked for cheaper accommodation just to spend more on punting. Which is quite frankly dangerous, are you addicted to it?

I'm single as well and I want to see Escorts pretty much every day so I know how you feel. But I don't because it would not do me any good in the long run. I prioritise my bills etc way before my personal budget allowance.

Ahah yeah. I don't plan to use up all the £500 additional funds I got per month. So what's left over can be used into my ISA or other investment account.

I need to buy a flat someday, but as I live in London the price are so crazy I'm not in a rush to buy!

Offline Jimmyredcab

That gives me a punting budget of £500/month!!  :drinks:

£6000 a year is still FAR TOO MUCH to spend on prostitutes -------------- unless you are a very wealthy guy.  :thumbsdown:

Offline Jeff_withpetersen


How do you optimise your punting Budget? As I m single, I decided to cut on accommodation cost and live in a shares flat instead of being on my own.

So instead of spending £1k+ in rent I only spend  £500.

That gives me a punting budget of £500/month!!  :drinks:

No regret, I'm quite glad to be honest to have this additional pot of ££ by removing some comfort... as it adds pleasure!

It's crazy how much more we can save by cutting accommodation cost!

What about you guys?

Each to their own but I think anyone who is making major lifestyle changes to free up cash for punting needs their head examining. That £500 buys you, what, roughly an hour a week of punting time and look at what you're sacrificing to have it.

Personally I keep my budget below 10% of take home pay which unfortunately equals below £500 a month  :dance:

Offline Helloyou75001

Hey guys, it's a thread to optimise budget to do more punts! Not to judge behaviour.

I think living cost in London is crazy and most people are sharing anyway.

It makes more sense to live in a shares flat to save or enjoy life than having a flat without flatmates!

Then whatever I do with the saved spending... I feel much better spending it on prossies than buying beers and parties.

Different pleasure!

Offline Redbull4

Hey guys, it's a thread to optimise budget to do more punts! Not to judge behaviour.

I think living cost in London is crazy and most people are sharing anyway.

It makes more sense to live in a shares flat to save or enjoy life than having a flat without flatmates!

Then whatever I do with the saved spending... I feel much better spending it on prossies than buying beers and parties.

Different pleasure!

Not judging at all pal. Just the way you worded it made me think you only moved flat to give yourself the £500 more to spend on punting along with whatever you were already spending.

Yes I agree I'd rather spend my money on punting than other things once the necessary bills etc are paid.

The way I look at it I enjoy punting roughly at least once a week. I work all week listening to utter pish  from colleagues that I don't even like. I want what I want and I want it every week so I therefore need to pay for it cause that's how things are. Wouldn't make it through the week without it.

Enjoy whatever you want to enjoy. You don't know when it'll all be over.

Offline Belgarion


How do you optimise your punting Budget? As I m single, I decided to cut on accommodation cost and live in a shares flat instead of being on my own.

So instead of spending £1k+ in rent I only spend  £500.

That gives me a punting budget of £500/month!!  :drinks:

No regret, I'm quite glad to be honest to have this additional pot of ££ by removing some comfort... as it adds pleasure!

It's crazy how much more we can save by cutting accommodation cost!

What about you guys?

I would never compromise my comfort or privacy to spend money on escorts.

Why not move somewhere else and save that money and buy property?

Sounds like you are on the road to ruin

Offline cash2spare


How do you optimise your punting Budget? As I m single, I decided to cut on accommodation cost and live in a shares flat instead of being on my own.

So instead of spending £1k+ in rent I only spend  £500.

That gives me a punting budget of £500/month!!  :drinks:

No regret, I'm quite glad to be honest to have this additional pot of ££ by removing some comfort... as it adds pleasure!

It's crazy how much more we can save by cutting accommodation cost!

What about you guys?

Get a girlfriend and move in with her.
No accommodation costs  ;)
Sex on tap when you are randy  ;)
Win/Win solution.
Thank me later :D

Offline JonasG

I remember when I first started punting I was spending about 600 quid a month on punting. 😩

Thankfully that stopped.

Frankly sex isn't that good or important to spend that much on it.

Offline Helloyou75001

Hey It's not like I'm going to be homeless in order to punt.

Buying a home could be a good idea if I was earning lots. unfortunately It's no with £500 saved there and there I could afford a cheap flat in london.

Bear in mind the average property cost in London is around £500,000. Even if I aim at the lower end, such as £350k, I need about 25% deposit to avoid higher mortgage. That's about £90k saved or saving £500/month for 15 years!

So if I have to decide to either save for 15 years to get my flat in London or see a profile every week and rent..  I'd decide to get the prossie within a minute!

I can't move too far as I work in london. Moving further to buy cheaper will lead to paying extortionate train cost.

So just saying, saving to buy a house in London is not a good idea!! Unless you are a monk or something and don't need sex

Offline NigelF

I think you've lost it mate. As amazing as punting is, which it is. I think you need to prioritise your spending. Maybe save the £500 a month towards a deposit on a flat or house for yourself? Maybe you already do and have your finances sorted out.

I just read it in the way that you have looked for cheaper accommodation just to spend more on punting. Which is quite frankly dangerous, are you addicted to it?
Each to their own but I think anyone who is making major lifestyle changes to free up cash for punting needs their head examining. That £500 buys you, what, roughly an hour a week of punting time and look at what you're sacrificing to have it.


Hey guys, it's a thread to optimise budget to do more punts! Not to judge behaviour.

I think living cost in London is crazy and most people are sharing anyway.

It makes more sense to live in a shares flat to save or enjoy life than having a flat without flatmates!

Then whatever I do with the saved spending... I feel much better spending it on prossies than buying beers and parties.

Different pleasure!

Not pissing your money down the drain on rent is a much better way to optimise your punting budget, you'll just have to be a bit more patient. Interest payments on a mortgage (particularly ones with a good size deposit) are still much better in the long run than renting.

If you're happy to share (I couldn't bear the thought of it nowadays) then it's definitely a good idea but just because most other people in London do it, doesn't make it a good idea if you could be saving up instead. And why the hell do you want to be like "most people" surely you want to be much richer and better off than them?

No one is saying to never spend on luxuries (punting, nice stuff, hobbies, eating out, booze, holidays etc) but those should be done very sparingly. It's not just that what you save now, you'll be able to spend later, it's that if you save now, you'll have MUCH more than you saved to spend later. When I say saved I do mean for it to be spent on buying a property (or investing in your business/career).

I'd also question how much satisfaction you really get from punting - the half hour you spend (definitely don't book longer than that if you're on a budget) is hopefully great and the next hour or so is probably decent/still satisfied but after that what do you have to show for it - you're probably horny again!

IMO, anywhere near £500 a month is crazy for someone who doesn't even the basics in life sorted.

I don't imagine our lifestyles are very similar so I doubt I have any good budget tips other than that long term one, especially because I don't know what else you spend your money on so I can't see where you can save more. If you don't already you should track what you spend a create a budget to identify exactly your money is going and then cut down on the expenses that aren't really important to you (and/or try to find cheaper alternatives).

The other side of your budget is of course income. So I'd say don't neglect your career or business ambitions (as long as you've researched and planned properly). Investment in yourself and/or business should yield big returns in the future (obviously business is much more risky but presents higher rewards). Assuming your career does have good further opportunities (if not you should change), spending extra time working, networking, educating yourself and doing things (in or outside of work) that give you responsibility, improve your skills and allow you to demonstrate them (e.g. on your CV) will be time well spent if it means you can get ahead and get a bigger pay packet.  Big bucks makes owning your own place and spending on a variety of luxuries like a punting a breeze. The main downside though is usually the lack of spare time you have but sometimes (if not often) there are ways round that.

If your career/business isn't vitally connected to London then it's well worth considering moving elsewhere. You'll take a pay hit but probably still end up with more disposable income (that should be saved up for a property) because in Manchester for example, accommodation, transport and many other things are often significantly cheaper. On average punting is cheaper too (and many of the good/best girls there won't charge as much as they do London). Of course there are bargains to be had in London but given the likely time and travelling costs they're probably not that great.

Buying a home could be a good idea if I was earning lots. unfortunately It's no with £500 saved there and there I could afford a cheap flat in london.

Well at the very least focus on earning more then. Also, don't just save "here and there", make it regular and make it big.

Bear in mind the average property cost in London is around £500,000. Even if I aim at the lower end, such as £350k, I need about 25% deposit to avoid higher mortgage. That's about £90k saved or saving £500/month for 15 years!

That assumes you won't be earning more, hopefully much more, in the future. It also somewhat assumes you're happy to be living/sharing with others for the rest of your life (and if not then you're happy to pay more, even though rent is pretty much money down the drain and you'll have less to punt with).

So just saying, saving to buy a house in London is not a good idea!! Unless you are a monk or something and don't need sex

Yes it fucking is a good idea! Also you really don't need sex. If you needed it that much surely you'd have got a gf (surely any would do) and just put up with all the bullshit involved with that. You're also forgetting the relief that a five finger shuffle can provide.

Of course I get it though, it's a strong want, I have it too. But I fail to see why one per week so important. You're surely horny more than that but are able to cope. One punt a month is a much better balance although even then if you could just hold out now (say 1 every 2 months), you'd be able to afford a lot more than just one a week in the future. Punting doesn't particularly get any worse when you're older but getting a gf will, perhaps focus on that and you'll hopefully get satisfied sexually and more, as well as saving plenty of money (to be invested smartly). Unless of course you're like me and you also crave the variety that punting offers - in which case you're probably fucked!

If you own a place in London then when you retire you can sell up, move up North and live and punt like a king! Who knows, maybe in the future you'll be in the North West section calling me a broke ass bitch!
« Last Edit: June 21, 2018, 02:18:52 pm by NigelF »

Offline JonasG

Most of us punt cos of the variety, I know I do.

It's got to the point I'm sacking off interest from girls cos of punting cos i know I'll be bored sexually in like a month maybe with her. BAD SIGN.

I think also once you start punting, you're fucked for life. Once you've sampled the vast variety on tap, you'll never just settle down with the 1 girl.

Offline threechilliman

I would never compromise my comfort or privacy to spend money on escorts.

Why not move somewhere else and save that money and buy property?

Sounds like you are on the road to ruin

Thats how I work as well. Money for punting comes after everything else I enjoy in life has been paid for.

Offline JonasG

Some good advice in this thread.

Also for newcomers that get addicted quickly.

Punting's like any other addiction. Gotta be careful, cos it creeps up on you and it's bloody expensive.

Offline sub_marine

I can't move too far as I work in london. Moving further to buy cheaper will lead to paying extortionate train cost.

I had a mate worked for a major PLC in London as a graduate, with all the prospects that that brings, when he did the maths about how long his life would be spending basicaly broke to get anywhere, he quit and moved to Edinburgh and got a job with equal prospects, but miles better quality of life.  Fair enough if you want to work till 67 to finally own a Home in London, but you'll spend most of your working life just scraping by

Offline Helloyou75001

Guys you are giving advice but you know nothing about my situation.

I have been looking for 10 years and tried everything from dating site, exchange group, speed dating, tinder, study psychology to meet girls, PUA course and practice, street / shop games to ask numbers... really I tried really really hard.

And let's be honest, at some point, when you see no results, you have to stop. No point to keep trying after trying over 10 years. Movies and cinema and popular belief is that everyone can have someone somewhere. The reality is not that bright. Some people are attractive and get lots of girls, majority are average, and a minority don't get anything. I belong to the later one.

So for my situation it's much better to pay for a punt instead of trying over 100 girls to get 1 date and at the end hear she just want to be friend!

For buying a house... then I suppose I need to increase my income first but it's not with  £500 a month saved I'll achieve anything.

Please stay on subject and share tips to increase punting budget pleeaaaase  :drinks:

Offline Redbull4

Guys you are giving advice but you know nothing about my situation.

I have been looking for 10 years and tried everything from dating site, exchange group, speed dating, tinder, study psychology to meet girls, PUA course and practice, street / shop games to ask numbers... really I tried really really hard.

And let's be honest, at some point, when you see no results, you have to stop. No point to keep trying after trying over 10 years. Movies and cinema and popular belief is that everyone can have someone somewhere. The reality is not that bright. Some people are attractive and get lots of girls, majority are average, and a minority don't get anything. I belong to the later one.

So for my situation it's much better to pay for a punt instead of trying over 100 girls to get 1 date and at the end hear she just want to be friend!

For buying a house... then I suppose I need to increase my income first but it's not with  £500 a month saved I'll achieve anything.

Please stay on subject and share tips to increase punting budget pleeaaaase  :drinks:

I'm also in that minority so I know exactly where your coming from, it's honestly is not easy getting a girlfriend. I wouldn't even know where to start or what to do. I'm a hopeless cause!

I don't get this once a week is to much thing. How is it? You can do whatever you want with your money once the basics are done.

I just think your initial message has been picked up in the wrong contexts. 

As for saving more. In general don't buy shite you don't need. Do your own maintenance of things.

Online daviemac

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Please stay on subject and share tips to increase punting budget pleeaaaase  :drinks:

I'm not sure what kind of response you expected but think about it, you've come on an open forum and stated you've drastically changed your lifestyle in order to have a bigger punting budget.

It's your choice of course but not something I would do, if I didn't have enough funds to maintain my lifestyle and punt I wouldn't punt. How you could increase your punting budget with limited funds I have no idea, all you can do is prioritise your outgoings and see what's left. 

Offline puntingpumping1920

London is expensive. Its hard to budget if you rely upon prostitutes for your only source of intimacy its easy to loose control
I'm single/ young so I make sure I date, visit night-clubs/ bars and just have a healthy social life...I try not to rely on punting for sex.
I believe there are many punters on this thread that have lost control. Punters that have lost control wont give you good answers on self control questions relating to their addiction

Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
Banned by: Iloveoral


  • Guest
Please stay on subject and share tips to increase punting budget pleeaaaase  :drinks:

Earn or more money if you want more.   :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


  • Guest
Please stay on subject and share tips to increase punting budget pleeaaaase  :drinks:
You could get a second job for some evenings or the weekend, that would give you more disposable income, and less free time. Double win!

However NigelF gives some very good advice. Do take on board what he says, especially about advancing your career.

Offline NigelF

Guys you are giving advice but you know nothing about my situation.

I have been looking for 10 years and tried everything from dating site, exchange group, speed dating, tinder, study psychology to meet girls, PUA course and practice, street / shop games to ask numbers... really I tried really really hard.

And let's be honest, at some point, when you see no results, you have to stop. No point to keep trying after trying over 10 years. Movies and cinema and popular belief is that everyone can have someone somewhere. The reality is not that bright. Some people are attractive and get lots of girls, majority are average, and a minority don't get anything. I belong to the later one.

So for my situation it's much better to pay for a punt instead of trying over 100 girls to get 1 date and at the end hear she just want to be friend!

For buying a house... then I suppose I need to increase my income first but it's not with  £500 a month saved I'll achieve anything.

Please stay on subject and share tips to increase punting budget pleeaaaase  :drinks:

If you're overweight then I strongly recommend focusing on that (eating more healthily, exercise etc). I fail to believe that you actually think you have succeeded in nailing the other "fundamentals" as mentioned in psychology literature and "PUA stuff". If you know you haven't then you should know what to do. Bottom line: have you seen many ugly/fat/poor (sometimes all 3) guys with girlfriends (occasionally hot ones too) - if yes then surely there's no reason you can't be one of those many guys. I also fail to believe you can't do any better than the fucking Isis recruiter from this very recent story: External Link/Members Only

If you go on a date and at the end hear "let's just be friends" then surely you haven't actually been paying attention to all that PUA stuff. At the end of a date they should either say you're a dick or be sat on your dick!

Given that no one does know your situation, I've given you as much advice as possible about how to identify and then cut your costs (by creating a budget, prioritising and researching cheaper alternatives to things - including the WGs you plan to see) and also basic advice on how to increase your income. Working overtime (if possible) or as jonw16 says, getting a 2nd job is also a good idea (it could also get you in close contact with a number of girls - the more you know the higher your chances):
You could get a second job for some evenings or the weekend, that would give you more disposable income, and less free time. Double win!

However NigelF gives some very good advice. Do take on board what he says, especially about advancing your career.

Offline tonyvgf

A Lot has been said on this thread so I will add my contribution below.

Transfer it to me :drinks:

Offline Moby Dick

Gamble £500/month on the horses, lottery, FTSE100.
Become a gambling addict instead. At least with the lottery some of your money will be going to charity so that may help you feel better... However don't think it will feel as good as CIM. Your money your choices. Just make sure you pay HMRC.


  • Guest
Life is about choices, hindsight and regrets, obsessing with punting is something you might regret in years to come?

As for your current options then a lot depends what you're looking for in a punt and what need you are trying to satisfy? If you want to punt more often then look for cheaper/shorter options. There was a thread on here a while ago about making the most of a 15 minute booking or from what little I've read then Soho walk-ups could scratch your itch.

The alternative, if you're looking for something more meaningful and intimate, might be worth looking at seeking arrangements. The women (pro$$ies) on that site are more open to being seduced with a few quid thrown their way. It would probably give you less sex per pound spent but you might get lucky and find someone in a similar position to you who needs £500 a month and is willing to spend three or four longer sessions a month with you?

I final feast or famine option is looking abroad at places like Thailand, Morocco or the Philippines for a week or so or something closer to home in Germany.

Failing that, buy a cheap cycle for transport and live on bread and water.


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OP, you are of course free to tell me I should bugger off and mind my own bloody business, but I'll offer my unsolicited advice anyway.

Forget for a second it's punting, that is secondary. The key point is you are making meaningful changes to your lifestyle in order to engage more in a given activity. It doesn't take Freud to conclude you're likely to be addicted to this activity. What the activity is is secondary, the fact you're addicted to it is the real issue. Addictions are dangerous and can lead to financial and mental ruin.

How much of your net, post tax, income are you spending on punting? How much of your disposable income, ie net income after basic expenses like housing and food bills etc?

I'm not judging you, you could get into debt with loan sharks to punt for all I care. But do think long and hard about whether you are addicted, and whether you should do something about it. Only you can know the answer.

A hobby which gives you pleasure and gratification is great. A hobby which becomes an addiction and end up controlling a significant part of your life is not.

Offline Helloyou75001

Hey guys. Don't worry I'm not going into debt for that.

It's truly money I saved and if it becomes pleasure then there aren't anything better.

To be honest, I started punting 3 years ago. I was over 30 and never managed to have a gf for more than few weeks. It was my birthday mind you.

I went to Berlin and spent €500 that day on prossie. That was the best day of my life and was wondering why I spent so many years chasing girls for nothing when I can just come here and pay for sex.

Seriously, if It's addiction, then It's a good one  :unknown:

People spend load more on gf and wives.  As I have none of them I think it's a decent replacement.

And for SA, I'd prefer use my £500 on any girl I want instead of putting it all on the same girl and have the same thing!


  • Guest
Hey guys. Don't worry I'm not going into debt for that.

It's truly money I saved and if it becomes pleasure then there aren't anything better.

To be honest, I started punting 3 years ago. I was over 30 and never managed to have a gf for more than few weeks. It was my birthday mind you.

I went to Berlin and spent €500 that day on prossie. That was the best day of my life and was wondering why I spent so many years chasing girls for nothing when I can just come here and pay for sex.

Seriously, if It's addiction, then It's a good one  :unknown:

People spend load more on gf and wives.  As I have none of them I think it's a decent replacement.

And for SA, I'd prefer use my £500 on any girl I want instead of putting it all on the same girl and have the same thing!

I understand your predicament. My late 20s were pretty terrible as far as women were concerned but when I got into my 30s my luck changed completely. 30 something men are in many ways at their peak and attractive to women of all ages, especially those who are older! So perhaps put some of your budget into self-improvement- gym membership, new clothes and pursuing hobbies where you are likely to find your soul mate. Because when you find the right woman she's going to be the best thing that happened to you and much better than the illicit encounter in Berlin however fun that was. In terms of budgeting  how about not buying coffee (I always take a flask), walking rather than paying for public transport/fares and never wasting money on takeaways. But £500 a month would mount up if you bought a place in the sticks that would one day become your home. Women like men with their own place. Good luck!

Offline VolapUK

Punting's like any other addiction. Gotta be careful, cos it creeps up on you and it's bloody expensive.

This is so sadly true that it hurts. I earn the minimum wage but I spend 210 quid a month in punting. I'd like to stop, but it's the only sexual life I have.

(Meanwhile, right now my flatmate is banging a girl in his room. Again. A different one.)  :dash:

Offline Helloyou75001

This is so sadly true that it hurts. I earn the minimum wage but I spend 210 quid a month in punting. I'd like to stop, but it's the only sexual life I have.

(Meanwhile, right now my flatmate is banging a girl in his room. Again. A different one.)  :dash:

Yeah I'm exactly in this situation. Tired of people talking about finding the right one when times come. It never did! I'm in my mid thirty now and it hasn't change.

My flatmate is very attractive to women and just go on tinder to get a new chick every week or couple of week in his room. For free. He has minimum wage, he does drug and can barely afford to pay rent. But the chicks all fall for him.
What a pain to hear him banging a girl every few days and get new ones regularly just by swiping on tinder!

I'd probably be drying out and dying by now if I were to keep trying like I did so many years before on women.

I'm fairly confident that's going to be my lifestyle for a long foresable future. So I need to increase my wage or cut other cost to keep punting and be happy!


  • Guest

How do you optimise your punting Budget? As I m single, I decided to cut on accommodation cost and live in a shares flat instead of being on my own.

So instead of spending £1k+ in rent I only spend  £500.

That gives me a punting budget of £500/month!!  :drinks:

No regret, I'm quite glad to be honest to have this additional pot of ££ by removing some comfort... as it adds pleasure!

It's crazy how much more we can save by cutting accommodation cost!

What about you guys?

My punting budget comes from overtime/bonus only.

If i was you i wouldn't splash £500/month on prossies. Just spend 100-200 and save the rest.

Offline CluckinBell

I've spent way too much this year on punting,my personal budget,everyone is different :drinks:.I do any odd jobs to cushion the blow and now i'm being very picky for the remaining months of this year.It's the case of optimising and self control but I can't stop logging in AW and searching  :diablo: i have to think 'be sensible' :angelgirl:   

Offline VolapUK

the chicks all fall for him.
Euh.... does he sell the drugs he does and receive payment in species?  :D

Offline Malvolio

I suggest you look at doing extra hours in your job, and use that as your punting budget - this works for me.

Offline mrdiamond77

I don't smoke, drink alcohol or gamble so save money there. Punting is my only real vice. I also don't drive and did save some money when I was younger, before I started punting.

Offline NigelF

I spend 210 quid a month in punting.
I've spent way too much this year on punting

Get some reviews up!


  • Guest
If you want to spend £500 a month on prossies good luck to you ......get as much pussy as you can when you can ...just go for it !   :hi:

Offline BarryProudfoot

Guys you are giving advice but you know nothing about my situation.

I have been looking for 10 years and tried everything from dating site, exchange group, speed dating, tinder, study psychology to meet girls,
PUA course and practice, street / shop games to ask numbers
... really I tried really really hard.

And let's be honest, at some point, when you see no results, you have to stop. No point to keep trying after trying over 10 years. Movies and cinema and popular belief is that everyone can have someone somewhere. The reality is not that bright. Some people are attractive and get lots of girls, majority are average, and a minority don't get anything. I belong to the later one.

So for my situation it's much better to pay for a punt instead of trying over 100 girls to get 1 date and at the end hear she just want to be friend!

For buying a house... then I suppose I need to increase my income first but it's not with  £500 a month saved I'll achieve anything.

Please stay on subject and share tips to increase punting budget pleeaaaase  :drinks:

Who was your coach?

Offline BarryProudfoot

If you want to spend £500 a month on prossies good luck to you ......get as much pussy as you can when you can ...just go for it !   :hi:

I suppose the go for broke approach for some is to live a life you’d relive. We should all probably think are we alive or are we just breathing :hi:


  • Guest
Get a regular and after the third visit “ tell her you want to be a regular , if she agrees “ and introduce speaking about any regular “special rates and or incentives “ ...You can only ask!

Offline Helloyou75001

Barry I had few coach and did pua game for few years. I approached many thousand of girls and there was period were we went with players out for 10h a day, 7 day a week.

I did get numbers. I did get date. But it never went much further. The truth is that girls value physical attractiveness as much as guy. Most semi successful players are at least average or they have some edge such as being tall.
If you are short and non attractive, it's very very hard to get anything.

And also if you look at history, most pua were active only for few months or years. Most give up as It's a tough game.

Anyway, live your life and enjoy as you only have one life! I'm glad there are prossies for disadvantaged people like me. At least it brings some balance in life!

Offline magnetico

£6000 a year is still FAR TOO MUCH to spend on prostitutes -------------- unless you are a very wealthy guy.  :thumbsdown:

What about £6000/year on a sport car for track days? A fancy motorcycle? Golf club membership and equipment? Sailing? Flying lessons?  Ski trips? Fine dining?

Punting is just one of many hobbies at the end of the day.

Offline Moby Dick

You're only on this planet once. Make the most of it, without regret (i.e dont deprive the wife and kids).

Offline Belgarion

What about £6000/year on a sport car for track days? A fancy motorcycle? Golf club membership and equipment? Sailing? Flying lessons?  Ski trips? Fine dining?

Punting is just one of many hobbies at the end of the day.

Problem here is he's had to downgrade his living arrangements to fund his addiction.

I spend a fair whack on my punting adventures, not including my other hobbies but not to my personal detrimemt

Offline ciderhead

well I'm on a self imposed punting ban at the moment due to being financially embarrassed but don't lose any sleep over it as its not important enough, putting a little away each week and will soon be back in the saddle. l spend what I can afford  and not obsess over it

Offline BarryProudfoot

Barry I had few coach and did pua game for few years. I approached many thousand of girls and there was period were we went with players out for 10h a day, 7 day a week.

I did get numbers. I did get date. But it never went much further.
The truth is that girls value physical attractiveness as much as guy
. Most semi successful players are at least average or they have some edge such as being tall.
If you are short and non attractive, it's very very hard to get anything.

And also if you look at history, most pua were active only for few months or years. Most give up as It's a tough game.

Anyway, live your life and enjoy as you only have one life! I'm glad there are prossies for disadvantaged people like me. At least it brings some balance in life!

In that case I would suggest you treat yourself to a gym membership and a more healthy eating lifestyle :thumbsup:

Offline cricket2

I know this won't be for everyone, but I have found that bad each way arbing on horses more than covers punting costs, and leaves you with plenty more disposable income. Won't go into too much detail here, but if you are interested you can read about it here: External Link/Members Only

Offline JamesKW

I had a mate worked for a major PLC in London as a graduate, with all the prospects that that brings, when he did the maths about how long his life would be spending basicaly broke to get anywhere, he quit and moved to Edinburgh and got a job with equal prospects, but miles better quality of life.  Fair enough if you want to work till 67 to finally own a Home in London, but you'll spend most of your working life just scraping by

I checked the statistics and the average property price in London is approx. £600K,the average property price in my area(a suburb of London)is £300K.Approximately half,so you don't have to move to Edinburgh for a better quality of life.I am next to the countryside,near the seaside and can also benefit from what London has to offer.Nowdays youngsters seem to be obsessed with living in the first three zones and are paying dearly for this.