Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Club Avarus/Berlin  (Read 1776 times)

Offline Donald Tramp

Ok, Airport Girls is a lost case nowadays, but luckily there's other, better managed establishments in Berlin offering sexual services for the horny gentlemen. Club Avarus is one of them.

Before going to Avarus, I tried to search all over internet any information about it, but with no luck. For reasons unknown, there just isn't any reviews available (even 'tho Avarus has been around for a good while), so I decided to do the pioneering job and put my ass on line for all of you, comrades, and write one after visiting the club. So here you go  :rose:

I picked up wednesday, 'cos that is supposed to be "gang bang evening" at Avarus. Well, that wasn't really so, it turned out to be.

Doors opened at 19:00 and I was there at 19:15. Club is in the big block building (with some sort of a fitness club on every floor) and at the last floor. Elevator available. Nice lady at the door who spoke good english asked basic questions, like "is it your first time here?" etc. She explained basic rules and I handed over 80EUR before stepping in.

The club itself is very neat, interiors stylish, resembling more just like ordinary cocktail bar than sex club. Not too big, not too small. Nice smoking room with comfy sofas, a jacuzzi and big sauna and a steam room (which wasn't all the time in use), one bigger room with a bed, one small cabin for more private sessions.

A wide selection of drinks available and included in the price, a small dining room but no food available except for few grapes (!!!). That was a big let down, 'cos I was expecting to have a good dinner there and therefore saving my appetite but now ending up being hungry the rest of the evening.

When I entered the club, there was only few other customers in. One old lady and maybe three other (very old) dudes. Seemed at first more like some meet up for the WW2 veterans than a raunchy sex club with an orgy. And orgy it never turned out to be indeed, as mentioned earlier.

However, the ambience was good enough and I just concentrated on sipping drinks and trying to get into conversations with other people present and hoping that there would be more customers coming in, ladies in particular. A few came in finally but as couples which was disappointing.

There was only one girl who was single during the whole evening and she seemed to keep distance to everyone, looking even rude when someone tried to approach her, clearly not willing to have even a conversation. However, that turned out to be just a facade and I found out later on that she was actually very sweet person when I gathered my confidence and just decided to approach and say hello to her.

From there on, we started to chat, basically just like in any other clubs you meet new people. No sex talk, just general chat. But there was clearly some special chemistry in the air and after a while we ended up in sauna together where the conversation morphed into more intimate action. Sex itself is forbidden in saunas for some reason, so we decided to try this tiny cabin for some action we originally came there for. She closed the curtains at the door to make it clear for other customers that we want to be there alone. Which I didn't mind.

It was bit weird that we ended up to be more like a couple there, having just sex with ourselves (although I did have sex with one old grandma before meeting this girl) but then again, I didn't really see anyone else having sex either. There was few couples, but none of them were having sex, not even between themselves. Strange sex club indeed. The only woman I witnessed having sex in that club during whole evening besides us was that aforementioned grandma (well over her 60's, but in good shape and decent face for her age) who seemed to take whatever cock was presented to her. She was also particularly good at sucking cock. Wild lady and interesting experience 'cos I've never fucked anyone that old, not even close. My own mother is way younger than her and I'm no teenager anymore.

There was later on few (maybe two?) girls giving blow jobs to some dudes but I didn't see them fucking. But I can not say that for sure, 'cos me and "my" girl went just at the same time for another fuck into that same tiny cabin, so whatever happened in that other room after that, I'm not sure.

At one point there was suddenly a lot of people, maybe 30+ altogether which made the club look like packed. I spotted two really good looking youngish girls amongst the crowd. Unfortunately with lads. And as quickly as all of them came, they all disappeared as well. That was very weird. Like 80% of them just vanished, good looking girls included. They were in the club maybe for 15 minutes, no more than 30 minutes for sure. None of them were having sex, of any sort.

So this was very unique sex club experience for me, like no other where I've been previously. I still liked the experience but I must also admit that I was lucky. Lucky to pick that one only single girl in the club and given that she wanted to have sex only with me and no-one else. So in the end I was having sex all evening, just not orgy-style sex with multiple girls which I originally came in there for. First with that grandma once and then many times with my "new partner". But I still would've wanted to at least witness other people having sex too, especially these two good looking girls.

So a bit mixed emotions, but still very enjoyable evening altogether that ended up with me going back home to my new "girlfriend" (to her place) and spending few days with her, having sex constantly along with wandering around Berlin together and creating new, deep friendship with her at the same time.

Would I go again to Avarus? Maybe, but a big maybe. Price (80 EUR) is a bit too steep for my taste given that sex is not guaranteed (not even as a witness) at all and maybe I wouldn't be so lucky next time. I can drink a lot, but probably not worth a 80 EUR during one evening.

'Tho I heard from two other people in the club that the previous week when they were there, there was more people around and more action. Unfortunately neither of them remembered what day of the week it was. So it can vary from one day to another, maybe even a lot, how things at Avarus turn out to be.

The ratio of men/women was maybe 90%/10% and as mentioned, all but one of the females were with their partners. Around 90% of the clientele were between 50-70 yrs of age. Surprisingly many italian dudes there, I counted at least 6. No other nationalities I guess, other than them and germans.

If they would have "sex guaranteed" evenings here, with even three "house girls" (like other clubs like Insomnia are having), this would however be one of my favorite places in Berlin.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2018, 09:04:20 am by Donald Tramp »

Offline bigtisroundasses

Many thanks for the review DT!

A few months ago I was in Berlin and wanted to go as well. As you mentioned, there is nothing online for this venue which I find strange...
I managed to find only in, German swingers forum. My plan was to go Artemis, relase the tension and then go to Avarous and hope for the best but was too tired and didnt bother in the end, stayed till late in Artemis...

its a hit or miss on Wednesday but glad you were lucky enough to have a good time that night...

Regarding the male/female ratio, definentely wasn't great but I prefer it this way, without 'working' girls, way more exciting...

Offline Jerboa

I've never been to Avarus myself, but the gangbang day didn't sound great, at 80€ you'd expect action, for a lot less you could go to a sex kino and have the same chance of sex.

Offline Donald Tramp

I forgot to mention one detail about that wednesday evening at Avarus.

There was some sort of a "chocolate-show" at one point, it occurred actually at the same time when the club was most crowded. I have no idea if those two thing are correlated in anyway.

A barmaid rang a bell in her hand and I had no idea whatever that means, so I just kept on chatting with my lady and we headed soon to a room to fuck. When we came back from the room, I noticed that there might be something going on in the sauna department since no one else is nowhere to be seen.

Unfortunately people started to come back from the sauna right then and someone said to me that we just missed that chocolate play or something. I asked if it will happen again later in the evening but answer was no, it was just one-off thing that day.

All I know is that it happened in the steam room (which isn't big) and my guess is that there was just some melting chocolate poured onto one's skin and then washed off and that's it. So I don't think I missed much. But weirdest thing was that very soon after that most of the people (all those interesting ones) just left the club.

But yeah, as Jerboa said, there's probably many other places to be found in Berlin with much better value for your money than Avarus. If sex is what you're after more than anything else. I know I am, it's supposed to be sex club after all, right?

IF they would put some effort to the food at Avarus (starting with having at least SOME food available), and/or entrance fee for single blokes would be significantly reduced (I don't see that happening ever), OR offering at least once a week guaranteed sex for those high-priced events for single men, THEN I would give this club at least few more chances.

But until I know better, that was however my first and most probably last visit to that club and I just keep visiting my two favourites, Erlebniswohnung and Insomnia (on thursdays only) where sex is always guaranteed with multiple girls and especially Erlebnis which keeps surprising me on every visit with that everchanging and top-class line up they have on offer that seems to just go better all the time. My last visit there a month ago was probably the best what comes to quality of the ladies and food which was significantly better than on my previous visits. What should be noticed as well is that EW is probably the most convenient venue to go if you're alone, 'cos there you'll always meet other nice gentlemen and can have a good chat with them - in the best case even befriend them. That is in my eyes very important factor, especially if you've planned to stay the whole day in 'cos there will be a lot of those dull moments in between fucks.

I have no idea how EW's Mustafa (El Jefe of the place) can keep his level of service, VFM-ratio and his standards so high compared to any other place in Berlin. The best girls here are just as stunning as any best girls you see in Artemis what comes to looks. And there is as much variety with girls as in Artemis (which is very rare no matter what venue is in question). With only exception being that you can fuck them multiple times during the day, most are giving bbbj and even cim (or cob), few even anal or dp's (my best offer by far was two dicks in a pussy at the same time, which unfortunately didn't work, not enough room, even 'tho I tried my best ;) ) AND they are nice to you, some so nice that they feel like your girlfriend who is madly in love with you. Or just your good friends you're fucking on a regular basis and having good time aside. Oh, and they all just seem to LOVE sex! Whether it's just an act or they're just really good at their work and can play the part, I don't care. All I care for is that I'm having a good time and the feeling that my money's not going to waste.

And ridiculously all this at the price of 100 EUR the whole day, 70 EUR if you want to fuck only your evening away (6 hours). For that price you don't even fuck one girl at Artemis or even cover the entrance fee. So no wonder I've personally reduced my choices down to two nowadays in Berlin. Why go elsewhere for worse service, hit-or-miss events or to break-your-bank venues when you can get all you want (and at times more than you ever dared to wish for) for so affordable price?

Berlin obviously isn't big enough city for more than two decent venues what comes to sex clubs. You can see that even in Insomnia where quality of the girls is remarkably lower than in EW and some days (especially in the summertime when Berlin dies out what comes to sex clubs) can be very quiet even there. All the other clubs other than those two seems to be just empty or with just a handfull of customers, most of them being single, sex-hungry wrinkled old men.

I still like that special ambience at Insomnia and the venue itself is much better to have sex than tiny EW but one should not expect to fuck stunners there on a regular basis. If you're having a really lucky day, you might find one top-notch bird (who will be there as a customer) per day there that wants to have sex with you (happened to me once), but don't count on that. House girls there are not very hot by appearance but they have good attitude and are fun to be around. Especially if you speak german (which I don't), but you'll get by with english as well.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2018, 11:13:08 am by Donald Tramp »