Sugar Babies

Author Topic: New to the site  (Read 4214 times)


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Hi all, I've only found this site recently and wish I had known about this 3 years ago when I first found AW! I've clocked up over 50 punts with AW over the last few years and will be posting reviews on the ones that are still on AW. The reviews I have viewed so far on WGs I have seen are pretty much on the money and if I had used this site to help select my punts I would've saved loads.
Still I'm happy to share and give others the benefits of my punts and look forward to saving my cash for the good ones. In will start posting reviews shortly and look forward to being part of the community.


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Welcome.  I hope this will prove helpful.

1. This is a review site.  Punters who contribute reviews are welcome.  Those who do notgenerally get a rough ride.  Read and contribute.  Make this the last thread you start until you have contributed say 5 good quality reviews across the range of your experience.
2. AS UKP has increased in size, popularity and influence it attracts more and more touts and fantasists.   We self police to some extent and, for those of us around for a while, wronguns are easy to spot.  For this reason you will see some newbies getting a very tough time with apparently little povokation.  Rest assured, fuckers who have been around for a while generally have a good instinct.  If you have no vested interest, give a balanced view, afford a modicum of respect to the other parishioners and contribute you’ll find most helpful.
3.  The culture here is a rough city boozer; Admin is the big guy behind the bar. What he says goes; don’t fuck with him at all. 
« Last Edit: May 23, 2018, 10:56:39 pm by mrhappypants »


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Offline Charliehutton

 The culture here is a rough city boozer; Admin is the big guy behind the bar. What he says goes; don’t fuck with him at all. 

Nicely put, Mr HP.

One minor point, FB; I've just tried to read your review. Could you put some paragraphs in your future ones? It will make them easier to read for old buggers like me with dodgy eyesight. :thumbsup:

Offline Gucio

Thank you for the information as lm new to this site.

Offline LLPunting

Hi all, I've only found this site recently and wish I had known about this 3 years ago when I first found AW! I've clocked up over 50 punts with AW over the last few years and will be posting reviews on the ones that are still on AW. The reviews I have viewed so far on WGs I have seen are pretty much on the money and if I had used this site to help select my punts I would've saved loads.
Still I'm happy to share and give others the benefits of my punts and look forward to saving my cash for the good ones. In will start posting reviews shortly and look forward to being part of the community.

Only bother to review SPs you've seen recently (say under 2-3 months) that you thought were good so there's less chance that they're jaded and delivering less than what you got.  Any girl still performing well after 2 months is a trooper and will probably be already known.
If you've any negatives to post on active girls without records here then your intel will be very welcome.

Look forward to sharing knowledge with you.   :drinks:

Offline DouglasReynholm

Be prepared for several dozen geezers calling you a pimp. I'm not one, I just wear a pink suit with a very wide-brimmed hat, drive a Cadillac with a leopardskin interior, strut around Harlem to waccy-waccy funk music (unless something heavy is about to go down - then I split the scene) and sometimes grab a roll of fifty dollar bills from the cleavage of a mini-skirted teenage girl on crack after I tell her not to hold out on me again or I'll mess up her face.

Why can't people tell the difference?  :wacko:

Offline Daffodil

Welcome.  I hope this will prove helpful.

1. This is a review site.  Punters who contribute reviews are welcome.  Those who do notgenerally get a rough ride.  Read and contribute.  Make this the last thread you start until you have contributed say 5 good quality reviews across the range of your experience.
2. AS UKP has increased in size, popularity and influence it attracts more and more touts and fantasists.   We self police to some extent and, for those of us around for a while, wronguns are easy to spot.  For this reason you will see some newbies getting a very tough time with apparently little povokation.  Rest assured, fuckers who have been around for a while generally have a good instinct.  If you have no vested interest, give a balanced view, afford a modicum of respect to the other parishioners and contribute you’ll find most helpful.
3.  The culture here is a rough city boozer; Admin is the big guy behind the bar. What he says goes; don’t fuck with him at all. 

Whilst reviews are certainly a key component of the forum, I’d say that the general advice that’s dished out, often robustly, is as important. I’ve always disagreed with the onus being placed solely on reviews.