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Author Topic: 1500 cops bust 60 brothels in germany  (Read 1171 times)


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German federal police said they carried out the biggest raids in their history Wednesday against an alleged organized crime ring suspected of trafficking hundreds of women and transwomen from Thailand for prostitution.

The federal police force said in a statement that a record 1,500 officers swooped on more than 60 brothels and flats in 12 of Germany’s 16 states.

Prosecutors have 56 suspects in their sights, 41 of them women.

Authorities say a “core group” of 17 suspects “smuggled Thai women and transsexuals into Germany with fraudulent” visas for the passport-free Schengen zone.

Those brought to Germany “had to hand over 100 percent of their wages to the operators of the respective massage parlors to pay off their smuggling fee,” an extortionate sum of between EUR16,000 and EUR36,000 euros (THB618,000 – THB1.4 million).

Seven of the accused, including a 59-year-old Thai woman and her 62-year-old German partner, were taken into custody on outstanding arrest warrants.

Beyond human trafficking, forced prostitution, procurement and embezzlement of wages, the ringleaders also face charges of tax evasion, a spokesman for the Frankfurt prosecutor’s office, Alexander Badle, told reporters.

Some of the suspects could face up to 15 years in prison.

Prosecutors in Frankfurt, who have been working with police on the case since February 2017, estimate that the ring drew more than one million euros in income.

‘Specialized’ in transsexual prostitutes

Interior Minister Horst Seehofer praised the operation as an “unprecedented strike against a national organized crime network”.

“Several hundred women and men were at the mercy of the inhumane, boundless greed of human smugglers for years and across borders,” he said.

“This unscrupulous behaviour and the sexual exploitation on an abominable scale were put to an end today.”

Badle said the ring had “specialized” in a niche for transsexual prostitutes in Germany’s vast sex industry.

He said that while the Thai victims were aware that they were being taken to German brothels, they were duped about the “conditions, including the fact that they would receive virtually no remuneration”.

They were brought to Europe on tourist visas that explicitly prohibited work, and spoke no German, leaving them particularly vulnerable to exploitation, Badle added.

He said immigration authorities would now examine the victims’ legal status to determine how long they could stay in Germany.

Prostitution is legal in Germany but heavily regulated and taxed. However a 2002 law intended to improve the legal footing for sex workers has failed to stamp out mass-scale trafficking.

Thailand has a famously permissive attitude toward transwomen, but the laws still refuse to recognize their sexual identity, rooting discrimination in the bureaucracy.

Sex work, drugs and stigma combine with a lack of healthcare to push many of the country’s estimated 180,000 third sex people to the “social, economic and legal margins,” a 2012 study by the United Nations Development Program found.

It said HIV prevalence rates among transgender people across the Asia-Pacific region could be as high as 49 percent — a rate that “far exceeds (that of) the general population”.

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Offline Jerboa

That will mean more hookers back in BKK and Patts soon.

Offline Splodge

49% have hiv!  People don't seem to take hiv as seriously as they did. That's crazy if you ask me.

Offline Jerboa

49% have hiv!  People don't seem to take hiv as seriously as they did. That's crazy if you ask me.

Who says?  :unknown:

Offline Splodge

Offline Name Not Found

49% have hiv!

"could be" not "have".  I "could be" the world's greatest lover, but chances are I'm not.

Offline Splodge

Well. A lot of gays in London are taking risks. They're smoking crystal meth also, which makes them take more risks and be more sexual. There's also a drug you can take within 48 hours of possible infection. It stops the virus. Called prep or something.  It's being used quite a lot. Also.  1 in 7 gay men in London are hiv positive so people are still taking risks and how many of those gay men are bi? Or married etc ? I've been in tranny clubs and they're taking all sorts of risks. People with hiv are living much longer and the virus is being suppressed immensely. Medicine is progressing. Imho people are taking more risks and yes, ignorance is bliss.

Even the trans who won the Eurovision conchita wurst came out recently as being hiv + but the drugs she s been taking for years have suppressed the hiv virus in her body so much that she can't pass the virus on. Progress eh.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2018, 10:45:23 pm by Splodge »

Offline Splodge

Read it in his post ! He said 49% ! Not me lol.  :dance:

Offline Marmalade

"could be" not "have".  I "could be" the world's greatest lover, but chances are I'm not.

Do you have a ‘statistic’ to back that up  ;) :D :D :D

Offline Greg05

Well. A lot of gays in London are taking risks. They're smoking crystal meth also, which makes them take more risks and be more sexual. There's also a drug you can take within 48 hours of possible infection. It stops the virus. Called prep or something.  It's being used quite a lot. Also.  1 in 7 gay men in London are hiv positive so people are still taking risks and how many of those gay men are bi? Or married etc ? I've been in tranny clubs and they're taking all sorts of risks. People with hiv are living much longer and the virus is being suppressed immensely. Medicine is progressing. Imho people are taking more risks and yes, ignorance is bliss.

Even the trans who won the Eurovision conchita wurst came out recently as being hiv + but the drugs she s been taking for years have suppressed the hiv virus in her body so much that she can't pass the virus on. Progress eh.

Still better to not have it than to have it.