Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Do you think you will ever stop punting?  (Read 3838 times)


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I have punted now for 23 years and with the odd short break always come back cannot see a time when I will ever stop.  Initially I started in my mid twenties as I was single and wanted easy sex, tried to stop when I got back into a relationship but the lure of the punting spotlight meant I was soon back.

Having been in a relationship for many years now the days of mindblowing sex has long gone, these days its a case of a quick tit sucking and then into mish for the finish off, as for anything else forget it.  At 48 years of age I have no wish to have an affair which tbh would probably fizzle out quite quickly so punting is just great for me, at my age where else am I going to be able to have great sex with a fit 20+ something girl who makes all the right noises (literally) and makes all the right moves.  One thing is certain I am not going to get a blowjob at home so for me punting is here to stay...what about you ????


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As long as I have cash in my wallet and my rocket is still wants to take off I won’t stop.

I definitely stop when in a relationship but if sex dries up I leave, no going to cheat,  out of principle.

Offline bob the knob

this is the greatest hobby in the world,  i will give up when the money runs out  or the old ticker gives out.

Offline Gustav Klimt

I will carry on as long as I can still get it up. In my mid sixties now & been punting for 4 years. Only started when the OH turned off the tap. I like to mix it up between FS & rub & tugs sessions. As I am a one pop guy just go for 30 minutes for FS, but 1 hour for rub & tug. Having too much fun now to want to give it up.

Offline dave_59

As my punts were daytime, out of work trips, and im about to retire I feer yes.
I may be retiring from punting as well as work.

Mrs and I seem to go everywhere together...... Niw canI interest her in joining. Probably not.

I may have opportunity for 1 or 2 more this year then hang the condoms up....

But it was fun

Offline LanceVance

Maybe. I have been doing this for nearly 8 years and my rate of punts is declining. I may stop altogether soon or maybe this is just a quiet period until I get into doing more.

Offline Derrick101

As my punts were daytime, out of work trips, and im about to retire I feer yes.
I may be retiring from punting as well as work.

Mrs and I seem to go everywhere together...... Niw canI interest her in joining. Probably not.

I may have opportunity for 1 or 2 more this year then hang the condoms up....

But it was fun

Take up Golf mate.. A great excuse to get out without OH  ;)

Offline Redbull4

If I ever get into a relationship then I will stop.
I've been doing this about 4/5 years now and I feel myself declining now. Maybe I'm getting board and wanting different things.
If I don't enter into a relationship then I can't see me stopping for a good few years. Will of course have a few breaks and that but it will still be a part of my life.

Offline king tarzan

If the women were ugly then YES
Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
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Offline signy

Once the prossie has finished giving me a BJ on my death bed, maybe!

Offline dave_59

Take up Golf mate.. A great excuse to get out without OH  ;)

Brings a whole new understaning to being at the third hole..... :cool: :lol:

Offline Plan R

I'll stop when they close the lid.. If they can close the lid  :D

Offline mrdiamond77

Don't know for sure.  As long as I am single, have cash and my health is good then probably not.

Online Dipper

Once the prossie has finished giving me a BJ on my death bed, maybe!

 :D :cool:

Online Dipper

Very doubtful.

Some enjoy mountaineering , some extreme sports, others have a passion for (God forbid) real ale and rugby for example....

My equivalent is punting.  It sounds very corny but  I do get the old cliched ‘Adrenalin fix’ from it.
Escapism.... whatever, this is Mine.

Online webpunter

Or snooker / pool
Ask Cueball [assuming he comes back], he hasn't been near a snooker / pool hall for years.  Perfect cover

Take up Golf mate.. A great excuse to get out without OH  ;)

You don't really need to know anyone who plays golf
You just need to find a driving range to go to
Get a lesson in
You might find that you enjoy it & even if no mates playing the sport its easy to find blokes to play with at weekends
They're probably working on the same principle
Maybe play / go to the range once for every three or four punting trips
Assuming you have a joint a/c spend a little money @ the golf shop - not too much coz the OH will be fucked off - but enuf to prove that you are there
There is the lure of golfing holidays to places like southern Spain.  Some fantastic courses to play.  And the evening entertainment ain't too bad either  :lol: :yahoo:

Offline Bogof60

In my mid 50 s now and looking to retire early 60 s
I do worry that I may not get the opportunity to punt after I am retired
But one never knows
Work gives me the time away to punt
How I may find the time afterwards I don't really know
Golf maybe
The flesh is still willing at the moment  :yahoo:
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Banned by: daviemac

Offline Simmo87

Ive promised myself that I will stop after my 132nd birthday, though I might have to have to push it back a few years if needs arise

Health and Fitness

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I think I will pack it in completely at some stage. I first punted about 5 years ago and have been on and off since although I did have almost a 2 year break from this activity.

Having only resumed punting these last few months things definitely haven't been going my way as out of the half a dozen prostitutes I have booked, all have been negative providing poor service that did not meet my expectations. It could be that my area doesn't have any decent WG's worth my time or maybe I've just picked the bad apples. (No only 2 were Romanian before anyone asks, don't see them anymore either.)

To be honest if things don't improve for me in the next booking at least I very well may consider going back on a break.

I am continually getting fed up of the girls that overprice themselves, lie and say they deliver "quality" when in fact it's total rubbish and certainly not value for money.   :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:


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Being well in my sixties now time is catching me up ....Oh how I wish I started before I hit my sixties !
Take it while you can lads and do not feel guilty!

Offline Spiceoflife

As my punts were daytime, out of work trips, and im about to retire I feer yes.
I may be retiring from punting as well as work.

There must be something she would not be interested in. Allotment, sports, football matches, pub with mates. Either that or after a few weeks of having you around 24/7 she'll be being you to take up a hobby.

Offline Punterenas

No, sex life with the OH has been over for a long time. I'm too old to play those stupid psychological power games that dating requires (playing the cocky/funny wanker or being shit tested). Punting is the most honest transaction between a man and a woman you can get. I want sex, she wants money. I give her money, we have sex,  no subtext, no hidden agendas, no hoops to jump through. Suits me perfectly.

Offline maxxblue

this is the greatest hobby in the world,  i will give up when the money runs out  or the old ticker gives out.

It's not your ticker you should be worried about.  :lol:

Offline Jimmyredcab

this is the greatest hobby in the world,  i will give up when the money runs out  or the old ticker gives out.

Or the cock fails to respond.     :hi: :hi:

Offline Murray Mint

In my mid 50 s now and looking to retire early 60 s
I do worry that I may not get the opportunity to punt after I am retired
But one never knows
Work gives me the time away to punt
How I may find the time afterwards I don't really know
Golf maybe
The flesh is still willing at the moment  :yahoo:
Well, I retired in my mid-50s and started this hobby. 16 years on and it’s still going strong.

With a bit of ingenuity you can make opportunities – and I’ve never played golf!


  • Guest
I have punted now for 23 years and with the odd short break always come back cannot see a time when I will ever stop.  Initially I started in my mid twenties as I was single and wanted easy sex, tried to stop when I got back into a relationship but the lure of the punting spotlight meant I was soon back.

Having been in a relationship for many years now the days of mindblowing sex has long gone, these days its a case of a quick tit sucking and then into mish for the finish off, as for anything else forget it.  At 48 years of age I have no wish to have an affair which tbh would probably fizzle out quite quickly so punting is just great for me, at my age where else am I going to be able to have great sex with a fit 20+ something girl who makes all the right noises (literally) and makes all the right moves.  One thing is certain I am not going to get a blowjob at home so for me punting is here to stay...what about you ????
Totally understand, there all the reason I started (albeit I started later at 29/30, but in 1979). married the 'Fox' of my area,who was an 'easy' ride,but not a difficult 'leg over' (and I'm not being hurtful,it was the late 60's early 70's and that's just how it was),and what was a struggle in my 30's,40's,50's is impossible now in our sixties.....what's the old joke..."name two things a man doesn't get at home.....Lobster Thermidore and a Blow Job).


  • Guest
In my mid 50 s now and looking to retire early 60 s
I do worry that I may not get the opportunity to punt after I am retired
But one never knows
Work gives me the time away to punt
How I may find the time afterwards I don't really know
Golf maybe
The flesh is still willing at the moment  :yahoo:

Off to Malaga in 3 weeks, for a week 'Fishing',for what you may ask.   External Link/Members Only


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I tried to give up seeing WG's in both my marriage's but have failed miserably. With the 2nd wife, I don't see as many WG's, mainly I work part-time, 2 kids plus a step-daughter, mortgage, car, plus normal bills and I just haven't the time ( or monies lol ). No doubt i'll be punting until the day I die  :yahoo:

I have to save up discreetly and then I feel guilty about spending it as I think I could spend it on my kids.

alchemy 21

  • Guest
No, sex life with the OH has been over for a long time. I'm too old to play those stupid psychological power games that dating requires (playing the cocky/funny wanker or being shit tested). Punting is the most honest transaction between a man and a woman you can get. I want sex, she wants money. I give her money, we have sex,  no subtext, no hidden agendas, no hoops to jump through. Suits me perfectly.
Yes this about sums it up. Like many of us OH stops  the sex, don't want all the ridiculous complexity of affairs, relationships, stupid mind games etc. So punting best option.
Heard it said your not only paying for the sex but for them to leave you alone afterwards.
So I don't think I'll stop, maybe longer between punts as I get older.

Offline albedo39

I am continually getting fed up of the girls that overprice themselves, lie and say they deliver "quality" when in fact it's total rubbish and certainly not value for money.   :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:


Doubt I'll give up but punting is getting more and more sporadic
« Last Edit: April 02, 2018, 11:53:58 am by albedo39 »


  • Guest
No, sex life with the OH has been over for a long time. I'm too old to play those stupid psychological power games that dating requires (playing the cocky/funny wanker or being shit tested). Punting is the most honest transaction between a man and a woman you can get. I want sex, she wants money. I give her money, we have sex,  no subtext, no hidden agendas, no hoops to jump through. Suits me perfectly.

I started punting for quite different reasons than I do today but OP's statement above is basically my take on it too, albiet I am younger than he sounds. It's been my experience that women crave stimulation, excitement and novelty in a man, and once those dry up, so does she.

OTOH a man's dick will continue to be interested in his wife's pussy for much longer than she is interested in him, hence the issues married men face of rejection, criticism etc. If you have to bribe your wife into having sex with you, you may as well just punt - it's better value for money and if you don't like the woman, unlike in a relationship you can just walk away. Bluntly, the only reason to get married is to give your kids a stable start in life.

As for whether or not I give up punting... depends on whether or not I am ever in a position to have kids. But the current state of man-hating gender politics doesn't fill me with confidence about my future relationships. As long as I am single I certainly intend to smash as much pussy as I can afford to. Life's too short to pass up the good things in it for some imaginary future.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2018, 12:04:38 pm by Autopunter »

Offline NIK

Twenty odd years ago I thought I would never stop punting whilever I had the cash.
And I thought when I did stop it would be a conscious decision.

However the disappearance of the urge and inclination kind of creeps up on you. I have now lost both for some years now. Ironically started losing them around the time UKP started and the last five years or so they have really gone. The few punts I have had in that time have been out of long dead habit rather than real desire.
On top of this I am no longer prepared to throw lots of cash at prossies.

Offline Paris69

Punting other than with 2 or 3 faves whom i actually 'fancy' and to keep the excitement i've taken to emailing Webcammers on AW (who i fancy, but they don't tick the Escorting box) to see if we can agree an escort meet.
I'm finding that the negotiations/the chase (so to speak) fires up the desire somewhat......... and the punt itself is a little more satisfying
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Offline Sibiu

Been doing this for 38 years. The OH was never really interested in sex but she’s intellgent and has always earned a shedload more than me. Marital sex ceased about 20 years ago. Will I give up? Only when Mr Willy loses it.

Offline S.X. MacHine

Started at 60 because mistress/fuckbuddy was getting too precious. Move to punting was excellent. Such an honest approach to sex. You pay. You fuck.
Latterly, with my work excuse vanishing on retirement, I had to take extreme measures to cover my absences from home. I joined a gym. Some days I really am in pain from it.
Still, as they say, 'no pain no gain'.


  • Guest
I've been punting about 10 years and I'm now early 60s. Gave up several times when the missus started to suspect or a series of bad punts. But I always come back. Not getting it at home so I play away.
Past couple of years I've punted exclusively through Personally I definitely prefer it to AW. Seeing a very cute English 19yo at present for £150 for 3 hours.

Offline Gordon Bennett

I haven't consciously stopped or "retired" but its ages since my last punt, summer I think. I've had a few loosely pencilled in but they've fallen apart on the day for various reasons. I was hoping to have a punt a couple of weeks ago but incoming snow blizzards meant I couldn't risk get snowed in. I wasnt overly disappointed, I got home with £140 in my pocket, had a wank and felt good.
My point is this: maybe punting retirement just sort of happens or sneaks up on you? I still hope to get my leg over at some point but I cant say thats its something gnawing away at me and I may end up going puntless in 2018.

Offline Retep64

Well a bit different here. I was using newspaper ads and parlour to meet my needs some 15 - 20 years ago. I enjoyed it, but was responding to a cold wife who had gone off sex after kids and used the lack of it as bribery to get things her way. She was at best vanilla at best anyway.
Things changed a bit with work and other commitments and perhaps my libido also waned, so my punting stopped.
Recently my interest has been rekindled, but I have been more keen on FBSM rather than FS.
Perhaps due to reading about all the good punts out there I am contemplating dipping back in.
So in reply probably like most guys who have punted I will keep going as long as capable and never give it up. Once you have done it it gets a bit addictive.

Offline thechase

its really crazy for me. i have been punting for the last 12 years. however, i cant seem to bring my self to book and see anther one.

Offline peter purves

Punting other than with 2 or 3 faves whom i actually 'fancy' and to keep the excitement i've taken to emailing Webcammers on AW (who i fancy, but they don't tick the Escorting box) to see if we can agree an escort meet.
I'm finding that the negotiations/the chase (so to speak) fires up the desire somewhat......... and the punt itself is a little more satisfying

Out of interest do these cammers charge hyper-inflated prices to meet?

Banned reason: Can't / won't take advice.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline JonasG

I'd like to think so tbh.

Hopefully I'll get it out of my system eventually, I have calmed down since I first got into it.

Offline Jimmyredcab

Twenty odd years ago I thought I would never stop punting whilever I had the cash.
And I thought when I did stop it would be a conscious decision.

However the disappearance of the urge and inclination kind of creeps up on you. I have now lost both for some years now. Ironically started losing them around the time UKP started and the last five years or so they have really gone. The few punts I have had in that time have been out of long dead habit rather than real desire.
On top of this I am no longer prepared to throw lots of cash at prossies.

I think we are both in a similar position, the cock no longer rules the brain.

Punting for me now is just too much effort and I am not prepared to take a gamble and travel for an hour to see some lowlife skank.
When I read some of the reviews on here I feel I am not missing anything.  :thumbsdown:

Offline Spacecowb0y

Why don't you retire gracefully?
You were happy enough sticking your cock in sometime ago, but all of a sudden these whores have metamorphasized into low life skanks.

Offline Paris69

Out of interest do these cammers charge hyper-inflated prices to meet?


Some chance it and ask for ridiculous amounts; but in general around £200. This seems fair (to me) as they are trying to maximise on something they don't often do... Then it's up to me to work out whether she is worth it/whether i fancy her that much, or not.
But you do get the odd chancer!! One asked for £1k an hour   :crazy:

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Banned by: daviemac

Online Kev40ish

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For me I think it is more about the chase as much as the sex now. It has changed so much since I started; having to find escorts in the Local newspaper.

SA, Backpages, Craigslist, WeChat, Pornstars who don’t appear to escort. etc,  these have added a whole new dimension to the experience. Frustrating, yes it can, be but adds to the excitement for me.

When that buzz disappears then I will give up.

Offline itk

this is the greatest hobby in the world,  i will give up when the money runs out  or the old ticker gives out.

This ^ but I’m finding myself getting lazy in travelling for a punt, plus more pickier in choosing a WG

Offline Jimmyredcab

Why don't you retire gracefully?
You were happy enough sticking your cock in sometime ago, but all of a sudden these whores have metamorphasized into low life skanks.

No, there were always lowlife skanks -------------- but my cock used to rule my brain.    :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Offline hogcatcher

I'll probably stop punting when I find me the right woman.  :drinks: :drinks:

Offline Horizontal pleasures

Of course I have no intentions to give up but it is only my work that enables me to punt when it takes me away from home and gets me some £. Occasionally I can punt when the missus is out for her work but the ladies nearby are not my best choices.

If/when I get too old and frail to work (whether mind or body) then I shall be too frail to punt. Age 76 and still trucking.