Sugar Babies

Author Topic: How long you have punted without contracting any STD?  (Read 5883 times)

Offline Sanjay Kumar

Please list the services you usually partake along with the number of years. If you did contract one, when did that happen and what do you think was the cause?

Offline Happyjose

Please list the services you usually partake along with the number of years. If you did contract one, when did that happen and what do you think was the cause?

Have you read the rules as I think you’re sailing close to the wind with this thread?

- Allegations of sexually transmitted diseases
Past incidents has shown such extreme and damaging allegations to be malicious and from troublemakers or simply mistaken. Therefore it is not acceptable to make such allegations against others.

Online Cupid Stuntz

Approx 30 years on and off. Never caught anything.

Offline sublimetoridiculous

Please list the services you usually partake along with the number of years. If you did contract one, when did that happen and what do you think was the cause?

Offline whiskyfan

Please list the services you usually partake along with the number of years. If you did contract one, when did that happen and what do you think was the cause?

You first. :hi:

Offline martini2429

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Please list the services you usually partake along with the number of years. If you did contract one, when did that happen and what do you think was the cause?

You first


Offline Plan R

Offline Plan R

and what do you think was the cause?

Ehh.. Gutter press retrograde in Uranus ?  :unknown:

Offline myothernameis

Get them all the time, and its usually the escort that gives it to me , sometimes I ask her, if I can give it to her, and she more than pleased that I give it   :D :D :D :D :D   subscriber toll dialling

Offline Longlife

your question is flawed. I could have punted 1 a year for 20 years or once a week for a year. Which has the higher risk factor?

Offline Horizontal pleasures

since 1961 with just a few fallow periods,  no problems.

Offline Nowornever

In my 11th year of punting... :cool:
Had two broken condems  in that time... :scare:

Offline jok32

since 1961 with just a few fallow periods,  no problems.

Amazed that you have managed to get away despite BB - what's your secret? :)

Offline Marmalade

Just get some more experience Sanjay. You’d need a professionally conducted survey of thousands to get an even slightly meaningful answer.

In my opinion, next time you start a thread remember it’s a conversation as well. Not a school exercise where you tell people what to do.


  • Guest

Just get some more experience Sanjay. You’d need a professionally conducted survey of thousands to get an even slightly meaningful answer.

In my opinion, next time you start a thread remember it’s a conversation as well. Not a school exercise where you tell people what to do.

Yep and that around here three very thin reviews and nine posts means your behaviour is still subject to scrutiny.  My #1 piece of advice to newbies is build a body of contribution in the form of thorough reviews before you start launching threads. 

Offline threechilliman

Yep and that around here three very thin reviews and nine posts means your behaviour is still subject to scrutiny.  My #1 piece of advice to newbies is build a body of contribution in the form of thorough reviews before you start launching threads.
And then think about the thread you're about to launch.

Offline welby

In my three years of massage punting..nothing yet!!!!!@#$.....

Offline mrdiamond77

In just over 16 years of punting I have not caught anything yet, touch wood.

Offline BillGoldberg

15 years then one painful incidence of chlamydia, felt like I was pissing razor blades for 3 days

Nothing before or since (now 20+ years of punting)

Offline Belgarion

Please list the services you usually partake along with the number of years. If you did contract one, when did that happen and what do you think was the cause?


Offline bushman

since 1961 with just a few fallow periods,  no problems.
If you say no problems, do you mean for you or for them.

Offline brianthedog21

I think I have been pretty unlucky.

I have had Alabama Rot and Distemper. Also got a tick in my ear, itching drove me mad.

Feel a bit off colour at the moment and worried its rabies :(

Offline brianthedog21

Sorry, re services ...........Doggy

Offline TTGR

Just saying but I wouldn’t let answers here guide you IF you’ve been thinking about taking a bit of a risk.... ;)

I’ve read Barebackers on forums claim they’ve done it for years with zero infections.  :timeout:

Offline flakeybanana

Is there any best practice to follow, or is it just wear a condom and pray?

Offline cultvoid

Please list the services you usually partake along with the number of years. If you did contract one, when did that happen and what do you think was the cause?

Is this a homework question you can't be bothered to answer for yourself? Tell your teacher to mind her own fucking business.

Offline cultvoid

Is there any best practice to follow, or is it just wear a condom and pray?

You're best advised to not bother with the condom. Just pray should do the job nicely. If you're one of God's chosen you'll remain clap free for eternity. Good luck!

Offline whiskyfan

Is there any best practice to follow, or is it just wear a condom and pray?

2 years as a member and you don't know the answer to that? :rolleyes:

Offline boardyhell

16 years ,never a problem ,had a checkup last year

Offline Cum_again

25 years... done virtually everything (although never ever unprotected sex)


Offline bushman

Service - replace oil and change of filters.
Sofar I've never had a breakdown, a warning light came on once, got home safely. Mechanic couldn't find any faults.

Offline munterhunter

Please list the services you usually partake along with the number of years. If you did contract one, when did that happen and what do you think was the cause?
Been punting over 40 years never had an sti get checked every 3 months and I have to say when I visit the GUM clinic I am not asked to "list the services you partake in and the number of years you have been punting"  And they have a legitimate reason to ask.YOU DON'T.

Offline yandex

Please list the services you usually partake along with the number of years. If you did contract one, when did that happen and what do you think was the cause? with someone who had an STI maybe.........

Personally, never had an issue although bit of an infrequent punter.

As others have said - no point in this question as every punt carries it's own risk


  • Guest
Please list the services you usually partake along with the number of years. If you did contract one, when did that happen and what do you think was the cause?

22 years zero positive tests, first few years were with street prossies too, usually always owo


Yep and that around here three very thin reviews and nine posts means your behaviour is still subject to scrutiny.  My #1 piece of advice to newbies is build a body of contribution in the form of thorough reviews before you start launching threads.

Completely agree with you

Offline Sanjay Kumar

Hey thanks guys, for the replies. As expected, it is quite safe if played with some care- helmets, pads and some ducking and weaving if needed, but it only takes a nasty ball and no one can say when it’s going to come.  This is the general impression and this is what the replies also indicate so far.

Offline Sanjay Kumar

Yes sorry, so my answer is that I have punted for 2 years and may be 6 punts  with some repeats. Nothing contracted so far, but each time my risk taking is going up. For example no owo in the first few , but did go for owo and dfk in the last 2.

Offline Horizontal pleasures

Amazed that you have managed to get away despite BB - what's your secret? :)
mainly avoid riding bikes.

Offline Bogof60

I do actually find this thread quite interesting.
As a confirmed BB er in civvie  street due to my age and the golden age of the pill and no HIV I do find it a bit odd that young folks cover up for sex.
Sex was for me a bit spontaneous so a quick duck after a night out was bare.
But how much of a risk are you going to take.
I did see kids of my age when I was young getting squished on the road but that was only because they were stupid fuckers.
Later generations of kids are not allowed out of the house unless they are holding mummies hand
Is the quality of the gene pool dcreasing.
So we come to a risk adverse society
Now is this a good thing.
No one ever pushes the boundaries and notng ever moves forward.
No one ofver catches a STI either
But the gene pool never gets enriched  risk takers.
Rant over
I just wonder how much the curent shouting about the risk of an STI are over egged.
I mean how many threads on here have asked can I catch this from that
As above wrap your whole body in a condom before stepping out of the door.
Me I will manage my risk by doing RO, OWO, DFK and covered shagging
Banned reason: Abuse of a mod.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Bogof60

Oops and forgot to add
6 years punting and nothing yet
Banned reason: Abuse of a mod.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline monstar

Nothing since starting in September 2014. OWO and RO in most punts, never bareback sex.  :thumbsup:

Offline JayEZ2K

15 years then one painful incidence of chlamydia, felt like I was pissing razor blades for 3 days

Nothing before or since (now 20+ years of punting)
Cheers for the honesty, Bill.  :drinks:  Do you know how you got it? OWO or broken condom?

My story is much worse than yours... if you can believe my own shite luck I got chlamydia as a kid when I first lost my virginity to another teenage girl. What are the fucking odds of that.  :dash:  Horrible experience especially given the context... me being a relatively innocent kid with teen emotions, thinking STIs were permanent, finding out the angel girl was really a callous slut. :cry: The pissing fire bit was just one part of the shite. Moving on... no STDs in decades since with various civvies, but using condoms with most of them for penetration, and no protection for OWO or RO. Since starting punting I've had no STDs, although I always use a condom, and avoid OWO, FK, anything with potential for fluid exchange. Plus I've only punted around a couple dozen times, so I'm not the best case study.

And this is a useful topic for new punters such as myself, who have no idea what to expect. I am even paranoid of accidentally touching the outside of the condom and then touching the tip of my dick, so I am super cautious when removing the condom, and I also clean the base of my cock which sometimes gets fluids on it, and never mix the base-of-the-cock cleaning with the bellend cleaning to avoid transferring something to the more susceptible bellend and inner foreskin. The several cases of punting for years with no STIs was pleasant and relieving to hear. Although the results might be skewed towards those who never caught anything because punters who got STIs at one point might be reluctant to admit it.

Offline Wigwoman

Twice. Once in Thailand when a rubber broke and once last year in the UK from OWO. I know because I visited the Dean St clinic some months before and it was the only sexual contact I had.

Offline HarryZZ

There was some abuse for the OP originally, I'm not sure why, this is perhaps the most important question recently asked in these pages, something I mentioned myself a few weeks ago and received similar abuse. Whilst I can easily see the argument from both sides in most situations I can't for this, nor has anybody even tried to make an argument for refusing to discuss it.

Anyway, nearly 2 years, OWO and RO and nothing.

Offline MrMatrix

Twice. Once in Thailand when a rubber broke and once last year in the UK from OWO. I know because I visited the Dean St clinic some months before and it was the only sexual contact I had.
Blimey you were unlucky to get something from OWO. That is really quite hard to get an sti from OWO.. We all know theres a risk attached to any bodily fluid exchanges. You take your chance as indeed I do some times with OWO and FK :hi:

Offline Tallchris

I use the online test packs, there's one for around the price of a half hour punt which tests for around 10 things using the PCA method from a urine sample, which is highly accurate.  All without the GUM clinic 10,000 questions.  Also the NHS only routinely screens for a few STI's owing to costs.