Sugar Babies

Author Topic: When is the right time to start on plan B?  (Read 2283 times)

Offline Winterspirit

Here’s my dilemma

Once I knew what my plans were (about 3 weeks ago) I fired off an email via aw to one of my favourite Manchester milfs, it all suited her so did the booking.

Now the meet is next week and when I was browsing on aw as you do I clicked on her profile, she hasn’t logged in for three weeks, fired off an email two days ago to her but no response yet and she hasn’t logged in.

Now if she is still able to do it that’s cool but the uncertainty I could do without.

Should I give her a deadline to respond by that gives me time to plan, well plan B?

On a side noe can you do two aw bookings for the same time and date?


  • Guest
WS - if she is one of your regulars, should you not be able to trust her? has she let you down before?

If you feel that the booking is unlikely to happen, send her a text or email and cancel.

As for multiple AW bookings, I don't think there is a limit, as long as they don't overlap?

I was stopped making more than three once in a day - not all for the same day of course!

I guess your issue  - will she let you down?

Offline Winterspirit


That is the nub of the issue

Have seen her twice before, both times booking three or so weeks in advance. No problems both of those times. (Once was before I joined here , the last was before I found the balls to post a review!)

Do I think she’ll let me down? No, not if everything is good but shit does happen and I don’t like the signs.

Offline smiths

Here’s my dilemma

Once I knew what my plans were (about 3 weeks ago) I fired off an email via aw to one of my favourite Manchester milfs, it all suited her so did the booking.

Now the meet is next week and when I was browsing on aw as you do I clicked on her profile, she hasn’t logged in for three weeks, fired off an email two days ago to her but no response yet and she hasn’t logged in.

Now if she is still able to do it that’s cool but the uncertainty I could do without.

Should I give her a deadline to respond by that gives me time to plan, well plan B?

On a side noe can you do two aw bookings for the same time and date?

I punt to suit me not the WG, if I couldn't get confirmation off her I would go elsewhere regular or not. An unavailable WG is as much use to me as a chocolate teapot, however if she was a good reg I might try her again in the future.

Offline Steely Dan

I would likely have some 'plan B's in mind that I could sort out on the day.  Then relax. No point in cancelling her a few days in advance. If I book an escort 3 weeks in advance then I really want to fuck her and I hold my nerve. Only done that for Hayley, Woofie and LJE Party. (Not needed plan B for those two or the party)

It could be different if your tastes are very specific and/or you live in a punting desert.  So clearly if you think you need 24hours to book plan B then cancel her then and book plan B then.  Pretty simple.

Offline Spacecowb0y

I'm looking at plan B and C in parallel to the first choice girl. This game is fickle at best, and if I have a specific window of opportunity, then I don't want it wasted by a girl that's busy,away or on the blob.

Offline Winterspirit

Thanks people, I’ll fire her off an email giving a deadline to confirm by that gives me a bit of leeway hopefully to start a plan B.

This is all one of the pitfalls of advance booking I guess but I don’t get the opportunity to punt that often. So when I get this I do like to have it sorted in advance so I don’t make hasty last minute arrangements.


  • Guest
This is why I hate advance bookings, in that there is so much that can go wrong with your schedule or hers.

Have you considered using an institution like a massage parlour or a brothel as a back up? I prefer indies myself, but its always there for the man who suddenly has no plan.

Offline Winterspirit

Cosmopolitan is my usual parlour destination in Manchester, so that is always there if all else fails!

I’ll see how it all develops over the weekend.

Beyond a busty Milf my requirements aren’t too specific

Offline nigel4498

I don't bother anymore with a plan B.
They are always a disappointment as the punt never matches the with the expections you were expecting from your original choice.

Offline JamesKW

Is this WG in such hot demand that you need to book three weeks in advance,if you come across as desperate to see her its likely the type of service you get will start to deteriorate,or she maybe thinking you are getting EAS and start avoiding you.Also you are building up an expectation for the visit which cannot be met.
Its best to shop around a bit or have a number of regulars but book no more than a week in advance.I normally book same day.

Offline Winterspirit

Offline two20

You don't have a mobile number you can txt her on?


  • Guest
Winterspirit, I think you can improve your contracting. 

These days agreeing confirmation (when, who and how) is a key part of my discussions booking a punt in advance.  This morning I had an agreement we both confirm at 10.  Having texted first thing, at 10.01 I sent her a text saying I had made another arrangement and hoped we can book sometime in the future.  Similarly, three weeks out the agreement is we will reconfirm 24 hours ahead of the booking. 

First two years I was punting I spent way too much time being pissed around - build confirmation (from both sides at a specified time) in to your contract.  It won’t eliminate being pissed around, but it does reduce it.

Offline HarryZZ

I had planned to punt on Wednesday and had my eye an an SP in the area I was due to travel to with work, I messaged her on Monday with "Wednesday 11.00"in the title of the mail, explaining what I wanted and asking about parking in the body of the mail. At the same time I'd spotted a tourer in the same area as a back up.

Plan A was put in my favourites and had logged in late on Monday, hours after the mail was sent but it wasn't read, she didn't log in at all on Tuesday and Wednesday morning when I set off still not logged in. I finished my meetings and checked, still no reply and no login. Given that I'm sure she'd seen the mail, had probably seen "Wednesday" even though she hadn't read it I was pretty pissed off, so much so I couldn't be arsed to pursue plan B, I arrived home early evening and checked, logged in but the email not read and the profile updated to say "Available now'
I don't expect people to make themselves available just for me, we all deserve some time off, but it would appear that she'd seen the day and time in the title of the mail and decided she couldn't make it so didn't bother reading it, that's bad form, had she replied saying she wasn't available I would have booked B, in the end I'd just lost my mojo and binned it all off.

Offline Winterspirit

As regards texting, my punting phone is securely locked in my desk at work, unfortunately I won’t be back there till Monday have been working at another site this week.

In future I’ll not book as far ahead thank you all

Offline JonasG

Don't book through AW, it's a pain in the arse and long. Just ring or text her.

I max book one day in advance, and usually she'll say confirm tomorrow morning.

Then in the morning you do and done.


  • Guest
WS - I always book in advance, very rarely on the day.

Text and conversation, followed by AW booking if necessary should be enough.

I like you get concerned if the booking is not confirmed, but the WG's I see (more than once) are aware that is needed for my planning to meet and tend to confirm quickly, even if a couple of weeks ahead. I am punting across the South and it is essential that the booking is confirmed before I travel.

Does it always work, no - but if you book and it doesn't happen, discard and move onto the next WG.

Sometimes a booking is called off after being confirmed by me or the WG - but that's okay.

I guess my advice - wait and see...

Offline Malvolio

I'd say if you don't hear anything by 24 hours of the punt, it's time to start planning ahead. 

Most likely is that she's on holiday and not checking AW.


  • Guest
I'd get planning now.

As soon as I know when I will have the time free, I plan A, B & C, and still it sometimes comes to nought.

Gut feeling tells me when to slowdown on one and speed up on the next. I've rarely been wrong.

Offline Gordon Bennett

Surely what she does during the three intervening weeks is irrelevant? Her only requirement is to be available at the booked time and date and if she chooses to have a break or go on holiday in the interim well so what? By all means have some candidates in mind as a plan B but aborting the booked punt at this stage seems a bit hastey.
I have no idea what booking a punt 3 weeks ahead achieves... all it's done on this occasion is cause you consternation. Wouldnt it be better to just relax and sort something out on the day or maybe the evening before and cut-out this elongated period of waiting and wondering?

Offline threechilliman

Wouldnt it be better to just relax and sort something out on the day or maybe the evening before and cut-out this elongated period of waiting and wondering?

I for one have never found sorting 'on the day' punts to be relaxing. Stressful yes, relaxing, definitely not.

Offline HarryZZ

I'd been trying to arrange something all week for Friday night as the OH was away, firstly with a WG I'd used before, a really good one, one that make you feel like she'd also had a great time, she asked as I was leaving if I would come back and see her again (External Link/Members Only). I think that was possibly the nicest thing any WG had ever said to me, it felt like she meant it. Obviously it's prossie marketing bollocks,  contacted her this week asking if she was free on Friday evening, email read but she never even fucking replied, still thinking she was probably weighing up her options I left it a couple of days (what was I thinking?). When I'd given up on that I contacted External Link/Members Only , same fucking thing, read but no reply after a day. I just ended up ringing a Polish tourer, half an hour's notice, slightly underwhelming possibly because it was a a last minute thing, I always find planned punts seem for satisfying for some reason, but I emptied my sack, and she was £50 cheaper.

I think now I should have sent out 10 emails at the beginning of the week and fucked 9 of them off, then you'd have a load of SPs moaning on UKE about unreliable punters. Miserable cunts.

So, in answer to the OP, never, you shouldn't have to use a plan B. In reality you should either time limit the reply, either overtly, "let me know by ***" or just to yourself, I'll give her 2 hours if she's online and then move on.

Offline smiths

I'd been trying to arrange something all week for Friday night as the OH was away, firstly with a WG I'd used before, a really good one, one that make you feel like she'd also had a great time, she asked as I was leaving if I would come back and see her again (External Link/Members Only). I think that was possibly the nicest thing any WG had ever said to me, it felt like she meant it. Obviously it's prossie marketing bollocks,  contacted her this week asking if she was free on Friday evening, email read but she never even fucking replied, still thinking she was probably weighing up her options I left it a couple of days (what was I thinking?). When I'd given up on that I contacted External Link/Members Only , same fucking thing, read but no reply after a day. I just ended up ringing a Polish tourer, half an hour's notice, slightly underwhelming possibly because it was a a last minute thing, I always find planned punts seem for satisfying for some reason, but I emptied my sack, and she was £50 cheaper.

I think now I should have sent out 10 emails at the beginning of the week and fucked 9 of them off, then you'd have a load of SPs moaning on UKE about unreliable punters. Miserable cunts.

So, in answer to the OP, never, you shouldn't have to use a plan B. In reality you should either time limit the reply, either overtly, "let me know by ***" or just to yourself, I'll give her 2 hours if she's online and then move on.

If my plan A goes tits up because for example I have never punted with the WG before and when I meet her I don't like her attitude I ring my plan B option, usually a regular. In this scenario having a plan B option is crucial for me, not punting that day is not an option that interests me. What can be fatal is looking for a last WG after plan A has gone tits up, which I hardly ever do nowadays.

I agree about your moving on advice, I don't waste my time emailing WGs, if I cant get them on the phone after a few tries which is rare I go elsewhere though may try them again in the future.

Offline Mifune

When I punt I usually have a very specific window of opportunity so having a plan B is desirable, though I’ve never really had a good system for it.  I don’t like the idea of booking multiple WGs and potentially cancelling on plan B if plan A goes ahead, as I wouldn’t like a WG doing that to me, and could burn bridges with plan B who I would want want to see in the future.

So usually ends up a scramble on AW on my phone, ideally getting another WG from my HL, but sometimes having to go for someone new to me, and therefore not fully researched.

From reading this thread though, I think the best idea is having a list of WGs I’ve seen before and liked, though wouldn’t necessarily see again as a plan A. 

Offline ayreon010

How about trying to look at a few other girls.
See if they are available then if Plan A goes tits up you do have a few girls to look at.

Offline bobby1973

its not fair to book other sp
how ever make a list of sp in the area your going
and if it don't work out get on the phone
that's why mobile phones were invented

Offline Winterspirit

Mifune, what you describe is close to my situation and what I try to do. When it went tits up for me that time, I just decided i’ll wait to the day to sort it out.
I had a HL on AW and on there was several ladies I had not seen but wanted to see. Fired off mails to two of them went with the first one that replied and had an excellent time. So good that when the opportunity presents itself again (next month hopefully) I want to see her again, but I ain’t going to book so far in advance again!
In my HL as well I have ladies I have seen that I had a good time with but aren’t first choice to see again but i’m still loath to take them off the HL

Offline Derrick101

I usually start plan B when I get the feeling plan A is not going to happen. And then..... when plan B is sorted, Plan A comes up trumps... You don't want to piss plan B off 'cus she may very well be a plan A at some time... :unknown:

Offline workinallweek

Always have a plan B in the pipeline  i learnt the hard way had a booking sorted with a popular girl on AW (thinking about it 2happened twice this year ) both were in contact up till the day before  both changed the times a couple of days before to suit them  then one canceled literally last minute when i rang with the room number (at least she sent her mate  :D)  the second one canceled when a rang her two hours before the punt as i hadnt confirmed that morning (but i had the day before )  there unreliable sadly .....
Banned reason: Offering glowing positive reviews for free bookings.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Marmalade

As there's little consistency in how AW prossies work, and punters all have different requirements and opportunities time-wise, this strikes me as a difficult question to which there's no one answer. I think each punter eventually works out what's best for him.

For myself, I have a busy, sometimes unpredictable schedule and almost always book on the day – I also value the spontaneity, what there might be of it.

I always have a Plan B and Plan C in mind. In Edinburgh at least, the saunas are always a fall-back option as long as you get there before 10pm. The pain in the ass is trying to book an indie, who might well give better service, but doesn't reply or confirm straight away. Take too long going through options and prossiedom has gone to bed for the night.

It's perfectly understandable if a prossie doesn't answer straight away. She may fucking or sleeping or eating pies or doing fuck knows what. That's not my business. My business is getting the best punt in the time available.

A prossie doesn't go awol if you make a booking request, she doesn't answer immediately, and you then don't go ahead. It is, however, a good reason not to make a booking through the AW system without exchanging a text or phone call first. I can't assume she's seeing someone for half an hour and will answer all messages before the next punter arrives.

If time is at a premium, I trim a shortlist down to those with phone numbers displayed. If she doesn't answer, I leave a message. If she doesn't happen to respond within a short period – which I'll often put at fifteen minutes – then I'll assume she's busy, and I'll place a call, leaving a message if necessary, to a different prossie. I might repeat this say for up to an hour until some pissflaps or other returns my bloody phone-call, text, or email.

If of course she looks worth a bit more effort I might prioritise a bit harder. It's rare in my experience, but on occasion possible (first day of a newbie Scottish student-type can be rather rewarding, although this is becoming less common than it was a few years ago). I don't see any point in treating a regular differently. She either confirms or doesn't. She's just as subject to being unavailable as anyone else.

I'm looking at plan B and C in parallel to the first choice girl. This game is fickle at best, and if I have a specific window of opportunity, then I don't want it wasted by a girl that's busy,away or on the blob.

Pretty much agree with you on that. One can be courteous but within one's own requiremets. A bit daft to be anything else IMHO.

Don't book through AW, it's a pain in the arse and long. Just ring or text her.
I max book one day in advance, and usually she'll say confirm tomorrow morning.
Then in the morning you do and done.

Of course some more organised prossies either insist on an AW booking (in the hope of sucking up feedback on AW) or insist on AW booking only after a txt or phone call (sensible).

I don't really care what her M.O. is. It'll either work for mine or not.

I for one have never found sorting 'on the day' punts to be relaxing. Stressful yes, relaxing, definitely not.

This I think is one of the biggest pains. Having put up with it too often, I anticipate, plan and 'innoculate' against it as far as possible. I'll do my phoning, texting etc as I've mentioned above, but multitask by intending and making sure I enjoy nice cups of coffee, some nice snack food, favourite music or even a movie. I'm buggered if I'm going to make myself stressed on account of a prostitute.

I'll be 'reasonably ready' before the rigmarole (scrubbed, showered, shaved, punting routine of clothes, cash with right-money options, condoms, all sorted). Then just a freshen up once all is confirmed, a mint and a few minutes porn while awaiting the taxi.

I would add, especially perhaps for newbies (if what I've said so far makes any sense for you) that it assumes you've kept your hotlist(s) up to date in spare moments a few days before. That way there's no mad search just before you want to punt. For me, this includes using the AW notepad to record any UKP strong info by processing her AW number through the search facility, her approximate location, and any peripheral deal-breakers in case I fancy CIM that day for instance. All this can be done in a purely hard-headed, fairly efficient and business-like manner, without any lust-thought to slow the process down.

The objective is to get a punt. Which prossie is only the second consideration (much as they love to think you spend all day and night hoping to get a booking with her and only her, if she doesn't confirm she pointless and history).  :rolleyes:

I know my preferences. I don't have to ogle her pics for more than a few seconds to mark her 'no way', or 'possible' or 'yes, good bet'. The only time my cock does some serious thinking is five minutes before leaving to the punt until the end of the punt. Same for reviews.
