Sugar Babies

Author Topic: How do you organise your hotlist  (Read 1072 times)

Offline jok32

Genuine question.

Some SP are on AW but not all. The remaining are on UKE, or are parlours some of which have no website.

How do you keep track of them al while also keeping it private and easy to access in that you can easily check a link for example.

Offline Spacecowb0y

By region

West of me
North of me
East of me
And others (like Scotland and Wales)

check it periodically, and if the girls location changes, then she moves region on the HL.

Don't keep any girl i haven't seen more than 5 months as things change quickly in this sport.

Offline Marmalade

You could bookmark the threads (using the UKP private bookmark facility) for reviewer ones. Or just use an app.

Offline nigel4498

You could bookmark the threads (using the UKP private bookmark facility) for reviewer ones.

That's what I do for none AW

Offline Mifune

Shortlist for my most-want-to-see.
One for those near work I can visit in lunch hour.
One for the rest of London.
Final one for those not based near enough, so to keep an eye out for tours.


  • Guest
I have changed. 

I now only have <default>  and <rejects>.  The simple problem with any kind of geographical sorting is girls move.  So I work with one catch all and if they go inactive or research excludes them I swop them into the rejects folder.  I also find it makes reprofiling easier to spot.

Offline Sinz

On UKP I use the Bookmark feature to narrow down the WGs I am interested in.

On AW I have sorted easy to follow fields:
- All time Favourites
- Interested
- Not interested
- Avoid
I also add notes on the profile once added to the list to keep track of any extras quoted or specifics.

In the end of the day, I cross reference with UKP before punting, unless ofcoz it is a TOFFT moment.


  • Guest
By ethnicity:

White British
Indian outside London
Cute but Fat

Viva street reviews don’t last long so if I see one that I like on VS then I try to cross match with AW. I’ll even take a backpages punt which can pick up an international travelling escort. I quite like to TOFTT and enjoy the moderate risk of going into a punt “blind” fully prepared to walk as I can usually tell within the first few minutes how a punt is going to go.

Offline GreyDave

 :hi:  Badly  :rolleyes:  as soon as I`ve cash or work allows the buggers have moved or are not there :dash:
Have a completely random list of all sorts all over the place now started with 10 miles of work but now they seem to be in Scotland and Jersey :crazy: :crazy:

Offline anonyorks

TOP 5 (next to see)
YOU WISH (cam girls you hope one day move into escorting)

Offline TomTank

Awful (rejects)
Out of Area (in case they pop up near me or me near them)
Tattoos (my latest fetish)

Offline stevedave

I keep it fairly simple:

Local - seen/see again
Local - not seen
Touring Girls
"A bit of a drive" - ie I'd have to make an effort  :D

Online threechilliman

I keep it fairly simple:

Local - seen/see again
Local - not seen
Touring Girls
"A bit of a drive" - ie I'd have to make an effort  :D

Pretty much how I used to do it only mine that required effort were filed under 'Awaydays'

Offline Sparta Prada

My hot lists on AW can be sorted as follows:

Best Girls - those WGs who I have already seen, really enjoyed, and will definitely see again, my regulars are in this HL.

County or city - I often travel for work throughout England so I make additional lists for the counties or cities I visit. These are populated with girls who interest me regardless whether I have seen them or not. So if I know I am in a particular place I will search the Best Girls HL first. If there’s no-one there I see who is in the county or city HL.

Offline nigel4498

AW hotlist and for none AW it's UKP bookmark

Hidden Image/Members Only

To add just click the bookmark button.
To access select Profile button and then bookmark from the drop down list.
You can unbookmark if you want them off the list.
Link to bookmarks page
« Last Edit: January 29, 2018, 11:42:22 pm by nigel4498 »

Online lewisjones23

I keep it simple, 1 hotlist of girls that I want to see

I only add to the list based on reports from here, girls can come off it for a number of reasons

When I fancy a punt I check it and see if any are available near where I find myself in the country that day

Offline PatMacGroin

My AW hotlists have gotten completely out of control.

I've gone through various categorising stages, but seem unable to delete old hotlist that I now realise I'll never visit. Must be over 30 seperate AW hot lists now, that's without thinking about the various bookmarks for other sites. Ridiculous amount as I'll never get around to seeing all of them. Need to give it a good clear up really.

Some of the types of categories I've used are

- grouped by services provided (e.g. DFK, OWO, CIM or alternatively OWO, CIM BUT NO DFK, and so on)
- grouped by nationalities with rejected, borderline, most wanted (been focusing on polish recently)
- grouped by price range (WG's that provide all services split by £100 p/h, £150 p/h, over £200 p/h. And the potential bargains under £100)
- specialist groups (Seen, Avoid, Real Pornstars, Babestation girls, potential TOFTT, Tourers)
- grouped by cities and area's I'll be visiting. 

Offline Jimmyredcab

Hotlist.  :lol: :lol: :D

I wish I could spot ONE girl to tempt me.

Adultwork is overflowing with crap ——- or maybe it’s just me.   :unknown:

Offline 12yoyoyo

I have:


Keeping it simple.  Makes it easier to find someone when I have an urge for a particular type.

Offline HarryZZ

As I got across much of the north of England I have hotlists for the areas I tend to visit most, and clump nearby favourites in with those, my "Newcastle" section covers the whole of the North East, and even have Liverpool girls in the Manchester section as I rarely get that far over it's not worth it's own title, I should have a "seen" section but never got round to it.

As for removing SPs, when ever their "last online" shows a date rather than a day.

Having said all that, I still search areas when travelling there, just in car there's some fresh blood.

Offline Marmalade

I have:


Keeping it simple.  Makes it easier to find someone when I have an urge for a particular type.

When was the last time you had the urge and booked one from your hotlists?

Offline DonDickDraper

I have two hot lists; 'banged', and 'will bang'.
I currently have 4 women in my banger hotlist and 10 in my will bang.

I might have the opportunity to bang another this week.

Offline Shagalott

By region

West of me
North of me
East of me
And others (like Scotland and Wales)

check it periodically, and if the girls location changes, then she moves region on the HL.

Don't keep any girl i haven't seen more than 5 months as things change quickly in this sport.

Yeah about the same. Mine's:
- Central London
- East London
- West London
- North West (England)
- South East
- West Midlands

I travel around a bit with work so I just create a region where I'm travelling frequently.

Offline Plan R

Awful (rejects)
Out of Area (in case they pop up near me or me near them)
Tattoos (my latest fetish)

Hmmm 'Tall'
I have a major kink for tall women - I might have to add that grouping  :hi:

Offline t0mm13

I have been saving searches by age then just adding the amount they cost to hotlist so i can see age groups with cost

26-45 £100
26-45 £120

Offline S.X. MacHine

Hmmm 'Tall'
I have a major kink for tall women - I might have to add that grouping  :hi:

Like the dwarf who shagged the tall woman? His mates put him up to it... Boom, boom.

Offline TheOracle

Genuine question.

Some SP are on AW but not all. The remaining are on UKE, or are parlours some of which have no website.

How do you keep track of them al while also keeping it private and easy to access in that you can easily check a link for example.

I use a three-tier hotlist: Default - Top - Champions. Default contains all the girls I find somewhat attractive. At the moment it is 5 pages long. I rarely if ever select candidates from there. "Top" used to be the one where the best ones ended in: sometimes it was direct entry, sometimes girls from "Default" would graduate there after they would post better pictures, or become well known on UKP, or get many reviews on AW. Once I realised that I was about to overflow in a second page, I actually forked it and created a "Champions" one that contains only the ones where I would have absolutely no second thought selecting a girl from in a moment of need. I generally choose from this one, except in rare occasions where no one is available, at which point I try on "Top". Generally before resorting to "Default" I hit an agency.

Beside these three, I have a "stale" one where profiles of girls that I like but look inactive end before being inactive. I have a "moved" one where girls who moved away from London end so I can check from time to time whether they came back. And I have a "old glories" one where all the girls I've met end in: I rarely visit a girl more than once, but just in case...