Sugar Babies

Author Topic: The value of negative reviews  (Read 1412 times)

Offline Marmalade

While it is good to read of a well-balanced positive experience, it is easy to overlook the great value of negative reviews, especially in areas where there are many prossies available.

If we live in almost any big city, we are overloaded with options from Adultwork. Faced with so many options it is harder, or almost impossible, to make an easy, sensible decision from comparing them all. While it’s good to throw the net as wide as possible, choice from such a large number involves either a) making a fairly arbitrary selection that ‘looks good’ or b) ruling out a large number based on ‘less wanted’ factors. Some people avoid Romanians. Some, girls that charge to much. Or don’t do CIM. Or live too far away. Or over a certain age. Scientifically narrowing down choice begins with ruling out that which is unacceptable.

From those possibles, the positives are selected. Doing it any other way is capricious, and nothing wrong with that, but not designed to get the best result.

Many newbies (and long time fluffies) avoid negative ratings (and sometimes netral ratings) for all sorts of daft reasons, even saying she was ‘good’ but they ‘wouldn’t return’. Many simply rave about getting their sex session, embroidering it with lots of wonderful adjectives about her tits/smile/everything-down-to-her-fluffy-towels. Following the sensible selection process, such reviews are at the bottom of the pile.

Some idiots are worried about ‘being unfair to the prossie’ or worried about flack from her admirers. Equally illogical. The point is not to praise prossies but speak directly to other punters with useful information. So even with (in the reviewer’s eyes) an excellent punt, the write up is much less valuable if the basics — which could be no-no’s to others — are not included.

No reviews are perfect but some are worse than others. Someone who writes 150 reviews and only rates a couple negative (and only then when the punt didn’t happen) is not ‘discriminating’ or ‘excellent at research’ they are simply much less useful than those who can rate their overall reviews from negative to neutral to positive.

So newbies and fluffies: we all have to start somewhere   ... but if the above applies to you, ffs up your game!

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Offline Chorley

I've left negative reviews for a few WG's, including two who were highly rated by other members. I even had fanboys doubting me.

I could have gone easy on them and given a neutral, or god forbid, a weak positive to appease them :thumbsdown:

However, that would have been a disservice to my fellow punters and gone against the ethos of this site.

Thankfully the genuine punters backed me up and credited me for my honesty and I thank them for this. 

Long may this continue.  :hi:

Offline Billy no mates

I think one should look past the ‘rating’ and consider the review part first and foremost.

For instance, SWLily’s reviews mention she is VERY passive, and I can imagine that would piss people off. For me tho, I prefer that. So if she was given a negative based on that, for me it’s still one for the HL (Although I’m a bit concerned a few people have mentioned she’s plain looking).

I try to write my reviews factually (we did this, then that, finished with etc etc),and find that bit easy, but sometimes struggle with the choice of rating.

Offline Zimbaman

Possibly for the third time since being on this site... I completely agree with you. Far too many not prepared to be critical in a review. Presumably for fear of offending the prossie. Ultimately we are here to share information to make punts better (although I do enjoy the off topic)  :hi:


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Message received Marmalade.

I had my second AW punt recently. I was expecting an independent, but on arriving at the flat it was more like a pop up brothel. Girl I saw was a dreaded Rom, not even an educated one, and she could only speak a little English & Italian, not French & Spannish like the ones I meet in civvy life. Dont think she was trafficked, but she wasnt a natural whore either. Had a massage, chat & very bad OW. Then I felt too sorry for her to fuck her, she was a nice girl in some ways (e.g. on sensing I wasn't that attracted to her she said I could see another girl if I liked) but clearly not enjoying the session. Also she's put on like 2 stones since her AW pics, not quite bad enough to be a B&S munter, but getting there.

Would definitely have been a negative, but sadly the AW profile disappeared before I could write up.   Anyhow, as a newbie, thanks for taking the time to give us this good advice.

Offline Tricks

Offline pewpewpew

I think one should look past the ‘rating’ and consider the review part first and foremost.
Most important aspect of the site for me. Find a girl, read reviews positive and/or negative and make up your own mind.

Offline hendrix

The main thing is to be honest. There's no point lying about some aspect being negative in order to appear "discerning". Just tell the truth, positive or negative.


The main thing is to be honest. There's no point lying about some aspect being negative in order to appear "discerning". Just tell the truth, positive or negative.

100% Agreed :thumbsup:

Offline Marmalade

Lidl is ‘honest’. Doesn’t mean it’s any good.  :unknown:

If a reviewer is honest about fluffy towels but leaves out all the essential information that can help another punter that’s not much good.

If a reviewer is so in love with prostitutes that every ejaculation or cuddle is ‘positive’ for him, that’s not much good.

If a reviewer gives a balanced report but nevertheless marks most of his reviews ‘positive’, that’s only any good if a punter considering that WG reads all the reviews about her in full. Given the length of some reviews, many punters will not read 35 war-and-peace -length reviews and conclude that out of 31 ‘positives’ there were so many deal-breakers as to exclude her. So the number is also important, and the number is based on ratings, irrespective of whether they don’t give a reliable indication.

If a reviewer marks all his reviews positive, or even with a few neutral, then the difference in a scale of things, at best, is halved. Numerically it is like saying ‘most prossies are good’. Good compared to what? To her not turning up??

When writing a review for other punters, honesty is not just about what that punter feels: it’s about what other punters would want to know. Failing to disclose information that other punters would clearly want to know is not particularly ‘honest’ — even if no ‘lies’ are told.

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“Ok I’m your mom so I’ll say you have nice hair dear, but you’re a fat little bastard and, given the choice again, I would have plumped for an abortion.”  :sarcastic:

Health and Fitness

  • Guest
Good post, I find negative reviews to be the most important of all. I've had awful service from quite a few service providers and I like to make other punters aware so they don't end up getting poor value for money.

It might also get these providers to switch on and make improvements so customers are not disappointed with the service they pay for.


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Quote from: Marmalade

many punters will not read 35 war-and-peace -length reviews

too bloody right we will not, objectivity is the key for me, too many people appear to be auditioning for a column on Knave or Mayfair .... do you think that maybe there is a secret desire of such like to get other men aroused?

Offline jok32

Mine are pretty much all neutral or negative, maybe just not lucky with punts

Offline monstar

Most important aspect of the site for me. Find a girl, read reviews positive and/or negative and make up your own mind.

Agreed and it has been working well for me.

If I had a shit punt and didn't read the full reviews, I wouldn't blame other reviewers because I chose to read only part of the information provided.  :thumbsdown:

Offline Marmalade

Even with Amazon, there's so many people just dying to get home and write a review about a dishcloth or some price of crap and tell everyone how delighted they are and how it's pink and white and comes in a nice wrapper.  :rolleyes:

When I'm paying 80 quid to unload my spunk drawer I don't need to be told 'ooo she's got nice hair'. I get half a dozen possibles then want to know what's wrong with them that I might have missed.

Offline Bogof60

OK I am fairly new here
I do my reviews based on how I feel walking away
If I have a smile on my face then its a Positive
If I feel that I have wasted my hard earned then its a Negative
I suppose a Neutral is something in between but I have not been there yet
I do not normally cum from Oral so it is not so important to me and I also have no fascination with CIM on tits or anywhere else. For other blokes this is the main part of the experience so a poor BJ for me may still rate a Positive whereas for others its a firm Negative
This is the problem with any review site IMHO, its subjective
Look at the trip advisor type sites
Some folk are simply looking for some small thing to slate the place off with
Me being a fairly optimistic type of bloke will tend to dwell on the positive aspects of the visit rather than the negative ones
Having said that if somewhere pisses me off so much I am not shy to come forward and let them know about it but in a controlled and polite manner
Someone who has a string of Negative reviews on here and very few or no Positive ones I tend to disregard as some folk are never pleasaed
Its all about balance IMHO
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Offline Spacecowb0y

I pay more attention to neutral and negative reviews, especially if a pattern starts to emerge of the girl.
More than 2 negatives and off the HL she goes


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this makes me think of this guy is an extremist.;area=showreviews;u=16123

Yes a very interesting example and his pattern of punting is also worthy of note and consideration when reading his “reviews.”

Offline HarryZZ

I've never had a bad punt, just a couple of disappointing ones, but I've reduced the risk by reading the bad reviews and avoiding Roms unless they bring very glowing references from trusted posters. I would suggest that bad reviews are more valuable than good ones.

Offline NigelF

+1 Marmalade.

I think, particularly when it comes to punters with high review counts or those who claim to have seen a lot of escorts, when they've barely had any "negative or neutral" experiences  then it does make them useless as reviewers (or at best unreliable).

The North West section is often regarded as a "low fluffy area" however there are a number of punters there who seem to have had an extraordinary amount of good times with almost no bad. For example, the member "Tango", see his reviews here:;area=showreviews;u=11012
Where out of his 122 reviews, only 5 are negatives (plus 1 neutral). Given that he has so many reviews, I think a positive rate of over 95% seems rather unimaginable for most normal punters.

There's also this thread:
Where a number of punters claimed to have had many hundreds of punts but no bad experiences! One experienced punter ("goldwing1") even thought that AW feedback was reliable! He also said:
I`ve been punting and going to swingers clubs for around 15 years now, and i`ve never really had a bad time, a few neutrals, I must have developed a bit of a gut instinct over the years
Yes, i`ve never had a really bad punt in 15 years, why would I come on here and tell lies?
Then "marlboro20" chimed in with:
Goldwing... I can beat you... not had a bad punt either side of the Pennines in 20 years. It's down to research... AW and UKP help but they're only opinions. OP... when you fancy booking a girl talk to her on the phone and you'll get an insight.(Personally I don't like strong regional accents)
Upon further questioning he claimed to have had over 400 punts!

As Marmalade suggests in his first post, these research/"gut instinct"/talking on the phone things are important but no one can be so accurate for so many punts. At best they're just easily pleased, which means they're pretty much useless!
« Last Edit: January 22, 2018, 02:07:16 pm by NigelF »

Offline Charliehutton

Negative reviews are always going to be the exception, rather than the rule. After all, if someone has a succession of negative experiences they're unlikely to carry on punting at all. With online profiles and photo-sets - all to be taken with a large pinch of salt, admittedly - we can dismiss those girls we know aren't going to be our types, based on age, body shape, ethnicity, excessive tattoos or whatever criteria we choose, so the odds should be in our favour. The key information I want from a review is whether the profile and photos are accurate or not. After that, if a reviewer gets a bit carried away with the story of the punt, I don't mind. Reviews would be very boring if they all followed the same formula. Punting is meant to be exciting and fun, after all, otherwise, why bother?


  • Guest
I fully agree about the value of negative reports, having left a few here myself to warn about dodgy SPs with bad attitudes and terrible service.

But I find I have to watch myself when it comes to reports, because its easy to write someone a bad 'un after a terrible punt, when you've got an unpleasant memory to motivate you to put finger to keypad. Its harder (for me anyway) to muster the energy to write someone a positive review unless the sex was absolutely mind blowing (which happens once every 1,000 punts lol).

If it was just the case where an average looking single mum gave me a pretty good shag and was polite and clean into the bargain, its hard to be inspired about what to write (and to make it interesting to read); whereas if the whole place stank of weed and this dressing gown clad harpy barks orders at you the minute you arrive, its both motivating and interesting to read (the same way people slow down to stare at a crash site).

So for me, I worry that the only times I post are after a bad punt, and we need some people to post positive reviews just to balance things out. Don't want to scare all the newbies away now!


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As Marmalade suggests in his first post, these research/"gut instinct"/talking on the phone things are important but no one can be so accurate for so many punts. At best they're just easily pleased, which means they're pretty much useless!

This is where knowledge of local reviewers comes in handy.


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Negative reviews are always going to be the exception, rather than the rule....   

Not so.  I have a handful of providers I revisit repeatedly but I very rarely rereview.  My reviews come from where I see someone for the first time and a higher proportion of them are neutral or negative.  This exaggerates the number of unsatisfactory punts I have - actually I enjoy and would rate positively 80% of my bookings.