Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Are you Day or Night time Punter ?  (Read 6050 times)

Offline darkknightrises

I prefer Outcalls in Hotels I am staying at so it's Night for me.

I like to have a drink in the bar with the lady 1st get the awkwardness out of the way before heading upstairs.

Also. Night time helps when staying at a hotel so you avoid  housekeeping, supervisors checking housekeeping have done their job properly & the minibar guy wanting to check what's being used or refilling the minibar.  :dash:

Offline Sinz

Tried to get a booking with a WG last night after 9pm, tried ringing more than 9 AW profiles which had the Green Available today sign but no luck.

3 replied, available tomorrow and the rest did not answer.

I think I still find it hard to get a booking in the night, will stick to my norm.

Offline Kingy28

I'm a martini mam. Anytime anyplace anywhere. Not fussed

Offline mrfishyfoo

....I still find it hard to get a booking in the night....

Same here with AW lasses for short notice evening bookings.

I tend in that circumstance to go agency instead.

Offline pork sword

Always used to be day time but now work commitments force me to look to evenings...

Offline bigboy

I use to be a night time punter just to be discreet but day or night i am not fussed who see's me go in or out. As long as they don't know me or i know then.

Offline JonasG

I couldn't care less about being discreet tbh.

As you say unless I know them, fuck em.

Offline TomR

Depends on circumstances and opportunity. Single guys can punt whenever they want, however, those who are living with someone are a bit more restricted. I prefer early afternoon as I find that I am at my peak physically and mentally. In the evening I prefer to relax with a beer and TV.


  • Guest
Evening/night  owl punts for me mainly because work takes me around London and other parts of the UK so I fit my punts in wherever I am at the time and always after work.

Never been bothered about 'being first' or if she will be fresh or how many cocks she has that day when I arrive say 9pm or even later. So log as she is clean and smelling likees then I am a happy bunny!

Offline no2punter

Any time I need it punter, really. Given I work from home and I'm not married, day time is often convenient though.


  • Guest
For me, Sinz, your two reasons above are mainly why I prefer to punt in daylight hours ... which is trickier in these short winter days.

I'm an innate scaredy-cat, and prefer to see clearly where I am, where I'm going, who and what's around me, where I can run, etc! Maybe I'm being over-cautious, but I've read some horror stories on UKP about muggings, so I just want to be careful.

Agreed. Did one late evening...not my usual haunt so finding place was difficult....Council had turned street lights off so pitch black... severe case shakes and punt was a disaster as nerves were shredded by time got there. :scare:

Offline atmos

Lunchtime, or early to mid afternoon.

We're both fresher and less tired, and it leaves the evening free for other things.

Offline Sinz

Agreed. Did one late evening...not my usual haunt so finding place was difficult....Council had turned street lights off so pitch black... severe case shakes and punt was a disaster as nerves were shredded by time got there. :scare:

Perhaps you could leave a review of your experience and warn other punters.


  • Guest
Perhaps you could leave a review of your experience and warn other punters.

Can you imagine the review? Giving a negative because he's scared of the dark  :lol:

Offline Sinz

Can you imagine the review? Giving a negative because he's scared of the dark  :lol:

I was hoping he skips that part and enlighten us about the punt

Offline rg41


  • Guest
Moving this topic on a bit, I am beginning to suspect a distinct difference between the daytime girls who I punt and night time girls.  At the extreme, this girl External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only appears to work 6 pm to 6 am (all night, every night) and I doubt I will ever get to see her.  Those who target the pub crowd must be more likely to scam - right?

Offline hw189

I'm generally a late afternoon / evening punter. Though, I would personally prefer night time punts (after 10 pm) so that I could sleep better on some nights, and / or early morning punts (nothing better than waking up to a blowjob). I realise it may not be ideal for the most WG's. I don't look at things like if they are likely to be 'fresh' or if they are likely to be tired / busy etc. With enough notice, none of that should be an issue.

Offline LastManCumings

I'm a 1200-1500 hrs punter when I am in London, due to pretty much all the reason Sinz mentioned in his post.

When I'm traveling and known the punting scene there, especially Germany and FKK then I punt at night because I enjoy it as something that I do not get to experience in London apart from other things that come with an FKK in Germany.

Offline TTGR

Night/Day better, good question but... I've no freedom to test what suits me.

My punts are always in a 2 hr window from/after 5pm due to not wishing to arouse wife's suspicions! :angelgirl:

Offline OakTree

Tried to get a booking with a WG last night after 9pm, tried ringing more than 9 AW profiles which had the Green Available today sign but no luck.

3 replied, available tomorrow and the rest did not answer.

I think I still find it hard to get a booking in the night, will stick to my norm.

There was a time when late evening at least was the preferred time but I have found myself night owls are now few and far between.

Offline Zooms

Always mid morning for me. So I can go to gym after for shower etc. Covers all traces etc.  :thumbsup:

Offline Home Alone

In December, I had my first evening punt for about 5 or 6 years, since I stopped having Overnight appointments. She was an Incall to the hotel I was stopping in and, as one whose usual punting time is late morning - I take Cialis on an empty stomach - I guessed I wasn't her first client of the day.

And you know what? The punt was just as enjoyable as all those I've had where I've been the "first client of the day."

Offline Sinz

Always mid morning for me. So I can go to gym after for shower etc. Covers all traces etc.  :thumbsup:

That is actually quite smart.

Online Dark_Gable

Night time meetings for me. It's rare for me to achieve penetration before midnight :diablo:

It's due to a combination of daytime/evening commitments, less traffic, fewer parking restrictions, the cloak of darkness.

I've been a night owl since I was in my mid-teens, I also love to drive, particularly at night. As such, my family think nothing of me going for a long drive at night, as this has been going on for over decade. The only difference is that since I started punting a few months ago I sometimes come home having completed a punt.

Offline Jonestown

Daytime, as early in the morning as i can get things going.

Offline JonasG

Night time punts feel more depressing to me. :|

Offline bearcat69

Usually night time, as that is what is most convenient for me.

There is a good number of prossies I've really wanted to see, but never managed to as their daytime hours just don't work for me, especially the more popular ones with limited availability. I can push things around or take a day off work to see them, but it is tricky for me.

I generally prefer doing most things at night time anyway, as less people about, and I'm not a fan of crowds. I'm the sort of weird guy who goes to do his food shop at 3am at a 24 hour supermarket...

I have had a fair few punts in the morning or afternoon though, usually with the more popular indie girls, who tend to stop being available after about 6 or 7pm.

I've had good and bad punts at all the different times of day though. A shower and a nights rest doesn't wash away all the sins of a prossie who doesn't take care of her hygiene properly, or who just doesn't care about giving good service, or who works overly long hours seeing too many punters to give a non rushed service.


  • Guest
When I first started I used to see this lady once a week at 8:00.  I hit the gym, then try not get get a speeding ticket on the way to her house.  She always seemed to have more energy and never had a bad session.  I  do miss her.

Offline DouglasReynholm

It's best to be the first client of the day - common sense I'd say. I've always got morning glory so it suits me.

That is actually quite smart.
I do that too but I'm separated! Girls I've booked always have a shower at their flats, but they don't have a jacuzzi and my gym does.

I'm new here, don't ban me pls!  :hi:

Offline myothernameis

Most of my punts, I prefer day time, and around 3/4pm, but if its summer time and very warm, I might travel further

Offline myothernameis

I'm new here, don't ban me pls!  :hi:

That's the second time you have asked this, dont ban me, well you know what's going to happen, I think eventually you will be banned

Offline adamza

Had one night time punt at around 10pm and it was terrible. The WG was knackered and so was I. Had one drunken punt at around 4am on holiday and that was even worse.

Generally stick to punts between 10am-1pm, try and go before work when I have a late start, or occasionally sneak out for a "long lunch" :D I'm usually energised, horny, and erect which helps! And definitely prefer being the girl's first client of the day

Offline sparkus

It stands to reason that a WG will be more fresh and energetic during the day than after several clients have done her.  On that basis alone I tend to even try for morning, never mind afternoon.

But... at night I'm likely to have had a few and logic goes out of the window.

I asked this recently to a SP in a shop who said any time suits her as "money's money" and some days she gets multiple legit female clients all day long and no tips from extras as a result.


  • Guest
first thing in the morning i like to be the first punt because shes gonna be a lot cleaner. In the after noon shes gonna have had spunk all over her including her tits which i like to suck on so id rather be first. I dont trust they shower after every client. I think some just wet wipe it off and thats that

Offline Sinz

Punted one of my regulars recently and she said she is more active during the day and by the evening she is looking forward to going home. Also feels tired and don't feel like she puts in as much effort later during the day.

Definitely varies from WG to WG, but interesting to hear from the horses mouth.


  • Guest
Used to be a day thing till I had to become a carer for the missus. Now its whenever I get a chance which ain't often enough.

Offline albedo39

Daytime for sure as I can check out surroundings better. Early mornings preferred (do like a quickie on my way to work if I can, adds to the day) but many aren't around. I do the occasional evening if it's a safe area as it adds to the sleaze  :D


  • Guest
Always stick to daytime punts now normally mid to late mornings as, like a few of the guys here, the girls are always imo fresher than if you go later in the day.  I have also found that if you are seeing a 'popular' wg then by the time the night comes she could have seen quite a few and is not at her best.  Daytime is also better because my job involves me being out and about so easy to go and see a wg (less chance of the wife finding out).  When I was younger I used to do late night punts, round 10/11pm but I found going to some of these flats at night were a bit dodgy, very limited communal lighting with undesirables hanging round outside, remember leaving a block one night around 11.30pm and a group smoking and drinking in the doorway, as I walked out one of the girls said ' I would have done it for half the price mate' and all the others burst out laughing so obviously knew what I had been up to....needless to say never went back there again lol.

Offline sparkus

Only had one experience like that when there was a big group of teenage lads sat on bikes outside the (clearly notorious) house. Needless to say I had to walk through a barrage of whistles and comments. That said, despite the numbers it didn't bother me.

This was the Chinese brothel in Leyton which advertised in local papers. Generally good standard and some gems I've not seen the quality of since.

Offline ManinBeds

Mornings, preferable first appointment which is 11.00am where I am. My libido is at its peak until mid afternoon but I still prefer first thing so I can get on with the rest of the day without having to look at my watch every ten minutes, plus the girl and I will be fresher which will hopefully lead to a more enjoyable experience. Having said that had some great night time punts, but morning is my preference.

Offline cash2spare

Have punted at all kinda times, a shag is a shag. Wouldn't do evenings again I don't think as maybe a Sergei or undesirables knocking about. The world isn't a safe place in 2018.
However I tend to pull pussy from POF in the evenings  ;)

Offline rubric

Mid morning or mid afternoon for me - in the evenings you have traffic, and by the time it dies down i'd rather be back at home.

Offline Sinz

It's strange recently I punted close to 4-5 pm and felt odd, I am mostly a lunch time punter, but i think school kids hanging around the flat made me wish it was dark.

I guess longer day light hours during summer, would see more punters, punting during the day.

Offline Marmalade

If the OP would like to take steps to ensure there are 24hr punting facilities available maybe that would be a good time to post the question again?  :unknown:

Online Punterperson1971

Off to a punt now I’ll go morning or afternoons tbh.

Offline DastardlyDick

I prefer days, mainly because I work shifts so I can go befire/after work, and because I just feel safer in unknown places during the day.

Offline poundstock

I usually travel a fair distance by train for my punting activities and so 12.00 to 2.00 is the ideal time for me. Time to get there, 90 minute shag and time to get home again probably with a meal and a glass of red wine on the return journey. I like to make a day of it with time to reflect on the joys of a good shag and plan the next one.


  • Guest
I work in a Media City in Manchester. It is frequented by a lot of touring escorts or local escorts using the many blocks of apartments to work out of. So when the notion takes its usually a dinner meet in walking distance from the office.

Offline captainarcher

I prefer late afternoon punts, I only punt while its still daylight. I'm too much of a wuss to risk walking down an unknown area in the dark