Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Hot Kim x ???  (Read 705 times)

Offline k111

Anyone know what's happened to hot_kim_x? - I know she moved away for a few months but then got a message from her a couple months back saying shes back in Liverpool living there again. Now her profile is gone. Never seen a bad review, she's smoking hot in every way and wanted to see her again.

I'm guessing she's back in her home country (hopefully with a plan on returning soon!) but does anyone know for sure? Her last rating was one of her just cancelling suddenly then disappearing for 3 months. :manhater:

Her ratings: External Link/Members Only

External Link/Members Only

Offline JackoBoy69

I never heard anything about her moving back home. I think she has a boyfriend now and decided to retire. I still have her on my hotlist just in case she comes back. She still logs into her account every now and again though which I find strange.

Offline jedi master

Was wondering what happend to hot Kim, quite gutted to hear she has retired made a good impression on me when she toured Glasgow. Hopefully it's only a short retirement as I have heard off wg's retiring and coming back. Also just in case I keep her profile in my hotlist, here's hoping.  :angelgirl: