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Author Topic: Do any of you suddenly wimp out of a punt for silly reasons?  (Read 3955 times)

Offline tantraman

So, I knew I'd be wrapping up work in central London today early ... which meant opportunity to punt before getting home unduly (and suspiciously!) late.:yahoo:

I'd already diligently done my AW Hot List and UKP Reviews homework the night before, uploading my phone with numbers of Plan A, B, C and D that would be in walking distance of the office. I managed to contact Plan B, and booked 30mins for 1700 today. :music:

I finished at 1600 ... stepped outside ... and fucking froze my bollocks off! :cry: Suddenly, I didn't fancy hanging around in the cold for an hour, suffering a post-punt shower, and then stepping out into the crazy cold again. Sheepishly, I texted Plan B to cancel. :blush:

As much as a wimp as I felt ... I'm now at home, all warm and comfy, with an after-dinner mug of tea and chocolate digestives by my desktop, as I type this ... feeling good, no regrets. Simple pleasures! :)

Anyway, do any of you suddenly wimp out of a punt for silly reasons?


Online lewisjones23

£100 or whatever still in the back pocket as well  :thumbsup:p

Offline Bogof60

Not after making a booking no.
Think OP could be labelled as a time waster.
If you don't want a punt then don't book. :thumbsdown:
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Banned by: daviemac

Online daviemac

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So, I knew I'd be wrapping up work in central London today early ... which meant opportunity to punt before getting home unduly (and suspiciously!) late.:yahoo:

I'd already diligently done my AW Hot List and UKP Reviews homework the night before, uploading my phone with numbers of Plan A, B, C and D that would be in walking distance of the office. I managed to contact Plan B, and booked 30mins for 1700 today. :music:

I finished at 1600 ... stepped outside ... and fucking froze my bollocks off! :cry: Suddenly, I didn't fancy hanging around in the cold for an hour, suffering a post-punt shower, and then stepping out into the crazy cold again. Sheepishly, I texted Plan B to cancel. :blush:

As much as a wimp as I felt ... I'm now at home, all warm and comfy, with an after-dinner mug of tea and chocolate digestives by my desktop, as I type this ... feeling good, no regrets. Simple pleasures! :)

Anyway, do any of you suddenly wimp out of a punt for silly reasons?


Would you still feel the same if she'd cancelled on you with an hour to go.   :unknown:  Out of order in my opinion.   :thumbsdown:

Offline peter purves

Not after making a booking no.
Think OP could be labelled as a time waster.
If you don't want a punt then don't book. :thumbsdown:

Although I can agree with the sentiment, once the libido goes, What is a man supposed to do??.

I cannot punt if the libido is not there, it's the motivation to get me to the punt, what happens thereafter is the continuation...
Banned reason: Can't / won't take advice.
Banned by: daviemac


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Would you still feel the same if she'd cancelled on you with an hour to go.   :unknown:  Out of order in my opinion.   :thumbsdown:

I disagree it's a punt not a date. What if something urgent came up at work or he had a personal issue? 1 hour is fine IMO, any WG should be prepared to deal with that.

Offline standardpostage

To tantraman. If you feel guilty :-/ for cancelling with only 1 hrs notice, contact the escort and offer to drop off the fee :-)
You said yourself you were "sheepish" when cancelling.
Obviously your a nice person, otherwise you would not feel sheepish and a wimp, as you say.
You were going to spend the money anyway.
I'm sure lots of punters won't agree with my views.


  • Guest
I finished at 1600 ... stepped outside ... and fucking froze my bollocks off! :cry: Suddenly, I didn't fancy hanging around in the cold for an hour, suffering a post-punt shower, and then stepping out into the crazy cold again.

Although i have to say reading that bit does make you sound like a massive wimp. It wasn't THAT cold in London today. To put it bluntly you need to the man the fuck up bruv. :P

Online daviemac

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I disagree it's a punt not a date. What if something urgent came up at work or he had a personal issue? 1 hour is fine IMO, any WG should be prepared to deal with that.

If something unavoidable came up then that's a different matter but it didn't,   Don't know why you're mentioning dating, I didn't.

Don't see how you can disagree with my opinion, that's what it is , an opinion.        :unknown:

Offline Mansell

Would you still feel the same if she'd cancelled on you with an hour to go.   :unknown:  Out of order in my opinion.   :thumbsdown:
Agreed, if a WG had done this to you, a Negative review would have followed, so unless you had a really, really good reason you should go through with the punt that you had arranged, especially as you had only arranged it that day. She'll have you saved as Time-waster now.

Offline Malvolio

I don't understand why the OP didn't just hang around at work, or in a pub, or in a coffee shop.  He might have problems in booking that WG again.

Offline tantraman

Cheers for the opinions, lads :drinks:

This is the first time I've wimped out of a punt, and it's good to understand the etiquette of such things going forward. Fortunately, I don't think Plan B has me down as a time-waster, and I think I can book her again, as I lied about why I had to cancel! :blush:

The damn cold just took my mojo! :dash: YidArmy's right ... I need to man up!


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Would you still feel the same if she'd cancelled on you with an hour to go.   :unknown:  Out of order in my opinion.   :thumbsdown:

Definitely out of order cancelling an hour before IMO.

Offline EnglishRebecca121

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you would be suprized how many think its ok to cancel even 15 mins before a booking with excuses like " my truck broke down " or i missed my flight :rolleyes:
Banned reason: Ex sex worker with zero useful contribution to make
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you would be suprized how many think its ok to cancel even 15 mins before a booking with excuses like " my truck broke down " or i missed my flight :rolleyes:

15 minutes is probably taking the piss.

But the OP gave 1 hour's notice. That seems reasonable to me anyway.

Offline tantraman

you would be suprized how many think its ok to cancel even 15 mins before a booking with excuses like " my truck broke down " or i missed my flight :rolleyes:

Thanks for mucking in, Rebecca :hi:

As an SP, how much notice to cancel a booking, irrespective of reason :blush:, would you say is fair?


Offline EnglishRebecca121

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well id say an hour for me is fine because i always have a waiting list but i think the general rule would be if the appointment is say 5pm at least by midday x
Banned reason: Ex sex worker with zero useful contribution to make
Banned by: Head1

Offline tantraman

well id say an hour for me is fine because i always have a waiting list but i think the general rule would be if the appointment is say 5pm at least by midday x

Muchas gracias, Rebecca :thumbsup: ... that's good to know! :angelgirl:

Offline CheeseBoard

well id say an hour for me is fine because i always have a waiting list but i think the general rule would be if the appointment is say 5pm at least by midday x

Are you saying you have a bunch of guys who are always sitting by their phones waiting on the off chance you will have a cancellation?


They sound like a sad bunch of guys if they are doing that  :thumbsdown:

Offline cash2spare

This punting lark is a 2 way process. Whilst its very easy to say he shouldn't cancel it appears to be ok for a wg to cancel with a petty excuse. I've been on a few adventures and the wg after taking my cash never told me beforehand that when she was sucking my stiff member she would also be texting and talking to potential punters at the same time, telling them she had a cock in her mouth but would be finished soon. These wgs think they are something special when in reality they are 2 a penny.
Tea and choccy biccys sounds nice fella.

Online lewisjones23

Are you saying you have a bunch of guys who are always sitting by their phones waiting on the off chance you will have a cancellation?


They sound like a sad bunch of guys if they are doing that  :thumbsdown:

double books

Offline EnglishRebecca121

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Banned reason: Ex sex worker with zero useful contribution to make
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That’s what happens when you are over 65 ...full of good intentions , not had a wank for over three days ...made a booking couple days before , anticipation is high , pecker is high, then the night before the punt u end up sleeping very little . Wake up more shattered than when u went to bed ,then u start thinking this is a waste of time and more importantly a waste of £120 notes ...Oh fuck it send her a text about 3 to 4 hours before the punt cancelling such ....feeling a great sense of relief, feeling better ,pressure off...get the porn on and have a lovely five finger shuffle ....not bad at all & £120 in front . Then thinking back if only I was 20years younger ..only !!
Then have a lovely hot dinner , then a nap at the fire , all relaxed ...things not too bad ,always the next time with a sexy Escort , but only when I am feeling ready.....only.
Christ getting old ain’t all it is cracked up to be ...honest!!!   :hi:

Offline tantraman

That’s what happens when you are over 65 ...

... and it even happens when you are in your mid-40s! :blush:

Offline Feeling Hopefull

Not very often but sometimes, I phoned to arrange a short (immediate) punt the other week, got 1/2 way there, got stuck in a bit of traffic but would still have made it on time easily, while sitting in the traffic I thought to myself I dont really fancy this, I just want to get home, phoned and canceled for another day, she was fine with it

Offline TKovac

Context is king here.

Arranged a week in advance for a two hour role play booking cancelling an hour in advance cause you have caged your mind and don't feel horny. Probably inappropriate

Short notice call for a quicky in 30 min's cancelling with 15 mind to go probably ok.

In this case seems OK from info given
Banned reason: Excessive abuse to helpful member, ignored repeated requests to apologise
Banned by: daviemac

Offline shagmore

Initially reading the post thought you where going to pay 1700 for 30mins, ffs, then realised that was the time and not the price.  :dash:

I have done that once, was looking forward to the punt, then come the day it just didn't appeal, messaged at 7.00am, punt was at 7.00pm The torrent of abuse I got from her.

Offline bhudda

 messaged at 7.00am, punt was at 7.00pm The torrent of abuse I got from her.

she had probably already spent the money she thought she'd get from you   

Offline bhudda

.get the porn on and have a lovely five finger shuffle ....
Then have a lovely hot dinner ,
then a nap at the fire , all relaxed .
Christ getting old ain’t all it is cracked up to be ...honest!!!   :hi:

are you serious? sounds ok to me


  • Guest
I can relate and that’s why I don’t or pre book well in advance in case mood strikes in opposite way, I don’t want to cancel and get reputation as time waster, that said I’ve had more than a few days where horny and can’t get in to see a girl

Life is all about the sour and the sweet


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Ive wimped out of a punt once.

Im walking down to the street to the address this street was FULL of gangs of men and shady looking eastern euros hanging around the road either drinking or giviing me looks. Once at the address a fat bald guy peeping through the window opposite the house staring at me with a can of stella in hand he then immediatly puts down the can and picks up his mobile phone making me think hes calling the police or something abit more sinister possibly going to rob me bare in mind this guy didnt take his eyes off me for the whole minute or so i stook there pondering whether its safe to walk up to the door, I backed out and didnt stick around  :(

Offline Dr Watson 60

Well anyone know what Icelanders or Eskimos for that matter do when they want a punt ? Much colder in those places .

Online lewisjones23

Offline 381stBG

Well anyone know what Icelanders or Eskimos for that matter do when they want a punt ? Much colder in those places .

I guess they go to places like this

External Link/Members Only

Sweden, Norway, all cold places with hot women.

Big Guy

Offline One Eyed Snake

That’s what happens when you are over 65 ...full of good intentions , not had a wank for over three days ...made a booking couple days before , anticipation is high , pecker is high, then the night before the punt u end up sleeping very little . Wake up more shattered than when u went to bed ,then u start thinking this is a waste of time and more importantly a waste of £120 notes ...Oh fuck it send her a text about 3 to 4 hours before the punt cancelling such ....feeling a great sense of relief, feeling better ,pressure off...get the porn on and have a lovely five finger shuffle ....not bad at all & £120 in front . Then thinking back if only I was 20years younger ..only !!
Then have a lovely hot dinner , then a nap at the fire , all relaxed ...things not too bad ,always the next time with a sexy Escort , but only when I am feeling ready.....only.
Christ getting old ain’t all it is cracked up to be ...honest!!!   :hi:
Spot on mate.

Offline cueball

No, I've never cancelled a punt due to silly reasons....

Work has sometimes fucked up my plans but that's always got plenty of notice and being ill has meant I've cancelled in the past.

I've never yet cancelled in the last hour.... worst I've cancelled is six hours ahead due to being ill.

Some don't believe you though, they think we're as unreliable and self centred as they are.

In the past (and likely the future) I've certainly been apprehensive and on edge, wondering if I should actually be there and wondering how it will pan out..... but I'll see it through.

Hindsight is a wonderful thing though, some I wish I'd cancelled whilst sat waiting the green light text.... that's punting though.

Offline peter purves

The damn cold just took my mojo! :dash: YidArmy's right ... I need to man up!

Say whatever you want but...

Today is too cold to punt

Banned reason: Can't / won't take advice.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Lema

I saw a WG a couple of weeks ago and after the  business. We were chatting and I asked if she got many "no shows" .. She said you'd be surprised how many cars break down or don't start in this area. ...  :angry:

Online lewisjones23

I saw a WG a couple of weeks ago and after the  business. We were chatting and I asked if she got many "no shows" .. She said you'd be surprised how many cars break down or don't start in this area. ...  :angry:

likewise the amount of WG who have boiler problem ( even in the summer ) , family members suddenly getting sick or landlords ' turning up ' unannounced  :hi:

Offline Lema

I had a WG keep me waiting for 30 minutes once because she had an  electrician working in the hallway and has only just left..

Online cunningman

you would be suprized how many think its ok to cancel even 15 mins before a booking with excuses like " my truck broke down " or i missed my flight :rolleyes:
You have no idea how grovelling I was to EnglishLilly the other day when my meeting overran by an hour and I cancelled a scant minutes before.
I was more upset than she was, in fact.
She offered me a slot half an hour later and I was eventually very happy.  And I believe she was OK too, she said it had worked out in fact.
Maybe she'd had a prior that wanted to extend, I don't know.
Anyway - I really hate to mess girls around.  Can't take the high ground if its the other way, unless we are punctual and reliable.
Several girls have told me 'no show' can be a big problem.  I'm not entirely surprised that many will double book as a hedge.

Online lewisjones23

You have no idea how grovelling I was to EnglishLilly the other day when my meeting overran by an hour and I cancelled a scant minutes before.
I was more upset than she was, in fact.
She offered me a slot half an hour later and I was eventually very happy.  And I believe she was OK too, she said it had worked out in fact.
Maybe she'd had a prior that wanted to extend, I don't know.
Anyway - I really hate to mess girls around.  Can't take the high ground if its the other way, unless we are punctual and reliable.
Several girls have told me 'no show' can be a big problem.  I'm not entirely surprised that many will double book as a hedge.

yeah the big problem is the money they've already spent in their head hasnt walked through the door

Offline CheeseBoard

If I was on £100 plus per hour, I wouldn’t consider a couple of no shows a problem unless I had a ‘habit’ which was equally expensive  :rolleyes:


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I guess they go to places like this

External Link/Members Only

Sweden, Norway, all cold places with hot women.

Big Guy

Some of those could warm me up on a cold day!!  :cool:

976 escorts in a small city of 120,000, similar size to Cambridge where you'd be lucky to find more than a couple of hundred, those Icelanders must be randy buggers!  :D

Online cunningman

If I was on £100 plus per hour, I wouldn’t consider a couple of no shows a problem unless I had a ‘habit’ which was equally expensive  :rolleyes:
I have no idea why anyone posts this sort of drivel.

Do you expect a girl to take time off between punts?  Shower? Rest?  fresh and Duracell Bunny for the next guy, even if the last was shit?

I suspect that for SPs who work the way we would like them to then:
- probably not more that half on/half off, unless a real conveyor belt
- probably rather tiring and physically wearing
- stressful, esp for girls who work late and get drunk dickheads
- plenty of expenses re rent/laundry OR half to management

It doesn't seem like an effortless gravy train to me.

Better than McDonalds, but if she's under management and takes breaks to clean and rest, its more like 20-25/hr, for a long and probably shitty day.

Offline CheeseBoard

I have no idea why anyone posts this sort of drivel.

Do you expect a girl to take time off between punts?  Shower? Rest?  fresh and Duracell Bunny for the next guy, even if the last was shit?

I suspect that for SPs who work the way we would like them to then:
- probably not more that half on/half off, unless a real conveyor belt
- probably rather tiring and physically wearing
- stressful, esp for girls who work late and get drunk dickheads
- plenty of expenses re rent/laundry OR half to management

It doesn't seem like an effortless gravy train to me.

Better than McDonalds, but if she's under management and takes breaks to clean and rest, its more like 20-25/hr, for a long and probably shitty day.

I don’t know why people post this fluffy drivel

What we expect / would like vs reality are miles apart.
Reality is, the price more than likely over time includes no shows and as it comes down to market forces, once you hit a sweet spot, you stick with it and increase over time.
In reality sp’s, wouldn’t take breaks in between as every hour they can charge, they get paid.
Breaks, freshening up, etc breaks are usually gleaned by cutting 5 mins at the end, or when they ‘stash the cash’, just read how many posts say they left the room for 5 mins...
This is in the punters time.  As to being under management, being coerced into the profession is unacceptable and I am totally sympathetic to their position, but if not, then during her break she can think about filling in a few application forms.  What they are doing if independent is an informed decision....

Offline CheeseBoard

Some people do a lot worse jobs for a lot less money and a lot more hours.  Can’t say I’d enjoy doing what they do, but it’s down to choice

Online lewisjones23

I have no idea why anyone posts this sort of drivel.

Do you expect a girl to take time off between punts?  Shower? Rest?  fresh and Duracell Bunny for the next guy, even if the last was shit?

I suspect that for SPs who work the way we would like them to then:
- probably not more that half on/half off, unless a real conveyor belt
- probably rather tiring and physically wearing
- stressful, esp for girls who work late and get drunk dickheads
- plenty of expenses re rent/laundry OR half to management

It doesn't seem like an effortless gravy train to me.

Better than McDonalds, but if she's under management and takes breaks to clean and rest, its more like 20-25/hr, for a long and probably shitty day.

wierd cunt

Offline smiths

So, I knew I'd be wrapping up work in central London today early ... which meant opportunity to punt before getting home unduly (and suspiciously!) late.:yahoo:

I'd already diligently done my AW Hot List and UKP Reviews homework the night before, uploading my phone with numbers of Plan A, B, C and D that would be in walking distance of the office. I managed to contact Plan B, and booked 30mins for 1700 today. :music:

I finished at 1600 ... stepped outside ... and fucking froze my bollocks off! :cry: Suddenly, I didn't fancy hanging around in the cold for an hour, suffering a post-punt shower, and then stepping out into the crazy cold again. Sheepishly, I texted Plan B to cancel. :blush:

As much as a wimp as I felt ... I'm now at home, all warm and comfy, with an after-dinner mug of tea and chocolate digestives by my desktop, as I type this ... feeling good, no regrets. Simple pleasures! :)

Anyway, do any of you suddenly wimp out of a punt for silly reasons?


No if I book a punt I ALWAYS turn up as agreed, its part of my end of the deal. If the WG is a liar I may walk though, or if she has a bad attitude.

Offline purple_t

Just my opinion but I think OP was out of order. 1 hour's notice is fine if an emergency arises but "I'm too cold" is a piss poor excuse. There are times leading up to a punt where I don't feel too horny but that changes when the girl is naked in front of me!