Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: camberley oriental massage  (Read 1832 times)

Offline mutts2010

has anyone visited Camberley oriental massage on Frimley road ?
was wondering what it is like and what the ladies are like
what services do they offer?
I drove past today and from the outside it looks very dark
would appreciate some info , I'm tempted to try but need a little encouragement


  • Guest
Use the search function. There are plenty of posts about the various shops in the OM chain including the Camberley one.


  • Guest
My Local. . .

Like a lot of these places, it's pot luck really; girls change weekly and can be anything from real stunners to real mingers.  Generally good massage, but you need to make your decision (stay or go) then establish rules before you begin re. touching, clothing etc.  Then get paperwork out of the way before you start.  Saves messing about finding your wallet half way through.  You do need to book or you'll find the door is locked.

Offline mutts2010

ty Slipstone,
have you been recently? any girls that are particularly good or any worth avoiding?


  • Guest
Sorry - can't remember names.  Yhey are often called Nancy for some reason - until you get there.  Never seen the same girl twice.