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Author Topic: Technology to aid puntering  (Read 1579 times)

Offline billybob69

Currently I use a second Nokia type non-smart phone (with a separate sim / phone number) for my puntering activities. That phone is on it's last legs, so time for an upgrade.

I'm assuming the general consensus to maintain confidentiality that a second number or a second phone is still the way to go? Or maybe a dual sim adaptor on my personal iphone?
Regarding apps, I find google maps or a sat nav app useful for finding places, but are there any other 'must have' apps?

On my home laptop, I use a different browser for viewing 'adult related' activities.

Thanks in advance for any replies.


Offline Anadin

Lot of people are dead against smart phones for punting but for me I find them invaluable especially if you really wanted to separate everything, which I kinda do but not religiously.

I have a Punting profile on google and that is where I e-mail and save numbers plus I quite like the way google logs your history and enjoy seeing where I've been.

My number one Punting app is Whatsapp. I never realised so many escorts I saw used it and apart from it being free-ish (bandwidth costs) it's also nice to see whether they saw my message or not.

You can obviously view AW through the phone so no worrying about incognito mode on the laptop.

Waze is also bloody useful if you drive. I hate getting stuck in traffic and Waze attempts to prevent that and if you do get stuck at least you can warn everyone else.

Then there are apps for spare numbers which are sometimes useful and on the odd occasion I take public transport the journey planner ones help quite a lot.

Plus if you do get the chance to do a bit of filming I think that's something I'd want to keep off my main phone.

All that being said you've gotta be careful with smartphone and watch for privacy settings.

Offline Strikar

I also use a smart phone and it's great.

Do not use it to log onto any of your daily life email, social media or apps.

Set up fake Punting google email account on your punting phone and use the same alias for anything else you use to punt with.

With no online link from your personal to punting phone you are safe unless the OH finds the phone of course  :scare:

Offline Strikar

Plus I've also considered some filming which makes this handy with backing up to google drive etc.

If you log into your punting google cloud / email account on your laptop be sure to use private browsing or google will save your punting email address.

Offline billybob69

Thanks for the replies, all useful suggestions.

With regard to apps for a second number; are there any that are free? all the ones that I have seen charge a monthly fee.

Sorry, I'm being a bit dumb, what is the benefit of setting up a fake Punting google email account?


Offline Anadin

Thanks for the replies, all useful suggestions.

With regard to apps for a second number; are there any that are free? all the ones that I have seen charge a monthly fee.

I'm sure there is a free one, the one I use isn't. Google it.

Sorry, I'm being a bit dumb, what is the benefit of setting up a fake Punting google email account?


It's not just an e-mail it's the whole google profile. So you get an e-mail you also get the cloud storage, you download apps with it, search youtube videos, manage your privacy settings and all your contacts are saved there assuming you keep WGs numbers.

Plus I've also considered some filming which makes this handy with backing up to google drive etc.

Yeah that's one thing I absolutely wouldn't do. Maybe if the file was encrypted and my face wasn't in it but generally speaking I don't put anything that sensitive in the cloud.


  • Guest
It's not just an e-mail it's the whole google profile. So you get an e-mail you also get the cloud storage, you download apps with it, search youtube videos, manage your privacy settings and all your contacts are saved there assuming you keep WGs numbers.
Plus, if I understand correctly, an Android mobile - which are fairly cheap to get unlocked, so you can pick up and chuck SIM cards with ease - won't actually work without a Google account to sign into. Not sure why (it's a change since my first smartphone, which was also Android), but it isn't the worst thing in the world...

Also - if you're paranoid - you can log into Google from pretty much anywhere if your phone is lost or stolen (or left unlocked where your missus is likely to find it), and wipe it remotely.

Offline shagmore

Use my works phone - no issue. Make sure works phone does not have itemised statement.
Have setup a personal discreet email address only accessible by logging into the site.
Only ever log into the email account and the AW accounts, and also UKP in "private" or "incognito" mode.
Always clear history on pc on a regular basis
Always clear history and delete txts and phone calls immediately after the punt.
Only once did a WG txt me back - about 3 days after I tried to get hold of her, but it was discreet.  OH asked what it was at that time of night, instead to trying to hide it, showed her txt and simply said "no idea-must have wrong number"

Offline Old Spice

With regard to apps for a second number; are there any that are free? all the ones that I have seen charge a monthly fee.

I use an iPhone app called TextMe.
It gives me a clean new phone number that can be used to call or text from my existing handset.
To make a call or text you need to be logged in to the app.
If you are logged out of the app then no incoming calls or texts can come through.
Like most apps it is free to setup, with a small one off fee to get rid of the adverts.
I am very pleased with it. I use it for all punting communications.

I have discovered one small issue with it. If you don't use it for a week it sends you an email to remind you, if you don't use it they will take the number off you. I am still trying to work out how to stop these emails.

Offline SwenyTodd

Echo what's already been said.  Also, if emailing her, download and use a VPN first and use a ToR.  The ToR can hide IP address and make you appear in a totally different city which can help if you're missus is approached by a WG who wants to accuse you of anything

Offline yorkshirepunter3333

Not tried one of these but...

External Link/Members Only

I googled bluetooth sim

Offline Anadin

Plus, if I understand correctly, an Android mobile - which are fairly cheap to get unlocked, so you can pick up and chuck SIM cards with ease - won't actually work without a Google account to sign into. Not sure why (it's a change since my first smartphone, which was also Android), but it isn't the worst thing in the world...

Also - if you're paranoid - you can log into Google from pretty much anywhere if your phone is lost or stolen (or left unlocked where your missus is likely to find it), and wipe it remotely.

You can use them without logging in. Just hit skip during setup.

Offline sub_marine

As long as you keep all your punting profiles totally seperate, so never check your civvy or works emails on your punting phone.  Never add your normal civvy number as a contact into your punting phone, and set up the remote data wipe for if you ever lose it

Once you have the new phone, set up a secret gmail just for use on the punting phone, then using that account get accounts on everything else for punting, so AW app, Facebook, Whatsapp, KIK, Instagram, twitter, and any phone numbers you have are safe to store on the punting phone, and when using apps like FB, you might get the odd profile or two that connects together, so you can see civvy pics of the prossies, quite handy with SA as a lot of the don't have working phones

Offline Newtothisstuff

I use my old smart phone. Once I upgraded my phone I did a factory reset on the old one and checked everything was wiped. Then I put a payg sim in and use that.
It's ideal for me because if plan A falls through then I can use it to search AW for plan B if i'm away from home. It also has a couple of games on it so I have something to do if I arrive early or have to wait in the car for a few minutes because the girl is running late.