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Author Topic: My LinkedIn account exposed by escort how?  (Read 17820 times)


  • Guest
I admit i was wrong. Just women who dont see indian men even though i have great feedback. Does piss me off. Her being blacklisted doesnt help the situation also as shes potentially dangerous. I apologise for previous posts wasnt in the right state of mind. :wacko:

'She is potentially dangerous'.

And you ? I see issues.

Do you tend to rub people up the wrong way ? Is it always their fault ?
« Last Edit: October 13, 2017, 11:13:59 am by midnightcowboy »

Offline two20

I’m struggling to be sympathetic to the OP.

Offline nodrah

What was that annoying song from ' Frozen ' that was on the media every 2 minutes ????
..... aaah yes that was it .....
LET IT GO !!! LET IT GO !!! LET IT GO !!!!

I guess apetrain never heard it ............

Offline brianthedog21

Hi OP,

Mate you really need to be more careful.

I have just had a quick look on tinternet and it is so easy to find all your details, pictures of you, what you like etc etc.

Hopefully you can see where you went wrong, I would say as a matter of urgency you need to shut down your profiles across the sites you are active on to stop others seeing what you get up to. I certainly would freak if it was out on the internet that I was a punter and the world knew more about me than me being a 21 year old dog named Brian.

Good luck!

PS Personally I would never get into an disagreement with a prossie. If I managed to badger a woman into seeing me who didnt want to it doesnt bode well for a good experience. I would just make sure I couldn't be traced and then leave comments on UKP to warn others if I was pissed off. :unknown:

Offline drex

Guys I cannot thank you enough for this.  I don't have the best brain cells for this punting lifestyle. But I have a good job and dont want to ruin it for these stupid Wgs who can jeopardize my career. My face and linknd account is leaked. And the dumb bitch is spamming ringing my phone non stop. Anyways ive ordered a new CuBOT cheetah dual sim phone one private sim and one for there dumb hoes lol. No offense I call them dumb bitches because they use our hard earned cash spreading there legs for long hoildays in miami  :cool: :cool:

you sound like such a swell guy


  • Guest
OP, I think we all know who you are now, so thanks for sharing.

So that's just about anyone who reads this forum and bothers to spend about 10 seconds checking.

Well done for re-enforcing a sterio-type.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2017, 02:30:17 pm by midnightcowboy »

Offline shagmore

I second the sentiments of Markus,
She makes it clear she don't see Indians, so why the fuck do you not read the profile and take note.
If you see a sign for a cliff edge , would you still continue on - no, you stupid mother fucker, so why not take note of what the WGs put on their profile.
If you are daft enough to use the same name on multiple sites then you aint the brightest spark in the tool box.
READ WHAT THE WGS SAY, its their body, its up to them who they see.
Why do you guys always say its a racist issue, its not, its their preference,

Offline puntingpumping1920

Why do you guys always say its a racist issue, its not, its their preference,

We can have preferences when dating, prostitution is different.

Your money is her preference. Majority of these whores we see find me and you ugly

Discriminating against consumers solely on the basis of colour is racist.
Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline Brazilian Martian

Is it just me or has Nancy and Megan both been getting lots of free publicity lately, this twat has just brought her up also a thread in the London section got closed due to the wanker boywonder who white knighted her at every opportunity.

This girl always causes drama in some form and guys are still drawn to her like flies on shit :thumbsdown:

Offline dboy74

No sympathy at all because you seem to be a twat  :hi:

Offline brianthedog21

You are not on SAAFE... yet. NO doubt though that that is the direction you are heading.

I assume these are your pieces of feedback below? I'm no fluffy. However, I do feel for these girls. Independents, putting themselves at risk to earn a quid and they are forever having to deal with blokes like you who get all fucking stroppy and aggressive. On one of your many dating profiles you say "I am hoping to be a home owner one day". Well, here's the best advice you will get (and I am not even a financial planner...)  - give up whoring. You are on a one way ticket to being the "man wanted over death of a prostitute" head line the way you are banging on. This lady you originally posted about no doubt sent all that Linekdin stuff to you to warn you off, to stop you being a cunt to her any more. Take a warning and leave her alone, and stop wasting time with hookers. You do not have the maturity to see hooking for what it is, so stick to wanking over the birds on Lebenese cupid.

And, you do look Indian. Why do you think you do Indian?

Stop whoring - buy yourself a house - and then your mum will set you up with a nice bird for you to settle down with.


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I dont want to to defend the black listed prossie you saw Trainwreck, but do you think she refused to see you because you appear to be a nutter, loads of trouble and a cunt?

Your feedback barrage Hamchang made us aware of certainly makes you look a complete nut job/cunt. This is in no way I am sure related to your ethnic origin. Just the fact that you are imo a nut job. This taken together with your predominance of negative reviews makes it appear that the problem could be you rather than the prossies.

I am sure any prossie looks at what we write on AW before deciding to accept a booking.

I think if you take an aggressive approach you should be even more careful in protecting your identity.

That said, please take down the other sites where you are active. As I write this there have only been 1047 views of this thread. By the time the weekend is over could be many more thousands of us know who you are.  It must be very worrying but soon it and you will be forgotten.

Hope you get through this!

PS why do you have a fridge freezer in your living room?


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Offline pewpewpew

Easy for you to say. By the sounds of it you sound english White and have no problem getting any escort i assume.  :hi:
not being white doesn't stop you from using a punting phone and fake name


  • Guest
And I quote:

"I tend to be a very likable person women have said. Although I like being independent it would be nice to click one-day with a female."

Offline threechilliman

I think the OP needs to have a word with himself. What a plonker.

Offline hamchang

We can have preferences when dating, prostitution is different.

Your money is her preference. Majority of these whores we see find me and you ugly

Discriminating against consumers solely on the basis of colour is racist.

Yeah you have a point. Because someone is will to pay money, a women suddenly stops being a sentient human and becomes a living breathing liver in a jam jar and has no right to pick or chose at all who can push a part of their anatomy inside of her......

Oh, no, that's wrong. She can do what ever she likes and racism has NOTHING to do with it.

Offline puntingpumping1920

Yeah you have a point. Because someone is will to pay money, a women suddenly stops being a sentient human and becomes a living breathing liver in a jam jar and has no right to pick or chose at all who can push a part of their anatomy inside of her......

Oh, no, that's wrong. She can do what ever she likes and racism has NOTHING to do with it.

I never said she can't see who she wants. I said discriminating based on skin colour is the definition of racism.
Maybe you need to pick up a dictionary Hidden Image/Members Only
Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline hamchang

She is not discriminating on skin colour. She is saying she does not want any Indian men as customers. Or are you saying that Indian men have a very distinct skin colour?

« Last Edit: October 13, 2017, 05:28:31 pm by hamchang »

Offline Brazilian Martian

She is not discriminating on skin colour. She is saying she does not want any Indian men as customers. Or are you saying that Indian men have a very distinct skin colour?

Well we all know what colour most indian men will be and it won't be blue

Offline hamchang

Do you mean the country that divides and classifies all of it population into castes ranging from Bhramin (very white) to Untouchables.... based upon skin colour? well their Skin colour varies from Pale as whitey to dark as Darkie. So which colour is it, and if it was one of them, does that mean she will refuse to see a swarthy greek?

Brazilian Skin tone range is not that different from Indian.
As for Blue? the OPs balls might be blue from all his harrasment of WGs  :yahoo: :yahoo:
« Last Edit: October 13, 2017, 05:39:02 pm by hamchang »

Offline puntingpumping1920

She is not discriminating on skin colour. She is saying she does not want any Indian men as customers. Or are you saying that Indian men have a very distinct skin colour?

She is discriminating on skin colour, and she has done the same against Black people in the past on her VivaStreet profile. 

She is discriminating against brown people plain and simple. 

Yes....there are mix skin complexions in India varies according to the region. In north India particularly in Jammu and Kashmir and Himachal the skin complexions are white, fair, wheatish etc. Towards south, the complexion starts to change to darker and we see wheatish, dark, black complexions.   

Stop with mental gymnastics, she is a racist.
Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline hamchang

She might had had a bruised cervix from a well built black dude so decided no more of that. As for Indian gents - maybe she is just a racist. After all, its not as if she has very recent experience of an Indian chap bombarding her with threats and abuse simply because she was not interested in letting him fuck her.

Offline Brazilian Martian

Averagepunter123 and Apetrain both asian men or so they claim I wonder if they are the same person  :unknown:

Offline Brazilian Martian

I never said she can't see who she wants. I said discriminating based on skin colour is the definition of racism.
Maybe you need to pick up a dictionary Hidden Image/Members Only

I do agree with you on some of the things you have stated, but I remember a Hungarian prossie from the croydon area called Angela who stopped meeting black men. Because she got into a relationship with a black guy and he did want her to meet other black guys, she stated this to another punter on this forum.

So sometimes I do think a prossie can refuse to see a certain race without them being racist.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2017, 05:59:52 pm by Brazilian Martian »

Offline Marcus0101

PS why do you have a fridge freezer in your living room?

 :D :D jeezo man, this issue apart get all your social media pictures down asap for your own sake!! This is like watching a car crash!

Agree with a few others, you've crossed the line with your behaviour and she has been smart in exposing you. Mind you it doesn't take much given you appear to have used the same username for everything all over the net! :dash:

Offline purple_t

So this idiot uses the same username for UKP, POF, Twitter, LinkedIn and (presumably) AW as well and can't work out how the girl found his LinkedIn account. We are dealing with a grade A moron here... I could be a lot meaner than this but I'll restrain myself on this occasion

Offline BP

I can lose everything because I am a stupid twat who doesn't really understand how the internet works yet.

I fixed that for you

Offline scutty brown

........... I call them dumb bitches because they use our hard earned cash spreading there legs for long hoildays in miami  :cool: :cool:

They're the ones who can afford the long just who is the dumb bitch?

Just face it: this has nothing to do with race. It has everything to do with you being an ignorant arrogant twat who treats women like shit

Offline brianthedog21


I cannot believe you have not deleted your other accounts where you have your picture posted. This thread has been viewed over 1600 times.
Say someone who knows your parents says something. Say another prossie you've pissed off does something?

You have been an idiot, but you are being more of an idiot not taking action and trying to limit the damage.

I can see you havent logged on since 14:00hrs ish today. But I guess you must be keeping an eye on the thread without logging on?

Get your finger out and get those other accounts deleted, surely you must see it as a priority? I just dont understand :dash:

Offline a_test_person

Fair enough mate id love to see lollybadcock but shes retired. Anonymity is very important to me how the lady showed my face on linkdnt account is scary. That's sensitive information on there. I need to tread carefully these Wgs are dangerous. I can lose everything because of this secret life I have.

Its not a secret life if you  post to Twitter saying how much you like prostitutes with your Twitter profile picture set to a real picture of your face.  What a complete moron.   :dash:

Its this level of incompetence I expect on a daily basis from my outsourced offshore morons in Gurgaon... Didn't think I'd see it here!

Offline escortman

Fair enough G I'm Indian yet I'm tall light skinned light eyes light skinned. White women think im arabic or greek. There shocked when i say I'm Indian. All it is i dont look like the stereotypes of my race as Im born 83 and know alot about british culture. My house was built in WW2 times and my opposite neighbor is a 80 year old veteran.  STILL ALIVE. When a lady says I dont see indians. I do find it offensive as shes is  stereotyping Indians but then i told her dont judge a book buy its cover. I'm more british then she can ever be

Your a clown..

Offline escortman

Sly to the end ...You need to check yourself  :dash: :dash:

Offline scutty brown

Fair enough G I'm Indian yet I'm tall light skinned light eyes light skinned. White women think im arabic or greek. There shocked when i say I'm Indian. All it is i dont look like the stereotypes of my race as Im born 83 and know alot about british culture. My house was built in WW2 times and my opposite neighbor is a 80 year old veteran.  STILL ALIVE. When a lady says I dont see indians. I do find it offensive as shes is  stereotyping Indians but then i told her dont judge a book buy its cover. I'm more british then she can ever be

Your a clown..

totally deluded....and in denial
looks like an indian, talks like an indian, thinks like an indian, so what is it? Must be a duck

while we're at it......there's no way your house (ANY house) was built in WW2, and if your 80 year old neighbour is a veteran of WW2 then he was enrolled in the army while at primary school. You're talking bullshit

Offline scutty brown

So this idiot uses the same username for UKP, POF, Twitter, LinkedIn and (presumably) AW as well and can't work out how the girl found his LinkedIn account. We are dealing with a grade A moron here... I could be a lot meaner than this but I'll restrain myself on this occasion

along with a Lebanese dating site....he's trawling for a refugee wife


  • Guest
Wgs see who they want ask an any wg what name they put to punters they dont want to see on their phone
Heres a clue
Its cun#!

Offline 65percent

Did the internet create stupidity of this magnitude, or did it just go about undetected before? :crazy:

Offline Markus

You make it difficult for other indians to get bookings and thats why your a first hand cunt. Straight from the dealership, brand new cunt.

You are the reason why indians have to differentiate between British Indian and Indian Indian.  You sound like the latter and prossies view those as pushy, clingy, rude, aggressive and horrible pieces of work.
As for what a prossie does with her money albeit go to Miami on vacation or gifting it to Children in Need, its none of your fucking business.  You are paying for a service and if you read the notes on some of these threads, being clean, friendly, clear with requests, you will get everything you want out of the meet.

Take heed of the advice being offered here or fuck off  :thumbsup:

Offline PLeisure

You make it difficult for other indians to get bookings and thats why your a first hand cunt. Straight from the dealership, brand new cunt.

You are the reason why indians have to differentiate between British Indian and Indian Indian.  You sound like the latter and prossies view those as pushy, clingy, rude, aggressive and horrible pieces of work.
As for what a prossie does with her money albeit go to Miami on vacation or gifting it to Children in Need, its none of your fucking business.  You are paying for a service and if you read the notes on some of these threads, being clean, friendly, clear with requests, you will get everything you want out of the meet.

Take heed of the advice being offered here or fuck off  :thumbsup:
OP is a pathetic, immature, needy, selfish, entitled brat  :timeout:

Loser alert  :angry:

Offline Moby Dick

Fair enough G I'm Indian yet I'm tall light skinned light eyes light skinned. White women think im arabic or greek. There shocked when i say I'm Indian. All it is i dont look like the stereotypes of my race as Im born 83 and know alot about british culture. My house was built in WW2 times and my opposite neighbor is a 80 year old veteran.  STILL ALIVE. When a lady says I dont see indians. I do find it offensive as shes is  stereotyping Indians but then i told her dont judge a book buy its cover. I'm more british then she can ever be.  :hi:

I think you are an idiot to give away so much personal info. It didn't take me 2 minutes on Google to find a picture of an Asian looking guy whom I assume is you. You have exposed yourself by using same usernames on several social networking\dating sites. I don't understand why you would be so stupid....unless the OP is in fact not apetrain but is posting on here to cause problems.

Offline hamchang

Poor lad taking an absolute battering now. Well deserved of course. I wonder if he will spam feedback on some unsuspecting hooker as a result? Get some revenge?  :manhater:


  • Guest
Op you need help now
You think the world is against you
Its the other way around
Wake up smell the coffee !!!

Offline Chorley

I just Googled his username and a Twitter profile shows his face and had tweets stating he uses WG's.

 FFS, how stupid can one person be?  :dash: :dash: :dash:

Offline hamchang

I've had sex with many high class escorts and If you ever do escorting your on top of my list. My long tongue is waiting  ;-)

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Offline finn5555

The OP is a dopey cunt that's for sure  :wacko:

Online fudi_maar

Isn't the internet great - we can all join in for a good kicking from behind the safety of a keyboard.

The OP is naive - very naive -  but I don't think we need to call him a cunt, tit, twat or whatever.

Apetrain, if you are reading this, please, for your own sake, take the recommendation suggested by others earlier of changing your usernames on the different websites you are registered on. You are VERY traceable.

Learn about internet security and take steps to remain as anonymous as possible on the net, dude.

Offline PatMacGroin

I think you are an idiot to give away so much personal info. It didn't take me 2 minutes on Google to find a picture of an Asian looking guy whom I assume is you. You have exposed yourself by using same usernames on several social networking\dating sites. I don't understand why you would be so stupid....unless the OP is in fact not apetrain but is posting on here to cause problems.

Same thing occurred to me. Maybe someone is thick enough to use the same username across so many sites. But to still have any of those profiles active hours after so many warnings on this thread? Up to mischief or a total cretin.  :crazy:

Offline Chorley

Isn't the internet great - we can all join in for a good kicking from behind the safety of a keyboard.

The OP is naive - very naive -  but I don't think we need to call him a cunt, tit, twat or whatever.

Apetrain, if you are reading this, please, for your own sake, take the recommendation suggested by others earlier of changing your usernames on the different websites you are registered on. You are VERY traceable.

Learn about internet security and take steps to remain as anonymous as possible on the net, dude.
I'd agree that (some) people on the internet are collosal knobs and come over all Billy Big Bollocks from the safety of a keyboard. However, I  think you'll find he's been called those things because he's come across as somewhat arrogant disrespectful and self entitled in his posts.

And I'd just add that I've seen much worse abuse on other forums in the past.

Offline cueball

True say bro But I dont even look Asian! Arabic Italian Portuguese Greek. I guess I'am blessed with good looks. I cant lie and tell the lady I'am Portuguese she will believe me but I'am 100% desi Indian and proud. Anyways f**k em i hate bitched who discrimate. If a lady is blue of purple I will stick my tongur in there  ass.

You mention racist earlier, it's the ist's isn't it... racist, agist, fatist, hairist.

Try this one for size, test your ist's to the max
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