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Author Topic: Adultwork reverse booking query  (Read 1983 times)


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I know it's been covered on here previously I'm just wondering anyone had recent experiences...I'm way at weekend in a hotel not central , hoping to get an incall to my hotel near the genting casino brum.

Worth it or simply as stated in past just fucking deranged birds replying without reading it

Offline livingalife

I'm guessing you mean reverse booking? It's a mixed bag, but out of about 5 or 6 reverse bookings, ive had one great punt, one passable and a bunch if time wasters and nightmares.  :scare:

Better off contacting WGs who will do hotel outcalls. That way you can control the quality and cross reference here.


  • Guest
Yes sorry that's what I meant thanks

Offline gary03

Its better not to leave it too late to advertise for an you more chance of replies & researching them.have had  few good punts this way

Offline Jimmyredcab

It's worth taking a chance for £2-40 but my attempts in the past have been a waste of time, quality girls don't have to beg for bookings, they are booked up days ahead.    :hi:

Offline Bikerboy

Yes sorry that's what I meant thanks

Some on here seem to find amazing rb punts.

Hasn't often worked well for me, girls not reading your bid or bidding higher than your bid being common issues. Had a great vfm punt in Leeds once at £215 overnight with a slim pretty 19 year old, that's the exception in my experience though.

Offline HarryZZ

Out of 4 posted reverse bookings I've made I've only taken 2 as I wasn't getting the responses I liked, but the 2 I had were great, they were also cheaper than if I'd booked directly, although that wasn't the reason I advertised. You should be doing the same research but if you state clearly what you want you should have a better chance of getting it than if its just listed in the likes, you're actually asking for it. (Having said that it's clear many of the responders don't bother reading all the ad)

Offline Spunky34

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I'm generally a fan of reverse bookings but right now, trying to come back from almost a year without punting (I moved house so needed to save as much money as possible), I find them almost useless.  Perhaps it's just the new area (I am now in a massive punting desert), but the number of people who are just totally unsuitable, nothing like what you have asked for, is huge. 

I had one yesterday which was particularly frustrating - I got an email (not an RB response) from a girl with a fairly new profile, which basically confirmed all the required services but declined some of the optional ones I had mentioned.  I liked the profile so over the course of half a day we exchanged emails on AW, then phone numbers, she happily sent me some face pics via Whatsapp.  She looked really fit so I then said I would like to see her and asked if she wanted me to do an AW booking request.  At which point she asked me to tell her the location and the fee (I assumed as a reminder) - and when I did so pronounced the fee to be too low and the location to be inconvenient!  Why would she bother to contact me in the first place if neither the fee nor the location worked for her?

Offline Cumberland

I'm generally a fan of reverse bookings but right now, trying to come back from almost a year without punting (I moved house so needed to save as much money as possible), I find them almost useless.  Perhaps it's just the new area (I am now in a massive punting desert), but the number of people who are just totally unsuitable, nothing like what you have asked for, is huge. 

I had one yesterday which was particularly frustrating - I got an email (not an RB response) from a girl with a fairly new profile, which basically confirmed all the required services but declined some of the optional ones I had mentioned.  I liked the profile so over the course of half a day we exchanged emails on AW, then phone numbers, she happily sent me some face pics via Whatsapp.  She looked really fit so I then said I would like to see her and asked if she wanted me to do an AW booking request.  At which point she asked me to tell her the location and the fee (I assumed as a reminder) - and when I did so pronounced the fee to be too low and the location to be inconvenient!  Why would she bother to contact me in the first place if neither the fee nor the location worked for her?
I find a lot of bids are at your requested price initially to hook you in, then when you show interest they will do what you say and start saying 'could we do it for another £50 babe....' at which time stop.
But I like RBs as they generates new talent you may not have seen and at discounts from the AW page. But my guidance is to be prepared they take time to organise and to do your research and never pay more than you say. Typically, a sensible RB placed 5 days in advance will generate 20+ Bidders of which 2-3 should be really good in my experience.


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So would I be wasting my time putting something on for Friday night, as is Friday a prime earner for them as opposed to say a Monday

Offline morgoth77

I know it's been covered on here previously I'm just wondering anyone had recent experiences...I'm way at weekend in a hotel not central , hoping to get an incall to my hotel near the genting casino brum.

Worth it or simply as stated in past just fucking deranged birds replying without reading it
I used it once and got a lot of the weird and wasters but a few Gems and so worked well for me and best advice is that the higher the amount you offer the better choices you get and this is aside from the time wanted and worth the small cost of taking a chance

Offline britguy81

I've found most of the girls bidding ignore what you request and just tell you what they offer anyway!

Offline gary03

You do tend to find girls who bid cheaper than there aw rate.just be selective & check feedback

Offline Gordon Bennett

So would I be wasting my time putting something on for Friday night, as is Friday a prime earner for them as opposed to say a Monday

It's £2.40.... just put it up - the worst that can happen is you get no responses. You may unearth a little gem though. Of course you must keep separately searching and firing out direct enquiries to individual ladies as relying soley on a RB risks leaving you high and dry.

Offline Mr_Shins

I often wonder about those who accept your bid at your own rate which is way lower than their advertised rate.

Do they do that on purpose? Have an excessively high rate then bid on RB's lower so the people think they are getting a real bargain?
Or maybe it's so they can be more selective at who they book?

When I've placed RBs I usually get multiple bids and the difficulty is you can only select one then you lose all the other bids. So I have had to message them.

From my last RB I met 3.

Offline Jimmyredcab

I've found most of the girls bidding ignore what you request and just tell you what they offer anyway!

Spot on.

If you say no BBWs they will still bid.     :dash: :dash: :dash: :dash:


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I often wonder about those who accept your bid at your own rate which is way lower than their advertised rate.

Do they do that on purpose? Have an excessively high rate then bid on RB's lower so the people think they are getting a real bargain?
Or maybe it's so they can be more selective at who they book?

When I've placed RBs I usually get multiple bids and the difficulty is you can only select one then you lose all the other bids. So I have had to message them.

From my last RB I met 3.
and how did it work out a stunner for 50% of her normal price .or a £200 overnight ?

Offline Duke34

I've made three RB's over the years, two of them turned out very good, and the third was my best ever meet.
It's right though, you do get a mixed bag of responses (one was from a male sp suggesting I might like to try it!), but there were always a few diamonds.
A rb at Gatwick hotel last year got me 65 bids, and they were still coming in after my choice had already arrived!
What's already been mentioned that tripped me up is that after the booking time is done, the bids are all removed, I was hoping to see one of them another time but can't remember her name nor can I find her in a search :(

Offline Mr_Shins

I've never had as many as 65 bids, my biggest got about 24. The outcall in an office room booked through a booking company.

Among those were 2 of my all-time favourites. They were the 4th and 5th people I chose to meet from the bids.


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What did you offer ? Must have been a high cash deal ??

Offline Duke34

Not sure who that question is for bigman, but I'm happy to respond...

Yes, it was a good payday for her, 4 hour booking @ £500.  Put the RB in a week in advance and included a bit about myself, what I thought we could get up to, that I was up for a nice relaxing evening rather than just a shag-fest, and some more stuff I can't remember.  Basically it looked like easy money with a free champaign dinner!
Another RB I did local to me only got 6 bids.  But that turned out to be my best ever booking.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2017, 12:06:18 pm by Duke34 »

Offline Corus Boy

A rb at Gatwick hotel last year got me 65 bids, and they were still coming in after my choice had already arrived!
What's already been mentioned that tripped me up is that after the booking time is done, the bids are all removed, I was hoping to see one of them another time but can't remember her name nor can I find her in a search :(

I always copy and paste all the bids into a Spreadsheet for later perusal.

I will sometimes, if there are a couple that really do it for me, email them with a valid excuse for not accepting their bids this time and wondering if the offer would still be valid in x weeks time?  Then you end up with a new Hotlist to call back on.

Yes, you can get some ripe replies but often positive responses and once an improved bid.


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Thanks as i guessed a ripe bid attractive to better wgs .

Offline Mr_Shins

To get the better deals I prefer to specify 1½ bookings to 1 hour or 2 hours. They see the 1 and don't see the half quite so easily. And a rate of £150 looks better than a rate of £100.

So many of them will take it on.

Unless they're someone who packs many into a day, they will often have only one evening booking anyway, no matter how long it is, and are happy for it to go on an extra half hour.


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Yes £150 for 90 mins is cut price these days !!

Offline RudiUK

For 2.40 it's worth a punt (excuse the pun). I've had one RB yield nothing vs 3 others that turned up some unexpected gems.

Offline Slipperywhenwet70

I tried an RB last week. It was a bit last minute but got 3 responses. I check their AW profiles and 1 bid was £20 ph over her usual rate. Funnily enough I declined that one.

Offline Mr_Shins

I tried an RB last week. It was a bit last minute but got 3 responses. I check their AW profiles and 1 bid was £20 ph over her usual rate. Funnily enough I declined that one.

You could just try booking her at her usual rate and see her response?


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Rb can be good think you must word them well and take 75% replys will be not suitable ?

Offline Mr_Shins

When you get 20 replies, it's fine if 75% are not suitable... you have 5 that are.

Ham Man

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I've filmed punts in the past, and ive used a reverse booking every now and then because it always seems to throw up a couple of girls who didn't list it on their profile, but were obviously up for it for the right price