Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Different way of Viewing  (Read 712 times)


  • Guest
Good Afternoon

would it be possible to search reviews in a different way

I am not interested to a great degree on the conversations when its over two or three long

Therefore the reviews to be listed in original date loaded with the newest first would be great

Offline cueball

Is it that difficult to search and read the reviews as they appear?  :dash:

This site is completely free, completely impartial, free of advertising, run by one bloke and saves you thousands.

Isn't that enough  :dash:

Offline dsr

Hang on.  You know if you click the auto-generated link with any post with an AW link? The one that appears below the actual post.  Doesn't that just list all UKP reviews, in date order with newest posts at the top?

Online shagmore

I sure as hell don't mind spending a few extra mins scrolling through the reviews, sometimes things catch your eye and can result in a fresh addition to the HL.
FFS its free, it saves you money, time and potential embarrassment.

Offline jred27881

if you use in a Google search you can then use Google as the search engine whilst limiting results to this site.

Hope it helps