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Author Topic: Missy aka Missybanks  (Read 30509 times)

10 review(s) for MissyBanks (9 positive, 0 neutral, 1 negative) [Indexed by ]
11 review(s) for PixiePeach2 (10 positive, 0 neutral, 1 negative) [Indexed by Ali Katt]
16 review(s) for PixPeachh (12 positive, 0 neutral, 4 negative) [Indexed by TheMurloc]

Offline ladiesman020

I decided against seeing her at hod cos of the tattoos
Banned reason: Undesirable, covertly filming bookings
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Bartolomeo

I love girls with non trashy tattoos, she looked so good when I saw her last summer (unfortunately at that craphole maida vale place) but she said she was getting another large piece, plus she had pretty awesome personality, so i really wanna see her again


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ParisB  :D

Who is Paris? Haha.. I really don't know many escorts, apparently I do haha! But afraid I'm a bit of a loner in this business, I know enough to count on one hand and that's the truth. And it was a 'punter' if you wanna call a man who was making a booking that, I find it kind of rude and don't want to appear that way!!

I was asked to send a picture of my face and when I said they are on my PG as I don't want it too public but I understand that you want to know what you are letting yourself in for (I certainly would in your shoes) he sent me a link saying that they are available online and that he didn't need to pay but he is guessing I didn't know they were there and maybe I should get them taken down. And that's the truth. No hard feelings, I just want you to understand where I am coming from and I really can't have them up like this so publicly online  :drinks:


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you are polite i like you.

missy may i know do you see clients who are different. In my case i have burn scars on my face and some escorts have turned me down.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2014, 04:54:14 am by intana »

Offline MrEffect

As an aside from the bickering in here I just saw this on Missy's blog on AW. (It won't let me copy and paste the text thus the link)

External Link/Members Only

She states that some punters have been adding her to Facebook and other "real life"social network accounts and is considering leaving the industry because of it. Pretty peeved and confused by this. What do they hope to achieve? All it's done is potentially put an excellent girl out of the business. I saw Missy once at HOD, gorgeous, friendly and very good at what she does. Now we may lose her because of some socially maladjusted mouth breather.

Offline KentAde

As an aside from the bickering in here I just saw this on Missy's blog on AW. (It won't let me copy and paste the text thus the link)

External Link/Members Only

She states that some punters have been adding her to Facebook and other "real life"social network accounts and is considering leaving the industry because of it. Pretty peeved and confused by this. What do they hope to achieve? All it's done is potentially put an excellent girl out of the business. I saw Missy once at HOD, gorgeous, friendly and very good at what she does. Now we may lose her because of some socially maladjusted mouth breather.

Fucking idiots! Should leave WG's to do what they do as a business and not get involved in their private lives ffs.... :diablo:


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Fucking idiots! Should leave WG's to do what they do as a business and not get involved in their private lives ffs.... :diablo:

Agreed, they are stupid pricks, but is it a good idea for a WG to have an personal facebook account that can be accessed by strangers. Lots of stalkers and weirdos out there. I don't know a lot about facebook as I think it is shit but have you not got privacy settings etc that can control strangers linking it, if not maybe WG's should go without, not a big price to pay to protect their privacy.

Offline Meursault

This is what happens when people can do image searches on Google and WGs use the same photos on AW as on social networks.
I despise the pricks that behave like that. They are abusing WGs naivety.

Offline Bartolomeo

Fucking idiots...seriously are they so delusional. I can understand if she decides to leave and 'disappear' but I hope she doesn't let these turds force her to quit, I would much rather she quit on her own terms

There are privacy settings so that no one can find your account via email address, name, or whatever. Hopefully with her new accounts, this wont happen anymore
« Last Edit: March 10, 2014, 11:33:18 pm by Bartolomeo »

Offline Setodger

What the fuck is wrong with some people, what a shame.


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Poor girl...idiots like that spoil it for all of us!  :(

I have occasionally stumbled across a real life connection doing image searches...but to act upon it and intrude into someone's privacy breaks every rule of discretion.  :thumbsdown:

I hope Missy can sort this one out!

Offline mattylondon

Poor girl...idiots like that spoil it for all of us!  :(

I have occasionally stumbled across a real life connection doing image searches...but to act upon it and intrude into someone's privacy breaks every rule of discretion.  :thumbsdown:

I hope Missy can sort this one out!
Sorry, but I'm going to swim against the tide on this one. I smell bullshit here and think this is about generating publicity, even if the events are all true, which I don't condone.

I shall believe it when I see it re this 'retirement'. What else is she going to do? Stack shelves at Tesco's. Let's wait and see.  :rolleyes:
« Last Edit: March 11, 2014, 12:41:30 am by mattylondon »

Offline Bikerboy

I haven't seen Missy yet and may not be able to if these idiots continue messing about on social media sites with her private life. It's just unacceptable behaviour.

Online ciscoxxx69

I haven't seen Missy yet and may not be able to if these idiots continue messing about on social media sites with her private life. It's just unacceptable behaviour.

+1 - poor girl deserves a private life away from the fantasy one......  :dash:
There are some mindless Twats about! :unknown:


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+1 - poor girl deserves a private life away from the fantasy one......  :dash:
There are some mindless Twats about! :unknown:

I struggle to see what these twats think hunting down a WG is going to achieve. Or are they just trying to find out information to blackmail/out them. Fucking weird losers that spoil it for the sensible punters.

I will add though, that WG's should also do as much as they can to protect themselves from the nutters and use the security tools that Facebook apparently has.


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+1 Mr V - but the same must also go to the WG - why do these girls use their facebook pics on AW profile? not rocket science to image search now a days to connect to a WG facebook page.


Offline Straife

I don't agree with it, but sorry, she really is dramatising this whole thing.

Yes, the fact they may be able to out her via social media is a legitimate concern. (One that is also avoidable) But the fact she starts saying she has to move, or needs a housemate because she feels unsafe is nuts. If someone wanted to physically hurt her they could just make a fake appointment and do so when they turn up.

Again, they're still cunts for trying to out her for no reason, but calm down love.  :hi:

Offline Meursault

I shall believe it when I see it re this 'retirement'. What else is she going to do? Stack shelves at Tesco's. Let's wait and see.  :rolleyes:
Do you seriously think that all WGs only have the option of going from £120ph to £7ph minimum wage, if they give up?
Because if you don't, your statement above betrays you!

Offline mattylondon

Do you seriously think that all WGs only have the option of going from £120ph to £7ph minimum wage, if they give up?
Because if you don't, your statement above betrays you!
Yea, I do?! Get off your high horse, why don't you. Most of the prossies I've punted wouldn't be qualified to do that! :rolleyes:

My point was that I think the woman is being a drama queen and that I don't believe a work of this retiring/giving up whoring bullshit. Perhaps you do?  :rolleyes:
« Last Edit: March 13, 2014, 02:46:16 am by mattylondon »

Offline mattylondon

Let's see if she follows through with her 'threat' to leave AW and give up.  :rolleyes:

Anyone trying to out her is a wanker, but she's doing a good job herself if she's plastered all over social media whilst openly being a prossie. It doesn't make it acceptable, but it is what it is.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2014, 02:51:34 am by mattylondon »

Offline Meursault

Yea, I do?! Get off your high horse, why don't you. Most of the prossies I've punted wouldn't be qualified to do that! :rolleyes:
Not on any high horse. Many of the WGs I've seen (not all obviously) were doing the job to make some money quick but had other genuine aspirations than"stacking shelves". Oh well  :unknown: