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Author Topic: WGs stealing money from each other.  (Read 1876 times)

Offline streetstroler

I mostly punt in parlours and two girls who are both regulars from the same parlour  have told me at the start of a session that another girl has taken money from them whilst they have been in the room with a punter. One girl has since moved to another place and I still see her but have heard no more about money going missing. The other girl still works at the parlour and has told me on the last two times that I've seen her about another girl taking £50 from her whilst she's been working on two separate occasions, not the same girl each time though. On hearing this I naturally sympathised on both occasions ,but it has occurred to me that  maybe this was just a ploy to get me to give them a little extra for the session to compensate for their loss. I would like to know what other punters think about this and wether they've ever heard of this happening.

Offline McSwell

Ive heard of girls stealing money, clothes or even make up from each other.
Girls working in parlours barely  know each other and the odd light fingered prozzie isn't unheard of.



  • Guest
Don't ever give them extra cash ffs.

Just say some advice like to keep it with them at all times.


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Dont get involved pay your fee, get land leave.

Online lewisjones23

it happens but not your concern

they earn a fortune as it is - should be more mindful of their environment and keep things safe

sob story to get extras most likely

Offline streetstroler

I've not fallen for this and given them extra. Another punter or two and they can soon make the money back. A little lax with thier security perhaps.

Offline buccdriver

It's not your problem. Fuck 'em and go or next time you'll get a bigger sob story.

Online Boinky

You go to get laid/blown/massaged/wanked.

Not for the prossie edition of Hollyoaks.

It's up to them to make sure the venue provides them with adequate security or for them to do something about it themselves if the venue won't.
Having heard some girls moan on and on about their (money) problems though when I was young enough not just to stick a cock in their mouth so I didn't have to hear it I suspect you could be correct in that it's a ploy to get extra cash.

Think about how busy some of these girls are, how much they charge, how much tax they pay (cough!) and the benefits some of them are claiming as well. They might have a relatively short career but I guarantee a good girl with a business head on her in a busy parlour has more disposable income than many of us.


  • Guest
it all goes on in brothels
how bad it is all depends on the individuals who 'work' there and how the place is 'managed'
if they are a victim of theft ,perhaps they should call the police  :sarcastic:
or their co -workers act like a bunch of fucking savages leave if able to do so :music:

either way not your problem you are a customer

Offline Solidrock

So she's been robbed three times and still moaning. You'd think after the first time she'd learn to stick the cash in her handbag and keep it with her. It's her own fault after that.

As George W Bush said - fool me once shame on me, fool me can't get fooled again.


  • Guest
Its a hard luck story for more tips of course

Offline ruffler

wtf is it to you lol - thats not a concern - tours is - is she worth it will I return  :dash:

Online myothernameis

Massage parlour  used to visit early 90's, the receptionist on the door was help her self to some of the takings, around £100 per week, owner soon got suspicious, and the receptionist was caught and fired

1 hr massage would be marked down as 45 min's
30 min massage, would not be marked on sheet

Offline bukowski

i guess any of the stories could be true:-

- girl working in brothel/parlor dumb, slack or scatty enough to make same mistake several times? = believable.

- girl working in brothel/parlor devious, cynical or manipulative enough to make up a story to gouge more cash from punter? = believable.

the most salient points already been made above though

it's got fuck all to do with you
and there's fuck all reason for you to hand over cash in response

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Online george r

sob story bullshit !! loads are claiming benefits as well and want every penny they can con people out of ?

I think there was girl sacked from LM in Bury a while ago for stealing though ??

Online Blackpool Rock

So she's been robbed three times and still moaning. You'd think after the first time she'd learn to stick the cash in her handbag and keep it with her. It's her own fault after that.
Exactly, sounds like a load of shit to get the cashpoint to tip up an extra tenner.

Next time you see these girls tell them you got a parking ticket last time you saw them and see if they give you a free punt, whats the chances  :unknown: Slim to None  :hi:

Offline shagmore

You are there for a shag, or whatever, not to act as a listening board. They are not paying you to unload their troubles.
Tell them to keep their shit with them if they are that worried, how difficult can it be, you wouldn't care if she walked in a room with a bag.
Answer is to get you cock in their mouth as quickly as possible to shut them up

Offline pewpewpew

You ahould offer to call the police for her. That would shut her up

Offline Chorley

It might seem a bit harsh, but tough luck to her. It's completely unprofessional if her to offload and guilt trip you because her co workers are a bunch of thieving low lifes(if that's even true :unknown:) that have zero morals.

Offline The Owl

Could be true. Could be trying to get sympathy bookings. Could be trying to sabotage I another prostitute/parlour. Could be trying for a big tip in cash at the end. Could just be made up gossip to make a boring session more interesting.

You'll never know the truth.

RX8 Racer

  • Guest
When I go and see a WG I only care about getting laid, whether another girl is stealing money from her is none of my concern and never will be. If she tried to get more money out of me by giving me some sob story trying to get sympathy from me to get me to pay more I'll just tell her to STFU and to sort HER own f*cki*g problems out.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2017, 10:02:23 pm by RX8 Racer »

Offline Scotpunter

No matter what the business, there are always light fingered cunts about. Would she of knocked anything off if you said a workmate had taken £20 out of your coat pocket at your changing room at work?
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