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Author Topic: Best suppliers of generic viagra/cialis etc  (Read 2137 times)


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Hi Folks,

As per the title really. Best means "not going to rip you off" as well as "getting exactly what you pay for i.e. no dodgy unexpected chemicals"...

I have used Dr Fox in the past. Any other current suggestions?


Online scutty brown

I'm amazed at how often this question is posted, does no-one ever do a forum search?

But here you are, these are reliable and UK based
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Offline fastnet

Offline Southernandy

Dr Fox is great value, uses genuine products, quick delivery and discreet. If you need same day you can use Superdrug which requires a questionnaire and online assessment with a approval that takes about an hour, you can then walk into store to collect, this is more expensive but good when in need.

Offline Southernandy

Get mine from Asda.

Unfortunately my local Asda doesn't do this, seems hit and miss by store and pharmacist which is a shame as it seems great in terms of price and convenience


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Not found a cheaper one than Dr Fox.

Was like 65 quid for 32 tablets.

Offline munterhunter

Asda used to be great. Only certain pharmacists could issue pills but you could get generic viagra for about 6 quid a box they used Dr Fox on line prescription service to dispense them one box was 15 quid including prescription cost but they would do 8 boxes on one prescription so 48 quid for the pills plus 9 for the script.
Now I get 4 100mg per month on NHS Prescription which I get from Lloyds who give me the Pfizer Viagra. I get a private prescription for viagra from my GP and get generic viagra from Boots who charge 8.50 per box of 4.
Lloyds charge 18quid for generic and 28 for a box of 4 100mg viagra on a private prescription.
I don't exactly know why Lloyds issue Pfizer Viagra on the NHS usually you get the generic as it's much cheaper..but I'm not complaining.

Offline Gordon Bennett

My local Asda is fine. I have direct number for pharmacy department so I just ring up and check that a pharmacist qualified to dispense sydenafil (generic viagra) is on duty before I toddle down. I admit that 6 times out of 10 he/she is not on duty but, like I say, I phone first. Obviously, I dont wait til last minute and always restock when I'm down to last pill or two.
Their price is pretty random, I've never paid a consistent price..... think most I got charged was £11ish for 4 100mg pills but it averages £7ish.

Offline tkoddu

I'm looking to buy the generic version online which would be cheaper.
My problem is that I can't have it delivered at my flat cause I'm worried my girlfriend could be in and take the package, and bering a woman she will ask me questions.
Does any of you know any site that could deliver to the post office without needing the prescription?

Offline cash2spare

I'm looking to buy the generic version online which would be cheaper.
My problem is that I can't have it delivered at my flat cause I'm worried my girlfriend could be in and take the package, and bering a woman she will ask me questions.
Does any of you know any site that could deliver to the post office without needing the prescription?

isn't she going to wonder (after popping a sildenafil) where this raging boner has suddenly appeared from? she will be most impressed and if you don't tell her you'll be expected to rise to the occasion every time lol

Online scutty brown

the company I linked to above, Assured Pharmacy, have an inhouse GP who signs their own scripts - you don't need anything from your own GP.
You fill in an online questionnaire, which approves/rejects depending on what you say, then their pet doctor authorises it
You should be able to get them to drop ship somewhere - phone them and ask, they're very helpful

Hank Marvin

  • Guest
Ok, I know there is lots of generic online information on this but I would rather hear (ie would be more likely to believe) from UKP-ers about the effects of using the blue pills -

So yes obvious immediate hard on, but after blowing your load, are you able to get another stiffy as soon as you aroused? I can usually go 2 or 3 times a day but a few hours in between. So for a punt a pill may just speed up the process (or at least mean that I can utilise the hour or two).

Thanks in advance (and for not taking the piss)

Offline Mackeral

Am taking blood pressure pills diurectics and verapamil.  Have tried viagra but can still go floppy.  Should i ditch the blood pressure tablets for a few days before a punt.  Thing is i was diagnosed with a heart condition Hypertrophic Cardiomyopthy (heart muscle is too thick) which can cause sudden cardiac death more so in young athletes. Is a genetic inherited condition in most cases. Frances Muamba footballer had that conditon i believe.  Affects 1 in 500 people worldwide and most people don't know they have it.  I thought i had asthma but how wrong i was.   Some people get fitted with a defribillator which shocks the heart back into life should you pass out and go into a dangerous heart rhythm.   SO there you go not many people know about this condition but when a young lad drops dead playing football or basketball now you know the main likely cause.   What do you recommend ?

Online scutty brown

Am taking blood pressure pills diurectics and verapamil.  Have tried viagra but can still go floppy.  Should i ditch the blood pressure tablets for a few days before a punt.  Thing is i was diagnosed with a heart condition Hypertrophic Cardiomyopthy (heart muscle is too thick) which can cause sudden cardiac death more so in young athletes. Is a genetic inherited condition in most cases. Frances Muamba footballer had that conditon i believe.  Affects 1 in 500 people worldwide and most people don't know they have it.  I thought i had asthma but how wrong i was.   Some people get fitted with a defribillator which shocks the heart back into life should you pass out and go into a dangerous heart rhythm.   SO there you go not many people know about this condition but when a young lad drops dead playing football or basketball now you know the main likely cause.   What do you recommend ?

I recommend you speak to the medical specialist dealing with your case.
If you take advice from this forum you will probably die.
If you want to live, don't be a dickhead

Offline tkoddu

I know I may sound cheap, but I'm spending around 20 pounds for 10 tablets, while the assured pharmacy would ask me 75 pounds instead, my only problem I have at the moment is finding a solution with the delivery.

Online scutty brown

I know I may sound cheap, but I'm spending around 20 pounds for 10 tablets, while the assured pharmacy would ask me 75 pounds instead, my only problem I have at the moment is finding a solution with the delivery.

What drugs are you on? £71.99 is the price for 32 tablets of sildenafil, either 50mg or 100mg


  • Guest
Ed drugs are about blood pressure if you have problems in thst ares as your doctor or you may end up died

Online daviemac

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Am taking blood pressure pills diurectics and verapamil.  Have tried viagra but can still go floppy.  Should i ditch the blood pressure tablets for a few days before a punt.  Thing is i was diagnosed with a heart condition Hypertrophic Cardiomyopthy (heart muscle is too thick) which can cause sudden cardiac death more so in young athletes. Is a genetic inherited condition in most cases. Frances Muamba footballer had that conditon i believe.  Affects 1 in 500 people worldwide and most people don't know they have it.  I thought i had asthma but how wrong i was.   Some people get fitted with a defribillator which shocks the heart back into life should you pass out and go into a dangerous heart rhythm.   SO there you go not many people know about this condition but when a young lad drops dead playing football or basketball now you know the main likely cause.   What do you recommend ?

You're seriously asking for advice on a matter that can kill you on a punting forum.     :wacko: :wacko:   See your doctor.     :dash:

Offline Gordon Bennett

Topped up on sidanifil at Asda this morning. In and out in 5 mins, £11 for 4 100mg tablets. Could have got 4 50mg tabs for £9. I mentioned once getting charged £3 there but pharmacist said that was price for those in possession of a private prescription...... presumably person got confused about pricing when I got charged just £3.
Also, I've got a pill chopper/splitter but I find the larger 100mg pills are hard to cleanly cut in half..... they tend to fracture and crumble a bit. Smaller 50mg pills split much more cleanly into very clean equal halves. Keep this in mind if you are thinking of trying to cut pills down to 25mg doses.

Offline tkoddu

Does doctor fox allow me to collet to my local post office ?

Offline Steve2

Not sure

They send them Royal Mail Signed for in a plain Jiffy bag


  • Guest
isn't she going to wonder (after popping a sildenafil) where this raging boner has suddenly appeared from? she will be most impressed and if you don't tell her you'll be expected to rise to the occasion every time lol
Im guessing the raging boner aint for the benefit of his girlfriend!  :cool:

Offline AnthG

As per the title really. Best means "not going to rip you off" as well as "getting exactly what you pay for i.e. no dodgy unexpected chemicals"...

Just to say, the Cialis/Tadalafil patent does not expire until November of this year. Until then to get the real stuff it will still be around £25 for 4 tablets.

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Any cheaper than that and it will be a knock off where you cannot be 100% sure on what is in it.

To also say, when the Viagra/sildenafil citrate patent expired it took about a month or so for the generics to hit the stores but then you could get them all over the place for really unbelievable prices. I remember for a period Asda were selling them for £8 for 4x100mg tablets. So you may get Cialis around this price range too likely just in time for Christmas.

To also say, the Levitra patent expires in October 2018.
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Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline Doombar

Why not go see your GP and get them on the NHS?

Offline AnthG

Why not go see your GP and get them on the NHS?

You wont be able to get Cialis on the NHS from your GP unless you have diabetes.

If you want them on the NHS you will need to book an appointment with the sexual health clinic. They likely will have one of them at the local main Gum Clinic (before someone says it. it's not the same thing as a Gum appointment, they just usually work from the same building and have sexual health clinics there too). They are the only people who can prescribe the expensive tables (Cialis, Levitra, Spedra) for things like anxiety on the NHS.
Banned reason: To much drama, account closed
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline Chooser

Why not go see your GP and get them on the NHS?

Because in my experience, most GPs will only issue them on a private prescription.  :)


  • Guest
Why not go see your GP and get them on the NHS?
£8.80 for 4 or 8 Viagra

Offline Home Alone

You wont be able to get Cialis on the NHS from your GP unless you have diabetes.

Not so in my experience.

I don't have either type of diabetes bit I do have a medical condition, one of the side-effects of which is poor circulation. I've beenever getting Viagra & derivatives on the NHS for over 10 years now.

And very grateful I am, too! :)

Offline BogBog1

I've used Dr Fox and Lloyds Online Doctor - both reliable. If you're close to a branch, Lloyds is great for quick delivery because you can order online and collect from the pharmacy an hour later.

Online Marmalade

Just to say, the Cialis/Tadalafil patent does not expire until November of this year. Until then to get the real stuff it will still be around £25 for 4 tablets.

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Any cheaper than that and it will be a knock off where you cannot be 100% sure on what is in it.

To also say, when the Viagra/sildenafil citrate patent expired it took about a month or so for the generics to hit the stores but then you could get them all over the place for really unbelievable prices. I remember for a period Asda were selling them for £8 for 4x100mg tablets. So you may get Cialis around this price range too likely just in time for Christmas.

To also say, the Levitra patent expires in October 2018.

Good info for newbies. Can't say I follow it though. The NHS buy most of their generics from big pharmas abroad.  Around 20 per cent of medicines sold in Britain are generics from India. Very occasionally they have a row over standards but it saves the NHS billions. You can buy stuff cheaply over the counter in many European countries too. But you simply have to know you are buying from a reputable pharma or distributor. If you don't know what you're doing just stick to Dr Fox.

Online Marmalade

Not sure

They send them Royal Mail Signed for in a plain Jiffy bag

Just wondering, do they sell the flavoured chewable ones yet?

Offline Steve2

Just wondering, do they sell the flavoured chewable ones yet?

Not sure mate

Online myothernameis

Why not go see your GP and get them on the NHS?

Your GP, will likely know your medical history, and could turn round and say, no the risk is to great, but if you the patient are willing to take the risk, then probably best go through a online website, and get your Viagra

I have low blood pressure and a slow heart, and I'm told I shouldn't take these tablets, as they may cause me problems, but in the time I have taken various tablets, and never had any problems

But each person must make up there own minds

Offline Steve2

Lloyds Pharmacy online

10% off orders over £30. Expires by the end of today 17th November


Offline Home Alone

Your GP, will likely know your medical history, and could turn round and say, no the risk is to great, but if you the patient are willing to take the risk, then probably best go through a online website, and get your Viagra

I have low blood pressure and a slow heart, and I'm told I shouldn't take these tablets.

I asked my GP 2 check my heart/blood pressure before I went 2 buy some Viagra 10 - 11 years ago. She told me both were okay before adding that my congenital condition meant I qualified for them on prescription.

"You'll still have to go through foreplay, though!", she advised. And I always follow medical advice! :D  :lol:

Offline Troydor69

I bought from Medexpress recently. Prices seem to be about the same as other websites, very quick delivery, discretely packaged and genuine product. I will buy from there again.

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