Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Gangbang etiquette  (Read 2701 times)

Offline gordanfranks

Afternonn all hope everyine is well. Ive after some advice. Going to my first gangbang on Wednesday night. Was wondering what peoples advice is for a 1st timer.


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Plenty of lube and insist on them being gentle with you!

Offline womble999

Make sure you do a review afterwards  :rolleyes:

Etiquette tends to vary with venue. Take a momment or two to pick up the feel for the party before starting. Some general rule to follow is too remember that there are other punters there as well so don't be a hog. Also regarding other punters watch where you are aiming, friendly fire at a GB can create an awkward moment, I mean do you offer to wipe it up or just not mention it?. It's a social mine field.

Offline Home Alone


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This question has been asked before.
I haven't read it but it may be worth having a look at that thread.


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Offline Bangers and Gash

Going to my first gangbang on Wednesday night. Was wondering what peoples advice is for a 1st timer.

It's considered good manners to give a guy a reach round after you've fucked him up the ass.  :hi:

Offline Murray Mint

............. I mean do you offer to wipe it up or just not mention it? It's a social mine field.

 :) :) :)

Offline smiths

Afternonn all hope everyine is well. Ive after some advice. Going to my first gangbang on Wednesday night. Was wondering what peoples advice is for a 1st timer.

Ensure other punters spunk doesn't hit you, what I found is some dipsticks lost all control of their aim when they spunked. :vomit:

The etiquette is too be clean with the correct cash, as I don't know what provider it is I cant say more.

Offline Murray Mint

Gangbangs are no longer my scene, but in the past I found them most enjoyable. Gentlemen’s Relish parties didn’t used to provide condoms so I turned up with a packet of 10. (Yes, optimistic I know!) Anyway, a chap turned up without any so I gave him a couple. Just seemed the polite thing to do!

Then I remember another bloke who happily banged away in front of everyone, but insisted on wrapping a towel around himself between sessions. Now that seemed to be taking decorum a bit far to my mind!

Offline smiths

Gangbangs are no longer my scene, but in the past I found them most enjoyable. Gentlemen’s Relish parties didn’t used to provide condoms so I turned up with a packet of 10. (Yes, optimistic I know!) Anyway, a chap turned up without any so I gave him a couple. Just seemed the polite thing to do!

Then I remember another bloke who happily banged away in front of everyone, but insisted on wrapping a towel around himself between sessions. Now that seemed to be taking decorum a bit far to my mind!

I think Gentlemens Relish parties became just Gentlemens Parties later and condoms were £1 from the bar at Club Lick, like you after the first time as they didn't bother telling me they didn't supply free condoms, I took my own, then a while later in Bow they started to offer them for free. Problem was the pimp owner Paddy was a lying scumbag as I found out and his mate Ken fucked off to start Desire Parties in Canada Water and the glass warehouse in Greenwich, that was ok for a while until he let in kinky pete wearing stockings, suspenders, high heels and a tutu and was after punter spunk. :vomit: I gave them a swerve from then on, and it became a bait and switch operation a bit late. Ken was a cocaine snorting arse hole.

Offline Murray Mint

I think Gentlemens Relish parties became just Gentlemens Parties later .........

Yes, smiths, I think the owners of the savoury paste took umbrage at their trademark being used in such an unsavoury way!

Offline smiths

Yes, smiths, I think the owners of the savoury paste took umbrage at their trademark being used in such an unsavoury way!


Offline knightofthegarter

No special knowledge of this but I am sure Debrett's will have a section on gangbang etiquette


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While waiting for your turn reach out and gently wank the other guys waiting, some may ask you to go further and suck them as they wait.

Also to encourage othe punters and make their experience more memorable shen the guys fucking the girl slide your finger (or two) up his arse, make sure your nails are nicely clipped.

Offline cmspunk

Interesting you know these guys...Anyone know what happended to Paddy/Ken and was it Bobby (Moore) who run them parties?

I think Gentlemens Relish parties became just Gentlemens Parties later and condoms were £1 from the bar at Club Lick, like you after the first time as they didn't bother telling me they didn't supply free condoms, I took my own, then a while later in Bow they started to offer them for free. Problem was the pimp owner Paddy was a lying scumbag as I found out and his mate Ken fucked off to start Desire Parties in Canada Water and the glass warehouse in Greenwich, that was ok for a while until he let in kinky pete wearing stockings, suspenders, high heels and a tutu and was after punter spunk. :vomit: I gave them a swerve from then on, and it became a bait and switch operation a bit late. Ken was a cocaine snorting arse hole.


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Never gangbang with Americans, they are well known for friendly fire.  :D

Offline Lalalaveets

If you've got saggy balls, be on the bottom for DP. no one wants to rub dicks with you or feel your nuts on their leg.
Banned reason: OTT abuse to fellow punters.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline smiths

Interesting you know these guys...Anyone know what happended to Paddy/Ken and was it Bobby (Moore) who run them parties?

Last I heard about Bobby he was being chased by some heavy types he owed money to.

Paddy and his side kick Russell both got done a few years ago when GP was raided. No idea what happened to Ken but when I went to Desire day parties a number of times it was never busy.

Redhead Lover

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Don't be the one who hogs the girl - no one likes that. And don't put your finger/cock/fist in her ass without asking first.

Two of my reviews are for gangbangs. Not sure they address the etiquette of them (Why, can I put my cock in your mouth, Miss Suckworthy?), but they're worth a read, if I do say so myself. And don't forget to post your review too.

Have fun!

Offline Plan R

It is considered bad form to be on your smart phone whilst being rimmed  :hi:

Offline petergriffin

Good manners goes a long way

"Could me and this chap DP you up the arse please "

Should be straightforward from there


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Remember, it is considered good etiquette to wipe the face of a lady after it becomes as splattered as a painter's radio.

Offline Boinky

Last one to arrive is on "fluffer" duties.

To be ultra safe arrive 3 days in advance.

Offline The Vicar of Dibley

Arrive on time.
Ensure you are washed and clean.
Tidy up your pubes.
Always let the guy with the smallest penis go first.
Compliment her on her looks / what she is wearing.
If you feel you are going to pop to soon, pull out in good time and relax. Or if you are a repeater, fill the bag.
Before you start put one leg up on a chair, hands on hips and survey the room.
Use your erect cock to determine the spacing in a single file queue.
Play rock, paper, scissors to work out when it is your turn.
Go with an open mind & enjoy.

Barge past other guys.
Try to engage in small talk. "Come here often?" or "How did you vote on Brexit?" is a bit off putting.
Cross the streams. (like in Ghostbusters)
Take ductape.
Pretend to be female.
Go soft. (others may laugh and point)
Swing from a chandelier.
When you cum roll over and go to sleep.
Make balloon animals out of condoms if you get bored waiting your turn.


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most important:

DO relax and enjoy yourself

DO NOT be that weird guy who stands in the corner and watches or doesnt understand when someone says no

 :dance: have fun  :)