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Author Topic: Regular WG  (Read 2191 times)


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I'm reasonably new to punting started as a birthday present earlier this year and like many on this site I'm hooked  :)

I'm trying to find a regular to see 2-3 times a month in Birmingham, my questions. Would you consider it a good idea to approach a WG and negotiate a deal for loyalty? Be upfront your looking for a regular. 2nd do WG in your experience take the piss like my first would be regular did once you have seen them for the 4-5th time? Do WGs want regulars?

Offline The Outsider

I don't think you can "recruit" a regular like that.  You just find somebody you like and see them regularly.  Simple. 

Over time, some girls will take the piss so you stop seeing them, others will value your loyalty and reward it in various ways. 


  • Guest
In my experience, you don't "negotiate" to select a regular, for discounts and loyalty bonuses. You don't have a card they stamp, sixth fuck free. It will just kind of happen, as will the benefits of seeing a girl regularly.

For God's sake, don't try and negotiate it up front. "Hello, I'm interviewing candidates for the position of Regular Fuck Buddy, salary to be agreed" I suspect the kind of girl you're looking for wouldn't respond too well to that scenario. It also sounds creepy as fuck!

A true regular girl would never take the piss, as you put it. Pro$$ies do like regular clients as the risk factor of meeting someone new is removed, plus, if you click, they can actually enjoy a good session, which in turn will make it better for you.

Keep searching, you'll know when the right girl comes along.


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Thanks Guys appreciate the feedback  :thumbsup:

Offline tesla

the 2 answers so far have been very good and mirror what I would have said, one word of caution is beware of getting too close to a regular. As you get more comfortable with each other the boundaries can get blurred


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Offline Rochelle

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I'm reasonably new to punting started as a birthday present earlier this year and like many on this site I'm hooked  :)

I'm trying to find a regular to see 2-3 times a month in Birmingham, my questions. Would you consider it a good idea to approach a WG and negotiate a deal for loyalty? Be upfront your looking for a regular. 2nd do WG in your experience take the piss like my first would be regular did once you have seen them for the 4-5th time? Do WGs want regulars?
Negotiate a deal for loyalty?
Sorry, that cracked me up.

It's very simple. See a girl you fancy, if the sex is good and you have lots of fun, see her again. If it's just as good, see her again, and before you know it, you have a regular. The sex may even get better and better the more you see each other. If she's a decent person, she'll value the regular income and won't fuck you about. If she does start to fuck you about, drop her and on to the next one. Sorted.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2017, 12:59:50 pm by Rochelle »


  • Guest
 EAS, Does this become a 2 way thing or is it generally the putter who falls foul? I'm guessing being human and given the circumstances described it can be difficult to have a regular and not develop some bonds either real or perceived? This is the obvious downside to a regular.

My main reason for wanting a regular is consistency' I have tried approx 12 WG's so far and probably only half have been worth another visit. Makes good cash sense to invest in a mostly good to great punt. The other problem is the EE WG's (excluding Romanian's) seem to move about and disappear without notice..

Offline Dorsetpunter

Good advice already on this thread.

I would add that a few times, after a first meeting, I have been offered a discount on future bookings.

Offline Cupid Stuntz

Yes the dreaded EAS!

What is this an acronym for please? There's a shed load on here I'm still trying to suss out. Thanks.


  • Guest
Think it emotional attachment syndrome or something like that


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It is an interesting concept, loyalty in this industry, it happens more in the manner outlined i.e. You click and a regular pattern emerges and less or not at all in the sense of loyalty schemes.

I saw a working girl once or twice a week for about 4 months, became friendly and texted, popped round for a brew, lent her money, she fucked me no charge and then one night I'm round there having a beer and pizza thinking WTF I'm in a relationship or at best I have EAS

Similar thing happened with a eg in Tipton and I thought fuck this, clearly something was missing in both our life's, I was t getting regular sex or emotional support at home life but I reliazed that the alternative wasn't healthy either

Don't have regular girls now, see them 3 4 times max and move on, it's my nature to get attached and in this game it is both healthy

Offline Cupid Stuntz

Think it emotional attachment syndrome or something like that

Aha, thank you. Yep been there a few times and being genuinely single it's great. Freebies or cheapies (night out at a gig then getting laid afterwards).


  • Guest
Thanks Peter for sharing that' I too tend to get attached to good things like great sex even if with a WG. Sounds like your examples demonstrate that it can be 2 way... which in the short term has advantages but long term when reality bites could be a problem; ultimately very few of us really want to date a WG.


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Regarding the encouragement of loyalty I think for the local long term WG would benefit from some form of reward for her customers. I can see that the come quick go quick traveller types this would hold no value. Saying that consistently good service which improves through familiarity would be a reward but as previously said could lead to EAS..


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Yes I agree and I know this is a sweeping statement but I think we are in this game because sometimes something is missing (sex clearly) but also an emotional attachment that comes with good sex, yes there are wg who simply are great fucks, for example Sandy of sandys appartments or crazy Kelly in Manchester who could fuck your brains out.

But it's the extra that comes from having great sex which in simplest terms is Eas , I know I'm a sucker for this, so I ensure I don't have regulars, I could easily get drawn in and just like me wg can have something missing in thier wider life and if this happens EAS can easily happen and if either party has something to lose it won't end well

Hence no regulars for me, others might handle circumstances better/differently

Offline RedKettle

Good advice already.

As somebody who likes to have a few regulars on the go I would just say to be careful that they do not get lazy and take you for granted.  Sometimes worth not seeing them for a while and you may find service improves when you return.

Offline RedKettle

You don't have a card they stamp, sixth fuck free.

Pippa Knight in Nottingham (no longer working) did actually offer a discount card!!  I never collected enough stamps for the free fuck  :dash:


  • Guest
What is this an acronym for please? There's a shed load on here I'm still trying to suss out. Thanks.
Some of the acronyms you are struggling with may be explained in the Punting Glossary.

There is a link to it in the section headed PuntingWiki which is towards the bottom of the page, just above the lines of pictures and below the posts in the thread.

Offline CoolTiger

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What is this an acronym for please? There's a shed load on here I'm still trying to suss out. Thanks.

Some of the acronyms you are struggling with may be explained in the Punting Glossary.

There is a link to it in the section headed PuntingWiki which is towards the bottom of the page, just above the lines of pictures and below the posts in the thread.

External Link/Members Only

Offline HarryZZ

You often read of people having 'regulars' and I know myself after a couple of punts that I've enjoyed for more reasons than the actual fuck and had to stop myself from returning for the very reasons stated above, I occasionally get the post punt text, 'thanks, hope to see you again' but most of that is marketing, it's not because you're special in any way, I will return to a couple of girls but I'll be leaving a respectful passage of time before I do.

Offline Cupid Stuntz

Thanks muchly Milo and Cool Tiger. I'll have a gander through them this evening. Cheers :).


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I'm reasonably new to punting started as a birthday present earlier this year and like many on this site I'm hooked  :)

I'm trying to find a regular to see 2-3 times a month in Birmingham, my questions. Would you consider it a good idea to approach a WG and negotiate a deal for loyalty? Be upfront your looking for a regular. 2nd do WG in your experience take the piss like my first would be regular did once you have seen them for the 4-5th time? Do WGs want regulars?

If you want a regular arrangement SA would be better for you or maybe try tinder or some other hook up app.

Invariably with hookers once they think they have you hooked the service gets less enjoyable and communications become a lot more erratic as they think they can take you for granted.

So many hookers enjoy the variety while you can. After a decade or so it all gets a bit tiresome, but the urge will always be there.

Offline anyfucker

as others have said, don't put a small saving ahead of punting enjoyment.
instead of seeing one WG see 3-4 you are fortunate in that there are several in Brum

Offline Happylad

Certainly DON`T say anything about wanting a regular on your first meet with a wg.  See as many as you can, and sooner or later, if you`re lucky, you will find one who ticks all the boxes, and then see her a few times and find out how it works out.  THEN, if you`re quite sure, you can talk to her about being a regular. But if you then go on to ask about a discount she`ll probably think that all you want is a cheap shag and tell you to piss off.  Leave it to her to offer a discount, which she may well do if she likes the idea of a regular income from you.

Offline Chorley

I'd personally never have a regular. The most I've seen a girl is twice.
The second time wasn't nearly as good as the first and I just got the feeling she'd take the piss if I became her reg. :thumbsdown:


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Thanks Guys. Some really good advice.  :thumbsup:


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I have had a few regulars over the years but have only ever had a discount from one of them and that was her just letting me pay keep the rate which she first charged me rather than her increased rate (she put it up after we first met).

There is one girl I saw 40+ times who I had great sex with but she never offered me any form of discount or incentive. This sometimes pissed me off but thinking about it it is probably a good thing as it reminded me that I was just another punter to her and paid the same as someone seeing her for the first time. It kept EAS at bay  :(

Offline paul_2407

the 2 answers so far have been very good and mirror what I would have said, one word of caution is beware of getting too close to a regular. As you get more comfortable with each other the boundaries can get blurred

Yep this is akin to my experience.

I was enamored with her and then suggested a more regular arrangement similar to a sugar dating relationship. That then turned into a normal relationship where we had all the benefits of a sexual relationship without the money. That's probably the best outcome but may come with it's own issues (e.g. Commitment of some form)


  • Guest
I personally can't see a problem tho with reverse EAS (as long as you are single that is)


  • Guest
'as others have said, don't put a small saving ahead of punting enjoyment.
instead of seeing one WG see 3-4 you are fortunate in that there are several in Brum'

Anyfucker.  Could you recommend a few WG's I should try in Brum?  Thanks


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I tend to fall in love for half an hour at a time, then get over it pretty quickly!

EAS? Nah, just be polite and fun, make the girl smile and be genuinely happy when she sees your number pop up on her phone, then have a great shag and leave her, still smiling. Works for me!

Offline shagmore

Have a few regulars, at the time of kissing and cuddling, fondling  :kiss girl: and shagging think "Oh wouldn't this be great if she was my GF" but them once you dump your load inside her (or the condom to be more precise before I get BB brigade on my tail) you think, that was great, who's next on my HL rota
I find it great thinking of these things but knowing full well that at the end of the day they are a WG and are putting on an act. All the passion is for show, the only thing they like is the money at the end it - they are happy, you are happy.
Enjoy it while its there
Then move on

Offline Home Alone

I can only agree with all that's already been said, but I can't emphasise enough the dangers in EAS. I 'suffered' from this complaint and was trying to combine regular visits to the WG for whom I had EAS with a visit to the lass who's now my current Regular. The crazy thing is that I was enjoying the visits to the current Regular more than to the woman for whom I had EAS! "Go figure", as I believe they say in the USA. :unknown:

After a number of visits to the current Regular, she told me that in future I only need to pay her a reduced rate for my multi-hour visits to her. This has got to come from her, though; you shouldn't even think of suggesting it. Occasionally, if, say, I've had a good month financially, I'll pay her her current rate just so she knows I'm not taking her for granted. Yes, you're right; she does call me 'fluffy' from time to time! :rolleyes:

The other thing she's done for me is to alternate visits to her with visits to someone new-to-me. That's for 2 reasons: to prevent me getting EAS for her; and to prepare me for the day when she retires.

Offline catweazle

I used to have a regular from a parlour years ago, probably fucked her over a hundred times. She knew what floated my boat, and I never saw a reason  to go elsewhere. No EAS there, I knew she was a whore, and as soon as I was out the door, some other guy would have his dick down her throat.

Conversely, a few years ago, I saw a Thai girl in a massage shop, and over time it progressed through HJ, titjob, OWO to FS. I was convinced I was the only one who'd managed to shag her and postings on various other forums supported that view.

Then one day I read that another guy had fucked her, and he put enough detail in his report that I knew it was true. I felt what can only be described as jealousy....... luckily recognised it as developing EAS.  Stayed away (in fact never saw her again) and moved on.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2017, 01:32:37 pm by catweazle »

Online Tom1986

No point stick with different girls

Online Tom1986

This is what they think of us anyway

I have stopped taking bookings with certain long term regular clients for various reasons, including me just being bored out of my tits with them. If I feel we have come to the end of the road I just text or email next time they want to book and say sorry but I am reducing my bookings and have very little time to take any unless on the day if I happen to be free.  I then make sure I am not available or just don't answer them.

One or two I have said thanks for the memories (words to that effect) but I can not see them again. No need to ever be rude if they don't deserve it but it is a relief when I know I don't need to endure them again.

Just like the men who can move on to new pastures, I can too and look forward to some new regs.


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This is what they think of us anyway

I have stopped taking bookings with certain long term regular clients for various reasons, including me just being bored out of my tits with them. If I feel we have come to the end of the road I just text or email next time they want to book and say sorry but I am reducing my bookings and have very little time to take any unless on the day if I happen to be free.  I then make sure I am not available or just don't answer them.

One or two I have said thanks for the memories (words to that effect) but I can not see them again. No need to ever be rude if they don't deserve it but it is a relief when I know I don't need to endure them again.

Just like the men who can move on to new pastures, I can too and look forward to some new regs.

Your post reads like you are a working girl posing in the profile of a punter - I am reporting your post accordingly.

Offline monstar

Your post reads like you are a working girl posing in the profile of a punter - I am reporting your post accordingly.

I think he has copy pasted from an actual WG post (saafe or UKE)? It is confusing how he has worded his post and without punctuation or formatting.  :unknown:


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I have developed a regular this year.  It has been the first time I have seen moods play out in the sessions - there is a lot of variation. 

From my experience don't underestimate how personally a WG could take an attempt to negotiate fees. 

I would caution the OP not to see one girl exclusively - it is a poor negotiating position for what is absolutely a paid transaction.

Offline Mansell

'as others have said, don't put a small saving ahead of punting enjoyment.
instead of seeing one WG see 3-4 you are fortunate in that there are several in Brum'

Anyfucker.  Could you recommend a few WG's I should try in Brum?  Thanks
See Michelle Independent, one of the best I've seen.

As to looking for a regular, one or 2,3 will come along as you keep seeing new girls. You'll just think, she was great, go back and as long as it's as good or better every time keep going. Good idea to have more than 1, advice I must follow one day  ;)


  • Guest
I think he has copy pasted from an actual WG post (saafe or UKE)? It is confusing how he has worded his post and without punctuation or formatting.  :unknown:

Could be. :unknown:

Offline Jimmyredcab

I think he has copy pasted from an actual WG post (saafe or UKE)? It is confusing how he has worded his post and without punctuation or formatting.  :unknown:

Yes, that is the way I read it.    :hi:

Offline Jimmyredcab

See Michelle Independent, one of the best I've seen.

I couldn't possibly comment.    :music:

Offline monstar

Each time I find a potential regular, a new top girl appears who I have to try. The most I have seen the same girl is five times over one year, and a few other girls for repeated visits, not yet more than four meetings.

The idea of a regular is more appealing than actually having one for me. :angelgirl:

I'm not good with long term relationships  :dash:


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I couldn't possibly comment.    :music:

If only that was true on all threads .... just teasing  :lol:


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I've always known first booking when I've found someone I want to see regularly but never expect to be given a discount :P
If it's mutual then I suspect you'll get extra time and/or services during the first booking so it will feel right.

Offline Mr Farkyhars

I personally can't see a problem tho with reverse EAS (as long as you are single that is)

It kinda works against the saying "you don't pay to fuck, you pay to walk away afterwards".

Offline Marmalade

Your post reads like you are a working girl posing in the profile of a punter - I am reporting your post accordingly.

External Link/Members Only

He maybe just hasn't learnt to use the quote feature? (Fuck! Am I overly understanding this morning?? Must need coffee or something...)

Offline Haruki

I don't see the attraction of a regular. If a punt is great I go a second time but from experience I have learnt the third time is never as good.
I would also bear in mind if you are building up a closeness with a regular WG is that they all tell lies and you can spot these pretty easily