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Author Topic: Visiting the same WG, do it often or do you mix it up with with different girls?  (Read 1672 times)

Matrix man

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Hi all I'm new to ukpunting and punting in general and have had around 14 punts so far in 4 months but I have been seeing the same Romanian girl for every punt except 1 which was a different girl whose service I wasn't satisfied with. So is it normal to visit the same girl or is it just a newbie thing? Shes a great WG and does a great service and I'm sure she values my custom but do WGs get this alot? Have you experienced punters done the same or did you mix it up with different girls.

I'll post a link below so you can check her out yourself.
Girl I've been seeing ALOT -

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Offline mr.bluesky

I tend to stick with girls that I know so there are no disappointmens but occasionally fancy trying someone new just so I don't get stuck in a rut but have to admit I have my favourites.

Offline cueball

I return to a few and used to call them regs but when I think about it, they're hardly regs in the true sense, my return visits can be weeks or months apart.

I like the buzz of a new face.... it doesn't always work out but that's punting and I like the variety.

Offline Dreamweaver1

I like the comfort zone of a regular but like to try something different every now and then because you never know when you need to find a new regular.

Offline Megaman83

I've seen a different girl every time, mostly because I like a change but also to avoid any emotional attachment.

Offline gary03

Yes find if see girl quite often get attached so now just do research & see girls only once or twice.keeps excitement level up too

Offline Gustav Klimt

I have 2 regulars I see every couple of months, but see different girls as well. I love the excitement of seeing someone new, but knowing if she is rubbish I can have a guaranteed great time with a regular next time.


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Seeing the same girl makes it likely you will always get a good punt if she provides a good service but you have to understand it is business and accept if she retires, doesn't do X anymore, or stops answering your bookings.

Seeing different girls is good for new punters as it shows you that WGs are service providers and not dates. You see different levels of service and different rates from different types of girls.

I think the best way is to have one or two reliable regulars who can be a Plan B if the WG you booked messes you around or isn't available on the day.

Offline jamal2k94

I used to have a couple of regular girls I'd see but haven't in a while, but I've cut down on punting generally anyway.


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I have one very regular girl, but see a couple or three girls fairly often to, if it's broke don't fix it right? I will also try a new girl every so often, as I can get bored rather easily and sex with a stranger is a fucking massive turn on for me...

Offline tantric talents

I always mix it up. Variety is the spice of life.
Nevertheless a truly great girl is hard to find but they are out there, and unless you check others out how will you ever know.
Since you have seen this girl so often, don't you think it's time to do a detailed review of her?

Offline billybobsmith

I've been with one girl 3 times, and others just the once.  Differing experiences with her, none bad, none amazing but she did the job.
Another girl twice but she's gone now unfortunately.

Sometimes they're not worth going back to, other times they either retire / move away or they're somewhere on the other side of the country when driving through for work so they aren't really practical to visit for an hour or so.

If I have a bad experience, or less than satisfactory, I take a break of weeks or months and then become less willing to try someone new in case history repeats itself.

The advantage of punting is that you can choose something different every time and not have to stick to the same girl.
There are times when I want someone Asian, smaller breasts, dark haired, older, younger etc. and I can just pick who takes my fancy.  Other times, I go back to who I know and is a safer option.


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Generally mix it up but sometimes i find a girl I like and fuck her silly until I'm ready to move on to fresh talent.

Offline LanceVance

I tend to see a new WG everytime I punt. I like the thrill of arranging a meet with a new girl, finding her place for the first time and initialLY wondering how the punt will go down. I only punt every few months, so I want to sample as much talent as I can and becuase my punts are so spaced out, there isn't a point in my view of having a regular and I don't want to risk EAS.

Offline unclepokey

I return to a few and used to call them regs but when I think about it, they're hardly regs in the true sense, my return visits can be weeks or months apart.

I like the buzz of a new face.... it doesn't always work out but that's punting and I like the variety.
I completely align with this. And that's the joy of punting. You can establish a rapport with a girl and be assured that you will have a good time with her but you can also experience the excitement of new women  and discover whether your 'research' has been useful - or not.
Uncle Pokey


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If I have a bad experience, or less than satisfactory, I take a break of weeks or months and then become less willing to try someone new in case history repeats itself.

I keep all my punts close to London so if a WG does a no show or I can't get a booking for anyone I want to see in time, I just go to Soho as a back up plan. There will always be someone in one of the walk-ups who I know will give a good service.

Offline Jonestown

The OP's AW link is inactive, with two odd posts only maybe he is just another data collector / inquisitor ?

Offline Happylad

As I recently mentioned in another thread, at my advanced age I tend to prefer comfort and familiarity to adventure and change.  In the 9 years I have been punting (beginning in my late 70s) I have tended every time I found a girl who I really liked to stick with her until something went wrong.  As a result I had a series of regulars - most of them girls who only worked for a limited period or until they had saved a few quid, and usually lasting for only a few months.  However my last regular lasted for nearly 6 years (until she gave up fucking and took up massaging), and I then found another "non wg" 26 year old amateur who had a full time job but simply wanted to make a few quid on the side.  She is very good, quickly adapted to my ways, and suits me just fine, so I have little doubt she will be my regular for as long as she wants the money or until we fall out.

I`m quite sure that I shall be told by some members that this isn`t `proper` punting, but it suits me.

Offline Toon73

Have a couple regs , but mix things up ,,  i belive this could be link Op is trying to post External Link/Members Only

Offline Jeff_withpetersen

I find alternating round a bunch of regulars with the odd new person thrown in works great. No chance of EAS or anything weird, no chance of getting bored, plus over time you tend to build up quite a nice familiarity that can be good when you just want a no nonsense punt.

Offline two20

I definitely need to branch out more. It's great when they know you and tailor the service to suit, but the excitement of someone new is thrilling.

Offline pddy

I would always go back to the same people that I have had success with, but that has a high failure rate since they retire or are not available when I am free to make a plan.  I have a favourite at the moment and would probably just go back to her every time if she was always available.  She is set to retire soon and I am already depressed.


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Well done Happy Lad ...u must be a good age and still seeing the ladies or should I say lady... :hi:

I started punting last year at the young age of 64 and I have seen a few WG but I would really like to find one or maybe two that I could call them my regulars, so far ain't been that lucky but that is definitely the way I want to go.

Offline Cupid Stuntz

Definitely have my favourites who I go back to time after time. I find familiarity doesn't breed contempt rather the opposite. Then again there's the fun and excitement of sussing a new Lady but like last week it can end up being a complete disaster. Really I've got enough on my HL to keep me happy but sadly my dick says otherwise sometimes!

Offline Makkk1963

Been seeing the same girl for around 5 years strayed a few times but never as good she's a total nympho willing to and tries anything and I mean anything I guess after that amount of time you build up a trust,emotional attachment well yes I guess so wouldn't say love she has offered me the odd free one but I always pays don't want to cross that line she calls me her fuck buddy calls me up and face times me for sex were friends with benefits I suppose both getting what we want and need

Offline cueball

I`m quite sure that I shall be told by some members that this isn`t `proper` punting, but it suits me.

Not at all, if you're paying and podging in the same sentence then you're punting imo.

I too see lasses that have long since retired from advertising but still want to earn a little on the side.

Matrix man

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The OP's AW link is inactive, with two odd posts only maybe he is just another data collector / inquisitor ?

Hi no I am a real punter and her profile was hacked which was very unplesant but she has a new one up. Link is below for you.

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Matrix man

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Really good responses from everyone and much appreciated. Just an update her profile was hacked unfortunately but the link for her new one is below for you ll to see.

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Offline Home Alone

I like the comfort zone of a regular but like to try something different every now and then because you never know when you need to find a new regular.
+1. A very sensible policy, imo, Dreamweaver.

Some years ago, my now-current Regular helped me cope with EAS for another WG I was seeing at the same time.

Then she worried, wrongly, that I'd display the same symptoms for her so she more or less insisted that I also see a new-to-me girl every month. I now refer to those visits as 'auditioning for my Regular's successor', preparing for the day when, regrettably but inevitably, my current Regular leaves 'the industry'.

I'll keep the same policy in place when that day dawns.