Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Face or Body?  (Read 1593 times)

Offline Jindybandy

A review came up in the Yorkshire section where the question of the girl's facial beauty was asked of the reviewer, and this got me thinking; which is more important to you - Facial Beauty or appealing body?

Now, obviously the first response will be 'both', but if you could only pick a girl based on one, what would you choose by? I don't mean that if you pick a sexy body, then the face is an absolute minger and vice versa, I mean if it was an average face with a gorgeous body, or an average body with a beautiful face, which would you prefer?

For me, as much as I love running my hands over a slim, busty body - nothing beats looking into the eyes of a truly beautiful face when you're at it


  • Guest
When paying £120 per hour plus, it is both........


  • Guest
Face everytime. A body you can always find something nice about imo, especially if you've seen the photos and like what you've seen. You've probably booked them for a reason as well, usually for their big tits with me  :sarcastic: .


  • Guest
Face firstly, but a woman dressed to please can make up for it

Offline mrdiamond77

I would also say a beautiful face.

Offline Dick Cheese

Doesn't bother me either way.The best thing about this hobby is the choice of women,in looks and body.As long as they are good at their job I'm happy.


  • Guest
Definitely average face with a fit body over your alternative.  When have my mouth on boobies, pussy, legs, feet or ass  :D;  I don't care about the face.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2017, 06:40:16 pm by mcgee121 »

Offline Shearer1955

Definitely average face with a fit body over your alternative.  When have my mouth on boobies, pussy, legs, feet or ass  :D;  I don't care about the face.

I would agree with this; it is nice to look at a lovely young woman but the body is what most are there for I would suggest

Similar to a beautiful girl with a great body but not into it in any proper manner; I would prefer an average looking girl with a half decent body who is enthusiastic and warm to you in terms of personality and dynamism to the job  :dance:

Offline pewpewpew

Body every time. Would help if she's not a total minger with black or missing teeth and whatnot but even then I'd prefer it to a beautiful fatty. I just don't understand chubby chasers
« Last Edit: July 01, 2017, 08:52:44 pm by pewpewpew »

Offline itk

I usually look for arse and legs first, then face. Not too bothered about tits. However, if I'm paying for it I want the complete package.

Offline fuckit

All about the body...... a great body can turn an ugly face into a sexy face

Offline Rockhead

Body for me, especially boobs.

In fact, I find it oddly exciting when a girl's face is 'plain' but her body is smoking hot.

Online curiousB

I go for the body first too. one of the main reasons i do this is so i can see women with huge tits

Offline Trenlover

Body first .

However if the face is too hideous I will have to say no

Offline Jonestown

I've known a couple of girls who have the body of a racing snake and a face like Brian London, absolute magic - but when looking at profiles and ads it's always an attractive face that pulls me in.

Offline bearcat69

Of the two options, I'd prefer average body with a beautiful face. For me, an attractive face can compensate for a lot. Within certain parameters though, obviously. Although I'm not above just finding a woman's body appealing, just enjoying that for what is and not particularly finding her face attractive. But a girl who I find properly facially attractive really can make the difference between a good punt and a punt that I really properly enjoy and want to go back for seconds. It sticks in my mind, so to speak, not to say that nice pussies, bums and titties don't stay in my mind, but probably to a slightly lesser degree.

Offline Anadin

To me the world is full of beautiful faces but very few perfect bodies. I'd rather have a WG with an average face and an outstanding body than the other way round.

Offline anontom


There was some research, I think, that found viewers looked at the face more than the body when watching porn.

Offline Jindybandy

There was some research, I think, that found viewers looked at the face more than the body when watching porn.

Wonder where one would sign up to undertake  such research  ;)

Offline Chorley

When paying £120 per hour plus, it is both........
Absolutely this.
 If I'm paying many times the average hourly wage,  then I want the full package.

Offline Cum_again

Face....  But I'd want a reasonable body.

A really pretty girl makes you feel really manly  :crazy:  Also it bloody great when you cover such a pretty face in baby batter..

Offline Link7

Dating/real life: Face over body. I'm a sucker for a pretty face. Pretty face = good genes. And if you marry her, it's the sight you'll be waking up to for a long time.

Punting: both, I'm not looking to pay for mediocrity  :D.  But since it's a one-off shag, body slightly more important, because it's the body which you actually fuck.

Offline bugsybum

both important. but she could have a 10 face and a 10 body and if her attitude is poor the punt to me is shite. i would rather have a 6 face and a 6 body and a great attitude any day of the week.

Offline maxxblue

I think that there is a third important aspect about a girl, and that is personality (or attitude).

I've met girls who are very attractive face and body-wise, but with a duff personality, and they do nothing for me.

Give me girls who are plain looking (i.e. facially), who have a cracking body and a fun/kind/genuine personality, anytime.

Rarer still, are those with all three - personality, looks and body.


  • Guest
Both, however as that option is not available, a pair of 36dd-38dd would be a big sway.


  • Guest
Who had a hit with "great legs shame about the face?".

For me face, average to great and hot body adds to the excitement.


  • Guest
I would say both have to me ok

A really pretty girl, but super fat, no thanks
And average face, average body, yes please
Ugly face, super hot body, no thanks

Offline BarryProudfoot

Both, and throw in personality to sweeten the deal :hi:

Offline poundstock

Body first. Having once met the girl personality would be more important than looks.

Offline howrude

I think of myself as being more turned on by a woman's body than her face. But there is a certain threshold when it comes to faces. It varies. Some girls aren't very pretty but facially have a look about them that gets me really horny. Even if their body isn't that impressive.