Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Anyone done filming for the wg to keep  (Read 951 times)

Offline lovemachine

what are the usual circumstances if the wg wants to film and use the content for her own gains. are the fees then reduced and if so by how much.


  • Guest
Do you mean you video it for yourself and then provide her with a copy?

Offline lovemachine

No,she videos it and keeps it,maybe to use in her movies section or other websites as she choses.


  • Guest
Hmmm I would be concerned about face/tattoo/give away of some kind being filmed and put online...

Offline Sedition

Yep, I did some filming for her movies with a reg Ive known for a couple of years and trust. It was a bit of a laugh, but a bit of a "job" spent an afternoon banging away, but a lot of stop starting, changing positions etc. She knew what she was doing as far as editing was concerned and kept my mug out of it. No money changed hands- she reckoned she would make more back in a few months just on the resulting 4 video clips.

Offline Paris69

No,she videos it and keeps it,maybe to use in her movies section or other websites as she choses.

If you're happy to be identified, and happy that a single upload can then be shared across the world (your friends and family, too) then go ahead let her film you.
For me; No Way!!!
Banned reason: Idiot fantasist
Banned by: daviemac


  • Guest
If you're happy to be identified, and happy that a single upload can then be shared across the world (your friends and family, too) then go ahead let her film you.
Ok for me - yes - I keep a copy as well. If it all came out about what I do then so be it. I'm not going to go out of my way to reveal all but it is a risk I'm prepared to take for the sake of my hobby.