Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Always get hard for WGs but not for civvies  (Read 1164 times)

Offline purple_t

I can always get hard when I punt and usually will stay rock hard right until the moment I cum.

However for civvies more often than not I cannot get it up (at least beyond a semi), and if I can will often lose my erection as soon as the condom goes on or I'm about to stick my dick inside her.

I don't put this down to anything the civvie girls are doing wrong which leads me to believe my problem is psychological. However I cannot work out why this is happening. You would think that punting with a WG I would be more prone to anxiety given I am travelling to meet a girl I don't even know etc. But maybe there is more at stake with a civvie girl and so I only get performance anxiety with them.

Any thoughts would be appreciated, especially if you have gone through something similar.

Offline stampjones

When I was a lad and did such things I'd occasionaly lose wood (to get american) on a first date if it was someone I actually liked, whereas if it was a one nighter or someone I didnt give a shit about then it was never a problem. I explained this (edited) to a girl I experienced it with and she loved it - made her feel special I guess - she immediately took me in her mouth and drained every drop. Was fine after that and I married her. Changed days now unfortunately for me, but might work for you.

Offline purple_t

When I was a lad and did such things I'd occasionaly lose wood (to get american) on a first date if it was someone I actually liked, whereas if it was a one nighter or someone I didnt give a shit about then it was never a problem. I explained this (edited) to a girl I experienced it with and she loved it - made her feel special I guess - she immediately took me in her mouth and drained every drop. Was fine after that and I married her. Changed days now unfortunately for me, but might work for you.

Thanks mate.
I have tried explaining this to girls when this happens but they aren't usually too understanding. They always blame themselves saying I must not find them sexy enough and then I have to reassure them that I do...
I've tried ED drugs and usually will pop a cialis or viagra before sex whether civvie or WG. I can stay harder on them but doesn't make getting an erection in the first place any easier. This is frustrating for me as I'm only 30. I never thought at say 18 I would have started taking ED drugs in my late 20s

Offline robbie54321

You're not alone my friend
I've have mentioned this before.
It's something to do with anxiety. I've never worked it out. The more I like the girl as a person the more trouble I have with the old fella! Even if I try to imagine she's a escort, still no good.
 With a whore it's not a problem, unless I've watched to much porn, then it can become an issue, but easily resolved
Let's hope there a sexual physiologist among us who can give us the answer

Offline purple_t

You're not alone my friend
I've have mentioned this before.
It's something to do with anxiety. I've never worked it out. The more I like the girl as a person the more trouble I have with the old fella! Even if I try to imagine she's a escort, still no good.
 With a whore it's not a problem, unless I've watched to much porn, then it can become an issue, but easily resolved
Let's hope there a sexual physiologist among us who can give us the answer

While I'm sorry to hear this happens to you also, I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one. I think it must be psychological as if I wasn't able to get hard for a WG I wouldn't care too much. A bit of wasted money but I can just leave and never see her again. With civvies it's more pressure to perform and sometimes emotions involved etc. Ego takes a bigger dent if you can't get it up or it goes floppy.

I suppose not much I can do expect try and relax and take measures to prevent limp dick such as not drinking etc. Just frustrating it happens at all when for some guys it never happens.

I had bloods done recently and everything was in the healthy range, so an underlying medical cause is largely ruled out.


  • Guest
Just speaking for myself but it's fear of intimacy which causes this for me. Sex with a working girl is just that, no consequences after, no arranging to meet up again, no texting, all that stuff. The last time I met someone I liked and we decided to have sex I found myself having to imagine I was having sex with someone else, a porn star, a working girl, other things to keep myself stimulated. That was even though she was attractive. I just don't do intimate relationships anymore.

Offline Shearer1955

Sounds psychological Bud$; I'm sure the problem could be resolved with help

Offline purple_t

Just speaking for myself but it's fear of intimacy which causes this for me. Sex with a working girl is just that, no consequences after, no arranging to meet up again, no texting, all that stuff. The last time I met someone I liked and we decided to have sex I found myself having to imagine I was having sex with someone else, a porn star, a working girl, other things to keep myself stimulated. That was even though she was attractive. I just don't do intimate relationships anymore.

Yep this sounds like the problem I have too. The civvies I go for are on a par with most WGs I've seen in terms of attractiveness, so I know that lack of physical attraction is not the issue. But I don't want to live my life avoiding intimate relationships!

Offline Happylad

The real reason is obviously that all the enjoyment and excitement he gets is NOT from the sex, but from spending the money.

Fucking a civvie doesn`t cost anything so he doesn`t get any excitement from it and doesn`t get a hard-on; fucking a prossie costs hard cash, so he gets excited and gets a hard-on.

All he needs is a little therapy  to convince him that it`s the sex and not the expenditure that he should be enjoying.

Offline S.X. MacHine

The real reason is obviously that all the enjoyment and excitement he gets is NOT from the sex, but from spending the money.

Fucking a civvie doesn`t cost anything so he doesn`t get any excitement from it and doesn`t get a hard-on; fucking a prossie costs hard cash, so he gets excited and gets a hard-on.

All he needs is a little therapy  to convince him that it`s the sex and not the expenditure that he should be enjoying.
...or slip the civvie a fiver first...

Offline Scotpunter

I imagine it is a response to feeling the need to impress the lady in question Don't cum with a working girl, no worries...for £100 she will see you again next time. Don't click sexually with a potential partner and the chances of a relationship goes down the pan.
Banned reason: Cunt
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Offline willie loman

One of the differences between sex for free, and paid sex, is civilian sex occurs when both parties are drunk. Also certain girls make you more or less beg, over a series of dates, before grandly consenting, its a surprise that any civilian sex is successful. Hope you resolve your problem.